As if the funny stories about Axact could possibly not get any funnier – we now have an authenticated investigative report of Axact’s sham university Rochwille University awarding College MBA degree to a dog in Vermont USA. Rochville Universoty also happens to be listed in New York Times list of Axact’s Sham university websites for $499
First please kindly watch this video below, uploaded in 2011, of a Vermont news reporter exposing how a dog named Chester Ludlow obtained an MBA degree from Rochville University in 2009 and was even supplied with proper detailed transprcipts and heck along with in the package came a car sticker as well, talk about alumni perks
Distance MBA Degree Earned by Dog
A closer look at Rochville University, a link which was also reported on Declan Walsh’s article in NYT, scrolling onto their website if you click LIVE CHAT, a window pops up, revelaing the source code you shall see that the encoding includes a special xchatlivepro code which is hosted on webiste – in yesterday’s video we shared about these sham websites having the same chatting link, we showed how almost any randombly selected website lead to this Axact Chat server, which has been confirmed by my sources to be expliclity used by Axact employees while connecting with potential clients online. Its funny, that eversince our exposure the backend xchatlivepro links, has been taken offline, specifically the Axact employee login window which was previously accessible at
To make things easier, and to also document it as evidence, a short video clearly shows the above steps pointing back to the same servers
Axact Sells an MBA Degree to a Dog
One response to “Axact Sells an MBA Degree to a Dog”
Pakistan earning more shame and lack of trust. All because of another Pakistan. Congratulations now even freelancer like us will also not be trusted by new clients.