Category: Free Speech
Galloway Belts the Bias Media on Israel
Please do check out this interview of George Galloway to Sky News, its simply brilliant, in my opinion he has literally belted the bias media for its unethical reporting standards on Israel. Let me say no more just watch this 9 min video and you would throughly enjoy it. Do also check out George Galloway’s…
Mel Gibson & The Anti-Semitic truth
This is a little old news but Mel Gibson was arrested a week back on 27th July for DUI going 87 mph in a 45 mph zone, and during his confrontation with the arresting officers started acting nuts and saying ridiculously offensive things: Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case says…
US & Britain defy calls for ceasefire
This image was the title cover of The Independent published three days back on 21st July 2006, the graphic shows a very empowering message, the whole world on one side pleading for a ceasefire while three nations, Israel, UK & the US all defying the over whelming majority, Democracy my Ass, dare they shove that…
- – Slap the Block for Indians
Yasir Memon & Naveed Memon have come yet again to save the blogging community from the douldrums to have launched which is similar to pkblogs but more suited for the Indian traffic. On July 17th the Indian Government has started blocking a number of websites specifically Blogspot, Typepad and Geocities. This comes as a…
Iran you’re Next
Total world domination is what appears to the ultimate goal of the United States of America. The US has been playing the same tactics it was found guilty off a few years back when it was itching to dip into the oily waters of Iraq. It threw at the UN and the world every conceivable…
Bloggers.Pakistan Launched
We (Omer Alvie and Dr. Awab Alvi) are pleased to announce the launch of Pakistan’s first and only Blog Aggregator at, a one-stop site to preview what is being said in the Pakistani blogosphere. It started off as a casual discussion between two chat-buddies which slowly took the shape of a massive effort to…
President of Iran’s Letter To President Bush
The world has been abuzz with a letter by the President of Iran Ahmadi-Najad to the President of the US George W. Bush. On first reports the contents were not being reported but now an english translation has been provided courtesy ‘Le Monde’ it was posted on the website of FountainHead, do also check out…
Blogspot Blocked AGAIN
Well our celebrations from the last post, were indeed short lived as the PTA has again resumed the blocking of the entire blogspot domain. As of today, 6th May 2006 5:00pm, after a brief relief of three precious days for the internet surfing society of Pakistan, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority appears to have again resumed…
PTA Unblocks Blogspot
In a very surprising move the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has just recently unblocked the entire blogspot domain. Credit must go out to Don’t Block the Blog team (Omer Alvie & myself) and the Action Group Against Blogspot Ban in Pakistan. It was a combined effort from both groups to have created enough pressure to undo…
PTA Blocks FIVE more Websites
In a recent development, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has gone further encroaching upon the the free and open Internet to block five more websites that are offending the breurcats in Islamanad. This letter was issued on the 25th of April and required all the ISP’s to comply within 24 hours. It seems as if the…
Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace concludes
The final day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace ended with probably one of the best technical sessions of the event, it was titled “Internet Security” and was conducted by Ethan Zuckerman of Berkman Center / Global Voices, and Nart Villeneuve of Citizenlab. Both were well versed in the security aspects and gave an…
Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace (Day 2)
The second day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace was quite interesting to say the least, which covered issues of technology and legal implications on free speech movement Issac Mao, hails from China and talked about some very interesting ways how the Chinese by pass the GFW (Great Fire Wall). The authorities maintain a…
Silencing the Pakistani Blogs
On the start of the second day of the Freedom of Expression in Asian Cyberspace conference, I was chosen to project the efforts of Don’t Block the Blog. The PowerPoint presentation is Silencing the Pakistani Blogs PowerPoint presentation (1 MB), an audiopodcast is available in MP3 here(6.4 MB), while I also enclose the entire text…
Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace (Day 1)
Today concluded the first day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace Conference. A large number of speakers from across the region spoke at lengths highlighting the battles of free speech being fought within their own countries. Check out the presentations and video clips of all the sessions at Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace Blog.…
Free Expression Conference in Manila
Southeast Asian Press Alliance has organized a conference titled Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace and is being hosted at the Asian Management Institute in Manila, Philippines. I have been invited to represent the Don’t Block the Blog campaign in the conference and will be giving a speech titled “Silencing the Pakistani Blogs” which will show…