Category: Imran Khan
Imran Khan banned from Sindh again for the 4th time
Imran Khan was scheduled to arrive in Karachi today aboard a PIA flight from Lahore – but it seems that the Sindh Government feels that he is unwelcome. Protests by PTI workers are being held on Shahrah-e-Faisal and the members are heading towards Karachi Press Club to show their protests. The question is that why…
Why is the entire Ruling Elite scared of Imran Khan?
Ruling Elite is not scared of Imran Khan but they are scared of the symbol that Imran khan is carrying; what is this symbol? Let\’s dig into it. Ruling Elite has ruled us for sixty odd years but they were never so scared from anyone on this earth so far. Even they sold very successfully…
Silence of the Lambs
Silence of the Lambs By Samad Khurram Back in 2002, I was returning from Friday prayers when I saw an unusual gathering of singing and quasi-dancing Mullahs. Unusual because I had always assumed Mullahs to be against all types of Kuffar (Art). The amused crowd were listening to chants of “Taliban aa gayay, Taliban aa…
Imran Khan’s political ‘short selling’
Guest Blog by Islamabad Observer Short selling is a term widely used in financial world and equity markets. In simple words it is promise of selling something which you don’t own actually. Every year many traders gather fortune through short selling. Infect last year half of top 1000 richest of the world were traders and…
Swat Flogging and PTI’s Stand
Guest blog by Dr. Arif Alvi Secretary General Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf There has been a lot of sadness and condemnation of the Swat flogging incident. The day on which Mr Imran Khan’s statement was issued by me there were many press reports in Frontier newspapers in which some elements of the Taliban had condemned the incident…
Political Insights into PTI & MQM
Faisal K of Deadpanthoughts has initiated a very interesting political series where he poses hard hitting questions to various political parties and then publishes a post. His previous effort on MQM generated some heated discussions while the latest Q&A on PTI with Firdous Shamim Naqvi, a PTI CEC member who shares some candid responses on…
The Deal has been finalized, the show will go on, hero’s need to be made
I share with you an email circulated widely by journalist Afzal Khan today – Its a worrisome analysis almost in line with my earlier post today morning – The Sharif’s are being seen to have been allowed free movement while lawyers and political leaders are being arrested country wide. This lawyers revolution is for now…
Declaration by the National Conference for the restoration of Independent Judiciary
Declaration adopted at the National Conference for the restoration of independent judiciary held at Islamabad on 4th March, 2009 This National Conference having deliberated upon the need for the restoration of the independent judiciary in the country and for that purpose it was necessary to undertake a peaceful and non-violent Long March to Islamabad and…
Politics & Policies of PPP & Asif Zardari
A Casual Look…. By Barrister Ali K.Chishti Asif Zardari’s politics of reconciliation took him to the doors of a 120 yard head quarters of MQM who had a bitter relationship with the PPP because of Benazir Bhutto’s extension of the infamous Operation Cleanup apart from the Sindhi-Mohajir or Rural-Urban Divide in Sindh. The message was…
American Lawyers conference on rule of law in Pakistan & my brief visit to Europe
Guest Blog by Amjad Malik I was invited by British Law Society of England to visit Brussels as part of their delegation to attend a rule of law conference on ‘Pakistan and beyond’ organised by American Bar Association (ABA) on 25th September at Hilton (Brussels). Reaching Brussels airport in the morning, I caught a cab…
Pakistan: A Revolution, A civil war or a United States sponsored terrorism?
Guest Blog by Silence posted from Islamabad Observer A perception is systematically being spread in West about Pakistan being a nursery for terrorists and with the recent unrest in Tribal regions of Pakistan, the western media has started a campaign to prove that a ‘civil war’ is going on in Pakistan and some have gone…
Jemima Inteview President Musharraf
Published in The Independent, it is definitely worth reading. ‘Since you were so kind as to greet us in London at Downing Street last month, the President would like to return the favour,” announces Major-General Rashid Qureshi, President Pervez Musharraf’s PR man over the phone. Only in Pakistan could the government’s head of spin be…
Imran Khan speaks at the Asia Society
The entire hour long discussion can be heard here [audio:012508imran_khan.mp3]
Downing Street Protest – Pictures
Pictures of the Anti-Musharraf protest on Downing Street, London – Credit PkPolitics & BBC Urdu Pictures
Imran Khan Brings Anti-Musharraf Effort to US – NPR
A short audio report on The Morning Edition of NPR talks about Imran Khan’s visit to the United States. He continues to argue for the independence of Judiciary and the need to pressure the American lobby to stop patronizing one man as the sole savior for all problems in Pakistan. Hear the discussion here [audio:]…