Tag: Politics

  • ISI, a freelance protector of national security of Pakistan

    Guest post by Amjad Malik ISI is protecting the national security of Pakistan and combating any viable threat to its borders from outside and since 1971 from within. It is not different to the work of the CIA, KGB, RAW, Mossad, and MI5 & MI6 who work day in day out to avert any threat…

  • Go Zardari Go

    Guest post by Hira Memon an article written on her Facebook profile Asif Ali Zardari, despite being a controversial figure, Pakistani Nation and PPPP voters both welcomed him with open arms to take over as our new and democratic President . But due to his undemocratic, two-faced and non-serious behavior he has now lost his…

  • Heartfelt letter to the Leaders of Pakistan – Stop Taking Dictations & Start Taking Actions

    I received this email from Fuaad Alawi, who happens to be an email subscriber of this blog where he shares his comments with me probably after reading the Indian Jet incursion post late last night. When I did get around to reading his email, I must admit, I felt in-sync with the sentiments conveyed by…

  • 10 lessons all Pakistanis must learn

    Guest Post by Hassan Baig “Mulk khud hi chalta rehay ga” (approximate translation: the country doesn’t need our contribution to thrive) is a sentence many Pakistanis are prone to saying. I confess that till a few years ago, I myself was confident of this misleading notion. Misleading and dangerous – especially in today’s volatile climate.…

  • The Pakistan Test

    An article appeared in New York Times discussing the tender situation that confronts Pakistan, Nicholas Kristof has presented Pakistans’ case well, more discussion on Pakistan follows on his blog. Nick has offered four solutions on how Barack Obama might help bring Pakistan out of its present problems. First is to slow the money supply to…

  • The reaction of Obama’s Victory in Pakistan

    Guest blog by Muhammad Saad Barack Obama’s recent election as the next US president has been met with widespread acclaim all over the world. However, in Pakistan, which has been a frontline state in the ‘War on Terror’ since September 11, 2001, Obama’s victory has met with either cautiously optimistic or sceptic reactions. His recent…

  • The story of an Honest Pakistani

    I recently bumped across this story appearing on The Consumerist website, an article tucked away in a section called ‘Above and Beyond‘. It is after reading this narration one is definitely overwhelmed by the fact, that despite all the negativity and corruption surrounding the Pakistani political leaders, the down-to-earth Pakistani still genuinely cares for his…

  • Politics & Policies of PPP & Asif Zardari

    A Casual Look…. By Barrister Ali K.Chishti Asif Zardari’s politics of reconciliation took him to the doors of a 120 yard head quarters of MQM who had a bitter relationship with the PPP because of Benazir Bhutto’s extension of the infamous Operation Cleanup apart from the Sindhi-Mohajir or Rural-Urban Divide in Sindh. The message was…

  • ‘Mayor of the Moment’ exposed

    In what could have been a very important victory for Karachi’s ruling party [MQM] when Foreign Policy website mentioned Mustafa Kamal as the Mayor of the Moment. In a comedy of errors Karachi’s Mayor office mis-understood the report and thence forth issued a press release which was followed up with a massive city wide celebration…

  • Karachi University Seminar about the Military Operation in Bajaur, Waziristan, Kurram Agency & Swat

    On 25th October, Saturday an event was organized in Karachi University organized by Karachi University Teachers Society, (KUTs) in collaboration of Peoples Resistance (PR). The main speakers were, Mr. Kak Kahil a Peshawar based AJ TV Journalist and Mr. Wali Haider who has just recently returned from the Bajaur region. Both speakers spoke at length…

  • Why I as a Pakistani, choose to support Obama, instead of McCain

    For a few days people must have noticed that I have starting sporting a button on my blog which loudly proclaims ‘I Support Obama‘, and consequentially many friends have questioned my reasoning to opt for the Democratic candidate instead of the sweet talking McCain. Firstly I accept the fact that as a non-American whatever I…

  • Tariq Ali speaks about Pakistan Current Situation

    Guest Blog by Yaseen Khawar of Pakistanic.com Tariq Ali s a renowned Pakistani intellectual of world reputation resides in U.K but visits Pakistan from time to time. Recently he gave an interview to Amy Goodman, It is presented here: Amy Goodman: Recently Pakistani border security forces have stopped American army to cross the Pak Afghan…

  • Fareed Zakaria rips on Sarah Palin

    Fareed Zakaria has in his Newsweek editorial ripped apart Sarah Palin to say Palin Is Ready? Please. He continues to argue his point on CNN when interviewed by Wolf Blitzer.

  • American Lawyers conference on rule of law in Pakistan & my brief visit to Europe

    Guest Blog by Amjad Malik I was invited by British Law Society of England to visit Brussels as part of their delegation to attend a rule of law conference on ‘Pakistan and beyond’ organised by American Bar Association (ABA) on 25th September at Hilton (Brussels). Reaching Brussels airport in the morning, I caught a cab…

  • Aitzaz Ahsan explains his decisions

    Guest Post by Samad Khurram Friends and concerned citizens, I am making public a few of my communications with Aitzaz Ahsan and his consolidated response to help put things in perspective. There have been a few questions that had been lingering in every one’s minds regarding decisions made at crucial junctions of the movement, Aitzaz’s…