The controversial image of the Shanaakht Festival has been taken down from this post due to repeated insistence of the organizers as they continue to receive threats from various sources, so in light of the seriousness of the issue I must condemn these instigators but take down these images for the sake of public safety. I pray that the entire team of organizers come out of this crisis and rejuvenate Pakistan all over again
Yesterday a group of Peoples Student Federation ransacked the Shanakht Festival at the Art Council over an image of Benazir Bhutto sitting on lap of Zia-ul-Haq.
Looking at the picture I was appalled at the audacity of the artist to have photoshopped such an image practically insulting the political leaders in the picture not to account for the emotions of the people attached to them. In my opinion it is akin to a political blasphemy, granted there could be some artistic license, but one would be a tad bit careful in displaying nudity in Pakistan merely for the sake that it may irk some emotional reactions. I believe this image was in bad taste but at the same time I must also condemn the ransacking and believe this issue could have be sorted amicable and peacefully.
Having digested the events of yesterday – the Shanakht festival is back on schedule — without the image!!
UPDATE: This image has been taken from a Facebook group that was objecting to the ransacking of the Shanakht Festival by PSF – Pressure has been coming from many sources asking us to take this image off “so that the government can allow the festival to continue”, but my position is that I find this image utterly objectionable – I hold the organizers of Shanakht, the artist group which collected these images and definitely the artist who photoshopped it in the first place responsible for a major blunder. The image was on display the entire day yesterday and was bound to be made public sooner or later and it was bound to spark a full blown controversy even later. This is my peaceful way of registering a protest, taking the image offline [as requested by many people] will definitely not be a solution
104 responses to “The image that led to the ransacking of the Shanakht Festival”
I wish i could get permission from the blog to put it on mine…some stats..hehe
Disgusting behaviour by the jiyalas. And I bet the party will not do a thing to reprimand them.
As for the tastelessness or not of the artwork, that is for the audience to decide. And if the audience doesn't like it, they are more than welcome to move on to the next piece or not attend the exhibition at all. This bullshit about something being "offensive" and thus kosher for destruction must be discarded. The artist has, in fact, achieved his purpose by forcing people to discuss the meaning and motive of the art; isn't that what it's all about?
I am disappointed that no protection was provided to this festival; and that the organisers decided to pander to these thugs. How is this any different from the kind of intimidation that takes place in the tribal areas and Swat?
Shame on those that vandalised this festival.
And I'm even more disappointed that seemingly sensible people have chosen to give 'back-hand' condemnations, targeting both the vandals and the artist, instead of only the former.
There's nothing vulgar about the pic. Lets give freedom of speech a chance. If random dumb people in black coats can scream their heart out, screw everyone up upside down, lead to the killings of numerous individuals, delay in thousands of cases, then I believe an artist has the right to express himself. Lets face it, BB did not have a tremendous political career. She was hated by many, and it was only after her death, and thanks to the hype created by yours truly media, that people started following her again.
Why dont we all just grow up.
Great work; these disgusting politicians deserve more defamation.
can someone please explain to me how the extremism of the taliban(who warpedly worship islam) and the political terrorists who run the country(who warpedly worship nawaz and the dead bhuttos) is any different??? at least the taliban are not bleeding the countries treasuries dry while they go on rampages. benazir bhutto or ZAB have no right to be iconized by the people of pakistan. they were corrupt politicians at best and outright criminals at worst. the only reason they have/had power is their ability to manipulate the poverty striken masses. i for one hope this incident helps mushrooms THOUSANDS of artists that make anit-establishment statements. think about it people, how many voices can be silenced by the oppression of this corrupt inept goverment? surely not the entire pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. shame on the "independant media" for not covering this outrage properly!!!!!!!!!!!!
rum kaz,
Kudos. Very rightly said.
Rightly said num kaz…
These politicians do not deserve the honor they get from the people; dead or alive. Being dead does not wash off the sins or gives them the right to be honored. We need more artists like these to put their name to shame and illustrate what these politicians are really are behind their masks.
In US the people have the freedom to even burn down the US Falg to express their dissent. Therefore, the picture above and pictures like these should often be shown openly. During General Zia's Martial Law, Famous and very Excellent Artisit A R Nagori had drawn a picture of parrot wearing General Zia's Uniform and for that picture Nagori suffered 4 years of Solitary Confinement within his own house resulted in his Financial Murder.
Today PPP protests that these artists have "Insulted" BB and Zulfi and tomorrow some Barbarian Mullahs will attack any gallery quoting scripture that Paintings of any kind is Haram and they will do the same and then the same PPP and other Liberal Fundos would rais hell against Mullahs e.g. Remember Tahira Abdullah's Crying on GEO TV and Criminal Silence on Swat Flogging. These Liberals like Tahira Abdullah, Fascist PPP workers above and Fascist Journalist Ansar Abbasi with Islamic Itch deserve each other.
"In US the people have the freedom to even burn down the US
Falg to express their dissent"
even in the US, you can't burn the flag of the state.even in US there is limits for any thing.
“In US the people have the freedom to even burn down the US
Falg to express their dissent” even in the US, you can’t burn the flag of the state.even in US there is limits for any thing.[DR JAWWAD KHAN]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Please recheck because teh US Flag was burned in protest against the Invasion of Iraq and American People burned the flag:
Amendment on Flag Burning Fails by One Vote in Senate
By CARL HULSE and JOHN HOLUSHA Published: June 27, 2006…
WASHINGTON, June 27 — The Senate today fell one vote short of approving a constitutional amendment that would have enabled Congress to ban desecration of the American flag.
Senator Bill Frist spoke today on Capitol Hill about the Republican stance on the constitutional amendment banning flag burning. The proposed amendment was sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch, right.
The PPP Activists should have protested outside Shanakht Festival at the Art Council by holding placard against the alleged "Objectionable Painting" and that would have much appropriate and that was one can do if one is talking about Freedom of Expression in the Alleged Secular 'KAAFIR' Parliamentary Democracy. Always remember one thing:
First They Came – Pastor Martin Niemoller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
First they came for the Socialist
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
First they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
First they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
NOTE: This may please be kept in mind for Coming Deobandi Mullah Anarchy of Pakistani Taliban or Deviant Sufi Mohammad Clan.
What is the difference between Sufi Muhammad, Tehrik Taliban Pakistan, PSF Actvists, IJT Activists and last but not the least APMSO/MQM Activists who whenevere something bad is reported always resorted to the age old tactics of Mongol Helegu Khan in Baghdad:
I had heard that when Halaku Khan brought his army to Iraq, it destroyed the entire Baghdad which used to be the major Islamic center of learning. The whole of Baghdad was burned to ashes, its world-renowned libraries burned, all the books thrown in the river that flows through Baghdad.
every state have its own flag.
you can burn the us flag.
but you can not burn the flag of any of 52/53 "STATES"
Artistic license makes sense when you have studied politics and understand the political situation. This work of 'art' would have only made sense if Nawaz Sharif was indeed sitting in the lap of Zia; it is commonly noted in academia that "the Sharif brothers emerged from Zia's cradle."
This is interesting, and I think one can compare the abuse of 'artistic license' to many other politicians that appear on television claiming to be 'analysts'. They ABUSE their positions of power, when they have neither STUDIED nor have any idea about POLITICAL SCIENCE. In the same manner, the artist has ABUSED his power of artistic license.
Now, I am not a fan of Bhutto personally, but it is shameful to have shown Benazir like that. The most obvious reason is because the WOMAN IS DEAD. SHE WAS assassinated; BRUTALLY, and not for any 'crime' at that. There is still such a thing that says we must at least respect those that have passed over.
Let us remember that images used as symbols are more powerful than we can imagine.
Remember the pictures of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)??? THAT IS JUST HOW FAR ARTISTIC 'LICENSE' can go.
precisely! it is the main reason i m against the freedom with out any limits.this "artistic license" which is equalent of "nonsense" to me, is my biggest fear because soon these"artists" and "art lovers" get the "artistic license" soon they start abusing and misusing it.
i am 100% that even in pakistan there are many lowlives scumbags who want to target even Nabi e Kareem(saww) in the name of freedom of expression.
I wonder how many of those providing "artistic getaway" to the "unknown cowardly" artist would still talk so "logically" and "liberally" if their respected ones (I am being sensitive here now) were placed in some general's gracious lap.
Now let's see a show of hands!?
By the way where is the so called "artist" absconding? All licenses including the "artistic license" must bear some name, no!?
USA means UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. every state have its own can burn the us flag.but you can not burn the flag of any of 52/53 “STATES” [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Read the news again it is about US Flag.
Amendment on Flag Burning Fails by One Vote in Senate
By CARL HULSE and JOHN HOLUSHA Published: June 27, 2006…
the message is simple to all of you guys that have a problem with the picture :- IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT LOOK AT IT!!! ignore it and look the other way . The same way the current "democratic" PPP(sic) goverment chooses to look the other way on issure such as human rights, safety and security of it citizens, blatant and rampant corruption in its midst, the list goes on and on.
Therefore if the goverment can "look the othere way" about such crucial issues vital to the very existance of pakistan, and we (the citizens) of pakistan can "look the other way" allowing zardaris corrupt inept hordes to get away with sucking the life out of pakistan. WHAT, PRAY, IS A MERE PHOTOSHOPED PICTURE ???
so to all of you who defend the holligans who did this or attack the creator of the picture i ask you, where is this zest and passion when it comes to watching your contry crumble around you??????????????
This is what intolerance has brought to our country; whether it be religious or in any other matter. People do not want to listen the other side of the story and tend to barbarism and the display of uncivil culture. They just want to kill the other side of the arguement. I dont give a damn about the dead BB. She and her party have abused and misused the system for their own personal benefit and i have no respect for her or any other political party for that matter.
The politicians are nothing but a bunch of feuadalists who have taken this country hostage since its inception. The people dont recognize their power of vote; instead of voting these thugs again and again; why not just sit at home in protest? What legitimacy will the election have then if the turnout remains low…?
And we have this jiyala culture. These people are nothing but sheep; following blindy these so called leaders who are leading the country to its doom.
well well well.
i see an atheist, a blasphemer and grave demolisher trolling side by side.
that's unique.
laugh out loud babe.
precisely! it is the main reason i m against the freedom with out any limits.this “artistic license” which is equalent of “nonsense” to me, is my biggest fear because soon these”artists” and “art lovers” get the “artistic license” soon they start abusing and misusing it.
i am 100% that even in pakistan there are many lowlives scumbags who want to target even Nabi e Kareem(saww) in the name of freedom of expression."
the beauty of it all is that it DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE TO YOU!!!!
precisely! it is the main reason i m against the freedom with out any limits.this “artistic license” which is equalent of “nonsense” to me, is my biggest fear because soon these”artists” and “art lovers” get the “artistic license” soon they start abusing and misusing it. [numkaz]
Dear Sir,
What about this Freedom:…
back to my earlier point, if you dont like it, dont look!!!
i may not like zardari, but does that give me the right to vandalize his home and shave off half his scumbag mooch till it looks like hitler????
(as much as i would like to) NO it does not. opinions through art or otherwise, are simply opinions, until the weakminded/ignorant people who cannot articulate their views grow frustrated with their differences of opinion and turn instead to violence. much like a child who throws a tantrum when it does not get what it wants.
hey amir mughal, thats not my quote, you need to direct that towards jawwadkhan
"the beauty of it all is that it DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE
TO YOU!!!!
removing the heads from the pictures and pasting the others head?….is it an art?
if it is an art then what about the work of leonardo da vinci,rambrandt,picasso and others?
where is the art though!
it is monkey business for me not an art.
sorry numkaz
Dr Jawwad KhanSahib,
You seem to be more than a little confused about the nature of art. What constitutes art is a lengthy debate that should best be left to scholars. However, I'm sure you must have heard of the "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" adage. Art is associative of beauty and can't be categorised under any rigid discipline or mode of aesthetic. You must also be aware of the finer distinction between art and sciences. One goes for the interpretive the other for hard solid facts.
Art is a whole lot more than 500 year old paintings by the renaissance artists that you are familiar with. The names that you mention belong to a long past classical age. The photo-shopped picture that you dismiss as "monkey business" is relevant of our times and squarely indicates a post-modern sensibilty. There exists post-modern art, has for some time now. Please look up Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, you may find them indulging in monkey business as well but have a bona fide claim to be as much of an artist as Van Gogh or Senor Da Vinci.
In summation Dr Jawwad Sahib, please stick to practising medicine and forming populist opinions rather than playing art critic.
P.S Art and the political makes up for some truly marvellous works, and this clearly "contentious" picture is one. Pakistani art don't need to be stately portraits and still life paintings. In a Pakistani context, this picture is fresh, new, challenging and relevant.
You may hold your own opinion which you are entitled to express but please don't keep others to encouraging something that breaks the mould of complacency.
We demand an encore.
Jawad saab, in the interest of free speech I wouldnt ask you this, but please stop, as you giving doctors a bad rap here, you make it look like none of us docs have any aesthetic sensibilities left.
If you think anything that is photo-shopped or copy-pasted is not art, we will all wait for you to exit the 17th century till you make your way to the 21st. Let us know when you are here. All art is not supposed to look like the Mona Lisa or even Picasso.
I am so glad this artist decided to indulge in this monkey business. After all, she was able to accomplish exactly what her trade asks of her: push boundaries, provoke, question and get the wheels in our heads turning. If only so much hard work by so many ppl, so much effort and optimism hadn't been wiped out in the process…
the "artist" is confused that's why he/she made BB to sit on the lap of zia ul haq which was the blunder.there is no logic for this act.
the "art lover" is even more confused.they ignore the basic theme of art.
touching the soul by the extremely hard work,catharsis,
exquisiteness and top of all think process.where are these things?
traditional painting or visual least there should be a message.
and what message that proclaimed work of "art" conveyed?
is that the "artist" is an ***hole.
question is who is driving a car at the speed of a bullet?
the one who caused a ransack or the one who insisting on decency.
Another blunder, Mohtarim Dr Khan Saab, is the utter insistance upon things to be made easier for those who look for "logic" in artworks. The applied "logic", what can more appropriately be called a subtext, in this picture is deciphered by reading into it. For the sake of humoring you let's run the picture by with one possible reading; One regime begets another regime, no matter how ideologically differing they are.
Your incomprehension in reading the "logic" of the picture doesn't require you to hurl obscenaties at anyone. Your calling the artist abusive names doesn't subscribe to "decency".
Like I mentioned earlier, please do us all a favor and stop playing an art critic. Don't expect others to take your criteria for what constitues as good art or freaky car crashes. On second thoughts you might be good at attending to the latter.
I can only hope that you recieve the invitation to the 21st century soon.
mukarram zia ahmed sahib!
i am a common man,depend my inner feelings to enjoy the art and literature rather than intellect.and when i saw the pic,a sense of distaste poured inside me like seeing a man who in order to look smart uses women make up and clothes.
i am not the supporter of BB or PPP.
i am a common man who hate the freedom without moral and ethical limits.
i have only one questions.
how can you denounce the cartoonist who draw the blasphemous images of Nabi e Kareem(saww)when you deny the right of criticism on the basis of moral and ethical ground?
…or do you? can we set some limits in this form of "politically" motivated art?
would you like to tell me why there is no nude figure drawing in pakistan? or its acceptance in muslim world.
best regards.
I guess the artist is short of history . . . or CURRENT AFFAIRs
It should have been MUSHARRAF and not ZIA
What that idiot was thinking . .
Or doest he know a DEAL BETWEEN the two in 80's that we are not aware of. Instead of straight away jumping onto conclusion why not ask the artists view.
TM will you take artists view too please
Azeez Mohatarum Doctor Sahib,
I truly value your appreciation of art as it filters through your respective sensibilties. That is how art communicates to the subjective viewer and elicits varying responces and interpretations. It may offend a lot of people as this picture has but, Doctor Sahib, you also have to acknowledge there is a significant number of people who assess the same "offensive" picture in a positive light. That is the ideal pluralistic consesus, to agree to disagree. That the picture has sparked off a debate is healthy in itself.
I agree that art and freedom of speech shouldn't go unchecked, however that doesn't mean inquiry and critique on social mores and norms be not addressed through powerful artwork. The comparison to the objectionable Danish cartoon is not justified and is irrelevant, since the late Benazir Bhutto is a controversial figure. I am afraid I do not see a point in bringing both the cases onto the same plain. The case with making fun of Benazir isn't as sensitive as with the Holy Prophet.
As for the claim of no nude figure drawing in Pakistan is highly suspect and nigh naive. Again I don't see any relevance between the picture in question and nude drawings.
Finally the concern about setting some limits to shaping politically motivated art we have to understand that we as a nation have an unhealthy bias towards sensationalism and a proopensity to cast superficial judgements. I agree we havn't come to a point were we can excercise tolerance to such issues on a bigger scale, but Pakistan and its existant history provides rich material to be scrutinized through art. The artist has offended people but not to the extant of garnering a fatwa. Politically motivated art has the benefit of finding a rich array of subjects and individuals in Pakistan that doesn't require any justification. If the artwork were to be compromised on a moral and ethical level, it would automatically cease to be of any artistic significance. This picture hasn't compromised on those accounts testmant by the number of people who have appreciated the picture on this board.
I truly wish we as a nation would overgrow our tendency to look at extremes.
Best regards
mukarram zia ahmed sahib! i am a common man,depend my inner feelings to enjoy the art and literature rather than intellect. [Dr Jwwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Inner feelings must be filtered through Quran and Hadith [since flogging was OK] e.g. my inner feeling demands watching Pornographic Art of Khajuraho and Ajnata Cave but scripture [which allow flogging] stops you to even thing about such "Fehesh Khayalat.
I wonder if the supporters of this photoshopping wannabe even know the name, leave intentions alone, of him, her or it!
Artistic ethics require one to associate onself BOLDLY with one's work. I don't see much difference between this shrink and a graffiti bum.
zia ahmed sahib!
i must admit that you just clear some of my doubts as i was highly skeptical of motivations behind this visual art.i hope that other art lovers think the same way as you do.
also i am thankful for correcting me in some aspects.
any way it was really nice talking to you.
take care
Muhammad Asif:
yes, i know her name, and so do many others, a little googling will give you that (Pakistani news media will not)… but the name is irrelevant here.
Name as in person, person as in school of thought. I wonder if, since we now know its a lady, she has the professional ethics and moral courage to come forward and explain her motives instead of hiding behind friends. So much for owning upto one's own work and beliefs.
The problem of shanaakht, who is what in Pakistan ?
Some historical pictures since 1956 " the worm laps "
and those sitting in them !
Ghulam Mohd / Iskandar Mirza
F.M. Ayub Khan / Iskandar Mirza
Z.A Bhutto / F.M Ayub Khan & Gen. Yahya Khan
Mujeeb / Indirah Gandhi
Shareef / Zia Al Haq
BB / USA again USA, always USA
Shareef / refused Musharraf
Musharraf / " Madlein Albright" in absentia
Musharraf / USA
BB / always USA, again USA, always USA
Zardari / " gorgeous " USA until today
BB sitting in the lap of Zia, don't get it clear
Why Shaheeds need to have " worm laps " ?
ARE YOU PEOPLE ON CRACK? an individual expressed her views through a picture, and you crackheads are admonishing her and the people who organized the festival????
so essentially the crackheads are siding with the animals who did this and supporting them as they carry out death threats against the poor people who tried to do something positive for the people of karachi by spending weeks and weeks of effort organinzing this festival which had 10,000 PICTURES PROMOTING THE RICH CULTURAL HERITAGE OF PAKISTAN, AND THAT WAS OUTWEIGHTED BY THE 1 (AIKH FOR YOU ILLITERATE UNEDUCATED RETARDS) PICTURE OF THE VERY WOMAN WHO RUINED THIS COUNTRY?????
with citizens like these, pakistan does not need enemies, each of you that continues to support this outrage and attack against civil liberties in pakistan has done india,israel and america a HUGE favour. keep it up and i dont see much of a future for "The land Of The Pure"
"Hypocricy" alone is the greatest hindrance in our national Shanaakht! Take this particular woman for instance; hiding, running, lying low…weaklings like such must never take on subjects bigger than their grasp.
This is exactly the type of people who go around bad mouthing their country, their people (so are leaders) to gain quick cheap attention. I get doubtful of the likes who support the low-life if they even have the upbringing or family environs that uphold the grace of a woman. Benazir was not only a woman but also a wife, mother and a daughter. Think for a moment how her children, family and much distanced husband would feel about this indiscrimination.
If there is a danger then this is it…loosing our true Shannakht if you know the true meaning of this commitment!
I don't think that the festival should have been halted. But I do believe that the indiscriminate person (I intentionally try not to use artist – why give the profession a bad name) should be banned for some time to first let her find her own Shanaakht and see if she even belongs to our respectful social code. The art selector may be fired for such irresponsible judgment. Pakistani art & cultural scene would not miss a single beat if she goes.
>>>n k<<<
As fictitious does your title sound even worse is your reasoning. The Shanaakht Festival is for the general masses and not the other way round. To cause pain one does not need to poke a knife into one's skin. One also does not dictate reaction to pain!
I think the organizers and the run-away photo-shopper have big enough a heart to absorb this "transparent feedback" and move on. They must be feeling a lot "closer" to the masses now…masses that define our true Shanaakht and not some willy-lilly individual.
This discussion brings up the following questions which may very well be obvious in their responses:
1. What was the technical code of artwork admittance to the festival?
2. What social code does the festival follow when exhibiting in Pakistan and for the Pakistani public?
3. What Shanakht, since not specified, does the festival actually try to support or oppose?
4. Who are the organizers of the Shanakht festival? What is their own true Shanakht?
The answer to the above questions I hope is Pakistan, Pakistani and Pakistaniat. Just how could this piece of junk be associated with the Pakistani Shanakht?!
In a way the festival achieved its purpose of identifying the true Shanakht. How? Just zoom out and look at what the festival harbored and the mass reaction. The masses clearly defined that they are not going to tolerate indecency and disrespect of a mother, wife and daughter in the name of art or some other west borrowed concept of irresponsible speech.
This also indicates that how distanced are the organizers from the masses themselves.
hey mohd asif,
are you retarded? (rhetorical question):-
A) do you honestly expect the artist esp being a woman, to stand up for her work when no citizens (especially not women) are protected by the law against hoodlums like the ones that attacked the arts council, as well as the ones that flogged and will continue to flog that poor girl in swat?
B) you are either a fool or a PPP spokeperson/member if you truely think the masses did this. This is the work of the criminal employees(servants actually) of PPP. They are not the masses. they will soon be out of jobs as will their criminal(convicted and pardoned by musharaf but still stealing) leader asif zardari.
so lets be frank mohammad asif, your employer,(too afraid to step out of the president house), zardari will not last too long, next up is the taliban. so youd better grow your beard fast and start beating your wife/mother/sisters fast just to get a taste for whats coming next for you.
p.s. my title sounds less fictitious than that of a failed pakistani cricketer!!!
>>> n k <<<
Your uncontrollable out-burst & frustration over a plain text conversation simply justifies that of the masses (PPP workers are also part of the masses). Your so anti-everything-Pakistani comments also don't support your stance. I recommend you learn to handle yourself least issue advices.
should one believe that in Pakistan
all art exibitions are nothing but
satellite rotation of " foriegn " ideologies ?
The Brownies are very enthusiatic, you
give them a rattle, they make of it a political
message, and thats it, you don't need to worry !
Indians and Pakistanis are good at that only !!