Category: Corruption
Zardari Tells Democracy to Shut up
A short video clip of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari telling a heckler to “shut up” is hilarious. One must admit that the timing of the comment is truly priceless, Zardari was in mid-stream delivering his speech “What has happened to this democracy ……. Shut up” – Only when you watch the short section will you…
Mumtaz Bhutto’s Interview with Express News Kamran Shahid
Mumtaz Bhutto leader of SNF talks to Express News host Kamran Shahid on 17th January 2010. I believe this to be a very interesting interview worth sharing on this blog, Mumtaz Bhutto generally an old-cadre PPP supporter shares his political views and is seen to be genuinely begruntled at seeing the PPP and the Bhutto…
Targeted killings and the Land Mafia in Karachi – Open Letter by SHEHRI
An Open Letter to Rehman Malik by Shehri Mr Rehman Malik has been making rather interesting statements about stopping the “targeted killings” in Karachi. The simple fact is that the land mafia of Karachi is behind a number of these murders and the motive for these assassinations is money. Let us take the case of…
NRO declared Null and Void – What Now?
After a lapse of over two years, today a full bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan came through with a historic judgment declaring the 2007 National Reconciliatory Ordinance null and void. It must be recalled that the NRO was the mastermind of the then President of Pakistan General Pervaiz Musharraf who in October 2007…
He who is Not a Sinner should Cast the First Stone
By: Amjad Malik, MA, LLM I have been vehemently advocating the need to erect a system of accountability by invoking a new commission and an Act of Parliament to curb mal practice, plundering and looting whilst one is holding a public office. This new Commission can truly ensure compliance with the Clauses of Article 62…
12 Cartons of Zardari’s Swiss Case Evidence goes missing
Things are definitely heating up for Asif Ali Zardari, with the NRO effectively being contested by a full bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, it seems panic has started to prevail in the Presidency and disaster managemnt has begun. A few days back Geo Tv was tipped off on a developing story in Switzerland…
“Corruption is our Right” – Peoples Party Minister on TV
Watch this Youtube video of a TV show where one Peoples Party Minsiter actually says in a discussion with full confidence that corruption is ‘our right’, if the elected parties dont do corruption then its their own loss. So much for the facade of denying that any party was ever involved in corruption, might this…
Laidback Show Episode 8 – Imanae Malik
Cross posted from The Laidback Show | Show notes after the jump
Blackwater owner Erik Prince gets blackballed by Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair publishes a detailed report Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy by Adam Ciralsky on Blackwater analyzing its founder Erik Prince where it has been revealed that Erik Prince and his company (Blackwater / Xe) may have more then $1 billion from government contracts during the George W. Bush tenure. Prince blames the newly elected democratic…
Abbas Steel Group solely responsible for Pakistan Steel Mill debacle
Pakistan Steel Mills located 40km south east of Karachi came under some serious controversies after reports continued to appear in the media in early 2009 of some serious financial problems that may have effectively left this organization in some serious debt which may actually extend to well beyond a substantial few billions, reportedly upto the…
So what it’s just the NRO!
By: Agha Haider Raza So the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) beneficiaries list comes out. The media is happy that those persons who enjoyed taking advantage of the NRO have light casted upon them, while the government is trying to push forward the argument of how they have respected the Supreme Court’s judgment and have publicized…
Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan being Verified
Jeremy Scahill writes a must read detailed report on the operations of Blackwater in Pakistan. His extensive investigation naturally starts off from The White House which refused to comment or respond to his emails but a spokesperson from the US Department of Defense denied the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan to categorically say “We don’t…
MQM’s 3800 Criminal Cases withdrawn under the NRO
The NRO mudslinging competition continues to go on, each party/individual boldly underplaying his/her own association with the controversial bill. What seriously amazes me, is that we still do not have access to the full and complete list of beneficiaries and are at the receiving end of confusing reports where the totals have seemingly fluctuated from…
Corruption threatens the civil system of Pakistan
Amjad Malik specially writes on post NRO scenario on corruption The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) presented to the government on Thursday a list of 248 politicians and bureaucrats, who were alleged to have plundered hundreds of billions of rupees but were cleared by the NAB under the National Reconciliation Ordinance 2007. Luckily, the presidential order…