Category: Video
iPhone – iWant
Steve Jobs typical of his Keynote Address at Mac Expo, being held in San Francisco has created yet another tsunami ripple affect across the globe, when he announced the soon to be released (June 2007) iPhone. Literally all the geek, Mac & gadgetry blogs are lapping up at this brilliant creation which is bound to…
Bush ‘the Devil’ – Hugo Chavez
The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez tore into his United States counterpart, referring him to as a racist, imperialist “devil” who has devoted six years in office to military aggression and the oppression of the world’s poorest people. “The devil came here yesterday,” Chavez said, referring to Bush, “And it smells of sulfur still today.” Chavez…
Nancy Johnson (R-CT) hits out at Pakistan
Nancy Johnson (Wikipedia) a republican congresswoman from Connecticut has recently launched a TV commercial where she actually depicts Pakistan as the source of terrorism. Watch the short commercial here. We as Pakistanis object to such accusations and must work against people who label Pakistan as a terrorist state. Ever since 9/11 Pakistan has stood shoulder…
Post 9/11 Blues
Riz MC has conjured up this hilarious music video. Due to its controversial content the artist claims that its not being allowed to be aired on the US channels? Is that so? Then lets make sure everyone hears about it through the power of the Internet. Watch the video and sing along its funny and…
Stunning Video Choreography
A music video produced by the band OK Go for their track Here it goes Again. Its truly some amazing choreography to pull this stunt out and simply watching the video makes me wanna run and buy a couple of treadmills and try this at home, most likely I would fall flat on my face…