Ahmedis expelled from Medical College

BBC Urdu reports that a group of 23 Ahmedi students having been expelled from a Medical College in Faisalabad on 4th June 2008. The pretext was that it would create a law and order situation because the Islami Jamiat-e-Talba (IJT) had protested that these students were propagating their religion which these students deny. Even if this were true, whether they have or do not have the right to do this can be looked at by a court of law. Expelling the students from the college is illegal and usurps the right of Pakistanis of any religion, color or caste to have education. Some of them have spent four or five years in this college already.

I do understand that this is a sensitive issue, but if we do not stand up for the rights of Pakistanis and minorities (as Ahmedis by law are in Pakistan) who will. Is it fair that mob mentality should not be allowed to pressurize institutions to take such action? If we succumb to accepting this think of Muslims as a minority in India or any where else in the world.



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178 responses to “Ahmedis expelled from Medical College”

  1. RAJA Avatar


    I congratulate AN Ahmedi, being honest. Reason I asked those question was that I knew Qadiani’s very well as how they work.

    My question to AN Ahmedi knowing all this qadi’s hipocracy why are u still with them why donot revert back to Islam. I know many born Qadi’s with conscius has done it and they are still rich.

    I request to all readers and QADIS that donot look at muslims and their gains and their losses. Read and follow Islam u have QURAN SHARIF( WORD OF ALLAH) and HAZRAT Mohammed’s (pbuh) SUNNAH.

    We are not what we should be.On the day of Judgment if u believe it me/u and ALLAH.Allah will ask u what u have done and have u followed what I told u to do. YOU cannot say because that sunni mulla said that my father told me that or it was logical at the time.

    And you will say NO and he will give u your result in ur left hand -hell.

    U are defying Mohammed (pbuh) AS last prophet.- against QURAN

    U have different prayer( i wont call it salat) – AGAINST QURAN & SUNNAH.

    NO ZAKAT- WHICH IS 2.5 % of annual savings on Sahib nisab ( OWNER OF 7.5 tolla Gold or equvivalnt) u give chanda/tax-juga tax on top of goverenment taxes. ZULM. AGAINST Quran.

    Donot perform Hajj, jehad etc. against QURAN


    Do not write to me that how many “so called muslims “are doing it. Answer I have given already and result of it is very obvious all across world.


    Dear sir
    I LIVE IN WEST and we see day to day probably u dont.

    There is no extremist muslim,NO poor muslim, NO mullah muslim but only MUSLIM IS WORD.

    Thats we should be and let others call what they want.We are responsible for our deeds only.

    Tell me if ur brother kills someone will take his blame and will want to be called a killer and would u like to be hanged till death.

    If u do u are emotionally unstable. And this still wont change that ur brother is a killer and should be punished.

    And if are hanged than u commit suicide – haram.

    BY this example again i tried that we all are responsible for our deeds.

    As regards to Nobel prize I donot consider it as fair prize. e.g. AN ex primeminiser of israel was given NOBLE PRIZE FOR PEACE BECAUSE as he killed app 18000 muslims. Before becoming prime minister.

    Secondly , Abduslasm though pakistani but Qadiani.
    Thirdly, 70% of doctors in western world are muslims. and similar figures in other fields as science, research, engineering.

    U r right that we should work towards education and awareness of it.
    One reason why we suffered in education is that we relied more on western education. generation before us only wanted to get educated because they can have better job.

    None of them wanted to establish a better system. West want to keep us in worry of roti kapra. this is all across muslim world.

    NOW Rights of Minorities- right is to protect them and let them practice them their religions according to their faiths BUT not to PROPAGATE them as missionieries and distract people. now u know example of FATHE MAKKAH.

    WAS OUR Beloved Prophet Mohammed was wrong when he broke ALL IDOLS in KABBA. WAS he not breaching human rights.Of other MUSHRIKS AND religions. NO HE WAS NOT.

    HE ordered that Makkhans are not be harmed specially children,elderly and women and who will ask for Panah only who will attack u or resist u.





  2. RAJA Avatar



  3. Masroor Avatar

    This is horrendous so is the face of mullas, Pakistan was created for humans to live not for mullas as they are exactly reverse of every single human trait one can think of. You cannot think of any good coming out of that bunch. They are dragging Pakistan close to the edge of destruction. I hope that people having rational thoughts will muster up against this utter injustice

  4. Karim Avatar

    Tayyib, I see where you are coming from and completely understand your frustration, but please don’t fall for the symbols of prestige like Nobel that the west has created. Yes Mandela got it, but so did Begin, when it comes to Muslim world they truly do choose to give to the one that in some way undermines the ruling systems, not to say that I have any thing great to say about the ruling systems in Muslim countries but I am just commenting that the west always always and ALWAYS has it’s wrested interest and it will never honour any body that some how is not symbolic in a negative way in Muslim world. Edward Said (not a Muslim but Arab) was a brilliant man, his life and death were ignored by the western establishment, had he different political positions on world affairs, I am sure all the world’s awards and praise would have been showered on him. On the contrary Shirin Ebadi is an intellectual light weight (not to take away any thing from her struggle) but she will get the Nobel and the world stage!! So Abdul Salam might be a brilliant man, I don’t know if he was the most brilliant Pakistani, but him being an Ahmadi must have played a key role in him being awarded Nobel. You see David Lean needed a Muslim like character for Lawrence of Arabia, he knew that this was launch of a career, who did he find, a Coptic Christian in Egypt where 90% people are Muslims, and named him Omar Sharif. Coincidence…may be! So here is my take on the situation, I believe we must resist and fight bigotry, extremism and stupidity INDEPENDENT of what west dictates. We must remind the IDIOTS that their actions are not only unethical, criminal and against all norms of fundamental principals of justice and fairness but they also play in the hands of “enemies” who constantly point finger at us in order to justify installing these corrupt Sheikhs, Amirs and Generals, invading and occupying our lands and killing our nationals. There must be a grass root home grown resistance against these low lives otherwise they will always get away with it because they knowingly or unknowingly are doing the dirty work of the global capitalist in our countries.

  5. Mahmood Avatar

    The Congregation (Al-Jumu?ah)
    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
    Wa akharina minhum lamma yalhaqu bihim wa huwal azizul hakim

    This is the similar treatment that Allah’s beloved ones have experienced. And now as per sayings of Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Ahmadies are experiencing. God Almighty never left them alone and will never leave Ahmadies alone.

  6. Shirjeel Avatar

    I think we should not bring the things in different scenario, it is very simple that to abondon the right of study from any human is wrong and who have already invested their 12, 13, 14 n 15 years in a field.

    I think there could not be any injustice bigger than this. I wish if our beloved judiciary wont do such act then they would not be doing long march rather they would be passing life with dignity.

  7. Tayyib Avatar

    @ Karim,
    Sir, I understand what you are saying, and I completely agree that there is an obvious conspiracy against the Muslim world indeed by the western nations. But I find that not to be the case when it comes to the field of science, technology and knowledge in general. I’m sure some people have gotton the nobel peace prize who really didn’t deserve it (as in the example that Mr. Raja has stated). but i’m talking about the Nobel prize in the advancement of human knowledge. Hardly any muslims in the recent history of the last 200 years has contributed to it. Fine, throw out the Nobel Prize (there’s more than one kind). I want someone to show me what a Muslim has invented, discovered, or gained insight on in the recent past that has benefitted the Muslim world or mankind in general. I cannot think of a single invention made by a Muslim that is even being used even in the Muslim world. Instead we extend our beggars hand in front of the western powers to allow us to buy their obselete weaponery at full price with interest. It is obvious that we as Muslims have lost our way. Just think about the fact that it was Saudi Arabia who invited to US to launch attacks on Iraq from the Arabian soil. We as Muslims are killing other Muslims. And anybody who is going to tell me that there is no extreme Muslim or shia muslim etc, and we are all just muslim needs to wake up. We have no central leadership, we have no sense of unity, we have no diplomacy even between our own muslim nations. And we are just Muslim? Thats a joke!!!
    What has happened to those 23 students, (even if they are guilty of preaching) is a disgrace. We need to keep the greater good of humanity in mind. Those students were training to become doctors and save Human LIVES. Muslim were created to serve mankind, regardless of race, religion or otherwise. When Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) was attacked at Taif, the angle came and asked him if he wants everyone in that city destroyed. Huzoor very emphatically said, NO!!! that their children will one day become Muslim. This was the example shown to us by our beloved Prophet. But I don’t see many muslims follow this example. Instead, I see the most horrific events take place in the Muslim world. The expelling of these students is just another example of the double standard that we have created in our lands and then we wonder why we cannot receive justice from the rest of the world. Until and unless, the minorities in the Muslim countries are treated with justice when it comes to our own affairs, we can neither demand justice from the world, nor should we expect it. Whatever system of double standards we have within our own countries even among the Muslims, we can expect to get the same double standard when it comes to the west.

  8. Nauman Ahmed Khan Avatar
    Nauman Ahmed Khan

    Dear All Muslims and Non Muslims who participate in this forum and write their comments, some post good comments and some in against every one has right to express its views. Yes Ahmadees are declared as Non Muslim by Pakistan Govt but Pakistan is a Muslim Country and try to practice Muslim Laws, and I am sure in Islam there is no such teaching to stop some one to learn. May Allah bless all of us.

  9. RAJA Avatar




    I totally agree with u not in all respects we are on same wavelength but my point is when we start commenting on such issues or trying to decide we should follow basic principle of Islam.i.e.

    La illa ha ill lal la ho Mohammed ur rasool allah

    3. Amongst man Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) is above all.
    4.For an issue first Guidance from Quran and then from SUnnah and Hadith for all muslims.




    Well I leave it to Allah to giude us who comes first.

  10. ibneBatoota Avatar


    Well Said.

    May Allah give you honor in this life and hereafter, Ameen.

  11. An Ahmadi Avatar
    An Ahmadi

    Dear Raja ,

    I am a Muslim and I am a very independent person.

    I don’t want any Sunni Mullah or Ahmadi Mullah to tell me what Islam is.

    I am an Ahmadi by birth like you are Rajput by birth and I cannot change that reality.

    Ahmadi Mullahs and Non Ahmadi mullahs love dogmatic discussions and useless details of theology etc.

    Their bread and butter depend on such controversies and Allama Iqbal also mentioned that Non Ahmadi Mullahs don’t want to finish Ahmadiyyat as it is a permanent source for their bread and butter.

    Muslim world need practical actions rather than talks in mosques like Tablighi people do or boastful claims and propaganda which Ahmadiyya jamaat do on their Muslim Television Ahmadiyya.

    European countries are based on Greco Roman Culture , which is based on pork, wine, dog and opportunities of mixing of opposite sex which leeds to free sex.

    Where as Muslim Culture is based on Kalima Shahada, circumcision, halal meat, no wine, no dog, ” Haya ” , ” Parda ” and strong marriage institution etc.

    European countries have become one in the form of EU and they are one with USA and NATO is a united force to protect their Greco Roman culture , where as Muslims are fighting for ” Chapatis ” and crumbs of bread .

    I tell you that you cannot win from extremely cunning and ultra rich and resourceful Ahmadi Mullahs , thats why I hinted in my above post to do legal audit of their activities and one can show their luxurious life style in Rabwah and Pakistan and one can show their wealth and those mega homes to Western countries.

    Ordinary Ahmadies are just brain washed slaves , but Ahmadiyya leadership is extremely cunning and they are no different than other feudal Pirs and parasite families of Pakistani society.

    When rule of law and awareness will come to Pakistan , then people will be able to understand extreme wealth and deception of these parasite families of Pakistan.

  12. An Ahmadi Avatar
    An Ahmadi

    These Ahmadi students will be reinstated and this noora Khusti and drama will be finished soon.

    When we were in a University then we noticed that Jamaat Islami wanted to own every thing, Tablighi people wanted to brain wash us with their Talk Talk and just Talk, Ahmadies were showing off their power and cleverness, secular Parties wanted to have Mujras and dances there ,….so all of them are cheap talkers and sloganeers ,..

    Students were gathering assault rifles and grenades in Campuses and instead of gathering intelligence and preventing clashes ,professors were busy enjoying their bungalows, fat salaries and mutton roasts ,..

    They woke up when four students were slaughtered one day…

    Why Could’t empty sloganeers and empty drums of Jamaat Islami excel is applied Technology and why they miserably failed in the creation of any Islamic welfare State.

    Despite billions of Chanda consumption by Jamaat Ahmadiyya , we don’t see any Ahmadiyya Islamic welfare State either..

    Cheap selfish people who don’t know what rule of law is

  13. Sohail Husain Avatar
    Sohail Husain

    Uphold Medical Education for All in Pakistan, Despite Cries from Clerics

    I am writing to protest the expulsion last week of 23 medical students from Pakistan’s Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, only because they belonged to a minority religious group the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. In a letter issued from the College Principal naming the 15 girls and 8 boys, a vague reason cited for expulsion was ‘religious dispute’ and distribution of ‘hate material.’ Nothing could be farther from the facts. Firstly, Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and worldwide are outstanding, peaceful, law-abiding citizens, who adhere to their motto “Love for All, Hatred for None.” Secondly, religious outcry and hate propaganda were in point of fact waged against the Ahmadi students by a mob of extremist clerics called the ‘Islami Jamiat e Talaba.’ Ironically, in executing the expulsion, the Principal and Government-run medical college complied with demands from the clerics. I remind the honorable Principal that his college is a steward of the future of Pakistani medicine. This duty requires that he should rise above the cackle of the cleric and prevent religious bigotry from overrunning decisions made by the College. By denying innocent medical students the right to completing their education, solely based on their religious affiliation, Pakistan will continue to fall not only in the eyes of the global medical and scientific community but more importantly in the estimation of God. Thus for the sake of God, country, and the universal codes of medical practice that the college claims to uphold, I humbly request that Punjab Medical College rescind its decision to expel the Ahmadi students.

    Sohail Husain is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

  14. RAJA Avatar

    Dear An Ahmedi,

    I am delighted that you have reverted and a true muslim.

    Every human is born on DEEN E FITRAT i.e. Islam but bed and family he is born on and with majorly decides his path till he becomes capable of living his life alone ie puberty and fardiath of salat and soom.

    Donot be ashamed you were born muslim but misled and ALLAH GIVES GUIDANCE TO ONLY THOSE WHO SEEK. PLZ SEE MY PREVIOUS COMMENTS.

    FOR many others to tell, I am related to Sir zafar ullah
    as inlaw of my grand father left them then when world use to call them muslims.

    My Best friend is QADI I used to protect him and his fellow
    when attacked or threatened by jammat physically. He EVEN tried to convert me. BUT all this time I kept my faith not fooled by appearance,talk, money and status.

    I may sound like an intolerent Muslim to some.BUT you can see whom I WORKED AND spent my life with.

    Reason I am on this to tell people what our priorty is.

    DEAR Sohail,

    PLZ donot let ur self be fooled as living in west is good enough for brainwashing.

    TO tell u I am SURGEON may be BETTER placed than u in west.
    And I know what TALIM IS and its value but WE HAVE TO SEE
    who is harmming us.

    YOU believe it or not IT IS JEHAD. best of it is its Jehad bl NAFAS to i.e. jehad with our own self.

    Hazrat Mohammed(PBUH) SAID
    ….Fitna of our UMMAH is MAAL…. – Sahi BOKHARI Hadith cHAP OF FITNA.


    May I ASK you why not your heart cries same way for PALESTINIANS (KILLED), IraqiS (slaughetred), Checanies ( raped and burnt alive), Afghanees, Kasmiris etc same way as these 23 on expulsion.

    plz decide your Kiblah is it manhattan-rabawa or MAKKHA-Kabba.
    plz read sura yaseen with urdu translation.

  15. Zaheer Avatar

    This is highly disgraceful incident. Ahmadis are do not hurt anyone becouse they believe in LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE. Then why they are being subjected to such a violent action.

  16. Mirza Adeel Sami Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Sami


    Comment by Aamir pakistani on June 8, 2008 @ 11:53 pm

    My dear Mr.Aamir,

    How did you say all of that ??

    Just don’t throw a stone in the dark … Hamara Kalma wohi hai jo hur Musalman ka hai …..

    Humara Qura’an wohi hai jo hur Musalaman ka hai ..

    Hamara Eemaan wohi hai jo hur Muslim ka hai ..

    Hamara aitqa’ad wohi hai jo hur Muslim ka hai ..

    Mery dost, we’ve some conflict just in two or three points … Beside of these, we’ve everty thing similar to yours all …

    La Ilaha Illalhu Muhammad Ur Rasol ULLAH

  17. Mirza Adeel Sami Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Sami

    Comment by Zaheer on June 11, 2008 @ 5:25 pm

    Mr.Zaheer, please don’t blame to just the ones, As you all known of it, we have no support of Government as well as the Nation of Pakistan, might be, It’s showing to everyone that Ahmadis are the guilty … !! Please probe into this matter and come up with the Actual report, that would prove whose behind the curtain …..

    If you would find Ahmadis are guilty, so that’s okay, grab them into court and start trail on all of them. If report proves they’re not guilty, think about whatever is being discussing against of us …

    But, prove the real story line, first .. !! Then, you can all say anything about us ..

  18. Mirza Adeel Sami Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Sami

    Comment by RAJA on June 11, 2008 @ 3:47 pm

    Mery KHUDA !!! :O

    Raja sb, Have you seen an Ahmadi while in Namaz??

    Lahol Walah Quwwata !!

  19. Mirza Adeel Sami Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Sami

    Comment by RAJA

    Raja sb., well said … !!

  20. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Comment by “an ahmedi” were quite interesting and told lot of about Rabwah.

    Someone here said tht tableegh is all about talk,talk and talk. Havin an experience of living with tableeghis, the thing is quite reverse. Yes it’s only talk for those who cant even move their asses out of homes while in reality tableegh is all about moving from one place to another place and spread the message of Islam. if this sounds boring to someone, he should have guts to condemn all Prophets as well since they worked similarly.

    I can see that guys like Tayyab who rarely come out of bins have started Mullah bashing again. Weak and helpless only can throw up like that. This attitude is not different than Yanks who blame Osama even if their kids pee in pants.

  21. Anjum Hafeez Avatar
    Anjum Hafeez

    This is for sure that reading does not make any one educated. Jamiat Guys do not even take any guidence from Quran. They and people like them has make image of Pakistan and Muslims as terrorists. They are not even close to the teaching of Holy Prophet Muhammad Pease Be Upon Him.

  22. Karim Avatar

    Dear Jamat Islami Talaba..you are wrong..your are wrong..
    God will curse on you for this act;

  23. Karim G Avatar
    Karim G

    There is another “Karim” (the above) on the board, the previous comments (like the one below) on the subject were from me, in order to avoid confusion I will use Karim G from now on.

    Tayyib, I see where you are coming from and completely understand your frustration, but please don’t fall for the symbols of prestige like Nobel that the west has created. Yes Mandela got it, but so did Begin, when it comes to Muslim world they truly do choose to give to the one that in some way undermines the ruling systems, not to say that I have any thing great to say about the ruling systems in Muslim countries but I am just commenting that the west always always and ALWAYS has it’s wrested interest and it will never honour any body that some how is not symbolic in a negative way in Muslim world. Edward Said (not a Muslim but Arab) was a brilliant man, his life and death were ignored by the western establishment, had he different political positions on world affairs, I am sure all the world’s awards and praise would have been showered on him. On the contrary Shirin Ebadi is an intellectual light weight (not to take away any thing from her struggle) but she will get the Nobel and the world stage!! So Abdul Salam might be a brilliant man, I don’t know if he was the most brilliant Pakistani, but him being an Ahmadi must have played a key role in him being awarded Nobel. You see David Lean needed a Muslim like character for Lawrence of Arabia, he knew that this was launch of a career, who did he find, a Coptic Christian in Egypt where 90% people are Muslims, and named him Omar Sharif. Coincidence…may be! So here is my take on the situation, I believe we must resist and fight bigotry, extremism and stupidity INDEPENDENT of what west dictates. We must remind the IDIOTS that their actions are not only unethical, criminal and against all norms of fundamental principals of justice and fairness but they also play in the hands of “enemies” who constantly point finger at us in order to justify installing these corrupt Sheikhs, Amirs and Generals, invading and occupying our lands and killing our nationals. There must be a grass root home grown resistance against these low lives otherwise they will always get away with it because they knowingly or unknowingly are doing the dirty work of the global capitalist in our countries.

  24. Mirza Adeel Sami Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Sami

    For Every One !!

    Please, do not come up with anything which you don’t know from their roots …

    Don’t abuse us, please, have a research and then proclaim what we are .. !!

    Hadhrat Mohammad (S.A.W.) didn’t even cursed on the peoples of Ta’aif when they thrown stones on Him .. ALLAH did say, if you like to crash them, I would put mountains on their localities, But Hadhrat Mohammad (S.A.W.) denied and said, No, they’ll soon understand the ISLAM …

    Please, I beg to all of you, don’t blame/abuse us … For GOD sake .. !!

    I cried last night, when I got back to home, why I did so? Because I saw the two of yours’ comments, one said, we made an alternation in The Holy Qura’an, And we have our own Kalima (Naoozu Billahe)
    The second one said, We have our own direction to perform Nama’az which is Rabwah-Manhattan …..

    I beg to you all, please have a look on us … What we do, what we want to do.. How we do.. Why we do …..

    Please please please, don’t say we are not near to ISLAM… Our life is ISLAM, Our Holy Book is The Qura’an-E-Sharif, Our Prophet is Hadhrat Mohammad (S.A.W.),, We believe in Hadhrat Issa (A.S.) ……

    Please, don’t just say we’re not Muslims … Or If you don’t say us Muslims, please, don’t say anything esle which is harmful for us … or even the sad one …..

    I hope, ALLAH will help you, us and everyone …

  25. BalakhS Avatar

    Mirza Adeel Sami,

    Don’t cry crocodile tears. You belie Muhammad (Peace be upon him), when he said there is no Prophet After me, if there was one, it would have been Umar (May Allah be pleased with him).

    ‘Alyaoma Akmaltu Lakum Deenukum’ what does that mean? Allah completed the deen for the people and then there is no need for a *NEW PROPHET*. Did Allah lie or did Muhammad lie? No, they didn’t lie but Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani lied and lead people astray.

    Sahaba, who were educatd by Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and whose language was Arabic KNEW EXACTLY THE MEANING OF Khatim un Nabe-een. Thats why when two liars muselma kizzab and Aswad al Unsi claimed Prophethood, Sahaba fought them until the sahaba got rid of them.

  26. Compounder Avatar

    Win Win Situation

    No regrets.

    Jamatis Got rid of those Qadianis.

    Qadianis will now get scholarships and free immigration in the western countries. So its a win win situations for both the parties.

  27. Waseem Avatar


    Ahmadis believe in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (as) to be the promised reformer (the Imam-e-Mahdi) and the second Jesus (who was awaited to come).

    As every Muslims believes that Jesus is to come back his second coming, we believe he has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (as)

    To believe or not to believe is a personal matter. But to persecute the followers for their belief is a grave SIN. The Holy Quran says “There is no compulsion in Religion” and at another place it says addressing the Kuffar “For you your relifion and for me my religion”

    May Allah enable us to stick to the Quranic injunctions to promote and maintain peace and harmony in the society.

  28. Faris Avatar


    So it was 2 in 1, combo?

    The guy was confused, first he said he was Imam Mahdi and then he changed himself to Jesus and then he died before the Anti-Christ.

    So Ghulam Kafir Qadiani didn’t have any father? Jesus didn’t have any father.

  29. Waseem Avatar


    Its un Islamic to use bad language for a religious leader and to call any one “Kafir”. Only Allah is the Judge for that and not you. So please do restrain from those harsh words.

    Back to your post:

    The same allegation that you raised was raised against the beloved Holy Prophet of Islam (saww) by the non-Muslims.

    The non-Muslims say that the Holy Prophet (saww) was confused Nausbillah because he first said he was sent to his near relatives and close friends.
    Then he after some time he further went to say he was sent to his Tribe. After some time he added he was sent to whole Arabia and at the end declared himself Khattam an Nabiyyun and Rahma tul lil Alameen. i.e. Last law bearing prophet.

    The answer for both your allegation and the allegation from non-Muslims regarding the Holy Prophet is the same:
    The answer is that: These Holy people did not speak out of their own. When they were informed from Allah regarding their mission only then did they convey the message to their people. They did not have their self desires but rather complete submission to the will of Allah for his mission.

    When the Holy Prophet (saww) got his first revelation he claimed Prophethood first to his close ones and it was after more Instructions from Allah, that he went to the Hill to declare Prophet hood to Meccans. And it was far after that, that he declared to be the Last law bearing prophet.

    Similarly Hazrat Miraza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (as) declared to be the Mahdi when he was instructed by Allah. He faced lots of prosecutions but because he was true, he hold fast to his claim and always swathe help of Allah with him. Then Allah informed him that he was also the Jesus to come and that the former Jesus (Hazrat Isa as) had died a natural death like any other prophet (grave in Kashmir: http://www.tombofjesus.com).
    It was after Allah’s informing him that he declared that he was the Isa (as) that all religions were waiting to come.

    He was true, so Allah helped him in his divine mission. Now Ahmadis are spread all over the world.

    We have our own Television channel: http://www.mta.tv operating 24hrs a day preaching his divine mission of peace and submission to the will of Allah.

    To learn more: http://www.alislam.org


  30. Albela Avatar


    Don’t dare to Put Muhammad (S.A.W.W) next to THE ZALEEL, Mirza Qadiani.

    It is ignorance to not call a liar a liar. AbuJahal may have respect among his group of ‘FITNA-PARASTS’, but for the followers of Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Abu-Jahal was Father-Of-Ignorance.

    Abu-Jahal or similars may have respect among the Qadianis but not among Muslims.

    In the similar way, for the followers of Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Ghulam Kafir Kadiani deserves a the title of “QADIANI THE KEZZAB”.

    You can confuse the Naive Muslims with your false idealogies and buzz words like PEACE & HARMONY. For the followers of Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was THE LAST OF PROPHETS and any one who claims to have recieved PROPHETHOOD AFTER HIM IS AN IGNORANT LIAR.

    May Allah curse the false prophets like Ghulam Kafir Qadiani.

  31. Worth Reading Avatar
    Worth Reading

    Comment by a muslim on June 9, 2008 @ 12:43 am

    Ahmed dont play ur game//i have enough information about qadiyanies…i have refrences too..should i publish here what is d real picture of qadiyaanies?

    Q: Who are Qadiyanis?

    A: Qadiyanis also known as Mirzai, Ahmadi, Lahori, etc. are a sect of people who do not believe that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last prophet. The founder of the sect Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835 – 1908) claimed to be the Messiah whose advent has been foretold by the Holy prophet of Islam and whose advent was awaited by Jews, Christians and Muslims. The mainstream muslims do not consider Qadiyanis muslims

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, the fonder of Qadiyanism or Ahmadism, so called Ahmadiya Movement in Islam wrote about prophesies of a prophet:

    a. The Torah and the Qur’an admit that the most truthful evidence of prophethood are the prophesies, and

    b. It is not possible that God’s revelations be not confirmed by their fulfillment.

    Let us examine the prophesies of the writer who claimed himself to be a prophet (nabi) and the Promised Messiah (al-Masih al-Maw’oud). If a single prophecy is not fulfilled, it would show that such a prophet is an imposter and a liar.

    Rains and earthquakes
    Ghulam Ahmad wrote, “God revealed to me that frequent rains will come down. Due to their frequency villages will be destroyed. After them will follow severe earthquakes”. He did not specify where and when. If it was to be in India, there are some regions which receive a lot of rain and there are other areas which feel earthquakes. This is not a prophecy.

    Abdullah Atham’s death
    A Christian, Abdullah Atham entered into a debate with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1893; neither succeeded in winning over the other. It was embarrassing to Ghulam Ahmad and feeling insulted, on June 5, 1883 he announced that he had been informed by God that Abdullah Atham would die within fifteen months, that is, September 5, 1894. Ghulam Ahmad supplicated to God for the death of Abdullah Atham by his announced date of death and he asked his followers to join him in praying for the curse to come true. The deadline came and went but Abdullah Atham lived and for a long time. Ghulam’s invocations and supplications were of no use and Allah proved that he was not His prophet.

    Multiple marriages
    On February 20, 1886 Ghulam Ahmad declared that indeed Allah revealed to him that he shall marry blessed women and he shall have numerous children from these new wives. He was then 46 years old. The fact remains that he could not marry anyone after his declared revelation from Allah despite several efforts and a crush on Muhammadi Begum.

    Marriage to Muhammadi Begum
    Ghulam Ahmad at age 46 had a crush on a young lady by the name of Muhammadi Begum daughter of Ahmad Beg, one of his followers. Ghulam asked her father to marry her to himself which he refused. Ghulam Ahmad announced a prophecy that she will be married to him because Allah had married her to him and no one had power to turn away from that becoming true. He offered bribes of estate and wealth to Ahmad Beg. When it did not work he begged for his pity, brought family pressure and finally made threats. The first prophecy of marriage to Muhammadi Begum failed.

    Ahmad Beg did not budge from his position and married his daughter to an ordinary soldier. Ghulam Ahmad prophesied that the husband of Muhammadi Begum would die soon and she would be married to him since their marriage had taken place in the heavens. He fixed a three year period for the death of the soldier husband of his beloved lady. Twenty two years later Ghulam Ahmad died but the soldier lived for another forty years and she lived even longer. The second prophecy of marriage to Muhammadi Begum failed.

    A spark of the light of God
    A son was born to Ghulam Ahmad on June 14, 1899 when he was 59 years old. He gave him the name, Mubarak Ahmad and declared, “this lad is indeed a spark of the light of God, the promised reformer, the owner of greatness and authority, possessor of healing breath like the Messiah, curer of diseases, a word of God and lucky. He will become famous in the four corners of the world, he will set prisoners free and through him all nations will be blessed.”

    Allah had His plan to prove once again that Ghulam Ahmad was neither a prophet nor “the Promised Messiah” by showing that He did not reveal anything to him nor inspired him with anything nor chose him a prophet nor divinely guided him (Mehdi). Mubarak Ahmad died of natural causes at age 8 in 1907, less than a year before the death of the false prophet and the false messiah.

    The birth of another son
    When Ghulam Ahmad’s wife became pregnant, he announced on January 1, 1903, “Praise be to Allah Who bestowed upon me in spite of old age four sons and has given me good news of a fifth”. On January 28, 1903 his wife delivered a daughter who died in infancy. This was first failed prophecy of a son.

    His wife became pregnant again and he prophesied that she will deliver a son about whom he said, “the son of nobility will be born – a lad goodly-shaped and handsome.” She delivered a baby girl on June 24, 1904. This was the second failed prophecy of a son.

    Again a son
    After two disappointments and proving himself to be a false prophet, he announced again that Allah had given him the news, “Verily, We give you tidings of a meek boy.” He announced the date of the birth of the boy to be September 16, 1907 which was never fulfilled. This was the third false prophecy of a son.

    In October 1907 he pronounced yet another revelation from Allah, “I shall soon bestow upon you a righteous boy” and his name was announced to be Yahya. Alas, the prophesied son never came and the false prophet Ghulam Ahmad himself died on May 26, 1908. This was the fourth false prophecy of a son.

    A son to one of his followers
    Manzoor Muhammad, one of his followers, informed him that his wife was pregnant. Ghulam Ahmad prophesied cautiously in stages that Manzoor’s wife will deliver a boy from this pregnancy or from a later pregnancy and child’s name will be “Bashir-ud-Dawla”. After such safeguards in his prophecy he emphasized, “Manzoor Muhammad’s wife shall not die unless she gives birth to this noble son and until his prophecy is fulfilled.”

    Manzoor Muhammad’s wife delivered a baby girl and afterwards she never conceived and died without giving a boy. Doesn’t it look like Ghulam Ahmad was working against Allah’s Will?

    The plague
    Ghulam Ahmad feared plague very much and declared it to be one of his signs. He prophesied that the epidemic then ravaging in the Indian Province of Punjab will not enter his town of Qadiyan because it was the dwelling place of “God’s prophet.” God proved him a liar again. Plague spread in Qadiyan and in Ghulam Ahmad’s own house; his maid and a few of his followers died of plague.

    The death of Dr. Abdul Hakim
    Dr. Abdul Hakim entered into a discussion with Ghulam Ahmad, challenged him to an open debate and called him a liar. Ghulam Ahmad did not take it very well and prophesied, “Abdul Hakim will die during my life-time as he insults and disgraces me.” On May 4, 1907 Dr. Abdul Hakim responded with his own prediction that Ghulam Ahmad will die within fifteen months, that was by August 4, 1908. Ghulam Ahmad responded to Dr. Abdul Hakim’s prediction by adding to his own prophecies:

    (a) Dr. Abdul Hakim will die during the life-time of Ghulam Ahmad, and,

    (b) Ghulam Ahmad will live to be eighty years of age, which was to be 1920 or later.

    Ghulam Ahmad died within a year on May 26, 1908, at age 68 and Dr. Abdul Hakim lived for many more years to become an old man.

    Ghulam Ahmad’s prophecies and self deprecation

    On various occasions when he announced a prophecy he would self-deprecate if the prophecy was not fulfilled. A few of his announcements are given below:

    1. “If what I have said does not happen exactly, I am prepared for every punishment. My face be blackened and I be insulted. A rope be put round my neck and I be hanged”.

    2. “Prepare for me a cross if my falsehood is exposed and curse me more than the Satan, the evil and the accursed.”

    3. Regarding his burning love and lust for Muhammadi Begum, a daughter of one of his followers, he said, “Her marriage (to me) is a settled affair. I swear by God that this is true. They shall not have the power to thwart its occurrence. God Almighty has said, ‘We have ourselves married her to you, it is not possible that My words may change’.”

    Further, he said, “There is no changing of the Word of Allah. The meaning is that this prophecy of mine is bound to become true as the failure of its fulfillment falsifies the Word of God”.

    In fact, the Word of God is never falsified but a liar speaking in the name of God is exposed. He further said, “If this prophecy does not turn out to be true I shall be the most evil of the evils, ye fools!” Well! He proved himself what he was.

    4. “But if this prophecy is not from Thee, O God, then perish me in disgrace and total loss and make me accursed and peltable in Thy view.”

    5. “For ascertainment of my truthfulness or my falsehood there is no better thing than my prophesies.” Well! We know the truth, don’t we?

    Allah repeatedly failed Ghulam Ahmad in his prophecies to prove to the world that this man was a liar, an imposter and an inventor of a new religion which was not Islam.

    References to the quotations and events mentioned in this brochure may be found in QADIYANIAT, AN ANALYTICAL SURVEY by Ehsan Elahi Zaheer, published by Idara Tarjuman Al-Islam, Shish Mahal Road, Lahore, Pakistan, 1981, Chapter VII, pp.184-226

  32. Sana Chaudhry Avatar
    Sana Chaudhry

    Hello and Assalm-O-Alikum…
    Pakistan is equally land FOR IJT and Ahmadies…
    no one has right to stop them from their RIGHTS….
    this is totally UNJISTICE….

    student shud only b stopped from doing that…
    they shud be given warnings…

    but what is this way of expulsion….? they r students of medical college, only bcuz they r elgible to b student of a MEDICAL COLLEGE…. /

    expulsion is wronG…!!!!

    aNY DISCRIMINATION on the basis of religion, or financial status in a educational institute is wronG…/

    it gonna rise hate among ppl, if u discriminate……/ what pakistan is going to have after this…….?


    IJT is carrying guns, Ahmadies neva took guns.
    IJT shud also b expelled then….//////////

    but its not a solution to expell all…. the best way is to maintain law n order, giving warnings n banning ny extremist organization. (I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT AHMADIES ARE NOT EXTREMIST, BUT IJT MAY BE)

  33. Waseem Avatar


    Quran says (Al-Furqan Chapter 25 : Verse 64) and I quote:

    And the true servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on the earth humbly and when the ignorant address them, they avoid them gracefully by saying, ‘Peace!’

    This was the practice of the Holy Prophet (saww) with regards to the ignorant. I will obeying the Holy Prophet and his book by saying “PEACE”


  34. Faris Avatar


    You take Quran in bits and pieces and distort the meanings when it goes against you.

    Jesus never had a father. Is it not mentioned in Quran? So did Qadiani had no father?

    But then you would distort the meanings of Quran.

    your comments….

    The non-Muslims say that the Holy Prophet (saww) was confused Nausbillah because he first said he was sent to his near relatives and close friends.

    Then he after some time he further went to say he was sent to his Tribe. After some time he added he was sent to whole Arabia and at the end declared himself Khattam an Nabiyyun and Rahma tul lil Alameen. i.e. Last law bearing prophet.

    Here you lie again, Kuffar of Mecca never claimed that Muhammad was confused. Rather they agreed that he was trust worthy, truthful and honest person. Even after the prophethood they never said Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was confused. They said he was a POET, he was a magician, but never said he was confused.You lie here again, just like your CULT Leader , Ghulam Kafir Qadiani

    Muhammad S.A.W.W never claimed that he was only sent for his family only and then later changed it to the whole Arabia. You lie here again.

    Muhammad S.A.W.W never claimed that there will be a Prophet after me and then changed it to Khatim-un-nabieen, later.You lie here again


    aslamo alikum,
    i am in favour of Ahamdi’s coz there is no fault of them they have same rights as others have.So.why there is a discrimination between Ahmadi’s students n others.I request on behalf of BBC to the higher authorities to take a step for reinstation of ahmadi’s students as soon as possible.n for those people n students having anti-ahmadiat thinking i would like to make them read a saying of HOLY PROPHET (PBUH)”don’t say any thing against the idols of kuffars they will abuse to your God”.Alhm ahmadis are patriotic n they are serving Pakistan.Dr.salam got noble prize for this country but u didnot accept his services for sake of God,donot make our God angry.for further information mail me no_never85@hotmail.com and http://www.alislam.org

  36. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Interesting comments by those parties. What I find interesting that Qadyanis believe that Jesus(AS) is burried in KASHMIR. It’s quite funny though(and offcourse against Quran) 🙂

  37. RAJA Avatar

    To all qadi’s ( non-believers).
    plz answer truly.


    1.your kalima – la illa ha ill lala ho ahmed ur rasool allah.



  38. Abu Aayan Avatar
    Abu Aayan

    Expulsion of students, though reflects ugly, but for different reasons has been part of academic histories. But this expulsion is absolutely different from any other such incident. Probably for the first time in the history, a significant no. of students were thrown out for no other reason but due to their affiliation with a community which is not liked by some others. And those “some others” are the ones who have the potential of (and who had been) using the stick and gun to ensure the implementation of their wants. But the true question arises here that are these the ones who truly represent the society? For decades we have been suffering from a serious self-deception that “no they are a very minute minority and that MOST of the people of this society are peace-loving and justice-oriented”. Things happened, in 1953, more happened in 1974, continued in 1984, and then every year brutalities against this community established their own unmatched standard. During all this happenings we (I don’t know for what reason) kept on believing that “No, one day those peace-loving and just people will stand up and raise their voice against these atrocities” – But no one stood up. Houses were burnt, people were killed, innocent children were made orphans, properties were looted, jobs and businesses were snatched, careers were spoiled – But NO… ONE … SPOKE.

    Now one might argue; that what is the point in raising voice against all these odds? This is one minor community of this country of more than 160 million people. Moreover when the whole world knows that this is the community who would never raise any arms, would never give strike calls, would never do long marches or block highways. Hence all these dreadful acts can just be condoned – in short why take the pain of others. And believe me this thought will get millions of people to second it as well. Yes, there is no need. No need, because all of those who maintain such thoughts don’t remember what their religion itself talks about. They don’t remember what that most beautiful and perfect prophet taught them. They have forgotten completely as to what they were advised to follow and practice in their everyday lives. And finally they have no idea what they will be held ACCOUNTABLE for.

    Here I don’t feel a need to quote those thousands of incidents where our beloved prophet demonstrated by truly practicing what he used to preach. This alone proves the power of action over mere words and empty speeches. This is because we all know how he treated all those who were even his opponents i.e. Jews etc. But today it looks as if we have forgotten how he had set everlasting examples of true justice in which benefit of doubt were given to a Christian over solid proves presented by a Muslim. So we forgot both the teachings and also the actions.

    OK, probably you are not that religious, and you don’t get into such minute details of what were the teachings, and what were the examples set by those whom we associated ourselves with. But then there are the most basic standards of ethics and civil society. Are we complying with any of those to the most fundamental degree? But may be we don’t have time to even ask this basic question from ourselves.
    So religion is not our chapter; as we forgot all what was taught and demonstrated to us. Then we don’t have time to take care of ethics. So what’s the big deal? May be we can satisfy ourselves, as each one of us already has enough of our own problems and challenges to deal with instead of getting involved into some kind of hunt for truth or justice – and for whom ? For these people who apparently don’t have a say. Probably one would laugh.

    OK, lets look at the society, which is storming with such thoughts and minds. Today this country tops the corrupted nations of the world. Today each segment of this country has been globally disreputed for their own deeds. Be it politicians, sportsmen, diplomats, forces, common people, Executive bodies, Legislative bodies, courts etc. Even after being a big agricultural country we are begging for grains. This list can go on and on, but since the purpose of this letter is not highlighting all this so I will cut it short. Just one request; why is it all happening? Doesn’t our religion entitle us for being the best of the nations of the world and to remain at the top. Yes, it does but only if we remember the teachings – which we have forgotten. Don’t we trust that our religion brings to us the best teachings and practicing those would bring success to us individually as well to our society collectively? Then why don’t we exercise all those?

    About the said expulsion of students of medical college; many have given their verdicts on many websites and discussion forums. Many of them have supported the act attributing this to be a service to the religion. Everyone knows that many of such services to Islam are behind what Islam is being understood as in the whole world. Since we did not stop those at that time; today this most beautiful religion is being considered to be the evil behind anything going wrong anywhere in the world. In this particular incident couldn’t that “vast” majority of peace-lovers stand up for fairness and justice. Couldn’t anyone demand an unbiased investigation of the issue? Couldn’t anyone think of the futures of all those brilliant students who reached this institute. Couldn’t anyone foresee what this might lead to? Couldn’t someone put himself into the shoes of these students and work out as how would it all have passed onto him, had all this been happening to him? Couldn’t one just imagine what kind of “great” image this will further build for Islam? Couldn’t one think of the precedent it would set for our generations to come and do such more “services” to Islam? The list of such questions may go on and on but had the society arouse on any of the thousands of such occasion the situation and probably the fate of this society would have been lot different. So isn’t it the time that the society stands up to stop any such efforts to disfigure the face of Islam. Do we have the slightest sense of ownership for our religion?

    The point that I wanted to make comes now. Undoubtedly Islam is the best religion of all times. But it can not give us anything if we forget the teachings. Even if we remember the teachings but we only use those for writing voluminous books, delivering flaring speeches; then they can only bring more unrest in the society as this is nothing but hypocrisy – something that Islam completely rejects. So actions as per the TRUE teachings are required. This society is not going to achieve anything by implementing its heinous plans against this community. Moreover making this community to keep their mouth shut because one knows that their strength of actions and character is going to affect our “business of religion”, should be a worry of today’s Mullah – not a common man. The common man needs to speak up and he has to practice what he was told to practice almost fifteen hundred years ago. This society will have (and is already paying) the cost of deviating from the teachings and then due to derailing from the basic norms of an ethical society. One might not understand and might not be able to relate such injustices to the way this society is deteriorating today; but this is something that is called Taqdeer of Allah The Almighty. If the common man of today wants to have peace for their children they have to opt for it today. We have to bring the true taste of Islam into the daily life of each one of us. We have to trust our faith, and that ultimate success is indeed conditional to our strong bond and practical affiliation with this lovely and “peaceful religion”. This is the only way we can spread the true essence of Islam to the whole world. This is the only way forward which would enable us to live in peace and gift the same to our children. May All The Almighty Bless us with the vision and wisdom to look for the right path and the strength to march forward on the same, Aameen.

  39. RAJA Avatar

    Dear Abu Ayan,

    This is what u guys good at. DISTRACTING.



    This is what we know already and u dont have to tell.

    No better has explained better than Mohammed (pbuh) and Quran its self.

    And we have been told we have not forgotten.Thats why we are against u.

    U mean fighting against KUFR & murtids(e.g.) is barbaric THEN Allah NAUZ u Billah all Gazwat were act barbarism led by MOHAMMED (PBUH) and With will of ALLAH. AND all wars post WISAL by Haz’T. Abu Bakar rzu and Haz’T Umar rzu against Murtids.




    ” How shall Allah giude those who disbieved( kufr) after their imann ( faith) and alraedy bore witness to The Messenger is true and after clear proofs had come to them. And Allah doesnot guide the wrong doers(ZALMEEN).” 86

    “Their retribution is that on them (rests) the curse( laanat) of Allah and the Angels and men,all together. 87

    Dwelling therin (HELL) forever. Neither their Punishment will be reduced nor shall they be given respite. 88

    Except those who repent after that and reform,surely Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful”

    “Those who turned back to kufr after accepting imaan( belief) and then exceld in kufr these ar ones whose tauba ( repentence) will not be accepted, and these are Gumrah( unguided).’90.

    ” Those people became kafir and died in state of kufr, even if they would like forgiveness, even if they give all worlds golds in exchange, it will not be granted, these people shall have very painful azab( punishment) and none will be able to help them.”


    THIS IS WHAT Allaha has in Quran for U QADIS.



    1.Ya Sin.

    2.I Swear by the Quran, full of wisdom;

    3.Most surely you are one of the Messengers,

    4.On straight path.

    5.A revelation of the Almighty , the Most Merciful,

    6.That You may warn people whose forefarhers were not warned, so they are unmindful.

    7.Certainly the Word ( punishment) has proved true most of them, butthey donot believe.

    8.Surely, We have placed chains on their necks, raching to the chins so that their heads are raised up.

    9.And We have made before them a Wall and a wall behind them then We have covered(parda) them over so that they do not see.

    10.And it is equal to them whether you warn( nasihiat) them or do not warn they are not to believe.

    PARA 22, SURA YA SIN: VERSES 1- 10.


  40. RAJA Avatar


    Even if all human race perishes it will not make slightest difference to Universe – Kainat. The number of stars we see in universe are more than that sand particles on all beaches of the world and our Sun is one small star amongst stars. Our world is just a small planet around it and U and me are just one small moral being. Just compare ur self with a mountain which will fly like cotton wool in air on day of Qiamat

    See your value how small v are and v try to go against / or match ALLAH.


    So what difference will it make to Allah if someone does not believe him or not He is THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF Universe.

    One can only do Zulm to him or herself not following Him rightly.


  41. farzana Avatar

    hello everybody,

    i want to tell you that it is wrong about is happening to ahmaddies.

    if those who claim themselves to be true muslims, should stop persecutions. there is no need for you to protect Islam because Allah does it better than you.

    so called true muslims are spreading hatred and violence. dont do zulm on others because Allah will do it on you. just have a look on afganistan and kashmir (i’ll mention only these two for the time being).

    afganistan has turned to dust and its the US who is trying to stabilise the situation there as well in Iraq. Muslim countries have lost there blessings that God has bestowed on them. there is no peace in all those muslim countreis because they have done lots of persecutions on innocents. moreover, the muslim countries are not united in the sorrows of of their muslim brothers. there are problems in Syria, Iran and Iraq. why is it so?

    instead of doing wrong on Ahmaddies try to solve of the muslim countries.

    i still ask myself why Saudi Aarbia does not give a helping hand in the problem of the palestin. why are you not united in those problems if you call yourself muslims. you are all united in abusing ahmaddies but you are not united in your own sorrows.

    there will be 72 sects. only one will be the true one. there is instability in the muslim world because they have forgotten that ISLAM means peace. tehre is a need for a reformer.

  42. RAJA Avatar

    Dear Farzana,

    I have no doubt that u are QADIANI.

    And your comment shows ur depth.

    To correct you we are muslims and we have 73 sects – Sahi Bukari.

    Qadianis are non muslims and so they are far from Imman/sect.

    Only one sect will be right and this is who is in practice and acts almost identical to Prophet Mohammed

    These 73 sects were formed about 1000 yrs ago. ref: Ghania tul talbin Author, Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani. ( GHAUS PAK). 30 are SUNNI and 43 are SHIAT. Out of 43 only 2 are muslims but other do Shirk and follow or descenents of Kwarjis ( Jews converted to Islam but not at heart only to divide muslim ummah by misguiding )

    I advise you to read such first about true Islam. Begin by reading Quran with translation, donot understand read it again.No Tafseer as these often contains authors point of view.

    Then read Sahi Bukhari. Some are with Sharaha. But read with Shara after reading true Hadith.

    Why you think that This what I have done. To me QURAN AND SUNNAH unbiased.

    Plz also read my previous comments. In my second last comments I qouted Quran and still ur saying.

    What happening in AFGHANISTAN is what nothing new. They were in name Muslims before Russian invasion. In 1950s few afghan generals were sent to Russia to get trained when they came back they were socialist and started spreading views they were not stopped as they were considered harmless ( something like Qadis) within 20 yrs Afghan Government and army was of Socialist views instead islam ( ref. 1- verse sura Yasin).

    And Allah Azab came down you can see. But only few resisted( Jehad) NONE was QADI and Allah will reward them.Allah is best in his doings. US is not trying to rebuild Afghan but have control over region Because source of oil in middleeast is in Afghanistan .And also destroying Islam.
    Something similar happened to Iraq.

    This the test of muslim Ummah and toughest time this has to come as Hazrat Mohammed pbuh has told us – Sahi Bukari.


    ‘NO ONE will be true MOMIN till his love for me ( Mohammed pbuh) is greater than love for his parents, children, kin and kith and his wealth.’ Hadith.


    NO QADIANI HAS ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS so far.Which are basics of Islam.

    Jehad is CALLED FOR but who will revert by grace of Allah, and ask for Panah will not be hurt.

  43. Mirza Adeel Saim Avatar
    Mirza Adeel Saim

    ALLAH O Akbar …

    It’s a fact that no one can cause to understand to others but ALLAH ..

    InshALLAH, you all will soon acknowledge the truth ..

    Have a great time …….

    ALLAH Hafiz

  44. RAJA Avatar



    WHY MIRZA Ghulam Ahemd did not liked names , FATIMA AND KHADEJA?


  45. farzana Avatar

    i would kindly advise to read books from MIRZA Ghulam Ahmad’s community instead of arguing over something which may not be true. people should avoid asking questions like this. if you want to know the truth read the literatures from the ahmaddiyya community or check their website. its the best way to know the truth. questions will not be avoided and then you can claim the truth yourself.

  46. farzana Avatar

    my question goes to MR RAJA:

    i kindly ask you to mention from where you have obtained these information on MIRZA Ghulam Ahmad’s. is there any written proof (i mean any literature from the ahmaddiya muslim community)about what you are asking. where have you learnt or read about these? (refer to books from the ahmaddiyya muslim community)

  47. Aflatoon Avatar

    My Question to Farzana,

    So have you guys finalized who was Qadiani?

    Imam Mahdi, or Jesus or a new Prophet?

    Shaitan can come to any one in his dream and tell him that you are the chosen one, just as BUSH had the dream that GOD told him to attach Iraq.

  48. Sami Avatar

    For the people who think the expelled students careers have been destroyed:

    No, these students will now get FREE Immigration, FEE MEDICAL EDUCATION and then they will be awarded Scholarships and awards.

  49. RAJA Avatar

    Dear Farzana,

    Just look at your answer. This explains all. May ALLAH make your life as miserable as in hell. may allah take your all 5 senses and death miserable.

    I cannot slay you being a women but I pray to Allah that u are not be able of even replying it.

    I told u to read Quran Sherif and Sahi Bukhari (Sunnah) and you shamefuly asking us to read Mirzas book/phamphlet.

    As I told before your Sir Zafar Ullah was related to my Grandfather and we have left them due to their association with Qadis.

  50. RAJA Avatar

    I am going to put few sayings of mirza about Hazarat EASA PBUH. This what he says and what Allaha says in Quran.

    Christians should also read it.Because they think that we,true muslims has wrongly declared them non-muslims.

    Qadis you have forced me to do this because I didnot have the courage to even read it again BUT truth is revealed , Allah plz forgive us of our sins.

    “Those who deny Allah and His messengers, and (those who) wish to separate Allah from His messengers, saying: “We believe in some but reject others”: And (those who) wish to take a course midway,-They are in truth (both) unbelievers; and we have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating punishment.”?
    (The Holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:150-151)

    Say ye: “We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham,
    Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)
    “?(The Holy Quran, Al-Baqara, 2:136; also 3:84)

    Mirza Insults the Family of Jesus(pbuh)

    1. “Jesus’s three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood Jesus came into existence.”?

    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda; Anjam-i-Atham, P. 9, appendix)

    2. “You may have tried to find a solution to my claims about the Messiah’s parental and maternal grandmothers. I am tired of thinking. Up to now, no nice solution has occurred to me. What a glorious god is he whose paternal and maternal grandmothers are of such repute?”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 394; Nur-ul-Quran, Vol. 2, P. 45)

    3. “Islam, unlike Christianity, does not teach us that God was born of a woman – and was fed by sucking blood from the womb of his mother for nine months – the blood which had the qualities of prostitutes like the daughters of Saba, Tamar, and Rabah.”? (Anjam-e-Athum, P. 41)

    4. “Jesus had an inclination for prostitutes perhaps due to his ancestral relationship with them…”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)

    You might want to compare these devilish statements with those made in the Holy Quran:

    At length she (Mary) brought the (baby Jesus) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: “O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! ?O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!
    (The Holy Quran, Maryam, 19:27-28)

    Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of ‘Imran above all people,- Offspring, one of the other: And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. Behold! a woman of ‘Imran said: “O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou hearest and knowest all things .” ?When she was delivered, she said: “O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!”- and Allah
    knew best what she brought forth- “And no wise is the male Like the female.
    I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected.

    (The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:33-36)

    How does Mirza dare to suggest that the Grandmother of Jesus(pbuh) were prostitutes?

    And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),- flog them with eighty stripes;
    and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;-?

    (The Holy Quran, Al-Noor, 24:4)

    Mirza Insults Mary(RA)

    1. “Mary’s eminence is such that she put off her marriage for a long time, but after constant pressure of the community leaders, and due to her pregnancy, she accepted to get married. However, people raise objection about how she could have been married while pregnant, that being against the teachings of the Torah. People also object to Mary breaching the oath of celibacy. People also question why Mary set the foundation of polygamy. In other words, why did Mary agree to marry Joseph the carpenter, despite his being already married.”?
    (Kasthi-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 18; Kasthi-i-Nuh, P. 26)

    2. “Mary’s hanging out with her fiancee Joseph before wedlock is a strong testimony of an Israelite custom…. Going out with fiancees among people in some frontier tribes had exceeded the limits to such an extent that some-times pregnancy comes before wedlock, yet it is not looked down upon.”?

    *”… Because the Messiah, son of Mary, had worked as a carpenter with his father Joseph for twenty two years, we know that he was able to invent different sorts of machines and instruments.”?
    (Ayyam-ul-Sulh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 14, P. 300) (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 254)

    3. “Jesus’s three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood Jesus came into existence.”
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)

    4. “Jesus, The Messiah, had four brothers and two sisters; all of them were his real brothers and sisters. I mean that they all were the offspring of Joseph and Mary.”? (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 18)

    We hope that everyone can readily see what Mirza Ghulam is insinuating here:

    * It was common among Jews to go out with their fiancee and have premarital sex;
    * Mary(RA) was a Jews and used to go out with his fiancee, Joseph;
    * Mary(RA) broke her oath of celibacy (had multiple children);
    * Joseph was the Father of Jesus(pbuh);
    * Jesus(pbuh) had Paternal grandmothers (did Jesus(pbuh) even have a father?);
    * Jesus(pbuh) had brothers/sisters and all were the children of Joseph and Mary(RA).

    In short, Mirza insolently suggested that Mary(RA) had engaged in premarital sex with Joseph; and Jesus(pbuh) was the result of that fornication. Each one of these claims of Mirza are unfounded and untruthful charges rejected by the Holy Quran. Let’s see what Allah(SWT) has said about these accusations set forth by Mirza Ghulam Qadiani:

    (to Mary) Behold! the angels said:”O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee – chosen thee above the women of all nations.”?

    (The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:42)

    She (Mary) said: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?’ He said: ‘Even so: Allah createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, ‘Be,’ and it is!

    ?(The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:47)

    That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;

    (The Holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:156)

    And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),-flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;-?
    (The Holy Quran, Al-Noor, 24:4)

    Would any Muslim dare make such shameful allegations against one of the great women in history?

    Mirza Attacks the Character of Jesus(pbuh)

    1. Jesus(pbuh) called an Alcoholic

    “What was the character of Messiah, according to you? An alcoholic and gluttonous person, neither abstinent nor a pious worshipper, nor an adorer of truth. He was an arrogant and self-conceited claimant of divinity.”?

    (Noor-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 387; Anjam-e-Atham, P. 5, appendix)

    “Jesus could not portray himself as a pious man because everyone knew that he was a gluttonous alcoholic… His claim to Godliness was a result of his bad habit of drinking Wine.”?

    (Satt Bachan, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 10, P. 296; Satt Bachan, P. 172, footnote)

    “I do not think that Jesus observed any abstinence from wine.”?
    (Review of Religions, Vol. 1, P. 124, 1902)

    “The root cause of all the damage that alcohol consumption has had on the Europeans was that Jesus used to drink alcohol, perhaps because of some disease or an old habit.”?
    (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 71; Kashti-i-Nuh, P. 65, footnote)

    “Once a friend advised me that opium is good for diabetes and, with that excuse, there is no harm in taking it. I replied ‘thank you very much for your kind advice. However, if I get into the habit of using opium, I am afraid that people will mock that the first Messiah (Jesus) was an alcoholic and the second (Mirza himself) was a drug addict.”? (Nasim-i-Dawat, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 434;Nasim-i-Dawat,P. 66-67)

    2. Jesus(pbuh) called a Foul Mouth

    “(Jesus) had the habit of uttering obscenities and frequently using foul language.”?

    (Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 289; Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham, P. 5)

    3. Jesus(pbuh) called a Liar

    “It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some extent the habit of lying.”?
    (Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 289; Baraheen-e-Ahmadia, P. 369)

    4. Jesus(pbuh) called Immoral

    “Then surprisingly hazrat Eisa (Jesus), peace be upon him, did not practice the moral teachings himself.”?
    (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 20, P. 346)

    “The teachings of Jesus ruined the whole of Europe since it permitted unrestrained and unconditional liberty. So much so that it resulted in all (practicing) adultery and fornication like pigs and dogs…”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 416)

    5. Jesus(pbuh) accused of Promiscuity

    a) “Jesus had an inclination for prostitutes perhaps due to his ancestral relationship with them, otherwise no pious man could allow a young prostitute to touch his head with her filthy hands, and massage his head with the unclean perfume purchased with the earnings of adultery, and rub his feet with her hair. Let the intelligent judge what sort of character such a person must possess.”?

    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda; Anjam-i-Atham, P. 9, appendix)

    b) “A beautiful prostitute is sitting so close to him, almost embracing him. Sometimes she massages his head with perfume or holds his feet, at other times she lays her beautiful black hair on his feet and plays in his lap. In that condition, Mr. Messiah is sitting in ecstasy. If someone rises to object, he is scolded. In addition to his youth, dependency on alcoholic beverages, and being a bachelor, a beautiful prostitute is lying in front of him touching her body against his. Is this the behavior of a virtuous person? And what evidence or proof is there that Jesus did not get sexually provoked by the prostitute? … The sexual excitement and arousal had done its work to the fullest. This is the reason why Jesus could not even open his mouth to say ‘Oh adulteress! Keep away from me’.”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 449; Nur-ul-Quran, Vol. 2, P. 9; Maktoobat-e-Ahmadia, Vol. 3, P. 23-24)
    6. Jesus(pbuh) called an Impostor

    a) “A cunning and wicked (person) who had the soul of Messiah from head to toe.”?
    (Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 289)

    b) He (Jesus) had nothing to his credit except cunning and deceit.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)

    c) “A most shameful thing is that the sermon on the mount, which is the essence of the Bible, Jesus plagiarized from Talmud.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 290, footnote)

    7. Jesus(pbuh) called Sinful

    a) “…. Now who is responsible for all these sins? The burden of these sins is undoubtedly on Jesus.”? (
    Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 416)

    b) “Jesus, peace be upon him, repented for his sins at the hands of John the Baptist and became one of his select disciples. This decides the superiority of John the Baptist over Jesus, since it is not proven that John the Baptist ever repented at the hands of anyone.”?
    (Dafi-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 220)

    c) “Jesus was not any more righteous than other righteous ones of his time. Indeed, the prophet John the Baptist was superior to him, because he did not consume alcohol, nor allowed any prostitute to massage his head with perfume purchased from her earnings or touch his body with her hands and hair, or that any unchaste woman should serve him. This is the very reason that God named John the Baptist as ‘Circumspect’ (Quran 3:39). But He did not give the Messiah such a title due to these kind of episodes.”?

    (Dafi-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 220)

    ?Comment: And did Allah(SWT) give this title to any other Prophet? We wonder what their sin was?!!
    Mirza Ghulam exceeded all boundaries of belief and decency when he uttered these words about one of the great Messengers of Allah(SWT). Anyone who has studied the writings of Mirza Ghulam and his supporters will readily realize that all the accusations Mirza levied against our beloved Jesus(pbuh) were among his own faults and shortcomings. By falsely accusing Jesus(pbuh) of these acts, he was hoping to be able to impress upon his naive followers that he was not any different than the first Messiah.

    Let’s examine a few verses of the Holy Quran which contradict what Mirza insinuated:

    Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus,the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah;”

    ?(The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:45)

    He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (of the company) of the righteous.?

    (The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:46)

    While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him:
    “Allah doth give thee glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a prophet,- of the (goodly) company of the righteous.”?

    (The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:39)

    Anyone who knowingly utters such blasphamy has given up faith in Islam.
    Mirza Belies the Teachings of Jesus(pbuh)

    1. “A most shameful thing is that the sermon on the mount, which is the essence of the Bible, Jesus plagiarized from Talmud and pretended it to be his own preaching. Since this fraud has been exposed, Christians are very embarrassed. Jesus did this to perhaps gain influence by presenting some good teachings… The unfortunate thing is that these teachings are an afford to the rules of Wisdom and upright conscience.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 290, footnote)

    2. “The teachings of Jesus ruined the whole of Europe since it permitted unrestrained and unconditional liberty. So much so that it resulted in all (practicing) adultery and fornication like pigs and dogs. And immortality has spread to such an extent that they even write on wrappers of foreign candies: ‘Kiss me, O my sweetheart’. Now who is responsible for all these sins? The burden of these sins is undoubtedly on Jesus.”?

    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 416)

    “… his (Jesus’s) achievements were so poor that he was almost a failure.”?
    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 258)

    Mirza was not happy with having attacked the character of Jesus(pbuh), he needed to also reject his(pbuh) very prophethood. Naturally, he had to attack the teachings of this great Prophet, in his attempt at suggesting that his own failures were not any different than the ones he fabricated against the real Messiah! Unfortunately for him, Allah(SWT) rejects this false accusation, as well:

    Then will Allah say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favor to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold!…”

    ?(The Holy Quran, Al-Maeda, 5:110)

    Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our messengers:
    We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel;
    and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy…?
    (The Holy Quran, Al-Hadid, 57:27)

    Only an unbeliever would utter false charges against Jesus(pbuh).

    Mirza Denies Jesus’s(pbuh) Miracles

    Miracles of Jesus(pbuh) Called Forms of Deception

    1. “It is no wonder that God Almighty may have given Jesus some knowhow so that by pressing a trigger of blowing on it, the clay-toy took flight or, if it did not fly, walked. Because the Messiah, son of Mary, had worked as a carpenter with his father Joseph for twenty two years, we know that he was able to invent different sorts of machines and instruments.”?
    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 254)

    2. “Besides, it is also possible that such miracles may have taken place by mesmerism (magic) and for play and amusement, rather than in reality. Since in mesmerism, there are such marvels which come about by the expert practitioner casting his own spirit on objects to make them appear alive… However, Jesus was inferior to Elisha, because even the corpse of Elisha performed that miracle of reviving the dead person who touched him bones. But Jesus’s dead body could not revive the thieves crucified along with Jesus despite their bodies being in contact with Jesus’s body.”?

    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 255)

    3. “…He (Jesus) had nothing to his credit except cunning and deceit.”? (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)

    Miracles Attributed to a Pond

    1. “Very likely he (Jesus, The Messiah) may have healed some blind person or cured some other ailment by ordinary means. Due to luck, there was a pond which was the source of great miracles, during his time. It can be assumed that he also used the clay of the same (magic) pond. The complete reality of his miracles is unfolded by this pond. A categorical inference drawn from the presence of this pond is that, if he performed any miracles at all, they were not his miracles, rather those attributable to this pond. He (Jesus) had nothing to his credit except cunning and deceit.”?

    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)
    2. “The Messiah’s miracles were worthless and insignificant due to the pond which was a source of wonders even before the Messiah’s birth. All kinds of sick, lepers, cripples, etc., used to be cured by one dip in this pond.”?

    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 263, addenda)

    3. “It is also possible that the Messiah used to bring the clay of the pond which had the spiritual effect of the Holy Spirit. Anyhow, this miracle (of creating birds and making them fly) was merely a kind of play.”?

    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 263)

    4. “The number of objections and doubts about the miracles and prophecies of the Messiah are so great that no other prophet’s miracles or prophecies have been doubted so much. Doesn’t the story of the Pond belittle the Messiah’s miracles?”?

    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 106)

    All Miracles Denied

    1. “…if he (Jesus) performed any miracles at all, they were not his miracles, rather those attributable to this pond. He (Jesus) had nothing to his credit except cunning and deceit.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 291, addenda)

    2. “The Christians have written about many miracles of Jesus, but the fact is that he performed no miracles.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 290, Addenda)

    3. “Let it be known that this practice (of mesmerism) is not as honorable as it is deemed by the public. If I had not regarded this practice as detestable and hateful, I would hope that, by the grace of God Almighty, this humble one (me) would not have been inferior to Messiah, the son of Mary, in showing wonderful acts (of mesmerism).”?
    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 257)

    Mirza, quite shamelessly, rejected clear verses of Quran testifying to the miracles of Jesus(pbuh) and charged Jesus(pbuh) to have been deceitful (by magic, invention, or luck). As apparent from the last quote, he only did this because he was not able to perform miracles and he needed a way to discount the miracles of the real Messiah. In His book, Allah(SWT) confirms the miracles of Jesus(pbuh) and testifies that only the unbelievers will dare to call the miracles of Jesus(pbuh) magic acts:

    Then will Allah say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother.Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity.Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold! Thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing but evident magic’.”

    ?(The Holy Quran, Al-Maeda, 5:110)

    And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with this message):
    “I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah’s leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;”

    ?(The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:49)

    A careful reading of Mirza Ghulam’s own writings paint a clear picture of a misguided individual.

    Mirza Accuses Jesus(pbuh) of False Prophecies

    1. “To whom can we express our mourning that three prophecies of the Messiah proved to be false?”?
    (Ajaz-i-Ahmadi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 121)

    2. “The prophecies of this helpless man (Jesus) were merely that earthquakes, famines, droughts, and wars will occur… Why did these stupid Israelites see these common occurrences as prophecies?”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 288, Addenda)

    3. “…The state of his (Jesus’s) prophecies is even worse that that (the miracles). What kind of a prophecy is the suggestion that earthquakes will occur, lives will be destroyed, wars will be fought, famine will befall? Even more sorrowful that this, is the fact that the number of prophecies of Mr. Messiah which did not come true is more than those which did.”?
    (Azalha-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P.106)

    4. “The number of objections and doubts about the miracles and prophecies of the Messiah are so great that no other prophet’s miracles or prophecies have been doubted so much. Doesn’t the story of the Pond belittle the Messiah’s miracles?”?
    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 106)

    Much like all prophets of Allah(SWT), Jesus(pbuh) only preached and prophesied what he was told by Allah(SWT). Mirza Ghulam advanced these unsubstantiated charges to discount the repeated failure of his own prophecies. To believers, his statements only serve to point out Mirza’s own insolence and lack of faith. In the Holy Quran, we are told only of the accurate prophecy of Jesus(pbuh) regarding the advent of hazrat Muhammad(SAW). Additionally, by the leave of Allah(SWT), Jesus(pbuh) did perform many miracles:

    Behold! the disciples, said: “O Jesus the son of Mary! can thy Lord send down to us a table set (with viands) from heaven? ” Said Jesus: “Fear Allah, if ye have faith.” ?They said: “We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to know that thou hast indeed told us the truth; and that we ourselves may be witnesses to the miracle.” ?
    (The Holy Quran, Al-Maeda, 5:112-113)

    No prophet could (ever) be false to his trust…?

    (The Holy Quran, Aal-e-Imran, 3:161)

    A believer would be expected to show absolute reverence for a prophet of God; Mirza rejected the verses of the Holy Quran in rejecting Jesus(pbuh).

    Mirza Blames Jesus(pbuh) for All the Problems in the West

    a) “The teachings of Jesus ruined the whole of Europe since it permitted unrestrained and unconditional liberty. So much so that it resulted in adultery and fornication like pigs and dogs. And immortality has spread to such an extent that they even write on wrappers of foreign candies: ‘Kiss me, O my sweetheart’…”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 416)

    b) “Don’t you know that manliness and virility are praiseworthy attributes of men. Being impotent is not a commendable quality just as being deaf and dumb are not commendable. This is a valid point that the Messiah was completely deprived of the greatest of the masculine qualities (e.g. virility) and could not leave a practical example of a perfect and upright social life with his wives. Therefore, the European women took advantage of the extremely shameful laxity and crossed the limits with the consequences of unspeakable acts, fornication, and adultery.”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 392, 393)

    c) “The root cause of all the damage that alcohol consumption has had on the Europeans was that Jesus used to drink alcohol, perhaps because of some disease or an old habit.”?
    (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 71; Kashti-i-Nuh, P. 65, footnote)

    d) “God, in keeping to his promise has power over everything. But, he can never send a person (Jesus) to this world the second time, whose first coming caused so much harm.”?
    (Dafi’-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 235)

    These accusations are not only baseless and inaccurate but also are devoid of Islamic knowledge:

    From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment.

    And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.
    ?(The Holy Quran, Al-Maeda, 5:14)

    Nor can a bearer of burdens bear another’s burdens if one heavily laden should call another to (bear) his load. Not the least portion of it can be carried (by the other). Even though he be nearly related.
    Thou canst but admonish such as fear their Lord unseen and establish regular Prayer. And whoever purifies himself does so for the benefit of his own soul; and the destination (of all) is to Allah.

    (The Holy Quran, Fatir, 35:18)

    If ye reject (Allah), Truly Allah hath no need of you; but He liketh not ingratitude from His servants: if ye are grateful, He is pleased with you.
    No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the end, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you the truth of all that ye did (in this life). for He knoweth well all that is in (men’s) hearts.

    ?(The Holy Quran, Az-Zumar, 39:7)

    Mirza Ghulam was preaching to individuals who were ignorant of Islamic teachings. Any Muslim would readily see that each one of his accusations was a testimony to his own ignorance.

    Mirza Questions Jesus’s(pbuh) Prophethood

    1. “The Jews have so logically refuted the prophethood and prophecies of Jesus that we only wonder who to reply them. We can only say that we believe in his prophethood because the holy Quran has stated so. There is no other proof to establish his prophethood; on the contrary, there are a series of evidences that go against his being a prophet. The Holy Quran has conferred on him a great favor by including him in the list of prophets…?The Holy Quran has, however, given him the credit of being truthful, though we can not refute the charges laid down against him by the Jews. We find no proof of his prophethood other than the statement of Quran. While the Christians are trying to prove him a god, we lack evidences even to prove him a prophet…”? (Nuzul-e-Masih, supplement)

    2. “A most shameful thing is that the sermon on the mount, which is the essence of the Bible, Jesus plagiarized from Talmud.”?
    (Anjam-i-Atham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 290, footnote)

    3. “Jesus actually suffered from Epilepsy and that was the reason that he used to see dreams…Jesus had actually become insane due to epilepsy.”?
    (Satt Bachan, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 10, P. 295)

    4. “I wish such a person (Jesus) had not come to the world.”?
    (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 417)

    5. “He (Jesus) had the usual weaknesses of a human being and during his childhood he contracted measels, small pox and other ailments. He lived most of his life like ordinary people and only upon his deathbed did he think of claiming Godlihood for himself.”? (Anjam-e-Athum, P. 41)

    6. “Jesus could not portray himself as a pious man because everyone knew that he was a gluttonous alcoholic… His claim to Godliness was a result of his bad habit of drinking Wine.”?
    (Satt Bachan, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 10, P. 296; Satt Bachan, P. 172, footnote)

    Only an unbeliever would doubt Jesus(pbuh) after Allah(SWT) has testified to his prophethood and mission in the Holy Quran. A Muslim believes that Jesus(pbuh) did not ever lay claim to divinity:

    And behold! Allah will say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah’?”
    He will say: “Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say).
    Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden.Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, ‘worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord’; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.
    If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servant: If Thou dost forgive them,
    Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise”.

    (The Holy Quran, A-Maeda, 5:116-118)

    Mirza Suggests Jesus(pbuh) is Dead

    1. “God has revealed to me in his special inspiration that Maseeh ibne Maryam (Jesus) is dead.”?
    (Tauzeeh-e-Maram, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P.402)

    2. “I have been informed about the grave of Jesus (in Kashmir). And I have been informed by Holy Quran and God’s Revelation to me about the Death of Jesus.”?
    (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P.358, 361)

    3. “It is unjustly said about the person (Jesus) who is buried in the locality of Khanyar, Sirinagar, Kashmir, that he is sitting in the Heavens. How great an injustice is this! God, in keeping to his promise has power over everything. But, he can never send a person to this world the second time, whose first coming caused so much harm.”?
    (Dafi’-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 235)

    4. “…But Jesus’s dead body could not revive the thieves crucified along with him despite their bodies being in contact with Jesus’s body.”?
    (Azalah-i-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 255)

    5. “There is no doubt that I am the Messiah. I walk and flow with truth. Jesus died and is no more like you among living ones.”?
    (Tuhfat-un-Nadwah, P. 1)

    Mirza Ghulam scheme next involved claiming that Jesus(pbuh) had died and that he (Mirza) was the Messiah prophecised by our Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW). But, the Hadith of the Prophet(SAW) are absolutely clear that Jesus(pbuh) is alive and will descend from the heavens before the day of Judgment.

    The Holy Quran also states:

    That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts,
    with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-?Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;- ?And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him (Jesus) before his (Jesus’s) death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;-?

    (The Holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:157-159)

    And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment):therefore have no doubt about the (Hour),but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.?

    (The Holy Quran, Az-Zukhruf, 43:61)

    Mirza Ghulam was indeed misguided. Every accusation he made against Jesus(pbuh) was an attempt to ridicule a great prophet of Allah(SWT) and part of his master plan to slowly raise himself to the level of Jesus(pbuh).

    Mirza Becomes Jesus Overnight

    Having declared Jesus(pbuh) an impostor, a failure, and a dead person, Mirza took the next step and declared himself to be Jesus!!! However, there were some minor details that needed to be worked out! All Muslims know that Jesus(pbuh) was born to Mary(RA) in a miraculous way. Mirza, on the other hand, was born to an Indian couple of Mongol descent. How could he have reconciled such differences?

    Having tested the gullibility of his followers, Mirza and his associates dreamt up the story that Mirza had been converted to Mary and given birth to Jesus (himself)!

    “Indeed, God named me Mary who was pregnant with Jesus. I am the object of the words of the Almighty in Surah Tehrim: ‘And Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so we blow into it our spirit’; as I am the only one who has claimed that I am Mary and that into me has been blown the soul of Jesus.”? (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 337; Bahareen-e-Ahmadia, P. 388)

    “God named me Mary in the third volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia
    (the book of “revelations” written by Mirza).

    I was nurtured for two years as Mary and was raised in a womanly seclusion. Then, the spirit of Jesus was breath into me just as was done with Mary. Hence, I was considered to be pregnant in a metaphorical manner. After a period of several months, not exceeding ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary. by the revelation embodied in the last part of the fourth volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia; and thus, I became Jesus, son of Mary. But, God did not inform me of this secret at that time.”?

    (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 50; Kashti-i-Nuh, P. 46-47)

    “I am nominated as Messiah, the son of Mary.”?

    (Anjam Autham, P. 75; Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 294, 339, 72)

    “It is my claim that I am that same Christ whose advent in the last days of the world has been prophesied in all the sacred scriptures.”?
    (Tufa-i-Gooladia, P. 195)

    Was Mirza Ghulam of Qadian a sane person?

    Mirza Claims himself the Promised Messiah

    “I swear by God in whose hands my soul is that it is He who has sent me and has named me a prophet; it is He who has called me the Promised Messiah and has shown big signs (miracles) to testify me; these signs reach three hundred thousands.”?
    (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 503; Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 68)

    “I proclaim that I am the Promised about whom every God’s book has prophecised that he will appear in the Last Days.”?
    (Tohfa-e-Golravia, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 17, P.295)

    “I swear upon that God, who has sent me and fabricating on Him is the work of accursed one, He has sent me as The Promised Messiah.” ?
    (Majmoo’a-e-Ishtiharaat, Vol. 3, P. 435)

    Finally, the picture is becoming clear. The reason for all the obscenity and blasphemy Mirza Ghulam uttered against Jesus(pbuh) and his family and the reason he had declared Jesus(pbuh) dead becomes clear. Miraz Ghulam was not any different than the modern age claimants to messiahship: David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson.

    Mirza Ghulam was no more than an unfortunate misguided soul.

    Mirza Claims himself Superior to Jesus(pbuh)

    1. “To this nation, God sent His promised Messiah (Mirza), who is better than the first Messiah (Jesus) in all regards. I swear by God in whose hands my soul rests that if the Messiah, son of Mary, were my contemporary, he could not have done the works that I can do. Nor would he be able to match the signs (miracles) which I am bringing.”?
    (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 152; Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 148)

    2. “To this community, God sent the promised Messiah (Mirza) who is better in all glory that the first Messiah (Jesus) and calls this new Messiah Ghulam Ahmad.”?
    (Dafi-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 233; Dafi-ul-Bala P. 27)

    3. “After all, when God and His Apostle (Muhammad(SAW)) and all the Prophets have declared the supremacy of the second Messiah (Mirza) of this period due to his great achievements; then, it is a satanic act to question me ‘Why do you proclaim yourself superior to the first Messiah, the son of Mary?.”?
    (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 159)

    4. “Give up all mention of the son of Mary, because Ghulam Ahmad is superior to him.”?
    (Dafi-ul-Bala, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 240; Dafi-ul-Bala, P. 30)

    Mirza Ghulam Qadiani abused Jesus(pbuh) and, in doing so, rejected verses of Quran speaking of Jesus(pbuh) and his family. He was no more than an opportunist and a fabricator. Our holy Prophet(SAW) has warned us about the advent of impostors who will claim to be a prophet

    There will arise thirty impostors in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of
    the Prophets of God and no Prophet will come after me.?
    (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)

    May Allah Bless who has work for us.

    Anyone who believes such rubbish and follows it is KAFIR. If he spreads should be taken at task.