PC Hotel Workers Strike – Day 21

The protest by PC Workers continues in the basement of the Pearl Continental Hotel where over 150 union employees are holding fort asking three basic demands. Reinstatement of Four sacked employees (PC Four), The PC Management to recognize the union and third is to come to the negotiation table. It has been 21 days and the situation is not getting better. A protest is being planned at PIDC tomorrow at 4:00pm called by a large spectrum of left-wing parties to come forth in unison. Action for a Progressive Pakistan obtained fresh pictures of the protesting workers, i share here

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Read the detailed fact sheet on this dispute and then support these protestors by sIgning the PC Workers Petition to The Hashwani Group



4 responses to “PC Hotel Workers Strike – Day 21”

  1. Nadir El Edroos Avatar
    Nadir El Edroos

    Link to petition is broken! Searching for it online myself – Shall share as much as I can as well!

  2. Nadir El Edroos Avatar
    Nadir El Edroos

    As the local media is not highlighting the protests and the Hashoo groups seems above domestic pressure, then may I suggest that associated organizations or groups working contact international affiliates of that the Hashoo group works with. AS a franchisee of the Marriott brand in Pakistan, its various hotels are also part of international hoteling organizations,trade associations, standardization organizations etc. They in turn are signatory to various international conventions regarding treatment of labour, especially semi-skilled and unskilled workers by their members. Making them aware of it is going on may raise some eyebrows and the Hashoo groups would have to respond to such queries. I realise that its a very long shot, but perhaps worth considering?

  3. Nazia Avatar


    Local media is itself expert in sacking its employees as per demand of management and seniors mangers just like other private groups working in Pakistan on maximum profit basis.

    It is obvious to all owners that they cannot dismiss and employee of whatever service duration on any grounds of discrimination real or implied. If THEY feel that a dismissal is necessary (mostly for increasing profit margins then they follow a clear procedure to avoid any possible implications of a discriminatory nature. They are always aware that if they do not follow the correct procedure then reaction from labor unions can be activated for unfair dismissal proceedings which can leave them in large amounts of compensation.

    First rule of a disciplinary case is document everything in writing – is always fulfilled as part of good management practice to set things down so that if necessary these notes can be referred to should the need arise.

    So I think they have fulfilled all documentary proofs in this way.

  4. Pakistani escorts Avatar

    Is Zardari black mailing PC owner by financing these strikes?

    He has done the same to MCB.