Reports are coming in that Dr. Imran Farooq an MQM leader based in London may have been knifed to death while coming out of his house in London. My personal differences with the MQM aside this is totally not acceptable, I offer my condolences to the MQM supporters and their families on this loss.
He was assassinated while he was returning back home from a casual walk. In my opinion it’s highly unlikely that this was a random robbery incident and hope that the UK police comes to the bottom of this as soon as possible
It is being rumored that a few days back he may have been suspended from the party because of some heated differences. Grapevine reports from London have also pointed towards a finger pointing towards the Pathan community, which could possibly be leveraged to turn Karachi into a battle ground between MQM and the ANP.
As of writing of this report the MQM Leadership is in a meeting at the 90 headquarter in Karachi, we await their annoucements and hope that they issue a very careful and reserved statement, most likely MQM will announce a three day mourning in his honor and the next three days will be the most tense days in Karachi’s history, if the last months mourning is any way to go by, I suspect some serious bloodshed in the city as a retaliation.
Karachi please stay safe.
81 responses to “MQM Leader Imran Farooq Assassinated in London”
don't worry Doc.. it happened in UK, not Pakistan. The killer and the motives will come out. Until then there will be peace in Karachi, rest assured.
SARA – but the three day mourning is known to turn bad – I believe this will be a test for the MQM – how delicately they handle this situation – if MQM has the intention of meaning good for Karachi then the statements will be careful and reserved, if they go blood shot harsh then God Bless karachi
My total condolences to the entire party – I do not believe in the politics of assassination no matter how strong our differences might be
So much for the MQM being an educated party. Somehow or the other they will find a way to blame the Pashtun community. They couldn't riot in London so they are gonna do it here. They claim they are democrats, patriotic etc and yet their party is full of goons who retaliate over petty matters. This is a big deal and I am scared for Karachi once again. If they were truly a party for the masses they would not resort to violence.
until now MQM has not said a word about it, and you have already blamed the Pakhtoons?
Their past record speaks volumes about their behaviour.
It is requested for all Karachites and Hyderabadies to be careful and cautious for coming days. The situation can get dangerous anytime so every precaution must be taken to keep yourself and your family safe.
after reading this, i'm thinking that something big is about to happen in karachi…Peace
he was already suspended from MQM so I dont think MQM would want to create mess out of it, plain mourning I hope. But maybe other elements would want to cash the situation and make it a burning hell.
Since he was assassinated in London, this time we may actually find out who killed him, unlike countless others who have died.
It might be a revenge killing on personal level.
There is a terrorist plot that aims to destroy the good political parties who want to work for the better of country and this is incident carried out by them.
As you are one of the prominent bloggers in Pakistan, I find it very disappointing that you have already created a rumour.
There might be violence in Karachi but it won't be sanction by MQM. Those people who create violence are individuals who claim to be a part of MQM.
As much as one would want to automatically blame MQM for the reactionary violence in Karachi, no matter who does it. ITs very natural and owing to the situation relevant also. But please do not ignore the conspirators for punishing the party for speaking against the status quo in the country and then have it labelled with rioting.
But please note, that for the first time ever the reaction started from Defence, Clifton and then to Garden. Why not the usual areas, of Orangi, North Karachi, Nazimabad? There is a sinister plan behind Dr. Imran's killing and this assassination has more to it.
All we can hope for is to find the suspect and his motives behind this killing.
ooo my GAAD
Peer sahib bewaah ho gaey
haeey koee saleem shahzaad ko pakar laey
haaee koee khoonee khanjaar bhee lay aey
Teeth Maestro is like any other politician, don't have a bone in the back. Politically correct statements, when you become above average crowd.
I hope rest of the Pakistani politician meet the same fate, ASAP.
I hope Shahee Sayyad, Asfandyaar, Zardari, Rahman Dakait, Babar Awan, Nawaz Shareef, Altaf Hussain, Jali-Mullah-Diesel, Qazi Hussain and any other politician and other corrupt Generals too meet the same fate, ASAP
Here we are talking about a senior leader of an elected party of Pakistan, someone who had been a key figure in the formulation of internal & external policies of this party. Someone who was not a feudal/ landlord and raised from a middle class neighbourhood… Someone who represented the talented youth of Pakistan, having a genuine qualification from a recognised university and made it to the parliament with huge support from the people of his constituency… Someone most of us would be easily ignoring as being a member of a party of emerging middle class, the fear factor of the ruling elite… This is the beginning of the true clash between feudalism and people power….Indeed, there will be more like him among us to fight for the cause of poor and under privileged.. We shall wait for them!!!
@R.Mohani, give me a break plz.A genuine leader wd over 60 cases against him, living in self proclaimed exile, plz.
I have no good words for him but since hes dead now, i wont say anything.
Let him face Allah and we will find out where does he stands? To me his calm,peace and silence with watever MQM is famoue for, meaning Bhata khori, extortion, Different Mafia's, target killing is deplorable.Watever wrong MQM has done during his assocation with the party, he will stand responsible in the court of Allah.
There is not going to be any clash between fuedalism and the poor ppl and not at least under the banner of MQM. It is a fuedal party it self where one will loose life if he voice his/her opinion against Altaf hussain.
The way Altaf was crying over his death makes it even more suspicious, why does he wanted the whole world to see n believe his false drama of the mourning of Dr.IF murder.
i mean Altaf is dispecable.
kindly dont distort the facts any more.
Feel sorry for Dr.Imran Farooq.He was a scapegoat like Azeem Ahmed Tariq and others.
I think MQM and others are planning for some thing big this time.
May Allah(swt) protect us all.
Qaum hae muskil mae aur muskil kusha England mae…
* Imran Farooq was mautil(suspended) some 5-6 times from the organisation in past decade
* Imran Farooq is gone(killed) like Azeem tariq, Khalid bin waleed, Nishat Malick, and 20 other major party leaders
* Altaf bhai has very genorously postponed his bithday celebration which is a great sacrifice on his part
* According to insiders there can be no parellel to Altaf bhai in the party
* Its all to sad to see all this happning for decades and still the nation sleeps while the butchers rule around.
"Karachi aur London mein rehna hai tou….Jiye Altaf kehna hai"……..
A tragic incident to show how violence and attack on good leaders is taking place to target Pakistan and slow down the minimal growth it has.
So finally you too shown your real TEETH.
Imran Farooq was Founder member and basic ideologue and brain behind Mahajir Movement. Later The Quaid hijacked leadership. The earswhile Secy Gen and founder…Farooq was gradually sidelined. He was living life of a recluse, ousted from party matters for a very long time. He was a perfect expendab le now….at the time of Quaids B Day celebrations.
Now his murder can be pinned upon anyone …YOU Already pinned the blame….PATHANS…
Whose game are you playing….UK foreign ministery…which is spanning sectarian riots in Kci and sponsors Quaid? Do you know how many times their ambassador, FM have bailed out QUaid and finally gave him asylum.
and you know who..none else tahn Miliband himself called BB to come to Pakistan when she was adament to stay away due to life concerns?
Pl wake up. Its already too late. you just lit fire to BP oil spill in Arabian Sea.
"So finally you too shown your real TEETH"
"Its already too late. you just lit fire to BP oil spill in Arabian Sea."
i am confused….
Your confusion shows that your comments were your true feelings …w/o any motive.
we should be careful to quote and spread rumours. In this case Teeth Blog is widely read and mostly believed to be real pulse of karachi and Pakistan. Your reference to Pathans …no matter in a manner of speech where you can just dissociate yourself as merely Quoting from someone else…matters a lot. This blog has been seen, read and quoted hundreds of times may be a thousand times by now. The grapevine gains authenticity and becomes a believable fact much too soon. A rumour quoted here gets an air of authenticity.
Hence it has certainly great potential to add oil to sectarian fire in Karachi.
It can only serve vested interests. We should not forget that UK is a major player in great game and hence it is expected that like Iraq enquiry, BB enquiry, this matter may also never be solved by Scotland yard.
In short, a Blog as respected as this one should be extremely careful to quote GRAPEVINE.
I may take liberty with my opinion is of an individual, but your writings are now taken as expression of entire middle class of Pakistan. Your identity in cyber space is TEETH MAESTRO (a celebrated blogger) not of any dentist or any blogger.
@Sajid … I really wanted to ignore your comment about Farooq being the ideologist but couldn't resist to say that you dont even know what is coming out of your mouth.
Its not mandatory to comment on every post to express your hate and shit yourself from your mouth.
Keep burning your heart, MQM is being a victim of negative marketing and propaganda for a long time and its supporters are used to it now.
RIP Dr. Imran Farooq
wow that's amusing….
Dear Sajid Yaqoob,
Sincere advice…leave the computer for few days.go out and have some fun…
Still in a shock and surprise trying to comprehend the news ,it's impact and consequences.
It can just be a case of at the wrong place at the wrong time.The timing is very important 5.30 pm that is the busiest of all times as children are already home after school and people are heading back to home after work.
Police is at alert for any sort of unexpected incidence and police patrolling in the streets .
So why a murderer will choose this time and right at his door step.
It happened near the flat stairs,it can be easily a case where he disturbed someone maybe trying to take drugs and the peranoid person attacked him in the frenzy not knowing who is his victim …….just a middle aged Asian .
But important to note is that, " The murder investigation has meanwhile been taken over by the Metropolitan Police's COUNTER-TERRORISM UNIT , SO15."
Let's await the report .
Timing was 30 minutes before the birthday celebrations of MQM Chief Altaf Hussain – Its not a robbery or mugging incident, it has to do with the Taliban or paid assassins.
There are no Taliban's in UK and paid assassins .
The person had no gun he only attacked with knife but he intended to kill him .Carrying a knife is a crime here .We will get the whole story as Ambulance got there when he was still breathing it means there were some witness who would have phoned Ambulance and must have seen something .
Let us wait a while.
There are regular stabbing incidents in UK… here is the witness report…
He was killed because MQM spoke too much on changing the system and eliminating Feudals.
ure saying there are no paid assassins in UK?
But as of now, Scotland Yard has got the identification of the person, and they should be releasing the details very soon, as soon the man has been apprehended.
The last political murder which took place in UK was of a Russian spy…
Plotonium was traced from a cup of tea/coffee back to Russia and the diplomatic ties between two countries were affected badly -.
Are you trying to say that all the feudals of Pakistan who take pride in study from Oxford and Cambridge will spoil their credibility and tradition and generations to come ;just to kill him?
It is so badly planned actually that I am shocked and am forced to think that it is either mugging or a personal revenge .Let alone any political party doing it.
But at least one murder will be resolved.
Political Assassination [similarities] An ice pick used to assassinate Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky may have surfaced in Mexico, still bloodstained 65 years after his murder. Trotsky murder weapon 'in Mexico' Last Updated: Friday, 17 June, 2005, 11:06 GMT 12:06 UK
Overwhelming majority says that KGB and Butcher Stalin were behind it
Trotsky was easily outmanoeuvred by Stalin. In 1927, he was thrown out of the party. Internal and then foreign exile followed, but Trotsky continued to write and to criticise Stalin. Trotsky settled in Mexico in 1936. On 20 August 1940, an assassin called Ramon Mercader, acting on Stalin's orders, stabbed Trotsky with an ice pick, fatally wounding him. He died the next day. Leon Trotsky (1879 – 1940)…
Inquiry into Dr David Kelly's death was flawed, say experts
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor Friday, 17 September 2004…
Hahah look how Altaf posing for camera…even my mother tells it is a DRAMA…..what joke he is.. A defiantly inside job….game is on….
Birthday celebration was about to start in 30 mins,MQM workers in Karachi were waiting for celebration call. Altaf Hussain was about to announce something very important, may be leaving the govt. or anything else. On birthday , they do 'tajdeed wafa' with quaid, and whoever doesn't show his/her loyalty with Altaf Hussain, he gets suspicious in workers eyes. I know many senior MQM workers those who left MQM activities because of age or also have issue with leaving identity of "muhajir" , but they wish Altaf Hussain Birthday by emailing or sending msgs 90, furthermore they keep congratulate him if see anything which should be appreciated , Imran Farooq was suspended from MQM from last 2 years, and has major conflicts with 'rabta committee' specially on supporting PPP, He was one of the victim of operation which PPP launched against MQM and he went underground , that's another debate that agencies gave him protection.
Operation was Launched by COAS Asif Nawaz Janjua on 19 Jun 1992 and PPP came to Power in 1993 and Naseerullah Babar continued that operation and after that it was again started in the second government of Nawaz Sharif government. – The Independent understands that, after a period in which he had stepped back from frontline politics, he had also recently been critical of the use of MQM funds in Pakistan and abroad. The murder in suburbia that sent shockwaves across the world By Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter
Saturday, 18 September 2010…
Futhermore, MQM faced worst kind of State Oppression at the hands of Authorities just for nothing: Human rights crisis in Karachi .Introduction…
Genuine complain were there but it didn't need Military Operation: According to US State Deptt/Homeland Security Document: In the mid-1990s, the MQM-A was heavily involved in the widespread political violence that wracked Pakistan's southern Sindh province, particularly Karachi, the port city that is the country's commercial capital. MQM-A militants fought government forces, breakaway MQM factions, and militants from other ethnic-based movements. In the mid-1990s, the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and others accused the MQM-A and a rival faction of summary killings, torture, and other abuses (see, e.g., AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1996). The MQM-A routinely denied involvement in violence. Pakistan: Information on Mohajir/Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A),,USCIS,,PAK…
Apart from all aspects, what I consider most is its timing. The birthday of Altaf Husain and assassination of Imran Farooq.Seems its sort of some warning for MQM or Altaf Husain like London is not safe we can reach anywhere. Now guess who this 'we' is.
Another question, what will be the next safe place for our political leaders?
The Karachi king – After a bloody conflict in Karachi, much-feared political boss Altaf Hussain fled to London, but he is no less powerful in Pakistan Mustafa Qadri, Monday 6 July 2009 18.00 BST…
The Karachi ruling party ‘run like the mafia’ from an office block in London · MQM accused of planning carnage which left 42 dead · Khan calls for leader in UK to face anti-terror charges Declan Walsh in Karachi and Matthew Taylor The Guardian, Saturday 2 June 2007…
For me the logical question is why Dr.Imran Farooq? who has been sidelined by Altaf Hussain.
or more precisely
Why those leaders are assassinated who disagree with Altaf Hussain?
For me he could be an assest for "anti" MQM groups.
In the beginning MQM was a very good political party, but due to their "Bhatta" culture they are not in the good books of people. People of karachi are very much scared of this party, but of course the poor to whom they helped them they are with this party. More over Altaf Hussain sitting in London and giving telephonic speeches to these poor people of karachi, make the nation annoyed from Altaf Hussain. First the victim was Tariq Azeem and now Dr farooq, who will be the next…..?
Thank God Dr Farooq was assassinated in London & not in Pakistan, other wise what will happen in Karachi..?
I hope people of Karachi & in Sindh where MQM is very popular will be calm & in peace, and let the UK govt decide who is behind this murder.
I didn't think that Altaf & Saleem Shahzaad would have killed Imran Farooq but the way Uncle-Bewah was crying, Im almost sure Peer Sahib had him.
or did sheree named Imran Farooq in his plea?…
But if Imran Farooq is out then who would direct the Qatl-o-Gharat?
Saleem Shahzaad is too busy with the blonds & the bottles.
May be story of daily ummat will clear the picture:…
Seems u r absolutely right, but what is that hyderabadi group n wat do you think of Bihari group reaction on Dr. imran fraooq murder ?
Hyderabadi group is pointed towards Anees Qaim Khani and Kunwar Naveed Jameel and others who are more loyal than workers and leaders belong to Karachi.
Anees Qaim Khani is especially remained in contact with Altaf Hussain all the time.
Altaf Hussain trusted workers from interior more than workers of Karachi especially when he was in Pakistan.
Initially MQM was known as representatives of Biharis. There was a good numbers of bihari leaders and workers initially Saleem Shehzad, Imran Farooq and many others were biharis.
but i was not aware about Bihari Qomi Movement.I never heard about them.
Ummat says there were 2 men… nothing but table story write-ups.
What you need to be looking for is the link between the plot to kill Justice Khawaja Sharif to the murder of Dr. Imran Farooq. A lot will come clear.
Conspiracy to kill CJ LHC Khawaja Sharif AND AYAZ AMIR [PML-N] Saturday, September 18, 2010, Shawwal 08, 1431 A.H…
But British police sources have said it was also linked to extortion, gun smuggling and South African crime networks. Imran Farooq murdered outside London home Prominent Pakistani politician found with head injuries and stab wounds in north London Vikram Dodd and David Batty
The Guardian, Friday 17 September 2010…
Running Pakistan’s biggest city – from London By Alastair Lawson BBC News, London Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 May 2007, 11:33 GMT 12:33 UK
Scotland Yard and MI6:)
Mid 1980s: MI6 Agent Gets to Know Future Al-Qaeda Leaders
Alastair Crooke, an agent for the British intelligence service MI6, helps out with the anti-Soviet jihad and gets “to know some of the militants who would become leaders of al-Qaeda.” [NEW STATESMAN, 4/11/2005] He also spends “years during the 1980s with Osama Bin Laden’s henchmen in Afghanistan.” [SUNDAY EXPRESS, 6/12/2005] Crooke, whose role is to coordinate British assistance to the mujaheddin, will later be described by CIA officer Milton Bearden as “a natural on the frontier” and “a British agent straight out of the Great Game.” Details of exactly which future al-Qaeda leaders he gets to know are not available. In the 1990s, Crooke will move to Palestine, where he will come into contact with Hamas leaders. [NEW STATESMAN, 4/11/2005]…
Why we forget this Factor while talking about Mullahs!
Just how vicious a campaign the CIA was sponsoring is suggested by the Pakistan Brigadier Mohammed Yousuf, who directed the training with and distribution of CIA weapons at that time. In a matter-of-fact passage in his memoirs, he describes the range of assassination tactics and targets he was preparing the mujahideen to take on in Kabul. They ranged from your everyday “knife between the shoulder blades of a Soviet soldier shopping in the bazaar” to “the placing of a briefcase bomb in a senior official’s office.” Educational institutions were considered fair game, he explains, since they were staffed by “Communists indoctrinating their students with Marxist dogma.” {Page 335 Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story Of The Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile}.
On a CIA sponsored trip to Washington that year, the proud ISI Brigadier was deeply insulted when he was led, virtually blindfolded, to the Agency’s “sabotage school” in North Carolina. Vickers {CIA Official foe Afghan “Jihad} escorted the burly Pakistani Brigadier in a plane whose windows were blacked, then in a car with its shades drawn. Yousuf, who suffers the chip on the shoulder of many proud Third World types, was deeply offended at this slight. He reasoned that if he was trusted enough to be permitted to run the CIA’s operation in Pakistan, why was the Agency treating him as if he were about to reveal the location of the sabotage school? Later Vicker and Avrakotos {CIA Officials for Afghan “Jihad”} take Yousuf and one of his colleagues out for a fancy dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, USA. {Page 351 Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story Of The Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile}.
lol.. quotes from 2000, 2002, 1999 and even 2 years ago, won't shy away the upcoming blame on the government + the corrupt establishment for the murder of Dr. Imran Farooq.
It was the call of revolution which hurt many of the elite.
Just put every details [with references] before everybody to discuss the issue threadbare and by the way MQM is a part of the government and filed the Nomination Paper for Zardari: MQM to support Zardari for presidential slot: Altaf Monday, August 25, 2008 By our correspondent Karachi [link is dead read in the old newspapers of Jang and The News]
The coordination committee of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Rabita Committee will support Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari for the presidential slot, MQM Founder and Chief Altaf Hussain said Sunday. Addressing a general workers’ meeting at the office of the Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF), Altaf asked workers whether they approved the decision of the Rabita Committee. The huge gathering endorsed the decision. He also appealed to the Haq Parast people of Punjab to support Zardari and urged Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif to support Zardari for his presidential election and avoid confrontation.
The one who leaves MQM is killed , this is history of MQM simple and clear .
Or establishment has done this to show that Altaf bhai u r not a big thing u can also be targeted don't talk about Renaissance in Pakistan !
Other possibility …….
I guess the Ummat says what I had stated…an inside party job. and Guardian stated exactly what helps Power Players i.e Pathans.
Isnt it becoming evident where all this is headed. Imran farooqs family is in protective custody…….I only pray not like Dr Qadeer by GoP and Driver of Lady Diana by UK gov.
I hope scotland yard does reveal the name of the killer(s) and I hope that they don't get into bloody bargainings that our politics is so used to.
Azeeem Tariq ham sharmindah hain,
teraa Qaatil abhee bhee Zinda hai
Don't take me the wrong way. I am not a conspiracy theorist but lately a lot of external forces have been trying to create unrest in Pakistan. for example, so far they have tried Ahmedi murders, shia sunni violence, Sunni vs Taliban (daata Darbar incident) and cricket scandal originating in UK and propagated by Indian media. Is it possible this a latest attempt to create a war like situation in Karachi? I have no faith in UK police/media and how they will use this information to influence Pakistan situation. Just a thought…
completely agreed or i would say that MI5 might involved in this murder or at least in some support and cover ups.
Any one can see that creating unrest, chaos and anarchy in Pakistan is well planned and well orchestrated attempts to achieve those goals. People might remember about the reports from American think tanks in initial period of Gen Pervez Musharraf about separation or freedom of Balochistan…I was amazed to read that and wondered how it would be possible…now after more than 10 years connecting dots is much easier than before.It tells us that Pakistan is victim of global conspiracies through external and domestic means.
Quaid ka jo ghaddar hay
Woh mot ka haqdar hay…
@Dr. Jawwad Khan, u didnot tell what reaction are you epecting of Imran farooq group, if any.
some questions; how come Ummat is publishing such stuff against MQM working in karachi, whose backing has it ?
secondly I wonder how come MQM gather so much ppl, is it only fear ?
thirdly U said Babar ghouri, Mustafa Kamal belonged to Imran Farooq's bihari group, wats their reaction will be after IF murder, can they stand against Altaf ?
fourthly I think Altaf must have got the backing of RAW & indian govt in making such trained serial killers and have Raw ppl working hand in hand with him, wat do u say bcz how come his grip is so strong over the party while in london ?
lAST POint, the army and establishment knows his party is a terrorist organistaion, y his ppl are not apprehended in Karachi mass killings ? why is he safeguarded and do u honestly think ppl believe his antics of this RANDI RONA, hes dispecable, your commments awaited
@Khalid baig
My guess is the reaction will be slight degree of disappointment within bihari community nothing more.
Again i do not know how Ummat found such a inside stories.May be since the days of salah uddin when he was editor of weekly takbeer.People believe that he established a contact with intelligence agencies who provide him the inside information.It is possible that those contacts are still intact.
Frankly i am not sure about his contacts with RAW.I think it is just a made up story like Jinnah poor.MQM is not involve in insurgency they do not need training from professionals. All they need is a trigger happy moron.Regarding his grip on the party and Karachi is due to his popularity and lack of alternate.Also the fear factor play a major role. People of Karachi believe that MQM protects from rouge elements of other non urdu speaking communities. The whole country is divided on parochialism and language.
I strongly believe that MQM developed its contact and working relations with Americans and Britons.Its survival depends upon Islamophobia.They particularly hate the Deobandi and Wahhabi denominations which are unable to accommodate his politics and philosophy of secularism and liberalism therefore MQM promote Barelviat because barelviat offers them the space they needed.
PPL don't believe in right or wrong they only believe in survival of fittest.It is a mentality of all pakistanis unfortunately due to this reason a "Murghi Chor" became the president of Pakistan.
Above all how it is possible that Azeem Ahmed Tariq “killed” during a period when there was Military Operation going on and Patrolling was intense during those days?
Patrollonig does not occur inside smaller streets and how can the patrolling stop some one from going from one room to another?
I bet the killers would never be found(rather made public). whats the point of punishing some one if you can better use him in the future?
What the Pakistan Rangers was doing right after the death of Benazir? KARACHI: Where were Rangers during recent riots? By Sabihuddin Ghausi January 03, 2008
KARACHI, Jan 3: As the setting sun of Dec 27 saw Pakistan’s popular political leader lie dead in the Rawalpindi General Hospital, Karachi streets witnessed quick disappearance of Rangers and police, leaving the people rushing home in panic from their workplaces at the mercy of robbers, plunderers and arsonists. Disappearance of police and Rangers from streets and roads after devastating bomb blasts and target killings in Karachi has become a routine feature during the last few years. Motorists, shopkeepers, petrol pumps and the public on roads become easy target of armed assailants, who come from nowhere and disappear after completing their mission.
imran says: September 20, 2010 at 7:09 am aamir, Patrollonig does not occur inside smaller streets and how can the patrolling stop some one from going from one room to another?
I bet the killers would never be found(rather made public). whats the point of punishing some one if you can better use him in the future?
Dear Imran Sahab,
Have you heard about Reverse Psychology? What about this "neglect" and "negligence" What the Pakistan Rangers was doing right after the death of Benazir? KARACHI: Where were Rangers during recent riots? By Sabihuddin Ghausi January 03, 2008
KARACHI, Jan 3: As the setting sun of Dec 27 saw Pakistan’s popular political leader lie dead in the Rawalpindi General Hospital, Karachi streets witnessed quick disappearance of Rangers and police, leaving the people rushing home in panic from their workplaces at the mercy of robbers, plunderers and arsonists. Disappearance of police and Rangers from streets and roads after devastating bomb blasts and target killings in Karachi has become a routine feature during the last few years. Motorists, shopkeepers, petrol pumps and the public on roads become easy target of armed assailants, who come from nowhere and disappear after completing their mission.
Pakistan politician murder: have Karachi's brutal politics reached London?
Neighbours in Edgware thought Imran Farooq just worked in a pharmacy, but then he was murdered – victim of the brutal politics of Pakistan's biggest city. By Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent, and Rob Crilly in Karachi Published: 7:57PM BST 18 Sep 2010… The kind of City hall politics that the MQM presides over in Karachi, though, make Chicago in the 1930s seem like a model of good governance. However, last week's murder was not the first time that Mr Hussain's actitivies in London have come under scrutiny. In 2007, he was accused of stirring up trouble when followers of the MQM allegedly opened fire on anti-government protesters, sparking clashes in which more than 40 people were killed.
Thanks Allah! All went peaceful.
The report of Ummat is quite sensational one (it has always been though) Lets see if Scotland Yard reaches the culprits.
Credibility of Daily Ummat:) Salahuddin murder case takes a dramatic turn DAWN/The News International, KARACHI 08 January 1999, Friday, 19 Ramzan 1419 KARACHI, Jan 7: The murder case of Maulana Salahuddin has taken a dramatic turn with the startling disclosures by his daughter that she suspects the involvement of her husband in the assassination of her father, who was editor of Takbeer. She called upon the government to reinvestigate the case.
Its not about patrolling.Azeem Tariq's house was well guarded.Utmost safety measures had been taken.Even the windows had been sealed there was two lines of body guards inner line of personal guards and outer line of police guards but there was one problem,all his personal guards were from MQM and there was no way intruder could come and kill Azeem Ahmed Tariq. This was the main reason behind speculations of inside job.
There is a Term called "Agent Provocateur"
HAVE U GUYS SEEN THE LATEST PRESS CONF OF MQM ?I am surprised and shocked over the audicity of these terrorists.
Remember GOEBELS ? the propaganda minister of Hitler.His famous quote was, SPEAK LIE SO BLATANTLY & REPEATEDLY THAT PPL STARTS BELIEVING U. Mqm is doing excatly that, first they kill ppl and then they come on media denOuncing target killings, telling the MQM terrorists to maintain peace & calm, whereas in reality they do exactly the opposite, looting killing & plundering.
My question from both of you is that why the so called champions of democracy i mean, the journalists, anchor persons, political parties ARE quite over this. How come No parodies of Altaf in any TV ? why no fact finding mission by any channel as they have numerously done against ppp n PML. is it only fear of life ?
further what can we do to highlight the atrocities of MQM ?
awaits a response.
check this out – Theory? for now yes it is.
Reality of the Accountability Process "started" by Late. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi: ‘شریف النفس’….
حسن مجتییٰ |
G M Jatoi, watch this DAWN NEWS CHANNEL Investigative Program ON MEHRANGATE SCANDAL, Late Mr Jatoi was one of the beneficiary 6th January 2008…
Khalid Baig says: September 20, 2010 at 9:40 pm further what can we do to highlight the atrocities of MQM ? awaits a response.
Dear Sir,
Do you have any proof?