Tag: Election
Pakistan’s Political Future: An Alternative Perspective – Imran Khan at the Asia Society
An event is being held by the Asia Society where Imran Khan will shed light on the present political siltation in Pakistan, as usual a live webcast will be available for those who may want to participate and once the session is completed I will post the MP3 file here on the blog for others…
US Senators meet Imran Khan to discuss the future of Democracy in Pakistan
Yesterday a very high profile meeting was held in Washignton DC with Imran Khan who met a high powered Senate group under the leadership of Senator Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader, other leaders included Senator Dick Durbin who is Assistant Senate Majority Leader, Chairman Senate Foreign Relation Committee Senator Joe Biden, Chairman South Asia…
Open Letter to President of Pakistan General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf
An open letter to President General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf from Masood Sharif Khan Khattak Dear Mr President, The destructive events of 2007 cannot be wished away. The naked assault of your government on the judiciary, led by yourself from the front, on 09 March, 2007, triggered off a chain of events that need not be…
Canadian, Dutch and Hong Kong lawyers conclude that Emergency Measures are illegitimate
Canadian, Dutch and Hong Kong lawyers conclude that Emergency Measures are illegitimate and call on Pakistan to restore the law and redress violations Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) and the Dutch Lawyers for Lawyers Foundation (L4L) call for: The immediate unconditional release of all jurists arrested under preventative detention…
RSF: Government lifts cable ban on Geo TV but makes it remove some programmes
Reporters Without Borders issues a press statement Reporters Without Borders hails the lifting of a government ban on cable TV distribution of the privately-owned TV channel Geo News but deplores the fact that President Pervez Musharraf made it conditional on the suppression of some its programmes. “Geo News has made major contribution to improving Pakistanis’…
An Imaginary Lecture by Zia Mohyeddin
by Zia Mohyeddin Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to make an urgent plea for a National Theatre. I am aware that I would be scoffed at and jeered for making a such a frivolous suggestion at a time when we are going through, in the words of one newspaper, ‘agonizing times,’ but I do so,…
RSF Questions Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan
Reporters Without Borders has written a strong letter to the Minister of Information and Technology questioning the Government of Pakistan on the Cyber Crime Ordinance which was promulgated into effect barely a two weeks ago. Reporters Without Borders fears that a new law on cyber crime, revealed on 7 January by the authorities, will pose…
Justice Bhagwandas placed under House Arrest
It is being reported that the deposed non-PCO judge Justice Baghwandas has been placed under house arrest. Justice Bhagwandas was one of the judges who was forcibly thrown into retirement since he along with over 60 Supreme Court and High Court judges who refused to sign an illegal consitutionsl order as prescribed by General Pervaiz…
Letter by US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to President Bush on Pakistan
The following letter was just received. The Senate Majority leader Sen. Harry Reid has written to Bush and has insisted that the Judiciary should be restored, as well as political prisoners freed and the media restrictions removed. More action from the Senate and Congress in this regard will be seen in the near future. Dear…
Postal workers in Lahore buying Votes for Rs 1,500 ($25) only ?
Exposing election rigging is a tough job. as the onus of proof generally lies on the accuser, hence usually very tough to prove, at times opposing parties may even try to set each other up simply to humiliate them and pull a few extra votes in the process, everything seems to be fair in our…
Sindh is angry and Punjab is not helping – Shaheen Shehbai
Call me paranoid, call me crazy, but the way things have been unfolding for the past few months indicate that the top leadership aka General Pervaiz Musharraf and his party of thugs will do anything and everything to hold onto that seat of power. In the recent past there seems to be a deliberate attempt…
SAC Protest Call in Lahore at Minar-e-Pakistan at 2pm today
The Student Action Committee (Lahore) has called for a protest on the 8th of January 2008 at 2 pm at Minar-e-Pakistan. In full collaboration with civil society groups, lawyers and activists; this protest is to be registered against the removal of the Pre Nov 3rd judiciary that stood for a just rule of law and…
About 200,000 people Arrested in Sindh
There are reports which are coming in for the past few days that a major crackdown is underway in Sindh specially targeting the workers of Pakistan People Party to an extent that there are official reports of around 0.2 million people that have been arrested for their involvement and activities in the rioting following the…
HRCP Statement “Civil society for change at the top, fairplay and citizens rights”
Just received this press statement from Human Rights Commission of Pakistan on discussion about the present political situation in Pakistan and condemned the wide spread arrests being made of all opposition leaders HRCP Pakistan: Activists of civil society organizations and concerned citizens, including representatives of the four provinces, met at HRCP office in Lahore to…
If a Bhutto must run Pakistan, why not Fatima? – Jemima Khan
This article appeared in the Telegraph today where Jemima Khan discusses Fatima Bhutto as the most logical heir to the Bhutto dynasty, I might also agree that the 25 year old has the brains and maybe the brawns to take over the reigns of such a big party, but will she? is still an open…