Category: CrisisPk
Street Theater by People’s Resistance
This Street Theater Play was enacted by the members of People’s Resistance back in late December, we were supposed to upload it soon after but the events of Dec 27th and the assassination of Benazir Bhutto put our plans in check. This was the first session of the play, since then the Street Theater team…
Media Restrictions Undermine Election: Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch issues a statement on the restriction on the media, similarly Hamid Mir also shared his concerns just a day earlier in a letter to journalists of PFUJ. Threats and censorship against the independent media, bias in state television, and a widespread ban on live broadcasting are limiting the public’s right to information…
Jemima Inteview President Musharraf
Published in The Independent, it is definitely worth reading. ‘Since you were so kind as to greet us in London at Downing Street last month, the President would like to return the favour,” announces Major-General Rashid Qureshi, President Pervez Musharraf’s PR man over the phone. Only in Pakistan could the government’s head of spin be…
Musharraf’s Understanding of Human Rights
President Pervez Musharraf responds to a question posed by Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Roth asked Musharraf whether, in the interest of free debate before the February 18, 2008 parliamentary elections, he would release the judges and lawyers who were being held…
Hamid Mir shares his concerns about the restricted media
Mr. Hamid Mir, a very prominent anchor of Geo TV who was banned from appearing on any TV show after the emergency shares his feelings in this letter submitted after the press conference he had on the invitation of Pakistan Federal Union Journalists . Its a must read specially if you want to understand whats…
Attorney General Qayyum Aware of Massive Election-Rigging Plans as early as Nov
In an audio recording obtained by Human Rights Watch, Pakistans Attorney General [Mr. upsnoot] Malik Qayyum stated that upcoming parliamentary elections will be “massively rigged, Human Rights Watch said that the recording was made during a phone interview with a member of the media on November 21, 2007. Qayyum, while still on the phone interview,…
Seminar: Urbanization, Politics, Public & National Interests by Mr. Arif Hasan
The Peoples Resistance would like to invite the general public for a talk on “URBANIZATION, POLITICS, PUBLIC AND NATIONAL INTERESTS” by Mr. Arif Hasan, a leading environmentalist, architect and people-oriented planner, on Sunday, 17th February, 2008, at 4 p.m. sharp at Shirkat Gah, 2 Bath Island Road, Parin Lodge, Karachi (near Bridge Store) Presented by…
Message from Aitzaz Ahsan to Pakistanis
The following video has been obtained by Student Action Committee through special arrangements and SAC is releasing it for the general audience right now. The video includes a message to the people of Pakistan followed by a very inspirational poem by none other than Honorable Aitzaz Ahsan. It is addressed particularly to the youth and…
Talking in percentages, the latest IRI survey
Guest Blog by Zovc The latest IRI survey released on 11th of February indicates once again that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) will clean sweep the February 18th elections. These elections are thought to be one of the most critical in Pakistani history not just because they will decide the fate of Pakistan for the next…
Just Think for Once and Then Vote
Guest Blog by Amjad Malik This could be one of the most uncertain elections in Pakistan where there are hundred of doubts whether they will be held as scheduled, and if yes, will it be fair and the atmosphere is not conducive either. If people come out of fear, and went to vote on the…
Festival of the Oppressed
Guest post by Umer Chaudhry Cross Posted from Red Diary February 9th, 2008, was an important day for the lawyers movement and for the people of Pakistan. It was that day when the lawyers showed their resilience in the face of State repression on the streets of Islamabad. It was that day when the lawyers…
Video of the Protest in Islamabad
Citizens of Pakistan take the brunt of Musharraf’s tyranny
Pro Musharraf Rally welcomed in Islamabad
Funny yet ironic how the bureaucracy chooses to sugar-coat its Pro-Musharraf supporters with police protection, security gates and then finally a treat of lunch boxes. While only a few days earlier the opposition was treated with tear gas, bricks and a hose down in the chilly Islamabad winter. Free and Fair elections definitely remain an…
It’s just a rock! It’s just a bruise
By Sundas Sundas is a student of LUMS who is an active member of the Student Action Committee, Lahore and this write up is her narration of the events that took place in Islamabad last Saturday when over 1500 strong force of unarmed citizens braved the water cannons and tear gas to try and reach…
They took Oath under the PCO before – Why Should we Support them Now
Article written by members of the People’s Resistance Originally written on Dec 26 2007, The PCO Chief Justice of Lahore High Court, Iftikhar Hussain Chaudhry, has since retired A Bit of History Pakistans history is chequered with instances of military taking over the state. When Ayub took over, he introduced a constitution (1962) that gave…