Internet Service Provider shuts down Anti-Islamic Dutch Film website

Network Solutions, the host of Geert Wilders website for hosting his Anti-Islamic Video has shut down the website after receiving numerous complaints against it. The following text appeared on the offending website

This site has been suspended while Network Solutions is investigating whether the site’s content is in violation of the Network Solutions Acceptable Use Policy. Network Solutions has received a number of complaints regarding this site that are under investigation

Wilders’ film has triggered fury in the Muslim world. The Dutch government has distanced itself from Wilders’ views, fearing a backlash against the country in the Muslim world, similar to that against Denmark in 2006 after newspapers there published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. while on Saturday, about a thousand Dutch gathered in the Dam to protest against Wilders and his film. The film is not so much about Muslims as about the Koran, Wilders wrote in a commentary in Dutch daily De Volkskrant on Saturday. He said Fitna was a last warning for the West. Wilders had previously warned of a “tsunami of Islamisation” in a country home to almost one million Muslims.

It must also be recalled that his Youtube trailer sparked a huge outcry amongst the Muslim community that even resulted in a censorship of the entire website in Pakistan which also inadvertently blocked the youtube website on a global scale website for a few hours



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One response to “Internet Service Provider shuts down Anti-Islamic Dutch Film website”

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