Urdu translation of Benazir & Nawaz Sharif’s Corruption in Raymond Baker’s book on Dirty Money

Courtesy of the team working with columnist Hassan Nisar has translated the Pakistan relevant pages 76-88 which Expose the Massive Corruption of Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif [PDF]

For the English version of the relevant pages check out the following links Benazir Bhutto & Nawaz Sharif Please keep in mind this is the research from an independent unbiased person (Raymond Baker) living out side of Pakistan who in his book tracks all forms of international corruption and we are blessed [?] to have two Prime Ministers deeply involved in the corruption trail leading in and out of Pakistan


One response to “Urdu translation of Benazir & Nawaz Sharif’s Corruption in Raymond Baker’s book on Dirty Money”

  1. showshadotcom Avatar

    A really nice post. Much appreciated, thanks Showsha.com