Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain a famous religious host of a show called Aalim Online which airs frequently on Geo TV has entered some hot waters in the past few days. It is believed that his comments on the show may have incited Muslims to target and kill followers of the Ahmedi sect. Dr. Aamir has been running this show for the past many years and has developed a strong following catapulting him to fame to the extent that many Pakistanis swear by his religious commentary on TV, and remains a highly sought after show specially during the month of Ramadan.
Historically Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain has had his taste of controversy which started of from his fake degrees where this blogger had labeled him as Jahil Online back in 2005, he was then associated with MQM for a few years and ultimately had a falling out with the party over a controversial comment he made on TV condemning the British author Salman Rushdie, saying that Salman Rushdie should be killed for blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his book, Satanic Verses, after making this comment Mr. Online refused to retract his statement despite immense pressure from the top London based MQM leadership which ultimately lead to his dismissal and soon he also resigned from his Ministry
Asian Human Rights Watch reports that on 7th September in his program ‘Aalim Online’ the anchor declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don’t believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear. While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill.
This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.
According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpurkhas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building’s front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.
On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.
Join the Asian Human Rights Commission in sending a Letter of Appeal to a number of top leaders in Pakistan
664 responses to “Aalim Online – Inciting murder against Ahmedi’s”
As a Muslim, I would not like to read anything about my Holy Prophet. This is AT ANY COST. I appreciate your thoughts and greatly value the fact that you resisted your temptation and did not use any abusive language.
Please ignore “newobserver” and carry on with your intellectual issues. I will do some research and come back to you on your questions. However, in the meantime please do not get offended by such remarks by anyone. You rightly called this guy an asshole and I am sure such assholes are in abundance in all religions, including Christianity. The best way to deal with them is to put them on ignore.
Can anyone mute this asshole (aka newobserver) please!!!
As a Muslim, I would not like to read anything about my Holy Prophet. This is AT ANY COST. I appreciate your thoughts and greatly value the fact that you resisted your temptation and did not use any abusive language.
Please ignore “newobserver” and carry on with your intellectual issues. I will do some research and come back to you on your questions. However, in the meantime please do not get offended by such remarks by anyone. You rightly called this guy an asshole and I am sure such assholes are in abundance in all religions, including Christianity. The best way to deal with them is to put them on ignore.
Can anyone mute this asshole (aka newobserver), please!!!
Man your words are soaked in hatred and utterly abusive. You sound more like a self imposed christian warrior who just want to prove Islam as a false religion (Real Islam not Qadianism). Let me assure that you will not get anywhere as your intention is not to seek the truth but to win the argument, “my religion is better then yours”, sounds like a 3rd grade kid.
I have read extracts from your books, they are also full of foul language and extremely abusive comments about non-qadianis. Your scholars(so called) tend to follow the pattern of Tulmud in their writings, no wonder you have strong ties with Israel,
Qadianism has no history as this creed goes only few years back. Remember, “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, verily, falsehood is bound to vanish(al-Quran)”. Open your eyes/minds for life is short and time is scarce. Prophets don’t make analogies like
“Uss Jahan mein jau ek shaks apni biwi sey muhabbat aur ikhtlaat karey gaa woh iss baat mein faraq nahin kar sakey ga keh woh apni bivi sey muhabbat aur ikhtilaat karta hey ya muhabbat-e-Ilahia key darya-e bey payan mein gharq hey”
Can someone envision this while praying?? Be truthful!!. My intention is to say the truth, as hearts are in the hands of Allah only. May Allah save humanity from Iblis and Jews.
Are you also a Mirzai – please confirm, because it is perfectly fine to use filthy language if you are follower of Mirza.
Christopher, I think we need to study the history in a little detail to understand the practice of human slavery and the forms in which it existed in different parts of the world and that how this issue was dealt with in different religions during different times by different prophets, including the Jesus Christ.
I am doing some research and have found some useful clues. This is not fully baked yet but I wanted to give you an update and a heads up that you should also start looking at this issue from a historical perspective. If you can shed some light on the historical side of things, that will be indeed useful. The purpose of this message is just to give you a direction in which we are going to progress and to let you know that I am on it.
I have put the assholes on ignore and hope that you are doing the same.
@Christopher: What you have mentioned is not a main and pertinent issue about Islam, as Slavery is no more, though USA and EU has invented other forms of it. “Christianity is silent about Slavery”, as you have mentioned, well that’s the easy way out, brush the problem under the rug and forget about it…
Lets talk about the basis of Christianity, or rather Papacy, as Christianity has been long lost since the time of Paul.
My question: How can the father, the son and the holy spirit can be 3 and 1 at the same time and Christians still insisting on believing in the oneness of God?
guys isnt this blog was abot the program Alim online?
and the murder of two inocent humans being ?
@A Mighty Heart
Iam converted to Ahmadi after studying beliefs from Holy Quran. If you people think that Ahmadi’s are wrong then you must be on the right path. Prove to me that you are on the right path i’ll leave Ahmadiat and will join your sect. As in Ahadis, it is clearly mention that outof 73 sects, one will be on the right path and 72 on the wrong side. we dont need to prove that u r wrong and that one is wrong, etc; we just need to prove that who is right. if you belong to the sect that will be forgiven then i’am desparate to know it.
Another question for U people:
What is the definition/Meaning of Islam.
How can we identify which sect is on the right side ?
Shahzad – the answer is NONE!
Quran says in Surah 6 Ayah 159: Indeed those who created sects in their “Deen” and became divided, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them what they did.
And in Surah 30, Ayaah 31 & 32: (31) Turn your back in repentance to Him, and be conscious of Him and establish salaat; and do not be among those who do “shirk”
(32) Among those who created sects in their “deen” and bacame divided – each party happy with what they have.
If you look at the entire thread above, everyone is totally sure that they are the chosen ones just because they were born in a certain religion or sect. As if whatever their parents and grandparents have taught them is true and everyone else is misguided. Look at the above ayah. If you subscribe to any sect, be it sunni, shia, ahmadi, deobandi, or wahabi – Quran considers you a mushrik.
Please read Surah 2, Ayah 170: When it is said to the, “follow what Allah has revealed”, they say “No! we shall follow the ways of our fathers” What! eveb though their fathers had no wisdom or guidance?
Same thing is there in 5:104, 7:28, and 7:70 & 71
The root word of Islam is S-L-M, which means peace and submission. Think about it.
Ahmady problem. Again and again. Let them live. Let Allh decide who is Muslim and who is Not muslim. When you decide some one Wagbul Qatal and kill him, you are commitin Shirk. Only Allah can punish some one. He has the right to take any one’s life in the matter of Din. Now regarding Muslims, Is Osama Bin Ladin is Muslim. Is Quaide Azam was Muslim. Was Allam Iqbal was Muslim. Were they free of their sins and Illicit habits. Brlive me in this world, If we look around, no one is true Muslim. Every one is commiting either a light or heavy duty sin. We can only say some one non muslim If we are pure in our hesrt and soul and we are free of any sins. Ho is with out sin? He should throw the first stone. Look where we are and where we are heading.
I second Amir Liaqat to kill all Ahmedi’s and finish this fitnah for good….
So mr. Tahir you second a jahil, means you are a jahil yourself, what a shame !
In his jahiliat program “Jahil Online”, those mullans continuously called Ahmadi religion a Fitnah. The so called shia ullema also said clearly that they are wajib-ul-qatal and mr. Liquat didn’t said anything to him means he also thinks that Ahmadis are wajib-ul-qatal.
In the name of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (SAW) and the IMAM MAHDI of time Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoasslam) we never ever disgraced our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (SAW).
Those (above) are big words that I have written, I will not go into details of what you believe about us and what we actually believe because I know none will believe.
There are many misconceptions about us, for instance most of sunni and shia muslims believe we offer prayers in a different posture but here I ask has any one of you ever watched us offering prayers perhaps none of you, then why don’t you come and watch yourself, visit our mosques and see us offering prayers (After all Allah Tallah has ordered muslims to observe and think with their minds before they form any conclusion).
Many mullans manipulate the writtings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam) to create false impressions against Him. Here I again ask have you guys tried yourself to read the books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam), read them with heart clear of hatred then you know whats the truth.
If according to mr. AMIR and his mullans we are a Fitnah then why Allah Tallah is blessing us ? and how the Khilafat is working ?
After the program of mr. AMIR three peaceful Ahmadis killed (Shaheed) in the holy month of Ramazan, do you guys think its good to kill someone (specially in Ramazan), is this is what you call ISLAM ? It is clear from the loss of those precious lives that program of mr. AMIR worked as a fuel in fire of hatred, shame on you AMIR LIQUAT HUSSAIN.
we say “LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE” and we truly follow this message of peace because we know this what Islam teaches us.
Here I want all of you guys to watch this video
Did you listened the comments of that person representing geo, he said “SUCH MISTAKES HAPPENS SOME TIMES”, here I want to ask that if some one kill his son or father or anyone closely related to him and then say “SUCH MISTAKES HAPPENS SOME TIMES”, will he (geo person) accept his apology ?
3 innocent lives wasted without any reason and he is saying it a mistake, what a person !
I also want to convey a message to those persons who actually commited murder of innocent Ahmadis. How did you commited a murder and observed fast (ROZA) the next day ? You filled your hands with a blood of an innocent and then next day you observed fast for the sake of Allah Tallah and you still think that Allah Tallah will listen your prayers and urges, May Allah have mercy on us muslims ! what religion you guys follow ? One thing is 100% sure its not ISLAM.
Sorry i forgot to paste the video link.
One thing is clear, no individual has any right to take the life of any other individual for any reason whatsoever. PERIOD.
However, that should not take anything away from the shameful writings of Mirza, some samples of which are mentioned over and over again in the above discussion, to which our Qadiani friends have apparently no explanation.
To Muslim,
Okay, first of all let me tell you that we don’t owe any explanation to anyone, note that you have used the words “Samples” here, which means you have just taken the piece of writing which you like to post here and then manipulate its meaning according to your liking. Why don’t you go and read the books of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiadi (Alaysalatoassalam) yourself if you are so curious about His writings.
When we don’t ask for any explanations from you then why do you ask ?
For example if I ask
1) Why did your brothers killed innocent Ahmadis in the month of Ramazan ? Do you have any explanation, here I am not asking for an excuse that its a mistake, I am asking for an explanation. Can you explain their deaths and justify it according to laws of ISLAM ?
2) One night before the earthquake, five Ahmadis were killed (Shaheed) by gun fire while they were offering fajar prayers, do you have an explanation ?
3) Do you remember LAL-MUSJID incident, muslims carrying weapons inside Allah’s home, do you have an explanation ?
4) One of the mullan leaving LAL-MUSJID in burqa, whole media covered that scene and the whole world saw it as religion ISLAM, do you have an explanation ?
5) When Gen.Pervaz Musharaf tried to made some changes in the constitution, mullans throw those papers on floor (Papers that have names of Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (SAW) and Allah Tallah) and walked over them, do you have an explanation of this toheen-e-risalat ?
6) Burning women, killing innocent children to sell their body parts, killing innocent children claiming that its a sacrifice in the name of Allah, do you have an explanation ?
7) All those Taliban in Pakistan killing their own muslim brothers and saying its Jihad, do you have an explanation ?
8) Forbidding us Ahmadis to give Azaan on loud speakers, while you know that we give same Azaan on which you offer prayers, in simple words you are forbidding the name of Allah to be recited, do you have an explanation ?
9) In that jahil online program of 7th sept, sunni ullema said that we have modified kalma tayyaba, I challenge his words and again say (MAY THE CURSE OF ALLAH BE ON LIARS), do you have an explanation for his words ?
10) Your brothers write curses, bad words on the walls of our mosques, just consider for one second that its home of Allah, we offer same prayers, we recite same quran in it, do you have an explanation for those bad words ?
There are so many things to ask my friend.
But we don’t ask, why ? because we leave this on Allah Tallah, if we have done something wrong then Allah will ask from us, very similarly if you and/or your brothers have done something wrong then Allah will ask from you.
We certainly have explanations for you but I will not discuss them here, because I have done that many times before its an ever lasting discussion, the reason is simple a forum or blog is not worthy of religious discussions as a religious discussion is so complex that you cannot explain each and everything.
If you want answers, then read the books yourself rather than creating false conclusions based on pieces of writing. I am sure you will find answers to your questions if you read the books yourself and seek Allah’s guidance for truth.
Hello Ahmadys, Qadianis, Bralvis, Ahle Hadis, Talebans,
and all of you out there so Called People of Religion of Peace! Look in to your ‘giraban’ how steadfast are you in your religion. pious is only now who did not get a chance.
Look your religion. You are going backward instead of forward. You still bury your women alive same as the people were doing befor the great prophet of islam(PBUH) came to this world.You cut each others necks even for some times no resons. There are more murders in Islamic countries, more rapes are in islamic countries, more thefts and roberies are in Islamic countries, more corruption is in Islamic countries, there are more murders in the name of religion in Islamic countries. What else I can count for you. You have all the sins of the world. Any one have achieved any thing so far. You lives depend on foreign aid and techology. You call your self Muslims, but I think animals are better than you . Human life has no value. A person killed by some one is just a stray dog die after hit by a car. What happened to your hearts. They have turned in to stone. I think it is time for a New pophet, who can bring the new rules for this culture. Other wise we are doom to extinct from the face of this world. Just wait when the Talibans come to Power. Talebans are coming and they will bring the Sharia law which will put you in stone age. Just Wait.
It is actually encouraging that you looked into an argument and then accepted the convincing argument. I want to follow the same path – if I get convinced that Mirza Sb was a true prophet I would like to accept him and I don’t have any confusion in my mind.
If we deny the truth we are arrogant and an arrogant person cannot get the smell of Jannah.
For this reason I have studied certain books of Mirza Sb from alislam.org and there are different questions which cannot be clarified.
If Mirza Sb is a prophet then his message must be as the message of a prophet should be. In this respect, there is a website ahmadibeliefs.com which does nothing but gives excerpts from writings of Mirza Sb.
If you can help to explain those writings, that will be a great help and I promise you I will follow the truth whatever it is.
As a first step, please read the section on Hazrat Issa as on http://www.ahmadibeliefs.com and confirm that these beliefs are part of your faith and when you accepted Ahmadiyyat you also accepted these beliefs. I am listing a few below, but please check original sources and revert:
Hazrat Issa (as) was inferior most of all the prophets
Hazrat Maseeh (as) had no morals
Hazrat Issa as was a blatant liar
Hazrat Issa used mesmerism which is hateful and detestable
Okay, let it be very clear that such websites as you have mentioned “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” are fake websites, and we DONOT follow them. We do not upload pieces of paragraphs like that on website you mentioned, it is clear by the looks of that website that it was created in a hurry to insult our Messiah as well as create false impressions about us Ahmadi Muslims.
That website is completely hollow, no useful information. We upload COMPLETE books of IMAM MAHDI of time on our genuine website. Note that I have stressed on the word “complete” it means we want complete books to be downloaded by the viewers and not just paragraphs or pieces of writings.
our one and only genuine website is “www.alislam.org”, please browse that website if you seek true knowledge about Ahmadiyyat, however there are other authentic websites too but those are clearly mentioned on our primary website “www.alislam.org”, so visit them through our main website.
We can also create false websites like http://www.sunnibelief.com or http://www.shiabelief.com, but we don’t because we respect other religions and we don’t manipulate religious concepts for our benefit or to insult someone else.
While I respect the words written by you but I think you don’t know about the concept of Ahmadiyyat, we are known as Ahmadis in all over the world, while some people call us Qadiani but this is a self created unofficial name given to us like if anyone start saying sunnis as Qadris or Qadri believers so this would be an unofficial self assumed name.
Here I also want to clear one another thing that all the claims you have made in your post are false against Ahmadis, we do not burn or bury women alive, we are not thiefs and robbers we do not fight with each other plus we also don’t create propaganda against others. We do not use the meaning of Jihad to fuel terrorism, we respect women and gave them equal rights plus we love children and we do not use them for filthy reasons, we like to live in peace and let others live in peace, however we defend ourselves when we are killed without any reason.
We have a global message for all “LOVE FOR ALL, HATRED FOR NONE”.
I think this is what true ISLAM teaches us.
Thank you for clarification. So you want to say the images given on ahmadibeliefs.com are actually not the writing of Mirza Sb or do the mean something different. If they mean something different, please help us all in understanding what Mirza Sb actually wanted to say.
We will be extremely grateful if you can clarify the section on Hazrat Issa aliahis-salam one by one.
So as number one, Mirza Sb said that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets. Please answer the following:
1. Is it true it is written by Mirza Sb as such.
2. Did he meant the same thing that Hazrat Issa is inferior most of all the prophets.
3. If he did not mean so then what actually was his meaning.
I hope this exercise will help all Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis and will expose the fake websites.
i hated dr amir liaquat hussain due to his affiliation with MQM.i strongly believe that no MQM worker can be relegious.MQM brain washes the worker and make them believe that “ALTAF KALA” is above every one,even ALLAH ALMIGHTY AND RASOOL(PBUH).i thoght that amir liaquat is a “MUNAFIQ”.but after that program on alim online,loss and potential danger he is facing,i believe he is a true muslim.
i feel pitty for those who belive that qadiyanis are like any other minority in the world.qadiyani can only be compared by the collusive jews.
About your questions, let me explain in to you. My response was the same as yours when i read those statements.
There was one cristian named Arthum who wrote objectable language for Holy Prophet (PBUH). In reply to those allegations, Mirza sb wrote in the book mentioning multple personalities (Assumptions) of Hazrat Eissa, One on which Muslims believe and the other in Which Christians believe (they claim him Son of God).
Mirza Sb wrote there:
To which Essa we (Muslims) know he was very nice person as God sent him for the betterment of mankind, therefore, there is’nt any flaws in him as a person or anything else because he was the prophet of God. We treat him in the highest esteem as mentioned by the God.
Then for that person whom christian claim is a son of God, those (samples that u mentioned in ur question ) statements has been taken from Bible.
We (Muslims) reject those statements for Hazrat Eissa but mentioned in bible, therefore, those statements has been mentioned for Christains.
No Muslim can ever say anything against any prophet, nor we believe on what ever mentioned in bible that is against the teaching of Islam.
There are lot of questions against Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) like on Mirza Sb, so one cant solve all these questions. The only thing you can judge that either Mirza Sb’s claims are against the teaching of Holy Quran or not???
My Question:
Every Muslim knows that Imam Mehdi will come and you have to accept / belive him. Will he be a Prophet or not ?
If he won’t (as all other sects are waiting for him) be a Prophet, then can you give me any Quranic Verse where it is written that believing a non-prophet person is compulsory in Islam ?
As the definition of Islam say “Submission before the words of God”, so if you belive Mirza Sb, then automatically you belive all the sayings of Almighty Allah, If you dont then there are certain Verses that you will refuse/reject.
@Syed Ali
You are right by saying that one should not create sects ??? But what happens when sects created ? what God does then ? Did Hazrat Eissa created a Sect ??
Did Hazrat Haroon Created a Sect ?? No. God helped those people created a Jamaat, and all other combinely refused them. 71 Sects declare Hazrat Eissa “Wajib-ul-Qatl”
and “Kafir”. Similarly, Mirza Sb created a Jamaat with the blessings of Almighty God. And all other Sects did the same as was done by the Ulema’s of Banni Israil.
All those Verses that you mentioned are correct, but it does’nt tell you that you should refuse the facts.
03:104 Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong:
They are the ones to attain felicity.
It means there will be Jamaat amongst you that will call you towards the right path.
Whenever Prophet comes from God, all the people refuses them and he has to go through the struggle as all the Prophets has gone through. DO you really think that when Imam Mehdi / Hazrat Eissa
will come (As All Muslims are waiting) then all the Muslims will accept ????
As you mentioned yourself that
Surah 2, Ayah 170: When it is said to the, “follow what Allah has revealed”, they say “No! we shall follow the ways of our fathers”
What! eveb though their fathers had no wisdom or guidance?
So by beleiving on Mirza Sb, you’ll believe on all the Verses of Holy Quran.
The Question arises that is there any Verse there that mentions that Prophet can come even now??
QUOTE”To which Essa we (Muslims) know he was very nice person as God sent him for the betterment of mankind, therefore, there is’nt any flaws in him as a person or anything else because he was the prophet of God. We treat him in the highest esteem as mentioned by the God.
Then for that person whom christian claim is a son of God, those (samples that u mentioned in ur question ) statements has been taken from Bible.”UNQUOTE
I have read this explanation and Ahamdis talk about Hazrat Issa as and a fake personality Yasoo. However, I would beg you to go to the site and look at all the references. Mirza Sb has categorically used words Hazrat Issa alaihis-salam, Maseeh alaihis-salam and has discussed nubuwwat of Hazrat Issa not his divinity.
Please read the references again and I repeat my first question about the first statement.
Mirza Sb said that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets. Please answer the following:
1. Is it true it is written by Mirza Sb as such.
2. Did he meant the same thing that Hazrat Issa is inferior most of all the prophets.
3. If he did not mean so then what actually was his meaning.
Please also give a reference from Bible which says that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets.
When you say inferior most of all the prophets it is Issa of Muslims, because Muslims call him Hazrat Issa “alaihis-salam” and Muslims believe he was a prophet.
Those Ahmadis who gave you this explanation have lied to you. Please read carefully with open eyes and repent to the error you did because of lying of some Ahmadis.
And for your reference you may also look at the quote on the site that explains that Quran is a verdict that Hazrat Issa was a drunkard and immoral. Please take a note Mirza Sb has referred Quran here and not Bible.
These Ahmadis told a lie to you when they said Mirza Sb has condemned Jesus of Bible. He has actually categorically explained that Hazrat Issa had illicit relations with young non-mahram woman and as a proof he gives witness from Quran.
Please look at the truth and accept the truth.
First of all you tell me one thing, who told you about this website “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” ? You just said me thanks for clarifying and then again continued asking your questions (taken from that fake website).
I already advised you to visit, http://www.alislam.org but it seems you just want to keep your eyes closed and don’t want to see the truth.
Now we move to your question that did our Messiah (Alaysalatoassalam) mentioned Hazrat Issa (AS) inferior most of all the prophets.
So a straight forward answer is yes the writing you saw on “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” was from His book. (Roohani Khazain, Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya, vol 5) but again its just a piece of writing taken from His book and its meaning was manipulated (Like you guys do all the time).
In whole, He (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani {Alaysalatoassalam}) was explaining the history of Christianity and He has written clearly that Jews distrust Hazrat Issa (AS) and considered him a liar, he also mentioned clearly that how loyal, faithful and pious Hazrat Issa (AS) was and thousands of dead bodies (Murday) stand up to witness his loyalty.
Its just a brief of whole I have written above, If I try to explain whole then it will take a lot of time as well as a lot of brain power to understand which I think you don’t poses.
Anyway, if you are willing to see the truth then open this link “http://www.alislam.org/urdu/rk/rk-21-79.pdf”.
Its complete vol 5 of Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya, as I mentioned earlier it requires a lot of brain power to understand such difficult concepts after all it was written by IMAM-MAHDI so a simple mind cannot digest it easily.
But here I request that you read it completely rather than taking pieces of writings and manipulating their meanings to create foolish conclusions, however reading it completely requires patience and skill.
If you just take pieces of writings then its something like reading just A, B, C from English alphabets while ignoring all other alphabets and then creating a conclusion that English is an incomplete language because it contains only three characters, you have to read all 26 characters to understand whole English language, if you continue to read only three characters then…. what can I say its foolishness.
So again I am requesting that before posting your questions kindly read whole thing from authentic source which is “www.alislam.org”.
I will not answer your remaining questions because its not my duty to teach, if you have brain inside your skull then you will learn yourself…. right. For your convenience I am posting a link which contains all the volumes of Roohani Khazain, so that you can search for answers here.
Roohani Khazain is a very difficult as well as huge book to understand, I just pray that Allah Tallah guide you while you read it.
One thing more this message is written in the bottom of that fake website “www.ahmadibeliefs.com”,
“Anjuman for Propagation of Ahmadiyya Beliefs – Germany”
here I want to clarify that our Anjuman do not work like this, I mean propagation of Ahmadiyyat Beliefs by posting cuttings of writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam), our Anjuman work in an organized way so please visit http://www.alislam.org to see their work.
First of all you tell me one thing, who told you about this website “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” ? You just said me thanks for clarifying and then again continued asking your questions (taken from that fake website).
I already advised you to visit, http://www.alislam.org but it seems you just want to keep your eyes closed and don’t want to see the truth.
Now we move to your question that did our Messiah (Alaysalatoassalam) mentioned Hazrat Issa (AS) inferior most of all the prophets.
So a straight forward answer is yes the writing you saw on “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” was from His book. (Roohani Khazain, Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya, vol 5) but again its just a piece of writing taken from His book and its meaning was manipulated (Like you guys do all the time).
In whole, He (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani {Alaysalatoassalam}) was explaining the history of Christianity and He has written clearly that Jews distrust Hazrat Issa (AS) and considered him a liar, he also mentioned clearly that how loyal, faithful and pious Hazrat Issa (AS) was and thousands of dead bodies (Murday) stand up to witness his loyalty.
Its just a brief of whole I have written above, If I try to explain whole then it will take a lot of time as well as a lot of brain power to understand which I think you don’t poses.
Anyway, if you are willing to see the truth then open this link “http://www.alislam.org/urdu/rk/rk-21-79.pdf”.
Its complete vol 5 of Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya, as I mentioned earlier it requires a lot of brain power to understand such difficult concepts after all it was written by IMAM-MAHDI so a simple mind cannot digest it easily.
But here I request that you read it completely rather than taking pieces of writings and manipulating their meanings to create foolish conclusions, however reading it completely requires patience and skill.
If you just take pieces of writings then its something like reading just A, B, C from English alphabets while ignoring all other alphabets and then creating a conclusion that English is an incomplete language because it contains only three characters, you have to read all 26 characters to understand whole English language, if you continue to read only three characters then…. what can I say its foolishness.
So again I am requesting that before posting your questions kindly read whole thing from authentic source which is “www.alislam.org”.
I will not answer your remaining questions because its not my duty to teach, if you have brain inside your skull then you will learn yourself…. right. For your convenience I am posting a link which contains all the volumes of Roohani Khazain, so that you can search for answers here.
Roohani Khazain is a very difficult as well as huge book to understand, I just pray that Allah Tallah guide you while you read it.
One thing more this message is written in the bottom of that fake website “www.ahmadibeliefs.com”,
“Anjuman for Propagation of Ahmadiyya Beliefs – Germany”
here I want to clarify that our Anjuman do not work like this, I mean propagation of Ahmadiyyat Beliefs by posting cuttings of writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam), our Anjuman work in an organized way so please visit http://www.alislam.org to see their work.
@Brother Shahzad
I want to guide you that do not visit websites like the one “newobserver” has mentioned “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” its a fake website and does not contain anything except cuttings of writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam) which can be used to create false conclusions.
However if you really want to see that website then no problem, go give it a look but after watching it I seriously advice that you should visit our official website “www.alislam.org” and browse the rich library our website has to offer. You can download books and other very informative material from our website which is not only authentic but also complete.
Roohani Khazain is also available in the library section, download it and read it at your convenience.
Here I will not pray that May Allah Tallah keep you on the path of Ahmadiyyat,
I will just pray that May Allah Tallah keep you on the path of uprightness, May the blessings of Allah be on you and your family and you hold His rope firmly, Ameen.
Now after this pray if Ahmadiyyat is true then no one can move you away from it and if Ahmadiyyat is wrong (May Allah Tallah forgive my tongue) then He (Allah Tallah) will guide you to the right path.
hey TAL!
when you read the book “KHANA KHAZANA” then u,ll realize that it is far more better and useful than worthless crap like “ROOHANI KHAZANA”.
believe me this roohani khazana was not from ALMIGHTY ALLAH but bestowed by ” SALTANAT E ENGLISHIYA”
I request my dear fellow muslims please read the “MASLA E QADIYANIYAT” by ABU AL AALA MODOODI.
There is a pile of work done by ulema e haq about this fitna.please read those precious books.
After takfeer by UMMAH,these thugs changed the thuggee .they look like better muslims behave like better muslims and when you listen to their clerics you start to feel that these peoples are wrongly takfeer by ULEMA.
Just ask their opinion about khatam e nabuwat…….
Yar Tals: Most of the Qadianis that I know, and some of them are very good friends, are all very educated and otherwise refined people. However, the way you all choose to ignore the obvious is beyond me.
What kind of a statement is that: “I want to guide you that do not visit websites like the one “newobserver” has mentioned “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” its a fake website and does not contain anything except cuttings of writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (Alaysalatoassalam) which can be used to create false conclusions.”
I guess you do believe that the excerpts on this website ARE taken from the books by Mirza, you just think that these have been taken out of context. Lets take a few examples of these ‘out of context’ excerpts:
“Crying in remembrance of Allah is just like ejaculation”(Braheen Ahmadiyya Vol.5 196)
“The family of Jesus was perfectly holy and immaculate. Jesus’ three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood the body of Jesus came into existence. May be it was a condition for divinity. His inclination for prostitutes and interaction with them might also be due to this ancestral relationship.” (Anjam-e-Atham 291)
“All Muslims who do not love Hazrat Sb writings are offsprings of prostitutes” (A’ina Kamalat Islam 547-548)
“Thank God the married woman is sent to arms of Hazrat Sb who refused to marry him” (Tadhkirah 249)
Brother, I ask you, is this the type of language to be used by ‘Prophets’, either in context or out of context. Can you find any such even ‘out of context’ example coming from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or any other earlier Prophets (PBUT)???
You also write: “Roohani Khazain is a very difficult as well as huge book to understand, I just pray that Allah Tallah guide you while you read it.”
Brother Tals, I ask you, was Mirza a prophet for the masses or only for the few learned Ulema. What kind of a statement is that???
Thank you for your long answer however you did not reply to the question that was asked except the first part. Let me repeat it again along with the exact quote:
“But it is proven from Quran and Bible that Jews rejected Hazrat Issa alaihis-salam. In reform of humanity Hazrat Issa aliah-i-salam had the poorest performance (lowest number) of all the prophets.”
Mirza Sb said that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets and it is based on his Quranic understanding. Please answer the following:
2. Did he meant the same thing that Hazrat Issa is inferior most of all the prophets.
3. If he did not mean so then what actually was his meaning.
4. Please also give a reference from Bible as well as Quran which says that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets.
I understand you have read whole of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya and understood what your Imam Madhi said so answering these simple question would be a piece of cake for you.
O’Allah help us to accept the truth.
I never say that you and your brothers are bad Muslims, neither do I say that I and my brothers are better Muslims, who are we to decide ? let Allah alone be the judge of this.
If we are bad Muslims and just pretending to be good then may be we can make you fool but we cannot do so with Allah because He only has the ability to see behind every curtain, so bottom line is if we are bad then we will face the consequences in the end (The Day of Judgment).
So you tell me what you know about death of Jesus Christ ?
1) The Jews believe that Jesus died on the cross because he was a false prophet.
2) The Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross in atonement of the sins of humanity, was resurrected soon thereafter, and then ascended to Heaven.
3) The orthodox Muslims believe that God saved Jesus from “death by crucifixion” and ascended bodily to heaven, and will come down to earth again to smash the cross and what it stands for and to purify the faith of the believers.
Now you (Sunni and Shia) Muslims believe third point, which is very similar to the second point and it was the concept of Christians.
While we (Ahmadi Muslims) believe that Jesus Christ only fell into a swoon on the Cross, but when he was taken down from it, he recovered and migrated to Kashmir, India where he died a natural death at the good old age of 120.
So now tell me Mr. Jawwad who follow Christians ? We (Ahmadi Muslims) or you ?
Our concept is based on Holy Quran and not on the concept of Christians, you call us pithus of English people but in actual you are pithu of English people while we follow Holy Quran. In simple words your concepts are bestowed by “SALTANAT E ENGLISHIYA”.
According to Holy Quran:
“The Holy Prophet was but a prophet. There had been prophets before him and they had all died. If he also should die or be put to death, would they turn back upon him?” (Al-Imran: 145).
Now the sentence “prophets before him” also includes Jesus Christ.
Now for instance if we believe that your concept is true “That Jesus Christ will return” then how can you claim that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the seal of the Prophets ? since you yourself contradict in that by saying Jesus will return, so he will become final prophet then.
Dear Brother,
I agree with Tals that you should go to the original source and read the whole book from alislam.org. Insha’Allah when you read the whole book and you will get confirmed that Ahmadis lied to you when they say all blasphemy Mirza Sb has done was for Jesus who is not considered a prophet by Muslims and is based on Bible.
For your help I give a brief analysis of the very first quote:
1. The statement is crystal clear that it is about prophethood of Hazrat Issa and not his divinity. Obviously, Muslims consider Hazrat Issa to be a prophet and Christians consider him God.
2. Mirza Sb has categorically used the word alaihis-salam in clear Urdu. This title can only be used for pious people and normally it is used for prophets of God so Mirza Sb meant prophet Hazrat Issa as believed by Muslims.
3. Mirza Sb say that Quran is a proof that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets so he is not referring to Bible only. Again it is proved that these Ahmadis lied to you.
4. Mirza Sb says it is proved from Quran and Bible that Hazrat Issa (as) was inferior most of all the prophets. I give Ahmadis a challenge to quote the exact reference from Bible as well as Quran which proves that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets.
I encourage you very much to read all the complete books and Insha’Allah it will be evident to you just like the daylight is evident when sun is shining that Mirza Sb blasphemed Hazrat Issa alaihis-salam and a person who blasphemes prophets of God is Kafir and all his followers are also Kafir.
May Allah bring you back to Islam. Ameen ya rabb-al-aalameen.
Just see the comments of dr_jawwad71 before pointing my comments.
Comments taken from dr_jawwad71’s recent post:
when you read the book “KHANA KHAZANA” then u,ll realize that it is far more better and useful than worthless crap like “ROOHANI KHAZANA”.
believe me this roohani khazana was not from ALMIGHTY ALLAH but bestowed by ”SALTANAT E ENGLISHIYA”.
After takfeer by UMMAH,these thugs changed the thuggee .they look like better muslims behave like better muslims and when you listen to their clerics you start to feel that these peoples are wrongly takfeer by ULEMA.
Are these comments any better ?
Now I move on to your post, first you asked what kind of statement is that “I guide you do not visit website http://www.ahmadibeliefs.com ….”, I do not see anything bad in this statement, http://www.ahmadibeliefs.com is indeed a fake website.
Just answer one question, if you and/or your ullema want to show the truth to people by creating such websites as http://www.ahmadibeliefs.com then why don’t they post their names in the bottom of those websites, why they use our names like we have created those websites, it was written at the bottom of this website “Anjuman for Propagation of Ahmadiyya Beliefs – Germany” while in actual it was not created by our anjuman, similarly our slogan was also used “LOVE FOR ALL, HATRED FOR NONE”.
Its clear whoever created this website “www.ahmadibeliefs.com” has ill intentions in mind because he lied that it was created by us.
@Muslim (part 2)
A question aroused in my mind dear brother that who translated those writings in English ? or a more precise question should be from where those translations appeared on Ahmadibeliefs ? According to my knowledge Roohani Khazain was not yet translated in English (Officially by Ahmadis) then from where did you took those translations, seems to me its translated by someone other then us, then why should we explain that ? Ask the person who translated it.
If you show me these translations on our website http://www.alislam.org with exactly same meaning only then I will answer in detail.
Do you think meaning as well as language seems correct when things are out of context, I think NO.
For example Huzur Akram (SAW) saw himself wearing gold bangles, while gold jewelry on Muslim men is forbidden by ISLAM.
but if you take it as whole from Sahih Bukhari 59.59, Huzur Akram (SAW) saw himself wearing gold bangles in the state of vision (kushf).
Now the last part “in the state of kushf” clarified whole sentence that Huzur (SAW) actually saw that in a vision and a man is not in his control while he was in the state of dream or vision (khusf).
Its just a small example my dear brother.
regarding our concept on Khataman-Nabiyeen.
Its about how our Promised Messiah Hazrat Ahmad (as) actually love Holy Prophet (SAW) and what kind of respect he (Hazrat Ahmad {as}) actually give to Holy Prophet (SAW).
Huzur Akram (SAW) was a shrai nabi (prophet) after him there will no other shrai nabi but a follower (Ummati nabi) can come who will repeat the teachings of Huzur Akram (SAW).
In simple words, Hazrat Ahmad (AS) was an ummati nabi (prophet) and not a shrai nabi. The shrai prophethood is sealed after Huzur Akram (SAW).
If you don’t know the meaning/difference between Shrai and Ummati nabi then refer to the concept of Khataman-Nabiyyeen in detail.
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets: and God has full knowledge of all things.
soorah al aehzab (033.040)
nice try TAL….i didn,t say that you are muslims what i say that you people act like a muslim as a part of thuggee.(catching a fish with prey)
“That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not
Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
soorah al nisa:157-158
seriously i want to ask, whose quran you read?
mr TAL your questions were to childish to answer but i hope some day u w,ll realize that what are you doing will lead you to hell.may ALMIGHTY give you the wisdom.
Thanks for guiding Shahzad about reading the books in whole, as long as he read whole, his belief in Ahmadiyyat (The True Islam) will only get stronger.
May Allah Tallah Always keep us on the right path, Ameen.
You ask question on a question brother, please scroll up to see that I have asked ten small questions to you, please answer them, thanks.
we read one and only Quran, and God (Allah Almighty) has promised the protection of Quran.
On the contrary, Allah exalted him to Himself. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. (Surah Al-Nisa chapter 4, verse 159).
Two questions dr saab.
1) If Jesus (as) was not crucified at all. Is the entire history of crucifixion emphatically denied and the whole episode just a fiction or delusion suffered by the Jews, the Christians and Romans alike ?
2) Where in the verse is the claim that Jesus was raised bodily to heavens ? All that is mentioned simply is that Allah exalted him to Himself.
If my questions are so childish then why don’t you answer them, you just said nice try TALS and pasted the verse of Surah Al-Nisa. Don’t worry dear I also know tafseer.
Once again I say let Allah Tallah alone be the judge of who is better Muslim and who is not, and who is pretending to be a good Muslim and who is not. Whether you call us Muslims or Non-Muslims it doesn’t matter, what Allah Tallah think about us is what really matters.
I asked you one question in my previous post that when you claim that Hazrat Issa (as) will descent on earth then at the same time How can you claim that Huzur Akram (SAW) is the seal of prophets ? Don’t you think that the descent of Hazrat Issa (as) will break this seal.
Where my deeds will take me is remained to be seen when time comes, you just worry about yourself DR saab.
1) If Jesus (as) was not crucified at all. Is the entire history of crucifixion emphatically denied and the whole episode just a fiction or delusion suffered by the Jews, the Christians and Romans alike ?
ANSWER/1: yes ALMIGHTY did that,he can do.it is far easier for HIM.
As far as second coming of prophet JESUS(PBUH) is concern.He will not come as “PROPHET WITH SHARIYAH AND THE BOOK” rather as a follower of deen e MOHAMMADI(PBUH)
ALMIGHTY will send PROPHET JESUS(PBUH) to accomplish 3 major tasks
1)killing of DAJJAL
2)revealing the “HAQQANIYAT” OF ISLAM to the chirstians
3)destruction and eradication of israel and jews
Thank you for replying my message to Shahzad, please also answer the message that is addressed to your goodself. For your convenience I repeat it:
“But it is proven from Quran and Bible that Jews rejected Hazrat Issa alaihis-salam. In reform of humanity Hazrat Issa aliah-i-salam had the poorest performance (lowest number) of all the prophets.”
Mirza Sb said that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets and it is based on his Quranic understanding. Please answer the following:
2. Did he meant the same thing that Hazrat Issa is inferior most of all the prophets.
3. If he did not mean so then what actually was his meaning.
4. Please also give a reference from Bible as well as Quran which says that Hazrat Issa was inferior most of all the prophets.
I understand you have read whole of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya and understood what your Imam Madhi said so answering these simple question would be a piece of cake for you.
O’Allah help us to accept the truth.
By Sayid Abu’l Ala Mawdudi
Being an independent non-Muslim minority is a natural and reasonable result of all that Qadiyanis chose for themselves. They caused and urged everything that result in making them a non-Muslim community. The first of which is their fabrication of the meaning of “the Last of Allah’s apostles” by which they differed from all Muslims who believe in Mohammad (peace be upon him) as the Last Apostle and that there will be no apostles after him until the day of judgment takes place. This is the meaning which the Apostle’s companions understood and derived from the following verse “Mohammad in not the father of any of your men, but the Apostle of Allah and the Last Apostle” (Sura Al-Ahzab verse 40). The Apostle’s companions fought all those who pretended being apostles after the death of Mohammad (peace be upon him). And this was the meaning which Muslims understood from all the sources, and thus they did not and do not accept any one who pretends to be an apostle.
Qadiyanis only, and for the first time in the history of Muslims, interpreted the Quranic phrase “The Last of the Apostles” (*Malfuzal Ahmadiya by M.Manzur Ilahi pp.290*) to mean that Mohammad is the Apostle’s stamp which certifies and signs other Apostle’s Messages. What we have said can be proved by the texts quoted here from Qadiyanis books and essays. Here are three quotations.
–“The promised Christ (peace be upon him) said in his interpretation of `Khatamu Nabiyeen’: what is meant is that no Prophet’s message can be authorized and certified except by Mohammad’s stamp. As every document is not accepted unless affirmed or confirmed by stamp and signature, so every message that is not confirmed by Mohammad’s stamp is not true. (Malfuzal Ahmadiya edited by M.Manzur Ilahi pp.290)
–“We do not deny that Mohammad (peace be upon him) was the seal of prophets, but what the majority of people understand contradicts the greatness of the prophet (peace be upon him) since it leads to the conviction that the prophet had bereft his nation from Allah’s greatest favour – prophets. What is meant by this phrase is that the prophet is the seal which confirms messages after his, so there will be no prophet if not affirmed by the holy prophet Mohammad. In this meaning only we do believe”. (Al-Fadl, 22 Sept 1939)
–“The seal is the stamp, and if the holy prophet is the stamp, how can he be a stamp and no prophets to be confirmed”. (Al-Fadl, 22 Sept 1923)
The differences between all Muslim and Qadiyanis are not limited to the explanation or the fabrication of one word “Khatem”, but differences went to extremes since Qadiyanism claimed openly and frankly that not only one prophet is likely to appear after Mohammad (peace be upon him) but thousands of prophets. This is to be found in Qadiyani texts, some of which are the following “The rise of many new prophets is as clear a fact as the sun in midday”. (The Reality Of Qadiyanism by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp.228)
–“Muslims falsely claim that the sources of Allah ran out and no more prophets will appear. They do not justly estimate God. As for me, I say that not only one prophet may appear but thousands”. (Anwar Khilafat by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp. 62)
–“If a man sharpened swords close by my neck threateningly asking me to say that no prophet will appear after Mohammad(peace be upon him) I would say to him, you are a liar, it is right, there must be prophets after him”. (Ibid. pp.65)
After Ghulam Ahmad had opened the way of messages and prophets, he pretended he was a prophet. Qadiyanis believed his pretense and accepted it completely. We quote here some of their declarations and sayings to witness to their deviations and fabrications as well as can be.
–“The promised Christ declared his claim to a Message and to be a prophet, as he wrote `I am a prophet and an apostle’ (Al-Badr 5 Mar 1908), or as he also wrote `I am a prophet according to Allah’s orders. If I deny this I am sinful. And If Allah calls me thus how can I deny it. I will stand by this claim until my death’ (Letter to Akhbar Am by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad written three days before his death and published on his date of death i.e., 26 May 1908).
–“The characteristics Islam gives of the promised Christ means that is truly a prophet”. (The Reality Of The Message by Mirza Bashir pp.174)
An essential element in all the persons who pretend to be prophets, is to charge those who do not believe in him with disbelief and refection of faith. This is exactly what Qadiyanis do in their congregational speeches and publications against Muslims who deny their pretense. I quote the following from their speeches:
–“All Muslims who do not swear fealty to Ghulam Ahmad are disbelievers, even if they have not heard his name”. (Ayina Sadakat by Mirza Bashir Eddin pp. 35)
–“Every man who believes in Moses but not in Jesus Christ, in Mohammad but not in Ghulam Ahmad is not only a disbeliever, but in the deepest levels of rejection of faith”. (Word Of Demarcation by Bashir Ahmad pp 110).
–“Since we believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet, and all non-Ahmadis diebelieve in him, we consider non-Ahmadis disbelievers according to the Quranic verse which says that in one prophet is a rejection of the whole prophets”.(Mirza Bashir Ahmad’s article in Al-Fadl, 26 May 1922).
Qadiyanis not only say they are anti_muslim in Ghulam Ahmad’s message but say that there are nothing to connect them with Muslims since their God, Islam, Quran prayer and fasting are unlike the Muslims.
Qadiyani caliph’s speech published in Al-Fadl on 21 Aug 1927, under the title of `Advice for Students’ explains to his followers the differences between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis. He says “… Since the promised Christ said that their Islam, their God, and their pilgrimage are unlike ours, we always differ from them in every thing”.
In Jul 30, 1931 Al-Fadl published another speech by the Qadiyani caliph in which he mentioned a dispute that ensued between two groups of Qadiyanis. One reasoned that since differences between Qadiyanis and Muslims are known, and the promised Christ has clarified them there is no need to establish independent Qadiyani schools: we can learn all undisputed matters in Muslim schools. The other group disagreed. While they were still arguing, the promised Christ himself entered and listened to their dispute. Then he gave his judgment saying: “It is wrong to say that we differ from Muslims only in the matter of Christ’s death. We disagree with them in the wholeness of God, in the prophet, (peace be upon him), in the Quran, in prayer, in pilgrimage and in Al-Zakat. In short, he explained to them that we disagree quite completely with Muslims concerning all religious matters”.
Qadiyanis themselves broke relations with Muslims in accordance with the great gap they had dug between them and Muslims. They organized themselves independently as if they were a non-Muslim minority as affirmed by their own writings.
–“The promised Christ made it clear that Ahmadis should not be led in prayer by a Muslim. Many letters come questioning this matter. My answer to them all is that no matter how many times you repeat the question I will answer that it is not right, not right, not right to be led in prayer by a non-Ahmadiyan”. (Anwar Khilafat by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp. 89)
–“We must neither believe in non-Ahmadiyan Islam, nor be led by them in prayer because in our opinion they are disbelievers in one of Allah’s prophets”. (Ibid. pp. 90)
–“If a non-Ahmadi’s son died why we do not pray for him though he does not disbelieve in Ghulam Ahmad as the promised Christ! I myself ask those who have questioned me why we do not pray for the son of a Hindu or a Christian when they die….The non-Ahmadi’s son is one of the non-Ahmadis and for this reason prayer for them is not right”. (Ibid. pp.93)
–“The promised Christ was loathsome of an Ahmadiyan who wanted to let his daughter a non-Ahmadiyan. The man asked him many times but the promised Christ ordered him not to do so. Then the man allowed his daughter marriage after the death of the promised Christ so the caliph drove him away from his religious position and did not accept his penitence though the man repeated it many times until six years elapsed”. (Ibid. pp. 93-94)
–“The promised Christ did not allow any transaction with Muslims except those permitted to be so with Christians and Jews. He distinguished us from Muslims in prayer, prohibited intermarriage with them, and prayer for their dead, so what is left to connect us with them? Interactions between people depend on two things and have two forms; a religious and a worldly transactions. The greatest means of religious transactions is to pray together and to intermarry. These two kinds are prohibited in our religion, and if you say that we are allowed to marry Muslim girls, I say that this applies to Christians, too. And if you question me why it is right to greet non-Ahmadis, my answer will be that according to a true prophet’s Hadith he returned the greetings of Jews”. (Word Of Demarcation published in Rioy av Religinter, pp. 69)
Not only did Qadiyanis broke relations and transactions with Muslims in their speeches and writings, but they did so in practice as hundreds of thousands of Muslims had reported. They made an independent nation of themselves refusing to pray or intermarry with Muslims.
The problem being so, it is unreasonable that Qadiyanis remain a part of the Muslim community. It is not necessary that their independence should be legally enacted since this had been a fact during the last fifty years.
By their attitude, Qadiyanis have proved what was difficult to prove before this time concerning the wisdom and practical benefits of the cessation of Allah’s messages. In the past one used to wonder why Allah’s revelation and inspiration and Apostles cease to come.
Nowadays, experience has proved the great wisdom and beautiful benefits of this good favor from Allah. The belief that Mohammad was the last prophet united all monotheists in following only one prophet, and thus endowed them with what strengthened and ensured their unity and interactions. The renewal of a doctrine by many prophets separate the nation into many communities. If we expel Qadiyanis none will dare to rise among us and pretend a new message to destroy our unity and solidarity. But if we overlook Qadiyanism we will help and encourage many pretenders to rise and feign, and thus we participate in harming Muslim solidarity. And if we neglect this danger, our example will be followed by our sons, and thus the destruction will not stop and our society will face a new kind of danger everyday; dangers which split the Muslim nation.
This is our true argument on which we base our demands of making Qadiyanis a minority which has the rights of any non-Muslims minority. In fact, the argument that reaches home is with us and no other reasonable argument can be brought against our demand. Those who oppose our demand want to divert people from it with pretexts and objections that have nothing g to do with the matter under question. They say, for instance, that various Muslim groups are still charging each other with disbelief. And if we go on separating group after another the nation will vanish. Moreover, they say there are independent Muslim sects, as Qadiyanism, though they do not differ with Muslims in doctrines. Thus they ask us whether we still intend to break relations with them or whether we chose to treat Qadiyanis a such out of hatred and wrath.
Many others were deceived by Qadiyanis’ call to Islam. “Qadiyanis are defending Islam against Christian and Aryan attacks, and spreading it all over the world so, it is right to treat them as you do” they used to say. But we are going to discuss each of these points to answer any possible question.
1. It is lamentable true that Muslims’ various groups are still charging each other with disbelief but it is wrong to make this a pretext for Qadiyanism as a true Muslim sect; that is because:
a) It is unreasonable to give examples of bad charges and judge that any charge is unacceptable, and that charging anyone with disbelief is not right. In fact, it is as wrong to charge people with disbelief for trivial differences as to accept clear and certified deviations from the fundamental principles of Islam. Those who conclude from false charges against some scholars that all kinds of charges are not right are requested to answer whether a Muslim remains a believer if he pretends to be God or a prophet, or if he deviates from Islam’s fundamental doctrines.
b) Muslim groups and sects whose charges against each other are being utilized held a conference in Karachi and agreed on the fundamental principles of the Muslim state. They agreed on the same principles because each considers the other a Muslim group or sect. None of them charged the other of being out of pale though there were minor differences among them. Thus to think that separating Qadiyanism from the Muslim nation will be a cause for separating many others is an illusion.
c) The Muslim nation’s charge of Qadiyanis with disbelief is unlike any charge against others. Qadiyanis falsely pretended the existence of a new prophet who considers those who believe in him a separate nation and those who do not as disbelievers. Thus all Qadiyanis agree on charging Muslims with rejection of faith, and Muslims have judged Qadiyanis as disbelievers, too.
Thus it becomes quite clear that this is a fundamental difference that cannot be considered as trivial as minor differences – among various Muslim sects.
2. No doubt there are some sects other than Qadiyani who have withstood Muslims and broken their relationship with them, and organized their sects independently, but the wrong these have done is quite different from that done by Qadiyanis in many respects.
a) These sects have completely separated themselves from the Muslim nation to the extent that they have become like slag lying by the road which is neither harmful nor harmed. Their existence is bearable. Qadiyanis mix with Muslims, pretending to believe in their doctrines, discuss them with others, and to argue in the name of Islam seeding, in fact, to split members off the Muslim community and win them to their side. A great tumult, disgraceful disunity, and oppressive occupations befell Muslims from Qadiyanis agency to foreign countries. For this and many other reasons we cannot abide with them.
b) The sects that have differences with the Muslim community are judged by Islamic jurisprudence. It decides whether their private beliefs drive them out of pale. And even if we suppose that they are not followers of Islam, their beliefs will not endanger Muslims and will not cause any social, economic, and political problems. But Qadiyanis’ fabrication do endanger the faith of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and cause a social problem in every Muslim family that is influenced by them to the extent that husband forsakes his wife, and father abandons his son, and an enmity rises between two brothers. Moreover, other non-Qadiyani sects do not have any political trends that can be considered a danger to our national life. Qadiyanis do have some dangerous political tendencies that cannot be overlooked.
Qadiyanis were quite certain that in an independent free Muslim society, a pretended message could not grow up or achieve its aims. They know that the Muslim nation abhors such pretenses as these which disperse Muslims, destroy Islamic laws, and split Muslim society.
Being aware of the attitude of the prophet’s companions towards pretenders of holy messages, and of the fact that whenever Muslims take power in any country they will never admit new and false pretenses, Qadiyanis chose to connect themselves with disbeliever government because under no other shelter they can destroy Islam by feigning it.
They have made the Muslim nation their prey since they call to their doctrines in the name of Islam. They know so well that it is in their interest to support foreign occupation because it suffocates Muslims and helps them to achieve gains an to destroy Islam. An independent and free Muslim nation is a hateful unfruitful land which they abhor greatly.
We can quote many texts taken from Mirza Ghulam {Ahmad’s assertions and from his followers’ declarations, but it suffices us to quote some and without commentary.
–“The English Government has bountifully rewarded, helped, and favored us to the extent that if we leave this country neither Mecca, nor Istanbul would shelter us. So how came you to doubt its goodness”. (Ahmadiyan Talks, vol 1 pp.146)
–“I am unable to perform what I wish in Mecca, Medina, Domascus, Persia, Kabul or Rome except under this government’s protection for whose glory and victory I do pray God”. (Conveying the Message by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, vol VI pp. 69)
–“Oh, just think a little which land all over the world will shelter you if you leave this country. Mention one government that will welcome and shelter you. All Muslim countries detest you and wish to kill you because, in their opinion, you are disbelievers. So estimate well the heavenly favor (the favor of British occupation) and be aware that Allah had not brought the British into this country except for your welfare and interests. If catastrophes befall the British you will not escape their dire effect. And if you demand a proof of what I say, go and find shelter under any other regime and when you do this you will see what happens to you. The British are Allah’s mercy and blessing, and a citadel for your protection. Estimate the British well and love them dearly because they are a thousand times better than Muslims who oppose you. It is sufficient to convince you with only one thing: the British do not wish to humiliate or slaughter you”. (Ghulam Ahmad’s valuable advice in conveying the message vol 1, pp. 123)
–“It is well known to all those who study the history of nations how the persian government maltreated Merza Ali Mohammad Bab, the founder of Babism and his followers. It destroyed Babism for nothing else than religious disputes. It is as well known how the Turkish government ill-treated Bhah’Allah, the founder of Baha’ism and his followers between 1863-1893. It imprisoned them in Istanbul first then in Edranovel and Acca. We also not know any other three countries which demonstrated religious fanaticism and narrowness and which do not cope with the age of civilization and culture. Our knowledge of these three countries leads us to the conviction that the freedom of Ahmadis is closely related to the British throne.
All true Ahmadis who believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a holy prophet sent by Allah to people do believe, without any little bit of flattery, that the British Government is Allah’s favor and the shade of His mercy. They also believe that the life of the British Government is theirs”. (Al Fadl 13 Sept 1914)
These above mentioned assertions quite clearly certify to the fact that this gang of pretenders are aware of the benefits of disbelievers’ occupation of Muslim counties because under the protection of occupation they can achieve their aims. If Muslim got power into their hands, these pretenders will be crashed because free Muslims will not abide with those who destroy their religion and split their society.
More dangerous still is Qadiyanis tendencies to establish an independent state in Pakistan. One year after the rise of Pakistan the Qadiyani caliph made a speech in Ku’ta in Jul 23, 1948, published in Al Fadl in Aug 13, 1948. He said “British Plukhistan is allotted to you. (Now part of Pakistani Plukhistan). Its population is five or six hundred thousand inhabitants. Though less populated than other districts, it has a great importance. As individuals are valuable in our world, this district is as valuable as any part of Pakistan. An example from the American constitution will clarify its importance. Each state has an equal number of representatives no matter how big or populated it is. Now if we add British Plukhistan to Blukhistan district, the inhabitants will number a million. I think you realize the difficulty of converting the people of a big district. But don’t you see that we can convert the people of a small district? If we take care we will spread Ahmadiyan banners over it all. Our doctrine will not succeed unless its roots are deep in the ground. Thus work and spread your doctrines and make them solidly rooted. Establish it in a place first and then if we succeed in converting people we will be proud of our district. As for converting people it is not an easy matter”.
After all this talk I wish to ask those who want us to abide with Qadiyanis and their deeds and who cling to the pretext that there are many sects in Islam whether there are such dangerous tendencies and policies as those of Qadiyanis. Does any sect find Islam harmful, and anti Islamic system beneficial? Is any sect going to abhor Muslims and prepare to establish an independent state in the heart of an Islamic regime? It appears that there is no sect that behaves as Qadiyanism and thus we ask why they want us to treat Qadiyanism as other sects?
This minor sect faces with another problem; it demands independence from us. Is it not right that we should expel it out of pale?
It has been said that necessity drives man to demand anything. The truthfulness of his demand depends on the acuteness of his necessity. Qadiyanis’ existence among the Muslim majority harms Muslims greatly, for this the majority demands the legal separation of this harmful minority from its community. Qadiyanis are, in practice, independent from the Muslim majority and utilize their independence to organize their sect and destroy Islam’s principles according to a pre-plotted methods. They also hide behind Islam and throw the seeds of split and differences among Muslims. By their cunning method of pretending Islam they gain more administrative positions and employments. This harms the community and thus what pretext remains for any to let the minority persecute the majority or to refuse our demand of legal separation of Qadiyanis from the Muslim nation.
The majority did not create cause for separation but the minority did when they established independent societies and broke social and religious relations with Muslims. This refusal to be legally separated from Muslims makes Qadiyanis utterly responsible for their refusal.
Allah had endowed you, readers, with mind and insight so look how they refuse to accept the results of their deeds. If they want to deceive, harm, and mar the unity of Muslims how do you let the majority, while you are its representatives, fall a prey to the cunning of this deceitful minority.
Let us deal with the last problem which claims that since Qadiyanis defend Islam and spread it, it is not right to treat them as we do.
In fact, this is a groundless argument which tempted some newly educated people. We ask them to study and contemplate what we are going to quote from the writings from Ghulam Ahmad himself which will strip the aims of this pretender’s defense of Islam. He says “I have been publishing books in English, Arabic, Persian and Urdu, out of my own enthusiasm to convince Muslims that their duty is to be faithful to the British Government that they should leave the notion of the holy strive and shun waiting for the Mehdi who sheds blood and all other trivial illusions which cannot be verified by the Quran. If they still adhere to these mistakes they must not, at least, deny the favors of this generous government or they will be sinners of disloyalty by Allah’s laws”. (Tiryak Al Kuloub 28 Oct 1902 pp.307)
In this same petition to the British Government he writes “It is time I proudly say to my charitable government that this is my twenty year service to you. No Muslim family in British India can do as mine did. It is quite clear that twenty-year-long continuos effort to convince people with the above mentioned teachings cannot possible be the work of a hypocrite. It is the work of a man who feels faithfulness and sincerity towards this government. I confess that I discuss religious matters with other priests but with honest intentions. I have published many arguments about Christianity, but I also confess that when some missionaries wrote invective against Islam like the impolite wording of the mischievous argument in Nur Afshan in which the missionary charged our prophet with robbery, lust, adultry with his daughter, lies, and bloodshed, I feared lest these writings irritate Muslims who are quickly angered so I found it a good policy to write against these books in order to extinguish the fire of Muslims’ wrath and lessen the consequent general abhorrence and to deaden the anger of people who may react and cause disturbances that threaten the national security. It is clear that I only wrote against these invective books because I found that writing was the only way to extinguish the flame of wrath among Muslim enthusiasts”. (pp. 308-309) Then he goes on to say “All I wrote against missionaries was motivated by a wish to control Muslims with wisdom and entertain them and deaden their monstrous rebellious minds. I declare I am the most faithful and the most helpful Muslim to the British Government. There are three causes which brought me up to this first rate loyalty to the British; the first is my father’s influence, the second is the great favors of this government, Allah’s revelation”. (pp. 309-310)
Mirza also wrote the same in the annex of his book Shahadatu’l Quran entitled a request worthy of the government’s favor “My religion which I declare once and again is that Islam is divided into two parts. The first is to obey God, the second is to obey the government which ensures the nation’s security, shelters us, and protects us from oppressors. This government that we should all obey is the British government”.
We also find in his Conveying The Message vol. VII; a petition to his majesty the district ruler in which he assured the ruler of his family’s sincerity to the British Government. He reported the letters Mirza Ghulam Murat Khan had received from Lahore’s ruler and Punjabi financial advisor as well as other British rulers who witnessed to his great services which denote his sincerity, faithfulness, loyalty, and love to the British, and enumerated the most important members of his family who served the British. Then he said “The most important work to which I was and still devoted to is to divert the hearts of Muslims from Islam towards sincerity, love, loyalty and truthful gratitude to the British government, and to get rid of wrong illusions such as the holy war and other silly beliefs which impair sincere relations with the British (pp. 10).
I did not only concentrate on filling the hearts of Indian Muslims with sincere obedience to the British, but also wrote many books in Arabic, Persian and Urdu in which I clarified to the inhabitants of Muslim countries how we spend the days of our life in security, happiness, prosperity, and freedom under the British Government’s sheltering care”. (pp. 10) Then he gave a long list of his books which certify to his sincere love and great loyalty to the British. Then he wrote “The government should verify whether those thousands of Muslims who call me a disbeliever, swear at me and at my followers, and harm us because I wrote thousands of declarations which were full of my grateful thanks to the government dictated by myself and out of my conscience, heart, and utter conviction and published them in all the Arab countries. Are not these matters clear? I assert that my sect has a first-rate loyalty to the British government and that it is the most sincere, faithful and loyal Muslim sect because it declares its readiness to sacrifice everything for the British. The principles of the British do not, in any sense, endanger ours”. Then he wrote “I am certain that so long as my followers increase, those who believe in the holy war against occupation decrease. Belief in me is a denial of the existence of a holy war”. (pp. 17)
Disregarding whether this language and these expressions are worthy of a prophet, we wish to attract the reader’s attention to the fact that these are the aims of the founder of this religion and these are the purposes for which he exerted himself, defended Islam, and spread its teachings. Is this service to ‘Islam’ still worthy of thanks and respect after all that we have seen of its stimuli and aims? And if it is still difficult for some people to know the reality of this service to Islam, we ask them to contemplate what we are going to quote from Qadiyanis’ confessions.
— “We came across a book by an Italian engineer who held an important position in Afghanistan. The book was once published and by mere chance only that we got this rare copy. In it the author says that Sahib Zadeh Abdullatif, a Qadiyani, was killed in Afghanistan because he was urging people to shun ‘the holy war’. The government feared lest his call weakens the passion for freedom in the hearts of Afghanis and thus enslave them to the British. We deduce from this fact that Afghanistani regime did not kill that Qadiyani except because he called people to shun ‘the holy war’. (Mirza Bashir’s speech on a Friday Al-Fadl 6 Aug 1935).
— Afghanistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs issued the following declaration. “After Mulla Abdulhalim Jihar Asiyanis and Mulla Nur Ali Hanuti had become Qadiyanis, they began to teach their fabricated doctrines in the name of reform…..After some time they were arrested for another matter and tried. Letters from some foreigners were confiscated which prove their agency and conspiracy against the interests of Afghanistan. The letters reveal quite clearly how far they went in selling themselves up to the enemies of Afghanistan”. (Al-Fadl, 3 Mar 1925)
— “Though I went to Russia to call people to Qadiyanism, I always did and served the British Government at the same time because our interests and British Government’s are in complete harmony with each other”. (Mohammad Amin, a Qadiyani preacher in his essay published in Al-Fadl 28 Sep 1922)
–“The world considers us British agents. When a German minister participated in the opening of Ahmadiyan center in Germany, his government blamed him and asked him ‘why did you participate in a special occasion related to people who are British agents’”. (A speech by Qadiyani’s caliph Nov 1934)
–“We hope that with the increase of British empire, the chances for more converts from Muslims and non-Muslims will increase”. (Opinions concerning Lord Harding’s tour in Iraq published in Al-Fadl, 11 Feb 1910)
–“The British Government is like paradise to us. Ahmadis are going on well under the shelter of this paradise. If you leave it you will see what frightening shower of poisonous arrows will come down upon you heads. So why don’t you thank this government’s favors when you all know what its interests are united with ours, its desolation means ours, and its prosperity affects ours. Wherever this government wins a new country to its domain we win a new field for our doctrines”. (Al-Fadl 19 Oct 1915)
–“The relations between Qadiyanis and the British Government are unlike any other; that is because our interested demand this. What benefits the British Government enriches us, and as the British empire increases our chances for progress increase, if it is harmed – God forbid – we will not be able to live safely. (Qadiyanis caliph’s declaration Al-Fadl 27 Jul 1918)
Thus we have clarified the reality of Qadiyanism, uncovering its doctrines, trends, and deeds. And now we are going to explain the rise of this sect.
1. Half a century elapsed and Muslims were still living the worst kind of life under British occupation. Then suddenly a man pretended he was a prophet. He claimed that it was insufficient for Muslims to believe in Muhammad (PBUH), but they should, if they wanted true faith and the right Islam, believe in him, too. Disbelievers in him are out of the Islamic pale. Thus, a pretender rises among the unified Muslim nation to say he is a prophet.
2. According to his false pretense, this man established a new community and an independent society which opposed Muslims as Hindus and Christians do, and disagreed with Muslim beliefs, habits, hopes, and sufferings.
3. The founder of this new community felt, since the beginning of his pretense, that Muslims society cannot bear to be destroyed, so he and his gang chose to be loyal, sincere, and loving servants of the British occupation. This was not only a practical policy, but also in awareness of the fact that his interest are consistent with the victory of the British not only in India but also in the other Muslim countries in order to spread his poison and fabrications.
4. This sect, according to a conspiracy with the British disappointed all Muslims’ efforts during the past fifty years to separate it from the Muslim community. The government continued to insist on the sect being considered part and parcel of Muslims despite all differences. Muslims were harmed greatly by these measures while Qadiyanism won great benefits.
The government, despite all scholars’ efforts, continued to convince Muslims that Qadiyanis are one of the sects of Islam to enable Qadiyanis to spread their doctrines among Muslims. A Muslim will not abstain from following Qadiyanism if it is legally considered a Muslim sect, and this benefits Qadiyanis greatly because they are increasing their numbers and power. Muslims are harmed because a new community which opposed them was growing up like cancer in their body.
This sect won all the favors of the British Government and the most army, police, justice, and administrative posts in the country. It is strange that this sect won all these posts from those assigned to Muslims because the government considers it one of the Muslim sects and continues to convince Muslims that these posts are assigned to them only. Muslims are treated as such in economy, trade, industry, and agriculture.
The plight of Qadiyanism appeared in Punjab; harmed and destroyed it so it was natural that the most wrathful Muslims against Qadiyanis are the Punjabis.
The Problem Of Qadiyanism
How the heretical beliefs of the Ahmadiya sect, who accept their founder Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet, have put them outside the fold of Islam and left them designated as non-Muslims in Pakistan.
By Sayid Abu’l Ala Mawdudi
Being an independent non-Muslim minority is a natural and reasonable result of all that Qadiyanis chose for themselves. They caused and urged everything that result in making them a non-Muslim community. The first of which is their fabrication of the meaning of “the Last of Allah’s apostles” by which they differed from all Muslims who believe in Mohammad (peace be upon him) as the Last Apostle and that there will be no apostles after him until the day of judgment takes place. This is the meaning which the Apostle’s companions understood and derived from the following verse “Mohammad in not the father of any of your men, but the Apostle of Allah and the Last Apostle” (Sura Al-Ahzab verse 40). The Apostle’s companions fought all those who pretended being apostles after the death of Mohammad (peace be upon him). And this was the meaning which Muslims understood from all the sources, and thus they did not and do not accept any one who pretends to be an apostle.
Qadiyanis only, and for the first time in the history of Muslims, interpreted the Quranic phrase “The Last of the Apostles” (*Malfuzal Ahmadiya by M.Manzur Ilahi pp.290*) to mean that Mohammad is the Apostle’s stamp which certifies and signs other Apostle’s Messages. What we have said can be proved by the texts quoted here from Qadiyanis books and essays. Here are three quotations.
–“The promised Christ (peace be upon him) said in his interpretation of `Khatamu Nabiyeen’: what is meant is that no Prophet’s message can be authorized and certified except by Mohammad’s stamp. As every document is not accepted unless affirmed or confirmed by stamp and signature, so every message that is not confirmed by Mohammad’s stamp is not true. (Malfuzal Ahmadiya edited by M.Manzur Ilahi pp.290)
–“We do not deny that Mohammad (peace be upon him) was the seal of prophets, but what the majority of people understand contradicts the greatness of the prophet (peace be upon him) since it leads to the conviction that the prophet had bereft his nation from Allah’s greatest favour – prophets. What is meant by this phrase is that the prophet is the seal which confirms messages after his, so there will be no prophet if not affirmed by the holy prophet Mohammad. In this meaning only we do believe”. (Al-Fadl, 22 Sept 1939)
–“The seal is the stamp, and if the holy prophet is the stamp, how can he be a stamp and no prophets to be confirmed”. (Al-Fadl, 22 Sept 1923)
The differences between all Muslim and Qadiyanis are not limited to the explanation or the fabrication of one word “Khatem”, but differences went to extremes since Qadiyanism claimed openly and frankly that not only one prophet is likely to appear after Mohammad (peace be upon him) but thousands of prophets. This is to be found in Qadiyani texts, some of which are the following “The rise of many new prophets is as clear a fact as the sun in midday”. (The Reality Of Qadiyanism by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp.228)
–“Muslims falsely claim that the sources of Allah ran out and no more prophets will appear. They do not justly estimate God. As for me, I say that not only one prophet may appear but thousands”. (Anwar Khilafat by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp. 62)
–“If a man sharpened swords close by my neck threateningly asking me to say that no prophet will appear after Mohammad(peace be upon him) I would say to him, you are a liar, it is right, there must be prophets after him”. (Ibid. pp.65)
After Ghulam Ahmad had opened the way of messages and prophets, he pretended he was a prophet. Qadiyanis believed his pretense and accepted it completely. We quote here some of their declarations and sayings to witness to their deviations and fabrications as well as can be.
–“The promised Christ declared his claim to a Message and to be a prophet, as he wrote `I am a prophet and an apostle’ (Al-Badr 5 Mar 1908), or as he also wrote `I am a prophet according to Allah’s orders. If I deny this I am sinful. And If Allah calls me thus how can I deny it. I will stand by this claim until my death’ (Letter to Akhbar Am by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad written three days before his death and published on his date of death i.e., 26 May 1908).
–“The characteristics Islam gives of the promised Christ means that is truly a prophet”. (The Reality Of The Message by Mirza Bashir pp.174)
An essential element in all the persons who pretend to be prophets, is to charge those who do not believe in him with disbelief and refection of faith. This is exactly what Qadiyanis do in their congregational speeches and publications against Muslims who deny their pretense. I quote the following from their speeches:
–“All Muslims who do not swear fealty to Ghulam Ahmad are disbelievers, even if they have not heard his name”. (Ayina Sadakat by Mirza Bashir Eddin pp. 35)
–“Every man who believes in Moses but not in Jesus Christ, in Mohammad but not in Ghulam Ahmad is not only a disbeliever, but in the deepest levels of rejection of faith”. (Word Of Demarcation by Bashir Ahmad pp 110).
–“Since we believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet, and all non-Ahmadis diebelieve in him, we consider non-Ahmadis disbelievers according to the Quranic verse which says that in one prophet is a rejection of the whole prophets”.(Mirza Bashir Ahmad’s article in Al-Fadl, 26 May 1922).
Qadiyanis not only say they are anti_muslim in Ghulam Ahmad’s message but say that there are nothing to connect them with Muslims since their God, Islam, Quran prayer and fasting are unlike the Muslims.
Qadiyani caliph’s speech published in Al-Fadl on 21 Aug 1927, under the title of `Advice for Students’ explains to his followers the differences between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis. He says “… Since the promised Christ said that their Islam, their God, and their pilgrimage are unlike ours, we always differ from them in every thing”.
In Jul 30, 1931 Al-Fadl published another speech by the Qadiyani caliph in which he mentioned a dispute that ensued between two groups of Qadiyanis. One reasoned that since differences between Qadiyanis and Muslims are known, and the promised Christ has clarified them there is no need to establish independent Qadiyani schools: we can learn all undisputed matters in Muslim schools. The other group disagreed. While they were still arguing, the promised Christ himself entered and listened to their dispute. Then he gave his judgment saying: “It is wrong to say that we differ from Muslims only in the matter of Christ’s death. We disagree with them in the wholeness of God, in the prophet, (peace be upon him), in the Quran, in prayer, in pilgrimage and in Al-Zakat. In short, he explained to them that we disagree quite completely with Muslims concerning all religious matters”.
Qadiyanis themselves broke relations with Muslims in accordance with the great gap they had dug between them and Muslims. They organized themselves independently as if they were a non-Muslim minority as affirmed by their own writings.
–“The promised Christ made it clear that Ahmadis should not be led in prayer by a Muslim. Many letters come questioning this matter. My answer to them all is that no matter how many times you repeat the question I will answer that it is not right, not right, not right to be led in prayer by a non-Ahmadiyan”. (Anwar Khilafat by Mirza Bashir Mahmud pp. 89)
–“We must neither believe in non-Ahmadiyan Islam, nor be led by them in prayer because in our opinion they are disbelievers in one of Allah’s prophets”. (Ibid. pp. 90)
–“If a non-Ahmadi’s son died why we do not pray for him though he does not disbelieve in Ghulam Ahmad as the promised Christ! I myself ask those who have questioned me why we do not pray for the son of a Hindu or a Christian when they die….The non-Ahmadi’s son is one of the non-Ahmadis and for this reason prayer for them is not right”. (Ibid. pp.93)
–“The promised Christ was loathsome of an Ahmadiyan who wanted to let his daughter a non-Ahmadiyan. The man asked him many times but the promised Christ ordered him not to do so. Then the man allowed his daughter marriage after the death of the promised Christ so the caliph drove him away from his religious position and did not accept his penitence though the man repeated it many times until six years elapsed”. (Ibid. pp. 93-94)
–“The promised Christ did not allow any transaction with Muslims except those permitted to be so with Christians and Jews. He distinguished us from Muslims in prayer, prohibited intermarriage with them, and prayer for their dead, so what is left to connect us with them? Interactions between people depend on two things and have two forms; a religious and a worldly transactions. The greatest means of religious transactions is to pray together and to intermarry. These two kinds are prohibited in our religion, and if you say that we are allowed to marry Muslim girls, I say that this applies to Christians, too. And if you question me why it is right to greet non-Ahmadis, my answer will be that according to a true prophet’s Hadith he returned the greetings of Jews”. (Word Of Demarcation published in Rioy av Religinter, pp. 69)
Not only did Qadiyanis broke relations and transactions with Muslims in their speeches and writings, but they did so in practice as hundreds of thousands of
Muslims had reported. They made an independent nation of themselves refusing to pray or intermarry with Muslims.
The problem being so, it is unreasonable that Qadiyanis remain a part of the Muslim community. It is not necessary that their independence should be legally enacted since this had been a fact during the last fifty years.
By their attitude, Qadiyanis have proved what was difficult to prove before this time concerning the wisdom and practical benefits of the cessation of Allah’s messages. In the past one used to wonder why Allah’s revelation and inspiration and Apostles cease to come.
Nowadays, experience has proved the great wisdom and beautiful benefits of this good favor from Allah. The belief that Mohammad was the last prophet united all monotheists in following only one prophet, and thus endowed them with what strengthened and ensured their unity and interactions. The renewal of a doctrine by many prophets separate the nation into many communities. If we expel Qadiyanis none will dare to rise among us and pretend a new message to destroy our unity and solidarity. But if we overlook Qadiyanism we will help and encourage many pretenders to rise and feign, and thus we participate in harming Muslim solidarity. And if we neglect this danger, our example will be followed by our sons, and thus the destruction will not stop and our society will face a new kind of danger everyday; dangers which split the Muslim nation.
This is our true argument on which we base our demands of making Qadiyanis a minority which has the rights of any non-Muslims minority. In fact, the argument that reaches home is with us and no other reasonable argument can be brought against our demand. Those who oppose our demand want to divert people from it with pretexts and objections that have nothing g to do with the matter under question. They say, for instance, that various Muslim groups are still charging each other with disbelief. And if we go on separating group after another the nation will vanish. Moreover, they say there are independent Muslim sects, as Qadiyanism, though they do not differ with Muslims in doctrines. Thus they ask us whether we still intend to break relations with them or whether we chose to treat Qadiyanis a such out of hatred and wrath.
Many others were deceived by Qadiyanis’ call to Islam. “Qadiyanis are defending Islam against Christian and Aryan attacks, and spreading it all over the world so, it is right to treat them as you do” they used to say. But we are going to discuss each of these points to answer any possible question.
1. It is lamentable true that Muslims’ various groups are still charging each other with disbelief but it is wrong to make this a pretext for Qadiyanism as a true Muslim sect; that is because:
a) It is unreasonable to give examples of bad charges and judge that any charge is unacceptable, and that charging anyone with disbelief is not right. In fact, it is as wrong to charge people with disbelief for trivial differences as to accept clear and certified deviations from the fundamental principles of Islam. Those who conclude from false charges against some scholars that all kinds of charges are not right are requested to answer whether a Muslim remains a believer if he pretends to be God or a prophet, or if he deviates from Islam’s fundamental doctrines.
b) Muslim groups and sects whose charges against each other are being utilized held a conference in Karachi and agreed on the fundamental principles of the Muslim state. They agreed on the same principles because each considers the other a Muslim group or sect. None of them charged the other of being out of pale though there were minor differences among them. Thus to think that separating Qadiyanism from the Muslim nation will be a cause for separating many others is an illusion.
c) The Muslim nation’s charge of Qadiyanis with disbelief is unlike any charge against others. Qadiyanis falsely pretended the existence of a new prophet who considers those who believe in him a separate nation and those who do not as disbelievers. Thus all Qadiyanis agree on charging Muslims with rejection of faith, and Muslims have judged Qadiyanis as disbelievers, too.
Thus it becomes quite clear that this is a fundamental difference that cannot be considered as trivial as minor differences – among various Muslim sects.
2. No doubt there are some sects other than Qadiyani who have withstood Muslims and broken their relationship with them, and organized their sects independently, but the wrong these have done is quite different from that done by Qadiyanis in many respects.
a) These sects have completely separated themselves from the Muslim nation to the extent that they have become like slag lying by the road which is neither harmful nor harmed. Their existence is bearable. Qadiyanis mix with Muslims, pretending to believe in their doctrines, discuss them with others, and to argue in the name of Islam seeding, in fact, to split members off the Muslim community and win them to their side. A great tumult, disgraceful disunity, and oppressive occupations befell Muslims from Qadiyanis agency to foreign countries. For this and many other reasons we cannot abide with them.
b) The sects that have differences with the Muslim community are judged by Islamic jurisprudence. It decides whether their private beliefs drive them out of pale. And even if we suppose that they are not followers of Islam, their beliefs will not endanger Muslims and will not cause any social, economic, and political problems. But Qadiyanis’ fabrication do endanger the faith of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and cause a social problem in every Muslim family that is influenced by them to the extent that husband forsakes his wife, and father abandons his son, and an enmity rises between two brothers. Moreover, other non-Qadiyani sects do not have any political trends that can be considered a danger to our national life. Qadiyanis do have some dangerous political tendencies that cannot be overlooked.
Qadiyanis were quite certain that in an independent free Muslim society, a pretended message could not grow up or achieve its aims. They know that the Muslim nation abhors such pretenses as these which disperse Muslims, destroy Islamic laws, and split Muslim society.
Being aware of the attitude of the prophet’s companions towards pretenders of holy messages, and of the fact that whenever Muslims take power in any country they will never admit new and false pretenses, Qadiyanis chose to connect themselves with disbeliever government because under no other shelter they can destroy Islam by feigning it.
They have made the Muslim nation their prey since they call to their doctrines in the name of Islam. They know so well that it is in their interest to support foreign occupation because it suffocates Muslims and helps them to achieve gains an to destroy Islam. An independent and free Muslim nation is a hateful unfruitful land which they abhor greatly.
We can quote many texts taken from Mirza Ghulam {Ahmad’s assertions and from his followers’ declarations, but it suffices us to quote some and without commentary.
–“The English Government has bountifully rewarded, helped, and favored us to the extent that if we leave this country neither Mecca, nor Istanbul would shelter us. So how came you to doubt its goodness”. (Ahmadiyan Talks, vol 1 pp.146)
–“I am unable to perform what I wish in Mecca, Medina, Domascus, Persia, Kabul or Rome except under this government’s protection for whose glory and victory I do pray God”. (Conveying the Message by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, vol VI pp. 69)
–“Oh, just think a little which land all over the world will shelter you if you leave this country. Mention one government that will welcome and shelter you. All Muslim countries detest you and wish to kill you because, in their opinion, you are disbelievers. So estimate well the heavenly favor (the favor of British occupation) and be aware that Allah had not brought the British into this country except for your welfare and interests. If catastrophes befall the British you will not escape their dire effect. And if you demand a proof of what I say, go and find shelter under any other regime and when you do this you will see what happens to you. The British are Allah’s mercy and blessing, and a citadel for your protection. Estimate the British well and love them dearly because they are a thousand times better than Muslims who oppose you. It is sufficient to convince you with only one thing: the British do not wish to humiliate or slaughter you”. (Ghulam Ahmad’s valuable advice in conveying the message vol 1, pp. 123)
–“It is well known to all those who study the history of nations how the persian government maltreated Merza Ali Mohammad Bab, the founder of Babism and his followers. It destroyed Babism for nothing else than religious disputes. It is as well known how the Turkish government ill-treated Bhah’Allah, the founder of Baha’ism and his followers between 1863-1893. It imprisoned them in Istanbul first then in Edranovel and Acca. We also not know any other three countries which demonstrated religious fanaticism and narrowness and which do not cope with the age of civilization and culture. Our knowledge of these three countries leads us to the conviction that the freedom of Ahmadis is closely related to the British throne.
All true Ahmadis who believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a holy prophet sent by Allah to people do believe, without any little bit of flattery, that the British Government is Allah’s favor and the shade of His mercy. They also believe that the life of the British Government is theirs”. (Al Fadl 13 Sept 1914)
These above mentioned assertions quite clearly certify to the fact that this gang of pretenders are aware of the benefits of disbelievers’ occupation of Muslim counties because under the protection of occupation they can achieve their aims. If Muslim got power into their hands, these pretenders will be crashed because free Muslims will not abide with those who destroy their religion and split their society.
More dangerous still is Qadiyanis tendencies to establish an independent state in Pakistan. One year after the rise of Pakistan the Qadiyani caliph made a speech in Ku’ta in Jul 23, 1948, published in Al Fadl in Aug 13, 1948. He said “British Plukhistan is allotted to you. (Now part of Pakistani Plukhistan). Its population is five or six hundred thousand inhabitants. Though less populated than other districts, it has a great importance. As individuals are valuable in our world, this district is as valuable as any part of Pakistan. An example from the American constitution will clarify its importance. Each state has an equal number of representatives no matter how big or populated it is. Now if we add British Plukhistan to Blukhistan district, the inhabitants will number a million. I think you realize the difficulty of converting the people of a big district. But don’t you see that we can convert the people of a small district? If we take care we will spread Ahmadiyan banners over it all. Our doctrine will not succeed unless its roots are deep in the ground. Thus work and spread your doctrines and make them solidly rooted. Establish it in a place first and then if we succeed in converting people we will be proud of our district. As for converting people it is not an easy matter”.
After all this talk I wish to ask those who want us to abide with Qadiyanis and their deeds and who cling to the pretext that there are many sects in Islam whether there are such dangerous tendencies and policies as those of Qadiyanis. Does any sect find Islam harmful, and anti Islamic system beneficial? Is any sect going to abhor Muslims and prepare to establish an independent state in the heart of an Islamic regime? It appears that there is no sect that behaves as Qadiyanism and thus we ask why they want us to treat Qadiyanism as other sects?
This minor sect faces with another problem; it demands independence from us. Is it not right that we should expel it out of pale?
It has been said that necessity drives man to demand anything. The truthfulness of his demand depends on the acuteness of his necessity. Qadiyanis’ existence among the Muslim majority harms Muslims greatly, for this the majority demands the legal separation of this harmful minority from its community. Qadiyanis are, in practice, independent from the Muslim majority and utilize their independence to organize their sect and destroy Islam’s principles according to a pre-plotted methods. They also hide behind Islam and throw the seeds of split and differences among Muslims. By their cunning method of pretending Islam they gain more administrative positions and employments. This harms the community and thus what pretext remains for any to let the minority persecute the majority or to refuse our demand of legal separation of Qadiyanis from the Muslim nation.
The majority did not create cause for separation but the minority did when they established independent societies and broke social and religious relations with Muslims. This refusal to be legally separated from Muslims makes Qadiyanis utterly responsible for their refusal.
Allah had endowed you, readers, with mind and insight so look how they refuse to accept the results of their deeds. If they want to deceive, harm, and mar the unity of Muslims how do you let the majority, while you are its representatives, fall a prey to the cunning of this deceitful minority.
Let us deal with the last problem which claims that since Qadiyanis defend Islam and spread it, it is not right to treat them as we do.
In fact, this is a groundless argument which tempted some newly educated people. We ask them to study and contemplate what we are going to quote from the writings from Ghulam Ahmad himself which will strip the aims of this pretender’s defense of Islam. He says “I have been publishing books in English, Arabic, Persian and Urdu, out of my own enthusiasm to convince Muslims that their duty is to be faithful to the British Government that they should leave the notion of the holy strive and shun waiting for the Mehdi who sheds blood and all other trivial illusions which cannot be verified by the Quran. If they still adhere to these mistakes they must not, at least, deny the favors of this generous government or they will be sinners of disloyalty by Allah’s laws”. (Tiryak Al Kuloub 28 Oct 1902 pp.307)
In this same petition to the British Government he writes “It is time I proudly say to my charitable government that this is my twenty year service to you. No Muslim family in British India can do as mine did. It is quite clear that twenty-year-long continuos effort to convince people with the above mentioned teachings cannot possible be the work of a hypocrite. It is the work of a man who feels faithfulness and sincerity towards this government. I confess that I discuss religious matters with other priests but with honest intentions. I have published many arguments about Christianity, but I also confess that when some missionaries wrote invective against Islam like the impolite wording of the mischievous argument in Nur Afshan in which the missionary charged our prophet with robbery, lust, adultry with his daughter, lies, and bloodshed, I feared lest these writings irritate Muslims who are quickly angered so I found it a good policy to write against these books in order to extinguish the fire of Muslims’ wrath and lessen the consequent general abhorrence and to deaden the anger of people who may react and cause disturbances that threaten the national security. It is clear that I only wrote against these invective books because I found that writing was the only way to extinguish the flame of wrath among Muslim enthusiasts”. (pp. 308-309) Then he goes on to say “All I wrote against missionaries was motivated by a wish to control Muslims with wisdom and entertain them and deaden their monstrous rebellious minds. I declare I am the most faithful and the most helpful Muslim to the British Government. There are three causes which brought me up to this first rate loyalty to the British; the first is my father’s influence, the second is the great favors of this government, Allah’s revelation”. (pp. 309-310)
Mirza also wrote the same in the annex of his book Shahadatu’l Quran entitled a request worthy of the government’s favor “My religion which I declare once and again is that Islam is divided into two parts. The first is to obey God, the second is to obey the government which ensures the nation’s security, shelters us, and protects us from oppressors. This government that we should all obey is the British government”.
We also find in his Conveying The Message vol. VII; a petition to his majesty the district ruler in which he assured the ruler of his family’s sincerity to the British Government. He reported the letters Mirza Ghulam Murat Khan had received from Lahore’s ruler and Punjabi financial advisor as well as other British rulers who witnessed to his great services which denote his sincerity, faithfulness, loyalty, and love to the British, and enumerated the most important members of his family who served the British. Then he said “The most important work to which I was and still devoted to is to divert the hearts of Muslims from Islam towards sincerity, love, loyalty and truthful gratitude to the British government, and to get rid of wrong illusions such as the holy war and other silly beliefs which impair sincere relations with the British (pp. 10).
I did not only concentrate on filling the hearts of Indian Muslims with sincere obedience to the British, but also wrote many books in Arabic, Persian and Urdu in which I clarified to the inhabitants of Muslim countries how we spend the days of our life in security, happiness, prosperity, and freedom under the British Government’s sheltering care”. (pp. 10) Then he gave a long list of his books which certify to his sincere love and great loyalty to the British. Then he wrote “The government should verify whether those thousands of Muslims who call me a disbeliever, swear at me and at my followers, and harm us because I wrote thousands of declarations which were full of my grateful thanks to the government dictated by myself and out of my conscience, heart, and utter conviction and published them in all the Arab countries. Are not these matters clear? I assert that my sect has a first-rate loyalty to the British government and that it is the most sincere, faithful and loyal Muslim sect because it declares its readiness to sacrifice everything for the British. The principles of the British do not, in any sense, endanger ours”. Then he wrote “I am certain that so long as my followers increase, those who believe in the holy war against occupation decrease. Belief in me is a denial of the existence of a holy war”. (pp. 17)
Disregarding whether this language and these expressions are worthy of a prophet, we wish to attract the reader’s attention to the fact that these are the aims of the founder of this religion and these are the purposes for which he exerted himself, defended Islam, and spread its teachings. Is this service to ‘Islam’ still worthy of thanks and respect after all that we have seen of its stimuli and aims? And if it is still difficult for some people to know the reality of this service to Islam, we ask them to contemplate what we are going to quote from Qadiyanis’ confessions.
— “We came across a book by an Italian engineer who held an important position in Afghanistan. The book was once published and by mere chance only that we got this rare copy. In it the author says that Sahib Zadeh Abdullatif, a Qadiyani, was killed in Afghanistan because he was urging people to shun ‘the holy war’. The government feared lest his call weakens the passion for freedom in the hearts of Afghanis and thus enslave them to the British. We deduce from this fact that Afghanistani regime did not kill that Qadiyani except because he called people to shun ‘the holy war’. (Mirza Bashir’s speech on a Friday Al-Fadl 6 Aug 1935).
— Afghanistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs issued the following declaration. “After Mulla Abdulhalim Jihar Asiyanis and Mulla Nur Ali Hanuti had become Qadiyanis, they began to teach their fabricated doctrines in the name of reform…..After some time they were arrested for another matter and tried. Letters from some foreigners were confiscated which prove their agency and conspiracy against the interests of Afghanistan. The letters reveal quite clearly how far they went in selling themselves up to the enemies of Afghanistan”. (Al-Fadl, 3 Mar 1925)
— “Though I went to Russia to call people to Qadiyanism, I always did and served the British Government at the same time because our interests and British Government’s are in complete harmony with each other”. (Mohammad Amin, a Qadiyani preacher in his essay published in Al-Fadl 28 Sep 1922)
–“The world considers us British agents. When a German minister participated in the opening of Ahmadiyan center in Germany, his government blamed him and asked him ‘why did you participate in a special occasion related to people who are British agents’”. (A speech by Qadiyani’s caliph Nov 1934)
–“We hope that with the increase of British empire, the chances for more converts from Muslims and non-Muslims will increase”. (Opinions concerning Lord Harding’s tour in Iraq published in Al-Fadl, 11 Feb 1910)
–“The British Government is like paradise to us. Ahmadis are going on well under the shelter of this paradise. If you leave it you will see what frightening shower of poisonous arrows will come down upon you heads. So why don’t you thank this government’s favors when you all know what its interests are united with ours, its desolation means ours, and its prosperity affects ours. Wherever this government wins a new country to its domain we win a new field for our doctrines”. (Al-Fadl 19 Oct 1915)
–“The relations between Qadiyanis and the British Government are unlike any other; that is because our interested demand this. What benefits the British Government enriches us, and as the British empire increases our chances for progress increase, if it is harmed – God forbid – we will not be able to live safely. (Qadiyanis caliph’s declaration Al-Fadl 27 Jul 1918)
Thus we have clarified the reality of Qadiyanism, uncovering its doctrines, trends, and deeds. And now we are going to explain the rise of this sect.
1. Half a century elapsed and Muslims were still living the worst kind of life under British occupation. Then suddenly a man pretended he was a prophet. He claimed that it was insufficient for Muslims to believe in Muhammad (PBUH), but they should, if they wanted true faith and the right Islam, believe in him, too. Disbelievers in him are out of the Islamic pale. Thus, a pretender rises among the unified Muslim nation to say he is a prophet.
2. According to his false pretense, this man established a new community and an independent society which opposed Muslims as Hindus and Christians do, and disagreed with Muslim beliefs, habits, hopes, and sufferings.
3. The founder of this new community felt, since the beginning of his pretense, that Muslims society cannot bear to be destroyed, so he and his gang chose to be loyal, sincere, and loving servants of the British occupation. This was not only a practical policy, but also in awareness of the fact that his interest are consistent with the victory of the British not only in India but also in the other Muslim countries in order to spread his poison and fabrications.
4. This sect, according to a conspiracy with the British disappointed all Muslims’ efforts during the past fifty years to separate it from the Muslim community. The government continued to insist on the sect being considered part and parcel of Muslims despite all differences. Muslims were harmed greatly by these measures while Qadiyanism won great benefits.
The government, despite all scholars’ efforts, continued to convince Muslims that Qadiyanis are one of the sects of Islam to enable Qadiyanis to spread their doctrines among Muslims. A Muslim will not abstain from following Qadiyanism if it is legally considered a Muslim sect, and this benefits Qadiyanis greatly because they are increasing their numbers and power. Muslims are harmed because a new community which opposed them was growing up like cancer in their body.
The plight of Qadiyanism appeared in Punjab; harmed and destroyed it so it was natural that the most wrathful Muslims against Qadiyanis are the Punjabis.
This sect won all the favors of the British Government and the most army, police, justice, and administrative posts in the country. It is strange that this sect won all these posts from those assigned to Muslims because the government considers it one of the Muslim sects and continues to convince Muslims that these posts are assigned to them only. Muslims are treated as such in economy, trade, industry, and agriculture.
Wow! what A discussion. It is same discussion as egg was produced first or a hen. Jews are waiting for a Messiah.Christians are waiting for Messiah and Muslims are also in hope of some one though 14th. century of Islamic calender is also gone. Now let us think who needs Messiah right now more urgently. I think Muslims who belong to the Religion of Peace need a Messiah more than ever. Don’t you see they cutting each other throats in the name of their religion. They are calling each other Infidels and they hate to live like human beings. They are ignorant of modern
education, commodities and want to live like savages. They treat their women like slaves and beat their children every day. They think Joining a madrassah and reciting Quran like a parrot will solve all their problems. They are socialy
retarted and want and prefer to stay in this state of ignorance. Some of them looking a short cut to Heaven. And that is to become suicide murderers in order to reach to heaven with the express way.
Still these ignorant people think that Islam is most rapidly growing religion in the world. They are living in the world of fools. More people left Islam after the 911 incident than never before. It is called now religion of violence and hate.
So my dear brothers and sisters! You may guess very easily who need a messiah more than ever? You guessed right. It is religion of peace who don’t need a reformer but a Prophet who bring another book and law for these Jehadi’s .
Otherwise, people of religion of peace will fight each other, kill each other and may be they will vansih by doing this.
May God bless this world and save from these people of Religion of Peace.
About your first answer,
And their saying. We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah; whereas they slew him not, nor crucified++ him, but he was made to appear to them like one crucified; and those who differ therein are certainly in a state of doubt about it; they have no definite knowledge thereof, but only follow a conjecture; and they did not convert this conjecture into a certainty;
(Surah Al-Nisa, chapter 4, verse 158).
Note: The emphasis is upon their failure to murder Jesus (as) by any means. You are reminded that the very beginning of the verse refers to the Jewish boast that they had succeeded in murdering Jesus (as).
The Jewish claim is firmly rejected by the Holy Quran. That is why by the end of verse, the conclusive declaration is that whatever may have happened they certainly failed to kill him. This implies that it is not the act of crucifixion which is denied. What is denied is death by crucifixion.
“Walakin shubbiha lahum”, the word ‘shubbiha’ in the text must be carefully studied. The context of the preceding text would not permit the implied reference to any other than Jesus (as) or alternatively it could refer to the incident in general In ++ (i.e. killed him by crucifixion).
Now that is childish behavior, very good keep going on kid. You have no answer for question 2.
From where did you copy pasted all that material against us Ahmadis ? (In your next huge posts), write it yourself rather than copy pasting (Obviously if you have something inside your mind).
A small question why did you say Almight only dr saab, write it “Allah The Almighty” or “Allah Tallah”, it is complete and looks better.
May Allah Tallah illuminate your path, Ameen.