Saad Khan looses life in Unilever / Mindshare Reality Show accident

Saad Khan Unilever mindshareIn a very shocking development a young 32 year old person, father of four kids looses his life during the filming of a reality show sponsored by Unilever and being produced by their advertising agency Mindshare. Saad Khan was a game show contestant and the host/model Amina Sheikh, who also is the model of Clear Shampoo, gave an underwater challenge to Saad and during the execution of the stunt he apparently lost control, struggled and pleading for help could not recover, the inadequate safety personal and the equipment could not react in time and eventually he drowned

Saad Khan, 32 year old young man from Karachi and a father of four kids is sadly the victim, his body was returned to Karachi for burial two days back and the infuriated family has been running from pillar to post but it seems for some awkward reason it fails to catch the media attention and apparently no media house is ready to ‘run the story‘. It is a known fact that the media in Pakistan is usually head over heals on every other lame ass political slander, but surprisingly in Saad’s case this case of gross neglect is not worthy of even a short news item. Might this have anything to do with the influence of Unilever and Mindshare who are giant spenders armed with enormous advertisement budgets.

Initially Saad’s family was furious hoping to have Unilever cough up full responsibility, but at the moment they feel that the most important thing to look forward to is the future of Saad’s four kids who have no future.

Aarpix: These details are given by a 2nd cousin of Saad on the condition of anonymity. Saad was 31, 6′2″, handsome man was employed at RBS (formerly ABN AMRO). Saad live a very ambitious and thrilled life. In his professional life, he had accomplished more than his age. He had well established career and didn’t participate for the prize money or anything. He was rather very thrilling and adventurous. He was disqualified from the show after a few days but was then called by the death on a wild card entry.

He did not lose his balance in the water – he was an excellent swimmer but the doctors in Thailand after carrying out an autopsy told that his muscle had pulled and he had some weight tied up to his feet as part of the challenge and so could not make it back up. He was under water for about 6 minutes.

Saad has left a widow and 4 kids: Oldest one is 7 years old, then twins of age 5.5 and then the youngest who is only 1.5 years of age.

While this story is slowly making its way around, it seems that some serious counter efforts were made against Farhan Janjua of Aarpix, who first broke the story, WebHostingPad suddenly issued Aarpix a short notice disabling his website for “nature of content” [do have a look at Aarpix and see if you find any objectionable material] they then told Farhan to quickly move his data with immediate effect or else they will delete his content [4 years of hard work] – panicking the poor chap found a local friend willing to help him, but as soon as the DNS prorogation started ‘someone’ called Farhan’s friend and asked questions about Aarpix and if they can possibly ‘have the owners cell phone number’ worrying for the safety of his friends Farhan resolved to buy a sever internationally and used their support services to help salvage the at-risk data. As I write this post at 2am Aarpix is slowly coming back online.

I strongly believe these scare tactics must be condemned, Unilever/Mindshare should be held accountable for this accident and must be forced to offer compensation to the grieved family with immediate effect. I do not mean merely doling out a paltry 1 lac rupees to the affected family but stress a far more expensive compensation to widow and the four kids who now have a life to live without the primary bread earner and literally no husband or father to look after them. May Allah give them the courage and patience to recover from this tragic incident

UPDATE: Just noticed that is also playing some mischief in this incident as well, the above Obituatry message was published in Sunday’s edition of Dawn, 23rd August, 2009. If you scroll to page 14 Karachi Metropolian section within the online archive hosted at you do see this image in small print, but clicking on Saad Khan’s Obituary, and it comes with an error “The Article image is missing”, might this be an accidental mistake, possible but aint it too coincidental?

UPDATE 2: The missing image from the epaper edition of has been fixed, one of their adminstrators personally called me up to inform me that it was a site-wide problem for that particular day, and the website administrators are fixing it with immediate effect, he has reassured me that there was no foul play. It was an Obituary ad and does not come under the editorial control of Dawn, even if they wanted to






363 responses to “Saad Khan looses life in Unilever / Mindshare Reality Show accident”

  1. umais qureshi Avatar
    umais qureshi

    its very sad…there must be sum charge on unilever or they shoud bear the all the expenses of their full life of whole the family…….!!!

  2. Allama Iqbal Avatar
    Allama Iqbal

    We demand that the Killers and Fascists of Unilever give Rs 1 Crore to Saad Khan's family as compensation. On our part, we have commenced our Boycott Unilever campaign in Germany and are spreading it all over the world. Pakistanis in Pakistan should BOYCOTT all Unilever products and should also organize a demonstration outside the offices of Fascist Unilever.

    Allama Iqbal


  3. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    I was contacted by a family member a few days back & was told that the family is "financially stable" whatever that means.

    I had offered a $$ gift for them from my own account,

    Saad was a friend to me & my family & i will do anything to help HIS family & friends.

    Anything anyone can think of, please let me know..

    I am in the USA & SOOOO frustrated at this whole situation.

    I'm willing to go to the end of the earth in his defense.

  4. nasir chaudhri Avatar
    nasir chaudhri

    Was extremely sad after going through this blog. Is human life that cheep. It is shameful on part of both Unilever and media. I always thought our media is free and unpurchaseable but truth came out. Shame on owners of all channels.

  5. Dania Khan Avatar
    Dania Khan

    1st Vigil / protest in memory of Saad Khan

  6. uzma sheikh Avatar
    uzma sheikh

    i am really sorry for people like emma bee and altaf kutta and others who think on same lines. people around the world participate in such shows on the assurance that certain security measures are there. this was height of negligence. you cant just play around with peoples lives for ur damned profits.

    I absolutely agree with anon and zain abbass. we must launch a bycott against unilever unless they are willing to pay a reasonable lifetime compensation for the widow and the kids.

    I think sooner or later we must act as a self respecting and unified community, and play our role in ensuring that such incidents do not become an everyday event.

    Imagine if such an incident would have happened in USA or Britain what would have been the reaction. please prove that we are a living community and not a team of vultures who are waiting for such incidents to happen.

    our(those living in the third world) lives are as precious as any white man. We cannot be treated as guinea pigs for their lucrative experiments. how long are we going to be treated as if we have no worth? but iot is noone but us who can raise against this attitude. Masses today have to stand up firmly against it. its not just Saad, its a matter of one human life.

    please please please act as a responsive and responsible community. make sure as a community that the culprits are duly punished.

    may Allah bestow patience on the hearts of the family and May his soul rest in peace. Ameen.

  7. ZOMBIE !! Avatar
    ZOMBIE !!

    FIX THE TITLE ITS NOT LOOSES ITS LOSES. Im sorry I know you are highlighting an issue but its my duty to inform your booty 🙂 cheers

  8. Allama Iqbal Avatar

    Boycott Unilever Killers in Germany & Pakistan

    Nazi Unilever must pay Rs ONE crore to Saad's family


    We have launched a professional and an energetic campaign for the boycott of all Unilever products in Germany, where we live & we have also extended it to all over Europe. We have got a good experience of Boycott campaigns, because, we are already running a worldwide campaign of Boycott India, which has been going on in Europe, since the last 10 years. Boycott Unilever campaign is no problem for us & we have now appointed a brand new team of Pak revolutionaries in Germany to run this worldwide campaign and destroy the economic prospects of the White terrorists of Unilever Killers.

    We urge our fellow Pakistanis to launch a full boycott of all following products of Unilever in Pakistan :


    Lux soap

    Rexona soap

    Lifebuoy shampoo

    Pond Cream

    Rafhan Energile

    Rafhan Ice cream

    Rafhan Pudding

    Rafhan Jelly

    Rafhan cooking oil

    etc. etc. etc.

    The detail of all products of Murderous & Killer Unilevers can be seen on their above mentioned website.

    Unilever Killers in Pakistan can be contacted at this email address : — Online message

    Those, who live in Pakistan can contact Humayun, who is running a professional campaign of Boycott Unilever Killers. Contact him here :

    With our thanks.



    Allama Iqbal


  9. Syed Mobin-Ul-Haq Avatar
    Syed Mobin-Ul-Haq

    Its a real shocking news for me, actually i was a neighbour of saad till he moves to Defence. We were playing cricket and other games together along with his elder brothers. Well i know him till his professional life, i.e. in RBS, when i ask him to have a lunch meeting at my office TPS.

    I have very strong memory and remembered every moments that we spent together with his brothers, Feroz Khan and Atif Khan.

    May god bless him, showers his blessing on him, this was not his day.


  10. Hamid Avatar

    I believe that boycott unilever will be a good idea.

    Boycott all things of unilever.

  11. Hamid Avatar

    I believe in the boycott of unilever.

    Boycott unilever and buy nothing from them.

  12. Geo TV is CIA agent Avatar
    Geo TV is CIA agent

    What amazes us is the total silence of pak media about the death of saad.

    why Geo tv is silent about it ?

    why Geo tv shows all things indian but never reports this sensitive incident ?

    The reason is that Geo tv is owned by CIA and is a terrorist TV.

    We hate Geo TV.

    Terrorist Geo tv belongs to CIA.

    Terrorist Geo tv is not a Pakistani Urdu channel.

    Terrorist Geo tv is an American terrorist channel.

    We hate unilever dogs and unilever animals.

  13. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Geo TV is CIA agent:

    Dr Shahid Masood and Muhammad Saleh Zaafir of Jang Group of Newspapers have been praising Seymour Hersh and producing his live interview on 10 Nov 2009 because there are some negative comment of Musharraf on Zardari in Seymour's article DEFENDING THE ARSENAL

    DETAILS: GEO TV: National Interest, Seymour M Hersh, Shaheen Sehbai & Dr Shahid Masood.

  14. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Watch the interview to learn as to how Editor Shaheen Sehbai of an "allegedly reputable" newspaper and Dr Shahid Masood were trying hard to get something out negative from the mouth of Seymour Hersh and how Seymour again and again deflected both. What a shame.

    [Video Courtesy:

  15. patriot bukhari Avatar
    patriot bukhari

    Unilever is a british / english company and all english are cockroaches. These are the same cockraoches of cockroach england who looted us for 300 years during the colonial times and killed 2 Crore people in asia. Now these cockroaches of cockroach england have come back to kill some more of our people. I advise all to boycott cockroach unilever and send an email of protest to the cockroach embassy in islamabad.

    There is no place for the cockroaches of cockroach england in pakistan.

  16. zafar Avatar

    Is unilever a british company or an american company ?

    If it is american, i would not be surprised if it is run by the blackwater dakoos.

    Blackwater dakoos are kala pani and they should be kicked out of pakistan.

  17. Jamal Avatar

    Can we organize a demonstration outside unilever killers and force them to pay compensation to Saad family ?

  18. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    They WERE paid, quite well & everyone has been hushed..

    So sad, but at least his kids will be ok…

    No – one will ever know how much his life was worth…

    But i knew him personally, & i will keep praying for his family & for him & hope he is safe somewhere free of pain & sorrow… He deserved many more years on this Earth…

  19. jamshed Avatar

    The best response to unilever criminals is to boycott them.

    Jamshed, Lahore.

  20. arshad mahmood Avatar
    arshad mahmood

    Unilever dogs should pay 50 lakh rupees to saad's family which will be the best new year gift for them. At the same time I also support the boycott campaign unilever dogs and we are doing it in karachi.

  21. we hate Unilever Har Avatar
    we hate Unilever Har

    A very happy new year of 2010 to Saad family and we pray a very bad and bankrupt new year to UNILEVER DRACULAS. May Allah destroy Unilever and kill its whole management in a road accident.

  22. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    wow, what a very disgusting thing to say…

    OBVIOUSLY you did not know Saad in real life..

    He would NEVER want something like that to happen to anyone, He had no hate in his heart, He was a sweet & caring man…

    Pray for him & his family & wish them well, but please dont wish death & destruction on human beings in Saads name/memory, Saadi would not approve & yes, i did know him in real & am 1000000% sure he would never wish any other child to lose his father…

    God bless his family always…

  23. we hate Unilever Har Avatar
    we hate Unilever Har


    Lisa Singh is the paid agent of Unilever Draculas & she always advocates their side of the story all the time. We believe that she is the member of staff at Unilever Draculas.

    We hate Unilever Draculas.

    We hope that all directors of Unilever Draculas die in a road accident & get burnt to death on 31st Dec 2009, which will be a GOOD new year gift to their families.

    May Allah kill & burn these Directors of Unilever Draculas who killed Saad and then refused to give even a single cent to his poor and neglected family.

    Our campaign of BOYCOTT UNILEVER DRACULAS will continue for ever, until Saad's family has received compensation from Unilever Draculas.

    Rehan Ahmed & family & friends,

    Tariq Road,


  24. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    are you insane sir? hahahahahahaha

    I own my own gourmet food business/Cafe' in Ohio! lol.

    I did not even know what the hell Unilever was until this happend. How DARE you say i advocate them or their hush campaign! You know NOTHING. All i said is that i knew Saad & he would never wish another person to die in his name… & if you knew Saadi in person, you would know this too..

    He did not have an evil bone in his body.

    If you want to know all about me & how i really knew Saad. contact me personally in email.

    you will be quite surprised.

    & by the way.. his family was paid. Although no amount could ever be enough to replace Saad.

  25. we hate Unilever Har Avatar
    we hate Unilever Har



    If you say that Saad's family was paid then, tell us how much ?

    How much money did they get & do you have any proof ???

    All our emails sent to Unilever Draculas about compensation to Saad's family have remained unanswered, which proves that Unilever Draculas have paid nothing to Saad's family. If they had paid, they would have said so.

    So show us the proof.

    And while at Ohio, USA, tell the Gringo governor of Ohio to withdraw his American terrorist army from Afghanistan and Iraq immediately and stop killing the civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan & Iraq.

    Also tell your Terrorist Ohio Governor to stop Drone Terrorist attacks in Waziristan in Pakistan.

    Furthermore, also tell your Gringo Terrorist Ohio Governor of USA to send Dr. Afia back to Pakistan and pay a compensation of 100 Million Rupees to her and her family.

    America is the land of the Gringo terrorists and its Gringo murderers have killed over 130 million people in the 20th century.

    Gringo terrorist USA will meet its "VIETNAM" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, sooner rather than later.




    Tariq Road


  26. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    wow sir you are an uneducated idiot & its not your business how much his family was paid. That was a private legal matter & settled & everyone hushed. & yes, i have proof.. If you know them, go to Clifton & ask them their business.. I dont care, nothing can replace him, not $ or apoligies…

    But your verbal abuse & apparent hate for 1/4 the world is just sad…


    & by the way, I'm Italian. & the govener of Ohio has no power except over the state of Ohio, as far as school funding etc..

    YOU hate USA but if they offered you a job or pretty much anything, you would take it & you know this sir…

    YOu need to pray & look inside your soul for whatever is making you so full of hate & disgust in the world…

    I do not condone/support anyone, any Army, political gain, etc.. & as far as what happend to Saadi, it is a horrific tragedy,I am devasted by this,my family & friends are as well.. & miss him so much i cant breathe, but.. he wanted to go, he was having fun, i talked to him the night before he returned to the show (day of his death) it was his choice to do it… & he would be the first to tell you that this way of thinking you exibit is not a good way to live… Hold your family close & pray that all the crazy people out there will find the truth in life… the world will be a better place… you can hate & name call all you want, it dont bother me… I am a Khan & i have peace inside me thanks to Saad. He was good people.


    Silver Lake, Ohio


  27. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    & enough of this already! This page is for Saad..

    not a hate campaign towards America or anyone….

    Unilever is wrong, they know it, the world knows it..

    Saad is gone, everyone knows this too.

    he was loved & respected by all who knew him & is dearly missed.

  28. we hate Unilever Har Avatar
    we hate Unilever Har

    Lisa Singh works for Unilever Thieves.

    Lisa Singh is a liar and she has been appointed by the Unilever Haramis to post nonsense on this page and to create good feelings for Unilever criminals.

    She has got many dubious claims and we believe that she is a mad woman.

    Her name suggests that she is a Sikh.

    Then she says that she is an Italian.

    The she "claims" that she lives in the land of terrorists, America.

    The truth is that she works for Unilver criminals in Pakistan and is their paid agent.

    We hope that all directors of Unilever Draculas die in a road accident & get burnt to death on 31st Dec 2009, which will be a GOOD new year gift to their families.

    These Unilever criminals paid nothing to Saad's family because they are all thieves and criminals.

  29. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    wow you really are crazy arent you?! wowwwww..

    ok i will waste my time to respond to your idiot rants…

    first.. My last name was my husbands name & I kept it because it is also my childs name. We are not Sikhs.. even if we were, it's not your damn business to comment on it…

    I do NOT work for anyone but myself.. I am a chef in MY OWN cafe' in Ohio. THE GOOD EARTH COMPANY & CAFE'

    I have been to Pakistan 1 time, to meet up with Saad for a few days before going to Dubai… & India 1 time for the funeral of my mother in law.

    My fathers name was Joseph Nicolas Baroni, from Tuscania, Italy..

    I AM ITALIAN & Greek.

    I dont know anything about Unilever except that they were the big $$$ behind the reality show that killed my friend Saad… & they make soap or something.. I know you did not even know him in real… none of his closest friends have heard of you, i asked… you are just some strange person that has nothing better to do then bash people you dont even know. YOu are a sick mind & probably do have a sad feeling for what happend, because you are ( I guess) a human being, But you sir, are terribly wrong about me.

    I told you before that you may contact me personally @ my email & ask me anything.. I can prove who i am & that i knew Saadi personally… I have 100s of emails, texts,voice-mails, pics etc… as proof…

    He was a great friend… & as i said.. it is not your business if Anji & the kids got paid or not… But they did, & NO WHERE near enough…NOTHING is worth a mans life..

    (I hate big business & reporters)but they did pay some.. a mutual friend who works at the bank with Saad knows & told me, He handles the account.. so mind your own business.. stop insulting me & my friend, & my country, you giant asshole… this page is a blog for Saad & to find some justice for him. & you are looking at it WAYYYYYY the wrong way.. I love Saad & I ammmmm a mad woman. I am mad that he is no longer here to talk with everyday & laugh with.

    & say a prayer for his family to get through this & find some happiness again.

    Unilever & all its people involved have a higher court to face one day then us…

    Oh & Merry Christmas… from the land of the Free…

    Lisa Singh

    1003 Nantucket Drive

    Hudson, Ohio 44236


  30. Jamal Ahmed Avatar
    Jamal Ahmed

    Is anyone running a boycott campaign against unilever? i will support such campaign.

  31. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    @ Jamal

    hello & i have not heard anything about anyone doing anythinggggggg lately, It is so frustrating. I know some of his friend/family & no one is really talking… I do know that a settlement was reached & papers signed & maybe there was a hush order.. who knows…

    If you find any news about a boycott or anything else regarding some justice for Saad, please let me know or post it here. This is just so devastating to everyone, myself & my family included.. ( even the idiot above thinks i am some employee of Saads killers… I'm NOT )

    Thanks & God be with you always… Lisa

  32. Saeed Avatar

    Happy news year to the family of Saad who lost his life in a unilever engineered accident.

    But no happy new year to unilever who killed saad intentionally.

  33. MJ88 Avatar

    I have heard that a man called hamayoun is running a boycott unilever campaign but i dont know his phone number or address but you can also boycott unilever directly and check their products from their websites.

  34. patriot pakistani Avatar
    patriot pakistani

    Do you want to boycott unilever ?

    You dont have to know the phone number of this certain man, HAMAYOON to boycott unilever. You can do it yourself, as we are all doing it in all cities of pakistan.

    Our message to all :



  35. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    people were paid. People were hushed.

    I guess you CAN put a $ price for a mans life.

    In any matter,

    I have done something that took just a few moments of my time & is showing some results.

    I printed Saads story & pic on small note cards & placed them near some of Unilevers most popular products here in stores where i live,

    (such as Sunsilk shampoos)& followed up on some & found many products still on the shelves with dust on them! They are not selling… & that is my intention! It may be a small thing to do & i am thinking of some other things as well… But i know Saadi deserved justice & MY voice can NEVER be hushed.

  36. Sayyed Jaafer Avatar
    Sayyed Jaafer

    Ph : 21-4541803 & 21-4541804 – Karachi

    Hamayun is running a boycott campaign against unilever. You can contact him at the above email & ph numbers in Karachi. I have not bought anything from unilever since 6 months and will never buy anything from them.

    1. Lisa Singh Avatar
      Lisa Singh

      thanks 🙂

  37. Ajmal Khan Avatar
    Ajmal Khan

    We phoned saad family at their phone numbers and they say that they have not received any payment from unilever. We believe them.

    1. Lisa Singh Avatar
      Lisa Singh

      why would they tell anyone their business? they must think of the childrens safety… & it's theirrrrrrrrrrr business… Jeesh…. believe or not.. who cares…

  38. Ajmal Khan Avatar
    Ajmal Khan

    Whose children's safety are you talking about ? Children of Saad or children of unilever directors ?

    1. Lisa Singh Avatar
      Lisa Singh

      Saads children & his wife! I dont care about his killers kids! Im saying that Anji must be safe when she answers to anyone…. Her kids are #1, she's a great mum & her family , I'm SURE knows NOT to advertise their business.

      I hope they can build some kind of life without him & find some happiness until they are together again 🙂

  39. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    & anyone in their right mind would not tell people they have alot of $ in this day & age.. America or Pakistan or anywhere…

    I think she should have got 10 X more than she did get!

  40. property dealer Avatar
    property dealer

    our whole family used to buy unilever products but now we dont. i think we have given unilever a loss of around 20,000 rupees last year. we will never buy unilever.

  41. bloggers Avatar

    i telephoned humayoon at atlantic shipping for his boycott campaign but he was not there. I will phone again to meet him. We want to increase the boycott campaign of unilever.

  42. kanwal rani Avatar
    kanwal rani








  43. Lisa Singh Avatar
    Lisa Singh

    wow those bastards have replaced Saad & had the nerve to act like nothing happend!

    I hope i am there the day they must face their God & Saadi…

    Here is a link to the new Clear mens campaign.. sign in & leave your comments. I'm sure they will be deleted, But maybe Ronaldo will see it & feel shame that his name is associated with this murder…. It should say that it not only solves your dandruff, but also has the blood of a good man in it… See MoreClear

    Clear spells confidence for the young Pakistanis of today. With its unisex and male range, Clear not only solves your dandruff problems but gives you the confidence to look and feel more attractive. We …

  44. bolta tota Avatar
    bolta tota

    Saad will remain in our memory for ever & we will never forget him.

  45. naz Avatar

    i am deeply saddened!

  46. bahadur aadmi Avatar
    bahadur aadmi

    We believe that Saad family has received nothing from unilever. So we should all continue to boycott unilever.

  47. Syed Ali Avatar
    Syed Ali

    This has already reached many people.Let Kamran Khan and Kashif abbasi know about it.Truth is Tsunami.It can not be hidden.

  48. Lisa Avatar

    They were paid. & no amount can recover Saads life!

    Leave them alone, it's their business.. Just pray for them & Saad.

  49. Qasim Avatar

    Geo TV is criminal.

    I sent an email to Geo tv and asked them why dont they report about the crimes of unilever. But they did not respond. Geo tv is a CIA tv and it is funded by the American terrorists.

    1. Sultan Salahuddin Ay Avatar
      Sultan Salahuddin Ay

      Terrorist GEO

      Terrorist Jang

      Terrorist Akhbar e Jehan


      In Germany, we dont watch GEO TV because it is a terrorist TV and it sides with the American and Hindu terrorists.

      We have also boycotted Urdu newspaper, Jang & Urdu magazine, Akhbar e Jehan, both of which, belong to GEO terrorists and they both support the American and Hindu terrorists.

      GEO + Jang + Akhbar e Jehan = Terrorists

      Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi


  50. Sarmad Hussain Avatar
    Sarmad Hussain

    GEO tv is an american tv and it is run by the americans and hindus. It is very pro america and india.

    1. Sultan Salahuddin Ay Avatar
      Sultan Salahuddin Ay

      GEO TV, Jang newspaper and Akhbar e Jehan are all terrorists and they support the enemies of Pakistan.

      We have boycotted all three in Germany.