Terrorism in Islamabad – Pakistanis Stand up and Say NO

Islamabad today was rocked by a massive explosion outside Hotel Marriott, as I write this post it still is burning and death toll continues to rise hovering around 34 dead & 170 injured in blast. The overall speculations can blame this attack on any of the terrorist organizations, some find a way to out the finger on the Taliban uprising, some find a way to blame the simmering political unrest while some feel the Indian spy agency RAW might have hand in all this. Whatever be the case Pakistan has suffered.

It is my analysis that the Indian spy agency RAW is the most likely to have a hand in this blast more in retaliation to the recent blasts in India. To make a killing blow on the eve of President Zardari speech to the joint session is a brilliant ploy to over shadow Zardari’s new making comments

What can we do !!! Simply sitting at home, writing emails & sending SMS’s will achieve nothing and the terrorists will run our country to the ground. If you believe in Pakistan we need to join hands and say STOP TO TERRORISM, mind you this STOP means a full out right condemnation against Talibans, against the American raids on Pakistan and our local armed uprising.

We have to join hands to help save Pakistan



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62 responses to “Terrorism in Islamabad – Pakistanis Stand up and Say NO”

  1. Freedom Avatar

    Suggest map of actions instead of saying No, brother.

  2. safdar Avatar

    Well like 9/11 shall it be made a cause to extend and intensify the american policy by attacks on FATA Areas?

    how a blast at main entrance caused damaged to gas pipe line at hotel rooms that cause fire and complete destruction of hotel?

  3. Indian Avatar

    Hey Pakistani Bro!

    Terrorism is an issue in both nations. Delhi was terrorised last week by 5 blasts. SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India) people have been killed/caught in an encounter yesterday.

    Why is it that evrytime something remotely related to terrorism happens, some islamic guys are arrested. I have seen Khuda Kay Liye. Its a great movie. Maybe one of the bests i saw this year.

    But aren’t honest/good islamic nationals are targetted because some clan members have tainted it. I respect all the religions. But screw all those who bend the meanings to translate to kill all Kafirs, non-believers.

    Be it any Muslim (indian/pakistani) or Hindu, anybody who kills innocent people, is sure to go to Hell with no Hoors.
    Getting killed while one is on a spree to kill others is everything other than Shahadat.

    May god screw all terrorists (Hindu, Muslims, Christian alike)

    Your Indian Brother

  4. d0ct0r Avatar

    I was expecting something like this since those recent simultaneous blasts in India..

    Last time after similar simultaneous blasts in India,they responded with 7 simultaneous blasts in Karachi and MQM’s absconding Quaid Altaf bai was quick to blame it all on ‘Talibanization’

  5. d0ct0r Avatar

    Blasts in madarsahs, indiscriminate firing on namazis offering traweh prayers in mosque obviously all this couldn’t be the handiwork of ‘islamic militants'(as they are tagged). Indians and Northeren Alliance dominated Afghan government is obviously hard at work,alienating and creating differences between our people(in tribal area) and our army.

  6. Jusathot Avatar

    There is no justification in killing innocent civilians – whether it is in the FATA or at the Marriott. Violence begets violence and as you sow so shall you reap are not just clichés.

    Unfortunately, Pakistan and Pakistanis are trapped in fighting American’s so-called ‘war-on-terror’. Unfortunately, innocent Pakistanis are made to pay a heavy price. The enemy of Pakistan would be happy to see Pakistan burn down to a parking lot.

    Unfortunately, while almost daily massacre of innocent folks going on by the American and NATO indiscriminately using weapons of mass destruction. Some whose women and children are massacred and homes burned to ground are taking revenge at anything associated with the Yankees. Yes, it is wrong whether it is the Talibans or Al-Qaida or whoever who play this tit-for-tat and indiscriminately massacre innocent civilians. But than again, some would point to the “external-hands” – like RAW doing a tit-for-tat for the recent bombings in India, which they blame on Pakistan’s intelligence agencies.

    Whoever is responsible for getting us in this mess – those stooges went along with the U.S. plans and now are caught with their pants down. They kissed the xxxes of all the US/NATO officials who gave them instructions and said, “Yes Sir.” Now, when things are gotten out of hand, these stooges are caught with their pants down, are being treated by their Masters as worthless entities, and lower than a pile of dog poop. It has happened before when the Russians left Afghanistan and Uncle Sam treated us similarly.

    When will we ever learn?

  7. guYasir Avatar

    It seems Indian RAW work. India officially announced that Pak hand was behind in recent New Delhi blast.
    India has got approximately 17 council in every pak border since so-called “war on terror”
    I wrote in Teeth previous blog about official FBI definition of Terrorism and who’s the real terrorist.
    India and Israel are Identical even Ariel Sharon visited india in order to teach his illegitimate/identical brothers that how to destabilize Pakistan.
    War has always been a fraud designed to help bring about a world police state. This is called the “new world order” a.k.a. “globalism.”
    So folks are you in favor of gulag like ‘globalism’?

  8. Hamza Avatar

    What nonsense. When I read that you thought RAW was responsible, I would have started laughing at the absurdity of your suggestion, if the situation wasn’t so terrible. This is the Taliban’s handiwork, and we all know it. The sooner we accept that, and come up with a comprehensive anti-terrorism strategy, the better.

  9. Project Humanbeingsfirst.org Avatar

    For heavens sake, stop blaming RAW and other red herrings. A misdiagnosed illness can never find a cure!

    The destablization of Pakistan has needed a confluence of patsies and mercenaries. A patsy or dupe is one who believes in what he is doing, but deftly controlled by puppetmasters. A mercenary is one who goes to the highest bidder. The bombers are patsies. The Pakistani ruling elite are the mercenaries. Between the two, Black-ops dollars have been well spent in Pakistan!

    As was noted in Project Humanbeingsfirst’s “Open letter to a Pakistani General”:

    And this time, in the new imperialists’ euphemistically labeled war, the “War on Terror”, we are now killing our own citizenry with our full military might in such an unremarkable and brutish manner that it is only guaranteed to create further ill-will and resentment among the already disgruntled and disenfranchised ordinary peoples, thus more resistance, more radicalism, more innocent dead, more fertile ground for cultivating suicide bombers, more complaints of “islamofacism” to scare the Western public with, so that in the end, in the mother of all battles between “good” and “evil” in which “either you are with us or with the terrorists”, there will be a continuous fresh supply of recruits to wage the requisite “endless wars” against in order to prolong the conflagration for a full “lifetime of wars” lasting a “generation” – the “World War IV” – in the profound imperialist hope that the resulting eventual maelstroms of radicalism seeded in ‘jihad’ will engulf the entire ‘arc of crises’ enabling its radical retransformation once again to suit the new imperial interests of the new “hectoring hegemons”.

    If one wasn’t living in Alice’s dream world where the most absurd becomes a life-like reality and the ‘unbirthday party’ a cause celebre, one would bluntly suggest that this looks very much like a devilishly premeditated synthesis of terror – ‘synthetic terror’ – in order to create an enemy to fight against “for at least a generation and preferably longer”, because in the absence “of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being”, and “except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat”, the much touted American “democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.”

    That is all the reality there is to this new spate of terror in my city in Pakistan – further excuse for more American Intervention until they take over the entire Tribal Belt in order to reach closer to China and break-off Baluchistan. The dismemberment of Pakistan is the larger agenda. Mr. Zardari – like his predecessor – is the new “decider” or overseer of that agenda.

    Why our media-pundits/columnist/so-called-scholars refuse to acknowledge this bluntly is beyond comprehension, when surely, all of them in the privacy of their homes concur with that prognostication!


    Happy-Happy Zardari: A monologue on Hope and Voluntary Servitude http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2008/09/happy-happy-zardari-voluntary-servitude.html


    Profound Clairvoyance or Blatant Obviousness? http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2008/02/profound-clairvoyance.html

    Zahir Ebrahim
    Project Humanbeingsfirst.org

  10. guYasir Avatar

    Zionism,Neocons,Evangelist are real responsible of last 100 years atrocities in whole world and current war on terror is contrived by these neocons and evangelists
    How they claim bloody Israeli state in Palestine while their own folks are truly opposing it. http://www.nkusa.org
    India is biggest supporter of zionist movement both are identical in sense that both want Muslim mass-murder one in Kashmir and other in Palestine by injustice and atrocities.
    Get out our lands so we may STOP so you shall STOP but no FULL STOP yet

  11. Silence Avatar

    I understand that I am going to start a very controversial and sensitive debate, but this is the time we have to face the reality, before it’s too late. I belong to Deobandi school of thought, although it has nothing to do with my choice. My great grandfather joined Tablighi Jamat before partition. He is thought to be from pioneers of ‘Tableeghi Movement’ in Pakistan, after independence. He was a pious man and not only influenced his own family but many others to join Tableeghi Jamat; obviously we have seen the same practices in family since birth.

    Despite the influence of the Tableeghi Jamat and Deobandi thought, fortunately our family was liberal and we were never forced to pray or fast by parents. We not only witnessed but also experienced violence, killings and use of Islam as a tool of exploitation in our college life by student’s wing of Jamat-i-Islami. That was time when Jamat-i-Islami was recruiting ‘Mujahedeen’ for Afghan war, its students wing was running parallel administration in colleges and was free to kill or torture any one under protection of Zia’s dictatorship.

    TV sets were broken in our hostels, libraries were burned and male students were tortured for talking female colleagues by IJT activists, this can be called the beginning of ‘Violent Islam’ in Pakistan. After the graduation exams, one of my cousins suggested us to go and take part in Afghan Jihad, it had nothing to do with any religious motive but simply for sake of adventure. We took enough money, bought leather jackets and warm dresses and preceded to a recruitment centre, these centers were being operated in every small and big town, although these organizations are banned but these recruiter are still present in various ‘madrassah’s.

    The in charge of centre was in complete shock to see us, as we were totally non religious guys; he refused to entertain our request to send us to training camps. His refusal was an insult for us being from the influential families of the area, we entered in to arguments with the recruiter. Meanwhile, the person, second in command of that particular recruitment organization and notorious ‘Jihadi’ leader, who was on surprise visit of the recruitment office, came along with a dozen armed guards. After knowing the matter, he asked us to recite certain versus, obviously we were unable to do so, he told us to attend a ‘Tableegh’ trip for at least three months and then come back, as we have not attended a religious school in past.

    We were feeling too embarrasses and thinking how we would be facing our relatives and cousins whom we have told that we are going for ‘Jihad”. They would think that we were afraid and returned back and it will give them a chance to make fun of us. However, we were saved from this embracement as elders of family informed police that we have left for ‘Jihad’ and police raided the recruitment centre and took us in to custody before sending us home; we were pleased that we have got an excuse to go back.

    We can figure out several things from this whole episode:

    • The violent Islam in Pakistan is closely linked with Jamat-i-Islami and other Deobandi organizations.
    • That Tableeghi Jamat, though non violent but is the source of brain washing and preaching the hardliners views,
    • The religious schools are preparing ‘hard liners’ although we can not say that all of them are violent,
    • The deobandi sect is spreading intolerance and justifies killing of others,
    • The mosques and religious schools run by Deobandi sect are main source of domestic religious violence in society (not necessarily all jihadi) at local level,

    No one in our society is ready to speak out against the root cause of religious violence because of fear of these organizations and groups. If we look back in times of our child hood, we were attending ‘Shia’ processions and used to get sweets during ‘Moharram’, it was purely a cultural activity. With soviet invasion of Afghanistan and injection of ‘Saudis’ petro dollars in training and recruiting of ‘Jihadi’s’, the Shia’s became victims of violence by then Saudis backed and Zia’s sponsored ‘Sipah-i-Sahaba’. Since then we have witnessed sectarian violence, uprising of intolerance and extremist culture.

    No other sect has damaged Islam or for that sake Pakistan as much hardliner ‘Deobandi’s’ has divided the society and breed intolerance. I would not go in to argue whether their interpretation of Islam is right or wrong or eve other sects as right in their beliefs. But the point I want to make is that if we look around the Islamic world, the intolerance, extremism and violence is coming from that particular sect. They enjoy a strong backing of ‘Sauidi Arabai’ which widely believed to be political more then religious.

    If we want to effectively counter the extremism, violence and intolerance in Pakistan in particular and in Islamic world as general, we need to discourage those who spread hatred and intolerance, we can not find any other sect which is this much violent and hateful towards others. This is time to open this debate within our society, which is already going in certain circles, as ‘Sipah-i-Sahaba’, Lashkar-i-Jhangwi’ and several other sub groups of this sect has been banned. But we can not effectively control intolerance and violence unless we go for the root cause. I would suggest that we began a debate over it, in the larger interest of our society and country and try to figure out the main culprit.

    The problem of suicide attacks, Jihadi’s and religious violence we witness today has its roots in deobandi run religious schools, mosques which preach hatred and the ‘religious groups’ which use it as a tool for political bargaining. The sad fact is that most of these ‘Jihadi’s’ either in Afghanistan or carrying on acts of terrorism in Pakistan are invariably from one particular sect and almost all on payroll of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. I would suggest:

    • A complete ban on all religious, sectarian and fundamentalist groups and their activities particularly on Jamat-i-Islami, IJT, Jamiat Ulma-i-Islam and their wings,
    • Immediate control of mosques under ‘town councils’ and appointment of ‘Imams’ by local governments, similar as to Malaysia,
    • Ban on all Tableeghi activities and gatherings,
    • Closer or control over all religious schools in country by education department,
    • A crack down on domestic recruiting organization and trainers,
    • And finally a full scale operation against militants in FATA who are being backed by RAW and CIA,

    I hope we can start this debate for better understanding of the challenge of ‘intolerance’ which is spreading as a cancer in our society. If we did not open our eyes, it might push us to similar situation as in Afghanistan.

  12. KarimG Avatar

    This is “Empire Strikes Back”.
    There is never a shortage of patsies…never!
    My condolences to the people affected and the country.

  13. guYasir Avatar

    The violent Islam in Pakistan is closely linked with Jamat-i-Islami and other Deobandi organizations
    Yah its ok somehow but how you gonna say it violent Islam?
    Most Talebans came out from Pakistan Deobandi sect of schools during the USSR invasion of afghanistan so weren’t they terrorist when they were killing soviets? wasn’t Islam violent at that time?
    The 9/11 had nothing to do with Talibans and they know nothing about it and they no longer a terrorist as well.
    Eric Margolis said that further He wrote in his article that when civil war erupted afghanistan after USSR withdrawal they who called ’emselves Talibans stands to crush banditry, rape and injustice. Is dis sin to crush banditry, rape, injustice no its not but harboring OBL is biggest sin so thats why they’ve been bombed by 2 sides of border and there’s a reaction of every action.

  14. KarimG Avatar

    Violent Islam, Deobandi, Taliban, Osama, 9/11….
    uhmmmm nice little entangled web!
    people look beyond the trees…
    look beyond the smokescreens…
    look beyond the obvious….

    Nothing happens for no reason…
    As a CIA man said…nothing is what it appears to be!

  15. KarimG Avatar

    Just one more thought to add, please don’t forget that the president has secured assurances from the Empire that those ‘ADVISORS’ would be arriving soon, must hurry now, the DEOBANDIES have really gone crazy. Once the ‘ADVISORS’ are here, all will be well!
    May be we need a wall also, a great big shiny wall with watch towers and check-posts and armed guards… to keep the unwanted away!

  16. Paagal Insaan Avatar
    Paagal Insaan

    LMFAO @ RAQ – Doctor saab, please tell me this was a social experiment and you did not mean it! 🙂

    @Silence – ditto!

    @KarimG, haha yes don’t forget, everything is America’s fault and the whole world is a jewish conspiracy! :o)

  17. KarimG Avatar

    Paagal Insaan, you are not worth my time, sorry.

  18. Paagal Insaan Avatar
    Paagal Insaan

    KarimG, then why did you waste global bandwidth with that comment?

  19. Karachi-Wala Avatar

    It seems like a reply back from RAW….

    I feel sorry for the families who lost their loved ones.
    Inna Lillahi-Wa-Inna Ilaihi Rajion.


    I don’t think you belong to a Deobandi, you probably belong to a SUFI cult. Well what do you suggest here? make Pakistan another Algeria?

  20. Malik AMAN Avatar
    Malik AMAN

    Many years ago i hated israel and its policy the way it killed inncoent people and many times i had fights over this issue with my foriengner friends that they should not kill innocent people but they always said look aman when such kind of suicde attacks will happen in your country than u will understand whats happening to israel ,and now my friends i am a pro isrealy becuase i can now see there pain and agnoy and why do they carry out the killings.

  21. Salah Avatar

    Pakistan’s September 11th?

    “i am looking for peace. i am looking for mercy.
    i am looking for evidence of compassion.
    any evidence of life.
    i am looking for life.”


  22. Sunni Side Avatar
    Sunni Side

    Karachi-Wala you figure it right. This wolf-in-sheep-skin is only pertaining to be a Silence of the lamb. The trick they (the likes of YL Hamdani, etc) use to cleverly suggest how “Violent (Read: Sunni) Islam” is and using various labels to suit their purpose. They use emotionalism and self-flagellation to play this drama of truth with falsehood.

  23. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Silence despite of your shallow claims that you belong to a “DEOBANDI” family, your story plot has lots of holes.

    First you said you faced violence by Jamat Islami in colleges. Now I wonder whether you know that Jamat Islami is anti-Deobandis and most of Jihadis sent in Afghanistan were by Jamat-e-Islami?

    second your “revealings” about Tableeghis is quite funny. I am not a deobandi but I have spent time with Tableeghis. Being a non Deobandis so many times I abused their members when they tried to convince me and not a single time I heeard any thing against my sect(The Barelvi). recently I myself went for a 3 day trip. I am a clean shaved guy. Noone said me to grow beard. No one said a single time that Shias re kafir, barelvis are kafir or Christians should be killed etc. Every one was just willing to tell people message of God given to us by Mohammad(SAW). if this is violence then same violence was preached by Muhammad and other Prophets too and I am proud to be a follower of such “Violence”

    as Other said, better don’t act like a black sheep. Not everyone is dumb like you about other things. if you don’t follow deobandis fine. If your views are like that despite of your claim that you belong to a deobandi family then the people who should be cursed here is your own family who could not give you a clear picture of what they believe.!

    Come up with some genuine story. Its even less interesting than any lollywood movie and no you didn’t say anything “Controversial” it was just like babbling to vent out frustration against a sect which you don’t follow.

    and By the way Jihad is ordered for all Muslims rathr for Deobandis only. Quran was not sent for Deobandis only. Did your elders tell you that? 😉

    p.s: Awab what kind of people became “guest authors” on your blog that they dont even have balls to use their original name? “Silence” might not be a believer of “power” of truth yet willing to preach others “facts” about other sects.

    ehhe funny!

  24. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    for self intellectuals tin soldiers like guYasir and Silence, even battle of Baddar would b an extremist act by group of extremists(the companions(RA)) led by grand “Extremist”, the Muhammad(SAW). *shakes head*

  25. Silence Avatar

    Who belong to which sect or even one believes in any sect is not any issue.

    The thing which we need to sort out is; Is there a particular sect in Islam which is involved in violence and extremism?

    Who are terrorists killing people in name of Islam (apart from the fact that who is behind the scene) There is a specific school ofthought involved in almost every act of extremism and terrorist attack.

    I still have to see a Shia, Sunni or even any non Muslim Pakistani involved in these terrorist acts.

    There is no doubt these people are Pakistani’s although behind is some one else, but lets identify who are they?

    Secondly for going to Jihad, attandance of a Madrassah of certain sect or preaching with Tableeghi Jamat is must, no doubt Tableeghi jamat is itself non violent but majority of ‘Jihadi’ and extremist elements come from same cycle.

    Further, in Afghan Jihad several groups were used, including JI, JUI, SSP etc, but present lot of Jihadi’s or so called terrorists and almost all organisations belong to one particular sect. Why it is difficult to discuss what is motive and who is teaching them to kill and get killed?

  26. Silence Avatar

    Ansar al Islam
    Al-Ittihad al-Islami
    Ansar al Islam
    Ansar al-Sunnah
    Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain (GICM)
    Hezb-e-Islami Gulbaddin
    Islamic Jihad Union (former Islamic Jihad Group)
    Lashkar-i Jhangvi
    Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
    Millat-e-Islami Pakistan
    Sipah-e Sahaba Pakistan (Now disbanded)

    These are the main jihadi organisations

  27. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Silence, then we have SUnni therik , Shias ISO etc too how come you don’t mention them either?

    As I said , your lame attempt to associate current unrest with Tableeghis is very funny and far from reality.

    Why dont you curse your family that they could not represent you the clear picture rather throwing up your frustration at wrong direction? You are free to oppose anyone you want but bring some substance so that it sounds credible. I know barelvis and Shias who are pretty extremists. The army wings used in Jamia Hafsa etc were mostly Shias who found chanting Ya Ali later. So does this mean I start accusing entire Shia sect?

    Sorry dude, you disappoint me. offcourse like Pat Robertson and Ann Coulter you can attract anyone you want with your rants.

    And I asked why do you irk Jihad? Being a Muslim I would love to be part of Jihad? Why does Jihad irk you? If Us attacks today at your home, will you lick their toes in return and ask them “Please come back soon?”

  28. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    I still have to see a Shia, Sunni or even any non Muslim Pakistani involved in these terrorist acts

    because you don’t want to see. You see what you like most. It’s typical rants that Salafis,Wahabis and Deobandis are involved. I can see why this irk followers of others sect because these sects unlike other sects doesn’t preach disco parti and Moj Masti in the name of Milad,visiting Shrines etc.

    The real problem as I mentioned here that Pakistanis despite of having degrees continue to follow path of Jihalat.They believe in other things more than their religious books so just like we used to blame India in past we got Talibans now.

    But I know unless there are no people like you, I could continue to follow path of ignorance and would not have made attempts to find out truth. Thanks, in presence of people like you I got chance to find out truth about Tableeghis etc. Without babbling of people like you, I was continue to blame them for every thing and used to curse MUllah all the time. A group who was able to bring on track guys like Junaid Jamshed,Saeed Anwar etc who run succesfull business along practise Islam much better than YOU and Me, is quite respecable for me.

    Thanks for your input on Awab’s blog. YOu might like to convince some other blog readers with your “theory”.

  29. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar


    I just found out the SOURCE of Silence’s learning: he/she copied the list from here

    lol! Kid Now I am not surprised. I will not be surprising if you would not hesitate to quote some Western source against ISLAM as well. Atleast tried to edit it a bit so that I could not google it? 😉

    You are another Western media product who was easly brain washed. As it’s said religion is the tool to brain wash someone easly, in modern world Media is the religion who could side track any educated man easily too.

    Sorry dude, I can’t take your rants seriously anymore. Those who you quote are themselves in involved in terrorism for centuries in the name of Crusade

  30. Silence Avatar

    Tehrik-i-Talban Pakistan lead by Baitullah Mehsud is the main culprit involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan and sponsored by foreign elements. These are the terrorists fighting Pakistan Army.

    Now, either you can deny that there are no Taliban, no terrorists and such groups do not exist, or you can say yes they do exist. I have five simple questions and I want to know answer, if you can explain :

    1. Who are people running TTP?
    Do they realy exist?
    2. In case they exist then who they are?
    3.Which school of thought they belong?
    4. And is that school of thought preaching hatred and intolrence in Pakistan and Muslims?

  31. KarimG Avatar

    Malik Aman, so if I understand well…you now UNDERSTAND why all the Palestinians have to be occupied, starved, their houses destroyed, their olive trees uprooted, their women forced to deliver babies at checkpoints, their boys and men humiliated, their young and old imprisoned, their land water and resources stolen, their schools and hospital bombed…

  32. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Silence as I said you are fed by Westerners who believed that every evil on earth is by Talibans then there are fools like you who easily became devil’s advocate easily.

    that there are no Taliban

    Unlike you I don’t consider Talibans root of all devils. They are not saint but then they are worst than your western Friends. I could lead to ignorance if I had not read here. She was captivated by Talibans what so called Scholars could not do, Talibans did, she reverted to Islam. Something your Tableeghi Abba could not do either.

    Talibans despite of many issues with them due to illetracy in various fields were successful to bring peace in Afghanistan. It is in UN’s report that Opimium crop went down to 0% in their era. They might have mistreated women but so our Secularist Musharraf did more bad than that by selling out Afia Siddiqi for sake of few dollars? When I see you guys get hibernated when its done by your liberals cult then I just despise the hypocrisy you guys preach every where.

    as I said, don’t become another Western mouth piece. We have enough. As I said that its bad luck of Pakistan that we have more Parhey likhey Jahil then genuine Jahil.

    Better say all this to western friends, you might get some reward and please brush up your knowledge too.

  33. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Silence the only school of thought which has been preaching haterd today is school of Liberalism and Secularism which has divider society in two factions. Musharraf was not a Deobandi or Salafi yet he offended women so badly that even Taliban “Extremists” would not have thought about it.

    Don’t throw up your hatred by naming it as a discussion. It’s not necessary everyone buy your theory easily just because you curse Mullahs/Talibans/Deobandis etc. I have seen many like yours in past 7 years who never miss chance to express their haterd about something by declaring it something else.

    You dont even have courage to come up with your original name. Why such fear?

  34. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Silence, DO you oppose JIhad? Answer this, come on!

  35. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    Sorry awab for continuous messages

    @Silence: For drawing room experts like you this little kid will also be a Taliban. *grin*

    Pakistanis are tired of so called enlightened and moderated class.

  36. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    LOL! as I expected, govt finally blamed
    ALqaeda since it was Alqeda Style. I heard about Mitthan Style, Rajni Kant style but hearing Alqaeda Style is hilarious.

    Now govt’s officials will go to home and sleep since they blame someone who could not be captured by Yanks too. Drawing room experts like here would die by keep blaming Alqaeda. hehe

  37. Paagal Insaan Avatar
    Paagal Insaan

    Adnan Siddiqui,
    Re: the Hamid Mir article you cited

    Sir, it’s not the US attacks that create Taliban, but the use of national curriculum and simulated public opinion on the media to stir people’s emotions.
    Hamid Mir links singing and dancing to American invasion and suggests terrorism as a reaction. This is a precise example of how Pakistanis are brainwashed.

    p.s. Songs and dance have been part of our culture for centuries and do not come from America. It’s the Taliban who are ruining our society with culture imported from Saudi Arabia.

  38. Amir Avatar


    what about Hizb-ullah? Sipah-e-mohammad? TNFJ? ISO? or you consider them saints since they kill Sunnis?

  39. d0ct0r Avatar


    Those are the pictures of son of a Doctor from Bajur , he was driving in his car along with other cars on the road when army helicopter started hovering over his car,according to pre announced standard operating procedure by army for the residents he immediately stop and disembarked from his car with his hands in the air,helecopter hovered for several minutes and then flew away.When they sat in their cars helicopter came again from behind and bombed them,several people died and both the legs of his 6 year old son had to be amputated .

  40. d0ct0r Avatar

    he showed those pictures on Hamid Mir’s tv show capital talk and asked if this 6 year old was a terrorist? he said i am a patriotic pakistan but now whenever i’ll see my child i will ponder what crime had i committed against the state to deserve this type of punishment..

  41. KarimG Avatar

    In 80s when American slave of that day, Zia committed Pakistan to the US agenda in Afghanistan, invested in the Jihad and infected Pakistani society with culture of weapon and religious militancy, the US happily invested and promoted the Jihadi culture and all the low lives ignorant of those days became honorable freedom fighters. People like me protested that America will dump this problem on us and leave once the Soviet Union is defeated, that we will never be able to put this Genie back in the bottle, did any body listen…NO. The American apologists of those days (Pagal NOInsaan types) talked to us about how US is a democratic country, a power of good, a natural ally and whole lot of other BS. Fast forward, 2008, the son of Mujahedin, Taliban has matured and has even more vicious fangs, people in its periphery and some on top are knowingly or unknowingly manipulated and controlled by outside powers. More you hit worse it gets, more innocent you kill more popular they get, what a wonderful plan, it has worked perfectly, don’t you think so?
    It is like a fix, we can’t let them win so we must go in and bomb, since bombs are very unintelligent weapons (including the smart ones) they kill whole a bunch and with each kill the problem is bigger!

  42. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar


    Silence will remain silence just he got spoofed when I asked him about Jihad. Offcourse his belief doesn’t allow him to go for JIhad and this black sheep trying to act like a Deobandi here.

    People like should be left alone, they do entertain a lot.

  43. karachikhatmal Avatar

    you guys are completely absurd. there is a vulgar display of machoism on display here, as if by showing that all liberals are idiots we have made our points.

    by communicating in a western language, we are all by your definitions western influenced, even those who denounce it.

    if it is ok to speak in english, then it is also ok to hold thoughts or ideas that are also held by people in the west.

    as far as the taliban go, while they may not have detracted from providing justice, the all-male cast of this message board which supports their actions conveniently forgets that they are not allowing polio drops to be administered, they are blowing up schools, they are declaring millions of people who are not from their sect as infidels.

    that makes them a source of fear and contempt.

    but my holding this view doesn’t mean i am planning to lick american boots or whatever. i don’t think our choice is USA vs Taliban. i believe that both are terrifying extremes that still can offer us some truths, but we have our own identity and set of beliefs and culture.

    we don’t need people to impose their views on us, whether they are western or taliban-style Islamists. but then again, i saw someone refer to a sufi cult here, so i concede that this post has little in terms of effecting any change, its just a way for me to vent.

  44. Osama Avatar

    Adnan, by ridiculing others u r only showing ur jahalat. obviously u r under tablighi influence, no need to say it.

    always ppl like u gloss over the realities as if they are trivial in face of the grand global zionist RAW conspiracy.

  45. Jusathot Avatar

    This “fitna” inadvertently or otherwise was started by Silence. Allow me to explain this from an excerpt from Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s lecture:
    “This is exactly what happened during the lifetime of the Prophet (s.a.w). A Jew named Shas ibn Qais saw that the two previously clashing tribes, the Aws and the Khazraj, united under the Islamic creed and shared the brotherhood of Islam and forgot their long-standing pre-Islamic wars. When they embraced Islam, Allah gave them peace instead of war, security instead of fear, and fellowship and love instead of animosity.

    This brotherly scene annoyed the evil Shas, so he took it upon himself to remind them of the pre-Islamic period and the conflicts that it had witnessed. He started reciting the barbarian poetry written by one tribe’s poet, so the other tribe responded by reciting what its poet said until the pre-Islamic fanaticism awakened. The men of the Aws shouted, “O people of Aws!” and those of the Khazraj shouted, “O people of Khazraj!” All the men shouted, “The weapons, the weapons!” When the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) heard about this, he hurried to them and said, “Are they shouting this call of the period of ignorance, while I am still with you? Stop this (appeal for tribalism), for it is an evil call.” Then he reminded them of Allah and recited some verses of the Qur’an. They wept, regretted their deed, and repented. Then, knowing that they had been tempted by Satan, the men of the two tribes embraced one another.

    But Shas ibn Qais, who tried to sow dissension among the Aws and the Khazraj, still exists in other guises. He has the same aim; he and his helpers, his children, and his siblings will continue the task of plotting against our Ummah, stirring up strife, and spreading mutual fear and hatred among Muslims. They use every means and go through every crack to tear this Ummah apart. Sometimes they take advantage of religious differences to disunite Muslims.

    If they do not find anything to divide Muslims about, they use other ideological categorizations such as calling some “nationalists” and others “Islamists,” or “rightists” and “leftists,” or “revolutionaries” and “liberals,” and so on and so forth.”
    (And one may add other such labels).

    Let us not sow the seeds to create fitna and thereby disunity and discord. Those who want to dominate us use such “divide-and-rule” strategies.

  46. Paagal Insaan Avatar
    Paagal Insaan


    > Those who want to dominate us use such “divide-and-rule” strategies

    a) The holy prophet, on whom be peace, has said: “Difference of opinion in my community is a blessing”.
    There are four schools of orthodox Sunni jurisprudence. Was that also a Western conspiracy to divide and rule us?

    b) There is a liberal-conservative divide in the West too, in fact they take pride in their plurality. Why haven’t you be able to rule them? 🙂

    Sir, when the USSR forces moved into Afghanistan and Senator Charlie Wilson began lobbying for Jihad, I wasn’t even born. So please don’t blame me.
    I do not see history in terms of good or evil. I also do not have a problem with your account of history. All I have been saying is that the US and Pakistan weaponised this region during a brief period of goal alignment, and are therefore equally responsible.
    All I am saying is that you cannot conveniently ‘fast forward’ to 2008, without holding Pakistan responsible for the Doctrine of Strategic Depth, arming the Taliban, and inciting rebellions worldwide, including against friendly countries.
    How does blaming America solve this problem? We have to take responsibility, revisit our policy and decide if we want to surrender to Taliban or fight them.

    And I’m sorry if some of the things I say offend you. I mean them lightly.

  47. Silence Avatar

    Let us see, who is shouting at his top voice with his tail between legs for being ‘thekedar’ of religion?

    1. 75% of our population lives in villages, they are mostly ‘farm workers’, they work with their women and childern, they dont afford to wear shuttle cock ‘burqa’ and have hardly enoght time to even go to mosques.

    2. The lower working classes in towns tries to find bread all of the time without enough time to go and find who is more Muslim or to kill who is less Muslim.

    3. The majority elite classes, do drink, dance and enjoy everything in life, similar to Europe, that includes, judges, lawyers, high officials and politicians…. you visit any of them and first thing he will ask you is about having a ;drink’.

    Now who is ‘thekedar’ of religion:

    1. Mad Mullah whose only source of income is selling hatred.

    2.Corrupt middle class who has pulled itself from working class, clercks, vendore, middle man who hords and mixes chemicals in food, rishwat khoors and corrupt lower rank officials……

    They do every thing to get rich, distance from a common man and end up in mosques because of their guilt. They judge who is less Muslim then them and they decide who to kill for being less Muslim.

    Obviously a common man is less Muslim then them, they can not kill powerful, so the easy target is weaker.

    Mullah and a certain group as mentioned above, gets fund from Sauidi Arabia, CIA and agencies…they recruit innocent guys to become ‘executors’ in name of Islam, their own sons study overseas.

    Islam or any other religion is personal matter of person…..purely between Allah and his creation. No one has a right to kill others for being less Muslim then them or not doing what others wish them to do.

    This is not Islam, this is not teachings of HQ and this is not what attracted people towards Islam, this is purely a business of ‘killing’ for $$$ and on foreign orders.

    These cowards can not name who is preaching killings, who is benifiting, who is running this trade…..these people are from our society who are running this business, they are around us but some of cowards amongst us do not have courage to name them or they themselves belong to that cult.

    Islam spread with love, with equality and with peace.

    Today as above 90% of our population (working class+elite class) have no such problem, only a minority of these corrupt and dishonest clerks and Mullahs is keeping nation hostage and telling others to be ‘kafirs’ and fitna to protect their trade.

    TTP is Pakistani Taliban, they are from our society, we have to identify who are these cowards using these innocent people, who is brainwashing them in name of Islam and who teaches them to kill others in name of Islam. It is not Americans, Hindu’s or Israeli’s who carry suicide attacks, its all Pakistani’s. Even before this they were blowing bombs in mosques and Imam Bargah’s, they were shooting in mosques on people while prayers.

    One small cult can not represent the Islam or represent Pakistani’s who are tolerant by nature.

  48. Silence Avatar


    today Jang has good pic of these retards who want to make us more Muslim!

  49. Clarification Avatar

    I don’t know how or why tablighi jamat is being associated with violence but let me clarify, tablighi jamat is a purely non violent apolitical revivalist movement. It does not incite violence or encourages any one to commit any bodily harm against anyone,every one who ‘joins’ it does it voluntarily and nobody is forced to join.One volunteers their own time,money(they don’t ask for chanda or donations,your money is spent by you on your own self) and effort to make one self a better and practicing muslim.

    Now its quite obvious Silence is lying or have a limited knowledge about Tableeghi jamat when he says that he was asked to attend a tableeghi trip of 3 months, a typical Tableeghi trip is normally 4 months and not 3 months as mentioned by him.Maybe he is talking about the Chritian Tableeghi Jamat(yes they do have a Tableeghi Jamat as well,all those Christian missionaries and nuns)

  50. Silence Avatar


    People like you are a curse for every Muslim.

    You will cross the line, without using your brain in calling any one ‘non Muslim’ or a Christian. You will ignore what Prophet said ‘When a Muslim calls other a non Muslim, one of then become a non believer’>

    You can issue FATWA against anyone, Quid i Azam, Alama Iqbal, who is not a victim of you people? This is exectly my point, intolrent, narrow minded and intellectually dishonest…these are JIHADI’s, their preachers and their followers.

    Now, do you wish to kill me?