Stone Age… Revisited

A few days back on Sept 23rd 2006 I wrote an article on titled – Pakistanis Unsurprised by the ‘Stone Age’ Remark, was an altered version to the post I made on my own blog a few days prior – Bomb Pakistan into the Stone Age, or else. where I discussed the threat made to Pakistan by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. My blog post attracted an interesting exchange between a few visitors almost to the point of a mud-slinging match.

Initially when I made both post Pervez Musharraf’s book – In the Line of Fire: A Memoir had not hit the market and we were asuming our reactions on his interview to CBS, but just today when I was browsing through the OhMyNews email correspondence I was surprised to discover an email by Robert J. Giuda, State Representative, NH Legislature (he’s up for re-election this Nov). A brief search on revleaed he is also the Chiarman and CEO of an organization going by the name of Americans for Resoution of Kashmir (interesting?)

Mr. Giuda responded to my article in a very detailed and carefully worded letter, it just boils me to see these neocons simply can’t see the entire picture and are wielding their axes ready to kill. I quote his email exactly below

Dear Editor:

As a U.S. citizen and elected State Legislator, I find your remarks to be inane and demagogic.

Islamo-fascists have been committing acts of terror against U.S. interests for 25 years. It is they who are murdering innocents – by flying aircraft into skyscrapers; by bombing subway stations and nightclubs; by executing men, women and children who dare to disagree with their vision of a caliphate which brutalizes dissidents, represses human rights, degrades women, selectively designates the beneficiaries of prosperity and freedom, and forces its vision of life on those under its tyranny under threat of torture and death.

I note with interest the “outrage” expressed worldwide by Muslim “religious leaders” at their deliberate misinterpretation of the factual remarks of Pope Benedict. Where is the clerics’ public outrage at the events of 9/11, World Trade Center 1, Khobar Towers, African embassies, USS Cole, Beirut, Madrid, London, Bali, Berlin, Munich, and so many other places around the world? The silence of Muslim clerics is deafening.

A healthy dose of self-analysis seems to be in order, and some loudly proclaimed public outcry against the Muslim terrorists who are killing their own Muslim brothers by the thousands – in the name of God, even! – would seem to be in order. Again, the silence is deafening.

You carp about arcane nonsense, while ignoring the mass murder being perpetrated by those who hide in Islamic republics before, during and after perpetrating acts of terror in the name of Allah.

The oversensitivity to any form of criticism of Islam as a religion of the sword, despite clear articulation in the Koran of the suggested treatment of people of the Book, and those not of the Book, seem to indicate that the outrage is intended to deflect attention from these facts.

Ridding the world of Muslim extremists, their ongoing assassination of those who disagree with them, and the indiscriminate and wanton slaughter of innocents who happen to be nearby, would seem to me to be more in order than bashing the Presidents of the United States and Pakistan for alleged remarks that will remain unsubstantiable in perpetuity.

Repeatedly attacked by Muslim terrorist extremists, and finally attacked in a ghastly act of war on 9/11, the U.S. is going to do what must be done to free the world from the hatred and terror that Islamic extremists actually believe is what God has in mind for the human race. Their vision, and the terror and violence they are using in hopes of achieving it, are anathema to the civilized peoples of the world. No man or woman ??Muslim or otherwise ??is ever going to dictate to me or my loved ones how we are going to live. And you may be certain that our nation is going to do whatever it takes to make certain that these purveyors of hatred and fear are also not going to determine how we will die.

Robert J. Giuda
State Representative
NH Legislature

Email used to post this response –
Email on the NH legislature –

My brief take on the issue: He along with all Americans refuse to see Islam beyond the extremist Al-Qaeda element which has been presented to them via the strong American media, the media has bombarded the message to an extent that non-believers now fully believe that the sole representative of Islam is Osama Bin Laden. One should understand that the rest of the Muslim world is not evil and lives a peaceful life as per the guidelines set out in the Islamic teachings. Its is now the axe-wielding Neocon lobby which is using the excuse of terrorism to conquer. On the other hand is this just a ploy to appease the electorate in his New Hampshire district. I can only wonder but I suspect the elections has a lot to do with his awakening to my post.



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19 responses to “Stone Age… Revisited”

  1. shobz Avatar

    its really sad to see that americans are really ignorant about the real issues. why dont they look at other terror groups who terrorise and kill people? why dont they label them as jewish terrorists or christian right wing terrorists? terrorism is an act of terror. why cant they brand the iraq war and US bombing of afghanistan as a terror act? i hate hypocrites who think they are holier than thou.

  2. Publia Avatar

    You have condemned the brutal terror of 9/11, so you have done your part, but that seems to be the exception and certainly not the rule on the Internet and in the news. How can we in the West see Islam as a religion of Peace when what we are shown from the Islamic world are videos attempting to tell us that our government blew up the world trade center, the frightening hatred and anti-religious nature of anti-Semitism, and even comments that no Muslim, ever, can possibly be implicated in acts of terror.

    With some local exceptions,we don’t see your clergy joining with ours in interfaith dialogue to work toward peace, we see Muslim clergy inciting their followers to hatred and contempt for the leader of Catholicism.

    While I am personally willing to accept that Islam is the “religion of peace,” that might be easier if we saw some evidence.

    We read of one group of Muslims killing Muslims who follow a different brand of Islam and we don’t hear any complaint. We hear stories of death of women by their family members which doesn’t appear to be a criminal act in the countries in which they occur. And what is this mysterious force of which so many Muslims speak that “drives young men to acts of terror?” Is that peace? I don’t think so.

    The Islamic world has told us over and over again that Islam is the religion of peace, and failed to comdemn violence.

    In my understanding, peace means more than an absence of war and conflict; it means harmony and cooperation and good will. If this is what peace means in Islam, show us in both word and deed that this is the face of Islam.

  3. nocturnal Avatar


    Mr. Giuda,

    Please have a slightly bigger memory than 5 or 10 years. I would like to mention American governments’heinous activities and policies during the the cold war and post cold war era.

    First of all I would like discuss 9-11 incident.

    Mr. Giuda you mentioned 9-11(Mr. Guida, have you heard of documentary 9-11 AN INSIDE JOB, if you havent please spare an hour to watch this documentary, Bush Administration failed to stage 9-11 drama properly, director of the 9-11 drama wasnt professional enough , he left so many flaws that have been pointed out in the documentary 9-11 AN INSIDE JOB.)

    You mentioned BERUIT, so what you have to say about SABIRA AND SHATELA REFUGEE CAMPS MASAACARE IN LEBANON BY ISRAELI SOLDIERS, Zionist army killed thousands of Muslim refugees in a single day , YES MR. GIUDA JUST IN ONE DAY, Have you forgotten this dark day from history, or you are just pretending that you have a bad memory or you think that world community is stupid and oblivious that they would forget the atrocities carried out by your BELOVED ARIEL SHAROON WHO YOU SUPPORTED THROUGH OUT HIS POLITICAL AND MILITARY CAREER. You are a biggest supporter of Israeli government and its policies; you are equally responsible of on going killings and mass killings by Zionist government in the past.

    You mentioned bombing of Khober residential complex in Saudi Arabia or in general you tried to highlight terrorist activities in Middle East, so what would you say about targeted air strikes on GHADDAFI PALACE in Libya, why did you bomb his residential palace and do you know in this air strike YOU KILLED HIS INNOCENT DAUGHTER, who gave you the license to bomb anyone, are you above the law or you think that your will is supreme than any law made to assure the peace of this world.

    Could you please tell the world why did you support IRAQ against IRAN, why you and your allies kept supporting Iraq against ISLAMIC REVOLUTARIES IN IRAN, what made you hate Iran after the Islamic revolution. DOESNT IT REFLECT THAT YOU HATE ISLAM. If you say no we are not against Islam we are against Iran because they suppress their people and there is no freedom of speech so WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ABOUT ALLANDES Government (Brave but poor Chilean president). HE WAS THE FIRST ELECTED MARXIST PRESIDENT OF CHILE, so why did you support a coup against his government, AFTER ALL HE WAS AN ELECTED PRESIDENT MR.GIUDA! , why you toppled his government and ITS STILL A MYSTERY THAT WHETHER HE COMMITED SUICIDE OR YOUR MERCINERIES KILLED HIM, whatever is the case WORLD COMMUNITY IS AWARE OF YOUR DIRTY GAMES THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYING IN SOUTH AMERICA. You sent sevral guerilla mission to end the Fidels regime, but fortunately your mercenaries couldnt succeed unlike AFGHANSITAN where you pawns like USMA BIN LADIN AND OTHERS who you paid millions of dollars, and they remained on your CIA s payroll throughout your involvement in afghansitan,finally your puppets won you a war against communist Russia.

    And after Allandes removal you supported PENOCHE REGIME in Chile who was nothing but a cruel dictator, who oppressed his people brutally but for you it was just ok because he was one of your puppets. Why you and your allies didnt prosecute him , why ENGLAND RELAESED HIM WHEN WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN PRISON. I have an answer to this question Mr. Guida because Penoche was not a Muslim other wise you would have hanged him. Further Mr.Guida what you have to say about Terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of 73 people as he masterminded the Cuban airline bombing and now facing just immigration charges in you country , he worked for the C.I.A and now your government is doing everything to save him from the clutches of Cuban government who want to have him extradited to cuba where he has to face charges against him.

    Mr. Judia you bombed Ghaddafi place just because one of Ghaddafi men masterminded the destruction of PANAM flight but on the other hand, you are saving a terrorists ass who also carried out the same atrocity. Why your government trying to save him My. Giuda.

    There is a long list of your ugly acts, YOU SUPPORTED SADDAM, A DICTATOR as long as he remained your ally, during his regime he killed countless Shiites by using Chemical weapons that you and your allies provided him but you just didnt care because he was fighting your war against IRAN. On the other hand, you call Hitler a brutal murderer because he killed JEWS in his infamous gas chambers. You supported General ZIA after removing ZULFIQAAR ALI BHUTTO because in your eyes Bhutto was a rebel and it was necessary to teach him a lesson AS YOUR FOREIGN MINISTER HENRY KESSINGER ONCE SAID, WE KNOW HOW TO TEACH HIM LESSON.

    Its on the record that Henry Kissinger threatened Bhutto and Bhutto mentioned this in one of his speeches that soon his enemy will have him killed because he (Bhutto) is against their policies and that he along with Shah Faisal formed O.I.C and he started Pakistans Nuclear program, further he used Arab oil as a weapon against you, so you planted your puppet in form of ZIA who hanged him finally.

    Why you kept your silence when TRUE PATH PARTY WON ELECTIONS IN TURKEY AND WAS DENIED TO FORM GOVERNMENT by the turkish military elite, YOU ARE A CHAMPION OF DEMOCRACY WHY DINT YOU INTERFERE, but I KNOW why you didnt bother because true path party wanted to alter the shape of secular turkey, in your eyes they were ISLAMISTS AND YOU hate ISLAM.

    You mentioned LONDON BOMBINGS. WHAT would you say about I.R.As terrorist activities in ENGLAND, you have been a supporter of I.R.A who bombed Londons CANARY WHARF, who planted a bomb in a car in central London, who bombed Manchester city who carried out several terrorist activities who killed lord MOUNT BATEN but YOU NEVER CONDEMNED THEM DID YOU????? , INSTEAD YOU PORVIDED THEM ASSISTANCE, SEIN FEINN had been your FAVORITE organization, which in the eyes of your close ally ENGLAND, was a terrorist organization.

    You mentioned Madrid train bombings , so E.T.A is the liberation army in Spain wants
    freedom from Spain, who have been terrorizing Spanish people by bombing their cities for many years but we dont see E.T.A in the list of terrorist organizations.

    Who are Eta? (Excerpt from BBC website)
    For more than three decades the armed organisation Eta has waged a bloody campaign for independence for the seven regions in northern Spain and south-west France that Basque separatists claim as their own.

    fake ideologies, you hate everything that challenges your authority; your governments of past and present are the biggest war criminals. Your hands are red with blood of so many people. You just cannot deny the facts.

  4. shobz Avatar

    ah so flap returns with some silly comment yet again. i thought he had probably choked himself while brushing his teeth or used his floss to hang himself in shame.umm for ur kind information pakistan and afghanistan have a porous border which allows anyone to sneak in and out easily. pakistan is not stupid to train terrorists. there may be some external elements who may be doing it but not our intelligence or government.

    that was a great response nocturnal.ur response should shut ppl up for some time.
    @publia: the western media is notorious for being biased. they should show both sides of the argument instead of being one sided? its well know that the electronic media loves to edit footage in a way that makes it look like as if all Muslims are bad. There are some bad apples amongst us but that doesnt mean that we are all the same. every society has its share of murderers,cheaters,adulterers,etc. Its not as if everyone is so pious in the world. Isnt it so convenient that there is always some video by some suicide bomber or some video by the guy who is on the most wanted list whenever there is some problem in the west. its obvious that they always use this as a smoke screen to deflect attention from their own activities. the only reason why u dont see any evidence is coz of the media who wants to build up their ratings and not ruin their relationships with friends in high places. why else do u think that rupert murdoch is a big right wing asshole running the fox news channel which always portrays us in a bad light? we have always condemned violence against innocent people but sadly no one shows footage of that on tv. all the problems between Muslims of different sects are also sown by external elements who dont want unity amongst Muslims. yes there are women who are murdered by their families but that is not the general practice amongst Muslims. There may be a very small minority who do it and its not as if we encourage them to go on. As i mentioned earlier, there are bad apples. its not as if the west is holier than thou. men over there beat up their wives,stab them or murder them etc. the grass is not greener on the other side. the west also had timothy mcveigh who wasnt a Muslim. why doesnt the west do anything about Militia groups based in the US? If u want to look at Islam then dont use the western media as a tool to analyze it and spend some time in the Islamic world to get a true picture of the Islamic world.

  5. Flap Avatar


    You really didn’t answer the question except to say that the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is porous.

    Face it – your government is anti-American and pro-Taliban.

    Not surprisingly – just like you.


  6. Flap Avatar

    Why is Pakistan and Paksitani Intelligence Services supporting the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Waziristan in launching attacks against Americans and Canadians in Afghanistan?

    The NATO Coalition wants to know.

  7. Publia Avatar

    The media is private here, and the press is free, so they can show whatever they want. Blogs can cover what the mainstream media doesn’t, so I will be looking around over there.

  8. shobz Avatar

    haha. watever flap. hmm what is the meaning of pro-taliban in flap’s dictionary. oh i know. pro-taliban (According to flap)=anyone who refuses to kiss ass americans.

    hmm isnt that great. u can label anyone pro-taliban if they dont like u. i remember the time when the americans were so pissed off with france that they renamed fremch fries to liberty fries. would u call the french pro-taliban for opposing the americans? i forgot that u all just need to call someone something coz u cant blame urselves. for the record pakistan is not supporting any taliban. they signed a peace accord with the tribal elders to make sure that there are no taliban in the area so that its easier for them to hunt them down. taliban and al qaeda are two different entities u imbecile. the only thing taliban did was to shelter osama coz he was a guest (though i dont agree with what they did nor do i like the taliban). however i am not saying this to appease u coz i never liked the taliban in the first place anyway so there. taliban means religious scholar and not a terrorist u moron. so stop gleefully clapping ur hand whenever u hear something associated with pakistan. get rid of that white power gown u have and dont bug us with the crap u leave on teeth maestro’s blog. funny how u dont like it when i do the same thing on ur blog.

    @publia. its a good idea for u to take a look at the other blogs on the net. u can try and ask urself if the media is really open about things or not. try and look for more venues to discover what is out there.

  9. Flap Avatar


    Slow down and take a breath. You like to insult people but offer little substance to your debate. Plus, you don’t answer questions and explain your points of view.
    Now, on my blog, which I pay for by the way, I will not tolerate you calling me names. However, if you would like to follow my comments policy I am happy to engage your arguments.
    I know the difference between terrorists, Taliban and Al Qaeda. and you say that Pakistan is not harboring the Taliban in Waziristan who are running terrorist training camps where Al Qaeda are training. Then, why do you suppose the NATO Commander from the UK is meeting with your President Musharraf? The stories about the incursion from Pakistan into Afghanistan by Taliban supported terrorists is all over the BBC and Canadian press – not withstanding the American press.
    So, now tell me (since you say you do not support the Taliban) why is Pakistan and your ISI supporting the Taliban in killing Coalition troops?

  10. shobi Avatar

    my my thats such a flimsy argument. u own ur blog so we shouldnt call u names there. oh wow just coz u own ur own domain we shouldnt bother u there. this is so typical of u acting like an american. oh look i am an american i can do whatever i want anywhere but i wont let anyone do anything on my land. well then u shouldnt bother us on these places and insult us by making these accusations. its the classic case of the kettle calling the pot black. u dont have any right to insult me or teeth maestro on his blog and then ask me to stop me from insulting u back on ur blog. for ur kind information u are really blind not to notice that we have already countered ur argument. yet u think that there is no substance. the nato commander\’s meeting is hardly substantial. the \”so\”called evidence is based on a paper by a UK think tank which thinks that the ISI is indirectly backing the taliban through religious parties. this sort of theory cant be counted as evidence coz its just a \”theory\”. thats right. t-h-e-o-r-y. (just in case u cant read well)i am sure u have heard of the blame game. so buh bye (in the words of david spade) and stop acting like a dim witted moron.

  11. Flap Avatar

    More name calling and no argument.

    The Pakistan government is supporting the Taliban and the ISI are linked to the activities. Read the press. But, then again, you would rather call em a Dirty American and moron than open your eyes to the truth.

    Shobz, I know you like American culture and are busy downloading American produced movies and television shows. You say so on your blog. Do you really think such freedom of thought and expression would be allowed if Pakistan is turned into a Sharia like state ala the Taliban?

    Answer me that.

  12. shobz Avatar

    someone sounds like a broken record. so what if i love american movies and tv programs. that doesnt change my view about stupid ignorant americans who behave this way. sharia does not mean that we all will be living in the stone age. in fact if sharia is imposed in our country it would be time for me to adapt to the new change as its for the better. however sharia doesnt mean that the we wont be able to do anything. yes there wont be any indecency and at least we can live our lives properly. they have the sharia in one of our provinces and people still get to watch movies and listen to music. so do me a favor and step out of ur delusional state and stop trying to change the topic.u should join the fox news channel. i am sure u will do wonders there. tonite: flap the rightwing racist attacks the taliban or whatever.

  13. Flap Avatar

    More name calling.

    So, you are telling me that Taliban Sharia law would tolerate American movies and televison shows? I hardly think so.
    Brokeback Mountain would NOT be shown – trust me.
    Tell me how you think I am a racist?
    Am I against the Taliban who train Al Qaeda terrorists who fly airplanes into our skyscrapers and kill Americans
    A racist, hardly.
    Tell me why you are so angry against Americans and Jews?
    Do you even have Fox News on your satellites? LOL……

  14. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    Shobi I think I agree with flap on the fact that it would be nice if you would stop making direct personal attack. I run this blog only to plead my side of the argument for everyone to read, but at the same time I accept, and try to understand their side as well and fully respect their point of view, but never resort to personal attacks.

    Lets stop this brawl and talk like decent civilized people, otherwise its doomed for the TRASH CAN

  15. shobz Avatar

    dont worry about a thing doc. i wont attack flap anymore . he can say whatever he wants coz now i dont care.

  16. Abbas Halai Avatar

    i don’t believe it’s right to label all americans as ignorant and mislead just as it’s wrong to label all muslims as terrorists. there’s no point in having a tit for tat argument. it’s showing the same ignorance.

  17. Flap Avatar

    I agree.

    I wish to clear up some misconceptions that you may have about us Americans.

    And attempt to explain (argue) our point of view and perspective.

    We certainly do NOT label all Muslims as terrorists.

    Nor are all Americans ugly or rude.

  18. shobz Avatar

    for the record i never said that all americans are bad.infact i have a lot of american friends (none of whom love to point fingers at others). some people act in a way which gives americans a bad name. the same logic goes for us.

  19. nocturnal Avatar

    david Blunkett suggested Blair to bomb Aljazera during Iraq war.

    amazing!they would have killed dozens of arabic speaking daniel pearls, had they executed blankett’s plan BUT THERE WUD BE NO HOLLYWOOD FILM ON THIS INCIDENT AT ALL.