Category: Free Speech

  • Bahraini Blogger Blocked By Bahrain

    Pakistanis don’t need to be told how much it can hurt to be at the receiving end of a censorship on their own blog, we sadly have had a massive blockade on the entire cordoning off more then 10 million blogs for over 11 months and counting. Its sad to note that a few…

  • Greek Blog Aggregator Arrested for RSS Linking

    In a very interesting turn of events, the administrator of a Greek RSS aggregating service got sued, arrested and jailed by the Greek cybercrime division for hosting a link to a blog with offending content, after having been served with a libel lawsuit without prior notice, because a public figure was offended by a…

  • Bush Heading Towards Martial Law?

    President Bush has signed into law a provision which will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law. It does so by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits the President’s ability to deploy troops within the United States. The Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C.331 -335) has historically, along with the Posse…

  • Pakistan asked to keep Religion Private

    The new chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board has actually told his players to curb the public display of practicing their religion. “There is no doubt their religious faith is a motivating factor in the team,” Ashraf told Reuters. “It binds them together. But there should be balance between religion and cricket.” …. “I have told…

  • In the Line of Fire – Free PDF

    For those of us (including me), who refuse to contribute to the Pervaiz Musharraf Foundation (does it really exist??) as reported a few days prior, I now present you Pervaiz Musharraf’s Book – In the Line of Fire – A Memoir in scanned PDF version freely available for you to download and try to understand…

  • Musharraf – Book Profit to Charity

    A few weeks back I was very critical of Pervez Musharraf when he started his book tour in the United States to the extent of making a statement in my post Bomb Pakistan into the Stone Age, or else.: “I sincerely hope that the People of Pakistan see some of the royalty being submitted into…

  • Stone Age… Revisited

    A few days back on Sept 23rd 2006 I wrote an article on titled – Pakistanis Unsurprised by the ‘Stone Age’ Remark, was an altered version to the post I made on my own blog a few days prior – Bomb Pakistan into the Stone Age, or else. where I discussed the threat made…

  • Bomb Pakistan into the Stone Age, or else….

    A threat made by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage immediately after 9/11 threatening Pakistan to Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age. It was revealed after five years during an interview for CBS 60 minutes (video) with Pervaiz Musharraf expected to be aired on Sunday. Be prepared…

  • Bush ‘the Devil’ – Hugo Chavez

    The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez tore into his United States counterpart, referring him to as a racist, imperialist “devil” who has devoted six years in office to military aggression and the oppression of the world’s poorest people. “The devil came here yesterday,” Chavez said, referring to Bush, “And it smells of sulfur still today.” Chavez…

  • Hacked has been hacked by the_flash & Absorb belonging to the THX-Clan. Karachi blog was at one time considered to be a competitor to Karachi Metroblog in 2005, KMB opened its blogging flood gates in February 2005 while the first reported post on Karachiblog was when we I just stumbled across an old Karachi based…

  • Blocking of Websites to get Worse

    Sept 2nd 2006, The Government of Pakistan has dealt yet another severe blow to the Internet community in Pakistan, as it has now created a body constituted by the Ministry of Information Technology which would examine contents of websites reported or found to be offensive or containing anti-state material and block them off in Pakistan.…

  • Post 9/11 Blues

    Riz MC has conjured up this hilarious music video. Due to its controversial content the artist claims that its not being allowed to be aired on the US channels? Is that so? Then lets make sure everyone hears about it through the power of the Internet. Watch the video and sing along its funny and…

  • We Will Not be Silent

    With the ongoing media bombardment by the US government they have slowly hypnotised all of its citizens to be suspicious of all middle eastern people who may even accidentally walk around the corner. A number of stories have continued to come through of people being harassed by everyone from airport authorities to even some casual…

  • Internet Governance in Pakistan

    A very interesting post made by TEE EMM (Tariq Mustafa) a veteran Pakistani Blogger who has been blogging since 2001. I had been following his blog for some time but then all of a sudden he disappeared and has reemerged recently back into the blogging world (though I now see a few posts in between…

  • Muslims Don’t Hate Freedom, They Hate Oppression

    I came across this article written by Khalid Amayreh, its well written and quite adequately explains the present dilemma regarding Muslims being termed as Islamic Fascists. I have partially reproduced this article the areas which I feel need more attention, though I would recommend reading the entire article found at ZioPedia – Muslims don’t hate…