Abdullah Yusuf (Chairman CBR) seen doing an exotic dance in a suit in front of an excited crowd which also had Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz seated in the front rows. I just found it amusing… Enjoy
Video updated with the longer version and a clearer image
58 responses to “Chairman CBR dancing away…. [Updated]”
Look at the hijra performing mujra! What is most disgusting is the chief tax collector of the country showing off a$$-licking skills to the masters. Unfortunately, this the saga of the sing-along bureaucrats and diplomats that has perpetuated the country’s ruin over the last 60 years.
Did anyone notice, mrs musharraf looked extremely happy
Sahib e Ikhtiar hain jo chahay in ka hussan e karishma saz karay.
It seems the video has been pulled on YouTube, I cannot access it – nor can I download the file from your blog…. did you give in to pressure Doc! *gasp*
Islamic Republic of Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!These rulers are disgrace to our beloved country.
Look at the name “Abdullah Yusuf” and look at the deeds, isn’t it a disgrace ?
Did we miss the Mushi part? or was the camera turned away intentionally?
Btw, this clip was just shown on today’s Capital Talk on GEO
although ,i do not know wether this person abdullah is still there to please people from his erotic dances ,which he by virtue of his family legacy and cultural heritage ,has really impressed the audience to the extent that mr musharraf ,himself could not cutrtail to abstain.
god knows what else happened after words as such people at the position of such an important assignment is an indication that our country need a simple jolt to vanished from the sights and scenes of globe if these illegitimates would continue to rule the rhyne .
in my opinion some times i really want to indulge in activity that resides on the only option to hang such indivisuals publically so to save the moral theme of society.i have really no words but to say that i can very well assess the level of these indivisuals,who can offer any thing from sole ego to their own belongings wether wine or women,be their own or whores ,so to satisfy what is being demanded .shame on you musharraf and eunuch dancer
brilliant show. i think we should all join in, give a thumka out to everybody there in the first row (for reasons other than havinga good time dancing), and pretend nothing happened. Then dance some more 😀
He is in full demand and lowered the business of our top actresses.They must make complain to CBR for lowering down their status. I hope they can demand the exemption of tax on dance and music industry from the right hand of MUSH.He was granted extension twice on his job,no doubt now people realise that what is MUSH’s true choice a drunken and dancing man and that’s why CJP ifitkhar dosnt fit to his standard. I am now imagining how they look in dancing ,like malik quyum,kamal shah,tariq aziz and many more,seriuosly dying for seeing the dance of chaudrys and sheikh rashid.
wow!!! such harsh criticism over this.Come on folks i do not see anything wrong or exotic about his dance.To be honest it was quite amusing.I know i am going to get bashing from everyone but thats my two cents.
1. A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.
2. A man or boys whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.
3. Informal. An ineffectual, powerless, or unmasculine man.
The word eunuch does not derive, as one might think, from the operation that produced a eunuch but rather from one of his functions.
Eunuch goes back to the Greek word eunoukhos, “a castrated person employed to take charge of the women of a harem and act as chamberlain.
” The Greek word is derived from eun?, “bed,” and ekhein, “to keep.”
A eunuch, of course, was ideally suited to guard the bedchamber of women.
Eunuchs were employed in the Middle East and China as guards and servants in harems or other women’s quarters and as chamberlains to kings.
The eunuchs’ confidential position frequently enabled them to exercise an important influence over their royal masters.
Many of the patriarchs of Constantinople during Byzantine times were eunuchs.
The custom of employing eunuchs as servants in wealthy or royal households is very ancient; it reached its epitome at the court of Constantinople under the Byzantine emperors, from whom the Ottoman sultans adopted it.
Eunuchs often rose to high position, the Byzantine general Narses being the most celebrated example.
In the Muslim world the use of eunuchs was far less common than is generally believed;
However, the sale of young males to be eunuchs was formerly an important element in African trade.
The castrating operation, which retards the development of normal male characteristics, including the deepening of the voice, was performed with varying thoroughness and with varying success.
From Constantinople spread the custom of using eunuchs in choirs.
Under the above mentioned defination,we can very well assess our government functionaries and dignitaries ,so to evaluate their profile .
It seems we are very selective in our application and rejection of certain practices (e.g. Islamist or modernist or whatever label we might prefer for such practices)
All this crap for the sake of political convenience….
Dancing, that too by a high ranking government official, that too in the presence of Mushy…. let us score some points…
Actually I found the following website quite interesting which shows to what depths our political convenience and rationale may fall:
Did anyone notice Mush getting emotional. He was thinking about his mom who was one heck of a dancer when Mush was a small boy.
Amusement to the fullest.
Can’t see why everyone is so upset except that its the usual bigotry; double standard in the society…songs are everywhere in Pakistan and so is dance in every shadi. So what’s the big deal? What are you guys really upset about? That he is having fun and you are not?
Main Man, perhaps men in your family dance like kanjris and whores.
I have not seen a man dance like this in a whore-like manner.
I guess you only like women in your family to dance like that. Fair enough.
Shuja Alam,
I guess you only like women in your family to dance like that. Fair enough.
How lovely. It’s really good to see our overstressed
Managers take a cathartic respite on occasions. Happy
Managers tend to take relatively saner decisions—
so difficult to take in this environment!. Most of the
comments pasted above and in the news print can
obviously be seen as part of a smear campaign making one
wonder that a year earlier, the same lot, being so
conscious of Pakistan portraying it’s moderate image,
would have happily approved of any such participation.
I can sadly conclude that we have quite a few
characterless, hypocritic individuals who need to be sent
and confined to the FATA areas!!
Main Man, I didn’t father you, ask your hore mother who did.
Sorry for the disappointment pal, that I have no relation to the hores in your household.
Main Man, Atleast be original.
not bad he is good in dancing. whats the problem if he is dancing in a private party.
Why is she dressed up like a man with a white wig in a suit.
I don’t see any problem with this. Yes, this guy does not dance well but how is this a reflection on Musharraf. Would you rather have a narrow minded bigot like Nawaz Sharif who banned Ali Azmat from PTV for having long hair? Or maybe that lecher Zardari whose nude mujras were talk of the town in the 90s.
Mr. Shuja Alam, you have every right to disagree with me but please remain civil (I am saying this preemptively based on your earler postings).
Buddy Mittar,
This lecher and lewd dance epitomizes Musharraf’s “enlightened moderation”. I am all for enlightened moderation, but not for a variant that turns men into eunuchs.
Anyways, unto you your views. Just don’t present Mush as a role model to your children.
I am sorry for what I wrote earlier to a person who was enamored by the CBR chairman’s dance. That person needs sympathy and help.
Just for the record, I asked him with a question about the men in his household after the person above was enamored by CBR chairman’s dance. That gentlemen in return:
1) Gave a below the belt punch
2) Pretended to be me, your can see his redundant post
BM == Buddy Mittar == Bilal Musharraf
Genius, am I not?
General Sahib,
I dare say you have a florid imagination. Both in terms of considering a goofy performance by a bureaucrat as social commentary on Musharraf’s years and suggesting that I am somehow related to Musharraf.
My internet nick is inspired by Mukhtar Masood’s book Awaze-Dost…which incidentally talks about “qahat urrijal” i.e. famine of men. But that’s a topic for another day.
Aa tujko!beta tata hon ki taqdir-e-umam kia han?
Shamshir wa Sanan aawal, tauwus wa rabab akhir
(Allama Iqbal)
Then we donot need this, otherwise I am in favour of modernisation of our system not Values. By doing such acts we are not still modren, because we have not achived excellence in Science, Social behaviour, General Practice & Economics.
Mr Arshad Ali,
A verse from Mir Taqi Mir dedicated to you:
Kufr Kuch Chaheye Islam Ki Raunaq Ke Leye
Husn Zannar Hai Tasbeeh-e-Sulaimani Ka
Enjoy 🙂
Chor Europe kay liay raqs-e badan kay kham-o paich
Rooh kay raqs may hain zarb-e Kaleem ullahi
By Allam Iqbal
Musharraf ka jo hami hai
Harami hay, harami hay
General Sahib,
I was going to respond to your earlier post with something light hearted but respectful. But after your last post in which you demonstrated your true caliber, I consider it beneath me to continue the conversation as I will have to match your “auqat”.
I do find it amusing that you jump from “Kaleem ullah” to “harami” so effortlessly. Ironically you were criticizing someone for inappropriate public behavior. I guess that’s what they call hypocrisy.
Thanks, Abdullah
Urfi, Tuu Mendesh ze-Ghoghae Raqeeban
Awaze Sagan Kum Na Kunud Rizq-e Gada Ra
Frankly, there is nothing left for you to say after the 2nd one. It is game, set and match.
I prefer calling a spade a spade. Call it whatever you may.
Hazar khof ho magar ho zaban dil ki rafeeq
Azal say raha hai yehi qalandaron ka tareeq.
(Allama Iqbal)
God Himself does not mind giving the most trivial of anamolies, like that of a mosquito. Rumi gave all kinds of examples in Masnavi to explain his point e.g. the story of a woman sleeping with a donkey, she dies in the process. Rumi gave this as an example of a man who seeks God without a Pir.
I did not expect to see any manliness or chivalry in Mush supporters, just as your favorite couplet above says. You are living proof of that in the way you tucked your tail between your legs and ran.
Abdullah all I can say to your reply is Amen!
Khusro said it in the love of Nizamunddin Awliya, you say it in love of a dictator.
“The one you love, your hashr and hisab will be with him.”
What was the shair, …. ka jo hami hai
“Advantage General saab” …. so says the ref.
Well said Mr Arshad Ali .. the couplet by Iqbal above. Unforutantely it fell on deaf ears.
Phool ki pati say cut sakta hai heeray ka jigar
Mard-e nada’n par kalaam-i narm-o nazuk bay asar
(Bartari hari)
Please quote the poet, Abdullah quote Khusro, not sure who BM quoted.
My final post of the day.
That shair (…. ka jo hami hai …..) was said by the lawyers in Peshawar Convention.
Zaban-i khalq, naqara-e Khuda
Or as the Brahman would say:
“Har har may bolta hai”
Buddy Mittar
Nice she'r.
kafir-e-ishqam mussalmani mara darkar neest
ps: don't mind the haters
General Sahib,
I accept you apology on its face value i.e. you were echoing the lawyers. I would continue to emphasize open but civil discussion. I do consider it more “manly” (as you would like to put it) to stand up for my convictions without getting into the gutter. On that point, it is curious how easily Pakistanis’ manliness is threatened. Maybe some psycho-analysis is needed here…or maybe mass distribution of Viagra will cure our nation of a lot of insecurities and convert paper tigers into real men of conviction 🙂
I know this is a common delusion of grandiosity our generals have, but please do not equate yourself with God…it is not very tasteful (to say the least).
On your torrent of ashar by Allama: It is very interesting to see that how often our “mardan-e momineen” hide behind Iqbal. The same Iqbal who married four times and pursued love interests while being a married man [Abdul Majid Salik’s Biography of Iqbal; Attiya Faizi’s published letters & diaries]. The same Iqbal who, in his letter to Attiya Faizi, expressed his desire to drown himself in alcohol. I guess this is what happens in the post-Zia era when you elevate a (visionary and intelligent) human to the level of a saint. On the other hand, it is not very surprising that all our “guftar ke ghazi” will stand on Iqbal’s shoulders.
Iqbal Bara Updeshak Hai Man Batoon Mein Moh Leta Hai
Guftar Ka Yeh Ghazi to Bana, Kirdar Ka Ghazi Ban na Saka
P.S. I have avoided this subject thus far as I don’t like to be boxed into categories, but I am not a Musharraf supporter (used to be until two years ago). I do believe that uptight societies stifle intellectual and economic development.
I am rather astounded at your reaction.
That shair was not directed at anyone, I was merely reporting what lawyers were saying at the convention, I am surprised that you took it personally.
I apologize if you thought I had directed the shair at you. As I said I was merely reporting what I heard the lawyers say. After all the saying goes:
Zaban-khalq, naqara-i Khuda
Salam General sb
are you really Pak Army General
or it is your nick name
Regards imran
Buddy Mittar,
At least we share one thing in common, we relate to poetry. How about ending the politcal discussion on this note:
Asaaish-e do geeti, tafseer-i een do harf ast
Ba dosta’n talattuf, ba dushmana’n madara
The ease of life is in the exposition of these two words
Be magnanimous with friends, moderate with foes
(Hafiz Shirazi)
I am waiting for a fatwa against Hafiz now, or what some miserable pri%k said about him.
Enjoy the beautiful poetry here:
Finally, as a friendly advice don’t judge people (like Iqbal) you do not know.