Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain a famous religious host of a show called Aalim Online which airs frequently on Geo TV has entered some hot waters in the past few days. It is believed that his comments on the show may have incited Muslims to target and kill followers of the Ahmedi sect. Dr. Aamir has been running this show for the past many years and has developed a strong following catapulting him to fame to the extent that many Pakistanis swear by his religious commentary on TV, and remains a highly sought after show specially during the month of Ramadan.
Historically Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain has had his taste of controversy which started of from his fake degrees where this blogger had labeled him as Jahil Online back in 2005, he was then associated with MQM for a few years and ultimately had a falling out with the party over a controversial comment he made on TV condemning the British author Salman Rushdie, saying that Salman Rushdie should be killed for blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his book, Satanic Verses, after making this comment Mr. Online refused to retract his statement despite immense pressure from the top London based MQM leadership which ultimately lead to his dismissal and soon he also resigned from his Ministry
Asian Human Rights Watch reports that on 7th September in his program ‘Aalim Online’ the anchor declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don’t believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear. While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill.
This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.
According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpurkhas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building’s front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.
On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.
Join the Asian Human Rights Commission in sending a Letter of Appeal to a number of top leaders in Pakistan
664 responses to “Aalim Online – Inciting murder against Ahmedi’s”
@ Kashif Jehangir,
hey ! you are already KO, finished, deflated, Khalass !!
only two books ? even if gave you choice !!
I have 9 historical personalties, from
Amritsar, and Lahore, I can send tremors on this blog.
chiaoooo bella
And if Sir Zafarullah Khan was an American agent, then you should advise the Government to withdraw its case from the UN re Kashmir resolutions as that may have been a US conspiracy achieved by Sir Zafarullah Khan!!!
@kashif jahangiri
telling from quran?
or sacriligious twist and play with meanings of the
words of almighty ALLAH.
“That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
(soorah al nisa:157-158)
qadiyanis translated the meaning of “God raised him up and unto himself” that he was blessed by GOD.and claimed that he died in kashmir at the age of 120.
@kashif jahangiri i gave the refrences from “AZALA E AOHAM,
ROOHANI KHAZAIN,AL HUDA & ATMAM E HUJJAT ” that how miza ghulam ahmed qadiyani changes his statements about the locations of grave of hazrat ISA,three times.you didn,t answer about that infact i presented to you refrences from your own books about ghulam qadiyanis abusive language,lies and false prophecies but you didn,t answered that.and now you want a discussion on your own terms and condition.
i didn,t produce the refrences to have a discussion with you but to show the people the ugly face of qadiyaniat.
i belive that you also know that what ghulam ahmed qadiyani wrote in his books is nothing but a worthless crap.
one can have serious discussions with “talib e haq” but can not and should not with true followers of abdulla ibn e ubbaee.
“And (’Isa) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.
May ALMIGHTY ALLAH keep us away from the fire of hell.
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s predictions on Son to a Follower
(All references are from Qadiani books)
Manzoor Muhammad, one of the close followers of Mirza Ghulam, informed him that his wife had conceived. Upon hearing this, Mirza Ghulam stood up and announced:
“We saw in a dream that a son was born to Manzoor Muhammad. We asked about his name. The state of the dream changed into the state of revelation. It was said: ‘Bashir-ud-Daula’ (the harbinger of kingdom). But, I do not know what is meant by Manzoor Muhammad.”
(Review of Religions, P. 122, March 1906)
Obviously, Mirza Ghulam was learning from his prior failed attempts at making prophecies. By suggesting that ‘Manzoor Muhammad’ would have been another individual, he had left room to save face. However, Allah(SWT)’s plan was to expose Mirza Ghulam’s untruthfulness once more and give his followers another sign that they had been diverted from the right path. Only four months later, Mirza Ghulam once again announced:
“We have been informed that it is this same Manzoor Muhammad specified in the revelation. A son will be born to him from his current wife and he will be named ‘Bashir-ud-Daula’. It is possible that the boy is not born of this pregnancy but from the next. It is, however, inevitable that he will be born, as he is the sign of God…”
(Review of Religions, June1906)
“I received revelation that … Manzoor Muhammad and his wife shall have a son whose name shall be ‘Bahir-ud-Daula’.”
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 103)
Once again, Mirza Ghulam had tried to make his prophecy failure proof by suggesting that the boy might be born in a subsequent pregnancy. However, he planned and Allah(SWT) also planned, and Allah(SWT) is the best of planners. Unknowingly, Mirza Ghulam had planted the seed which would expose his falsehood once more.
In July 1906, Manzoor Muhammad’s wife gave birth to a daughter. Stubbornly, Mirza Ghulam prophecised:
“Manzoor Muhammad’s wife shall not die unless she gives birth to this noble son and until the prophecy is fulfilled.”
(Review of Religions, June 1907)
Once again, he was shown to be fabricating lies against Allah(SWT). Indeed, Manzoor Muhammad’s wife never conceived again and died without ever delivering the prophecised son. Allah(SWT) had made this another sign of Mirza Ghulam’s false claims for those who really believe. But, did most Qadianis revert back to Islam? No! They had closed their minds and Allah(SWT) sealed their hearts for their arrogance. The Qadiani leadership instead declared:
“God knows when and how will this prophecy come true as his holiness had given the news of its fulfillment through Manzoor Muhammad’s wife who has died…”
(Al-Bushra, Vol. 2, P. 116)
Satan is always at work. Isn’t it sad to see unfortunate people abandon faith, arrogantly refute the signs sent to them by Allah(SWT), and try to explain away the repeated failures of Mirza Ghulam?
@Kashif Jehangiri,
btw, why don’t you discuss with Laeeq, he seems to
have the same culture, language, and approach to Quran
Allah, and Prophet, both of you have one thing quite
common, the Abu-Jehal’epoch and arguments.
Khoob guzray gi jo mil baithein gay diwanay do
@rafay kashmiri
thanks bro!
i believe some one should always there where these qadiyani play their dirty games.take care keep it up
@Rafay Kashmiri
Regarding tehreef in the Quran, I am not aware of any tehreef in the Quran by Ahmadi Muslims. However, I know and have read a lot about many non-Ahmadi Muslims who believe in the concept of abrogation in the Quran. Even the Supreme Court of Pakistan has held in some cases that certain verses of the Quran have (NaoozuBillah) been abrogated! Some so-called Ulema even believe that a Hadith can override an Ayat of the Quran (NaoozuBillah).
I am sure you also believe in these concepts.
Nice try kashif
again the tricks with the word of ALMIGHTY ALLAH.
Same old dirty tricks.(confusing and engaging the opponents)
#1) You believe that ALLAH(swt) is bound by law ?
#2) There is no exception in his divine running of universe?
ALLAH (swt) says in Quran:
“Surely We have created man from sperm mixed with ovum.”
( Surah al insane -2)
O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other
(Al hujrat -13)
#3) so tell me how can we apply above mention verses of quran to HAZRAT ADAM (pbuh) and HAZRAT EISA (pbuh)?
While in other place Quran says:
(Such was) the practice (approved) of Allah among those who lived aforetime: no change wilt thou find in the practice (approved) of Allah.
( al ahzab -62)
#4) tell me if we can not find the change in rules of ALLAH (swt) then why HAZRAT ADAM(pbuh) and HAZRAT EISA(pbuh) born with out father?
“It is also interesting to see that Quran makes specific reference to Hazrat Issa and his mother eating food which means that Allah is clarifying that he was no more than an ordinary individual.
Food is not only consumed by HAZRAT EISA(pbuh) but also by the all PROPHETS(pbuh)
#5) Tell me how can eating a food can make a prophet an ordinary human being?
#6) Tell me if how a person(exalted prophet) become a super natural when ALLAH(swt) raised him to heavens by his divine powers?
“And (’Isa) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.
#7) tell me is (malaoon) mirza ghulam ahmed qadiani is the prophet who is being pledged to be the sign of “the hour”?
Hey kashif is that all you got?
Where are the answers of those refrences which I produced against malaoon ghulam ahmed qadiyani?
Also, raising a person above in heavens does not make him a supernatural being; but the fact that the person is alive for over 2000 years without any food, etc. certainly make him a supernatural being….
I seriously wanna know from you the time when you think Jesus Christ is going to descend and how will you recognise him that he is the person.
Also, I wanna know how upon his 2nd coming would you read the Quranic verses that refer to Jesus Christ as a Prophet towards the clan of Israeliites?
You dont answer my questions and rather pose counter questions. I think it is very important that you answer the questions that I pose to you.
@kashif jahangir!
i,ll be there , if you have some thing serious to discuss about.i m not a person with whome you can play your games.Be a seeker of truth.
i was not talking about inconsistencies,i was talking about exceptions.my point was to elaborate that ALLAH(swt)is THE law maker.HE make a law in a way HE see fit.HE is above all laws.
i don,t think being a qadiyani you can understand the reason why ALLAH(SWT) made some changes in the matters related to HAZRAT EISA (pbuh).
“I personally think that Islam is an advanced science. Whatever is written in the Holy Quran will be ultimately proved by science. Who knows at some point, it is also proved that it is scientifically possible for a woman to bear a child without receiving a sperm externally from a male OR that male sperms are also found within some females (though in very rare cases) that fuse into ova and result in conception! Of course we have seen sex changes occuring in this world whereby a male becomes a female and a female becomes a male. Where this happens, the doctors believe that the person had both the characteristics!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahha……always tricks
“She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said: “I seek refuge from thee to (Allah) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear Allah.”
He said: “Nay, I am only a Messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.
She said: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?”
She said: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?”
He said: “So (it will be): thy Lord saith, ‘That is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us’: it is matter (so) decreed.
(soorah maryam -17 to 21)
“I personally think that Islam is an advanced science.
is this a reason you are doing experiments on islam and words of ALLAH(swt)?
islam means surrendering of all our will to the ALLAH(swt).whoevers,whatevers,whenevers and wherevers will be decided by ALLAH(SWT)
so simple!
when you understand that you will become a muslim.and then u,ll realize that a prophet can not be made in british or israeli laboratories.
“Regarding Hazrat Adam, I do not believe that he was the FIRST man on this planet. He was the first Caliph of Allah on this planet; ie, the first civilised man.
a neo darwinian theory.
“Behold, the Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create man from clay:
“When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.”
(soorah SAAD -71/72)
“Ibn Masud and other companions of the Prophet said that Allah the Almighty sent Gabriel onto the earth to get Him clay therefrom. The earth said: “I seek refuge in Allah from your decreasing my quantity or disfiguring me.” So Gabriel returned and did not take anything. And he said: “My Lord, the land sought refuge in You, and it was granted.”
So Allah sent Michael for the same purpose, and the land sought refuge with Allah and it was granted. So he went back and said to Allah what Gabriel had said before him.
Then Allah sent the Angel of Death, and the land sought refuge in Allah. The angel said: “I also seek refuge with Allah from returning without carrying out His command.” So he took clay from the face of the earth and mixed it. He did not take from one particular place, but rather he took white, red, and black clay (from different places).
(muttaffiq aleh)
“The angeles fear was obviously based on something as angels cannot predict the future; that is only possible if there was some creature on earth that was causing bloodshed and the angels were surprised that Allah had chosen that creature to be His Caliph on the earth.
there is a great difference in abrogation by nabi e akhir uzzam (saw) and forgery by a imposter and his disciples.being a qadiyani it is imposible for you to drag any muslim into this trap.
in the end i invite you towards islam and remember islam is not a scince islam is a surrender of one,s free will,
a high way to heaven.islam is hidaya and qadiyaniat is dalalah and kufr a way staright to hell.
in last if you can not understand the clear verses of holly quran and motives of ALLAH(swt) which was described clearly in those verses and if quran does not touch your heart it,s mean no one can show you hidaya.
repent in front of ALLAH(SWT) before he seal your heart.
may ALLAH(SWT) keep us away from hell.
While I will get back to you on your points, you have once again forgotten to give a reply to my question…
I seriously wanna know from you the time when you think Jesus Christ is going to descend and how will you recognise him that he is the person.
Also, I wanna know how upon his 2nd coming would you read the Quranic verses that refer to Jesus Christ as a Prophet towards the clan of Israeliites?
@ Kashif Jehangiri,
BTW, Zafrullah on Kashmir,
the affaire was purely sabotaged by Qadiani leadership thru Pak Adminitration which had 24 Qadianis Govt. officials working inside the Govt. and with India/CIA in
Germany during the whole period of 1949 to 1965.
Kashmir Affaire is suffering today, it was because the Qadiani wanted to waste Kashmir as hurriyet conference
had given no hope for the stablishment of Rabwah there.
I challenge any son of a bitch to contest what I have said.
Its great time they should be tried in court.
@ dr_jawaad71
Haq-goi-o-bebaki ho jawaadi shewah Jinka ,
Na uthay ga kabhi Batil, girey ga laikin
Barq gir jaey adoo par to dhuoan uthay ga,
Maut cha jaiygi harsoo, tah-o-bala hoga
Gir keh uthay to wo phir bhi girey ga Rafay,
girna-uthna, yehi qismat hai girey ga laikin
@ Kashif Jehangiri,
Rabwah ho ya aik kuchray ka pahaar,
Ghilazat dhotay ho ghilazat ke Dher par
Hello You all Bunch of Garbage people!
You are all worried about your religion which gave nothing than extremeism, terrorism, suicideism, corruption, feudelism, nawabism, chaudhry ism, malik ism, wadera ism and so on. This list can be as long as you want to be.You people are scumb of the earth and production of the gutters of the streets of Pakistan. You are talking for your religion, people are dying with hunger, selling their children, killing their families, commiting suicides. A hungry person dont need religion but Roti. I think all of you who trying to make each other downs with you religion knowledge have full stomachs. Dont you see your beloved country is at the brink of collapse. You are a failed country and your leaders are most corrupt leaders of the world. You guys are so ignorant that you dont mind Mr. 10% rule upon you. If a corrupt leader can rule on you then what kind of religion you guys are talking about. You deserve what you choose with your retarted barains. I’ll again advice you guys forget about the differences you guys have,bend your self with your behinds high in the air, your nose licking the ground and asking Allahs pardon. Other wise you guys are doom to die.
@ so I am glad some of them exist in Rabwah,
and according to your "tube" establishing
liaision in Qadian with their ancestors. Sikhs
jithon di khoti, othay an khaloti
Assalamo Alaikum,
All I can say is that…lanatullahe alal kazebeen meaning may the wrath of God descend on the liars. Dr AAmir Liaqat has not only made sick comments about hadhrat mirza ghulam ahmed and his khulafas but he also recited sick poetry about the khulafe rashedeen( the khulafas after hadhrat mohammad s.a.w). You only have to go online to find that.
Anyhow the point is that his tongue wagging will not go unnoticed by God and inshallah God will soon stop his tongue from bad mouthing against all of God’s beloveds.
@ Fraz You are rit….”tongue wagging does not go unnotice by Allah”
Latest on Dr. Liaquat is that he got tongue stroke
I personally dont like so called Dr. Aamir liqauat but after knowing the reason that why he is thrown out of his party and this video I would say just one thing that even he is not a good muslim but I wish he may be forgiven on the day of judgement for this act.
Ahmedis are nodoubt kafirs because its simple. Islam first thing is to belive in God and accept Mohammad PBUH as his last messenger. So if somebody denies Mohammad PBUH as Allah’s last messenger he is not muslim and if he says he is muslim and then denies kalima tayyaba then he is murtid and murtids are wajibul katal. Who ever will kill them will be the God’s mujahid.
Muddasir sahib, What an educated explanation of murtid! Before you go on to make yourself and other people like yourself into the so called MUJAHIDS, let me ask you a very simple thing….Have you ever had a chance to watch MTA 1,2 or 3 which are Ahamadi’s own channels, run by dedicated ahmadee volunteers 24/7. All Ahmadees unite on one hand which is the hand of their fifth khalifa. This is the only one organised and united sect in Islam. All the other sects in islam together can’t even host one single organised gathering. Nor can they choose one leader to lead them. Watch MTA and you will learn the truth about AHMADIYYAT….THE TRUE ISLAM. Or go online at http://www.alislam.org
Ahamdiyyas are not scared of getting killed in the name of islam. You kill one Ahmadee and GOD will Inshallah send many more…because this is God’s jammat.
hummmmmmm……..another qadiyani…
these guys are restless.No matter how hard you kick on their butts they ,ll keep coming
Ahmadees are not restless. Alhamdollillah their hearts are at peace with Allah. A jammat who believes in LOVE FOR ALL AND HATRED FOR NONE.
This distingues them from those Muslims who spread hate in the name of Islam.
Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahamtullah, guys guys don’t shout at me i am a new Alim here now 🙂 lol, just done some bits n boobs stuff oh pardon my language i mean like others new fashionable alim i read some of sharia and ah kamat books so now you ppls tell me can i write a book of maslah or write any books, bcoz Al hamduliallah i’ve got enough knowledge to keep other person sh..t mouth. Can i come on GEO Tv to do some islamic programme. I think MBBS ppls are stupid they spent 5yrs in college and then get degree arn’t they foold why not they just read all books at home and get qaulified. I think most of the ppls get my point what i m trying to say. Well to be honest im in UK, just heard about so called “ALIM ONLINE” never get a chance to watch it but one of my well qualified friend from IBA double major in Banking & Financing is so impressed wow what a knowledge he has and how he replied this guy never had a chance to pray a single Faraz namaz in masjid, he think poor ppls go in masjid, so call rikshaw driver, Doodh wala.Sorry guys iam out of track now. As we all know and also now world knows too that islam is the only religion who dealt in all walk of life. So what is in the Quran no doubt abt it 100% true. So my dearest dearest Qadyani bro, check out yourslf but make you get the right copy of Quran, Right? and see where u stand. I am not gonna swear you bcoz this is not the way of my beloved prophet muhammad’s (saw) teaching but unfortunately it is confirm whoever is a GUSTAKH E RASOOL must be killed, unfortunately and this was also happened in the life of prophet too. My Qadiyani brother if you ppls are stand under one flag doesn’t mean that you ppls are right & true believer of Islam. Here in UK the Johova’s & christian stand under one flag, are these ppls are the true ppls of Allah.”Shall i follow them”. I don’t think So. Regarding Mr Liaqat Bhaijan whatever he done was absolutely wrong, don’t ever think that he is doing well in this world means Allah(swt) is happy with him, all he (Allah) is giving him a chance for repentence which doesn’t look like this in his qismat so then why he enjoy his life, this is our muslim faith, day of judgement. You know what i mean. He just wanted to be famous person so inshallah Allah (swt) will make him famous Ameen. Thats wat Allah(swt) sunnat but he is loosing to get good reward in Akhirat, a big LOOSER. So may allah give tawfeeq to all Qadiyani’s & Shias and if tawfeeq is not written in their luck i must say ALLAH KNOWS BEST. I don’t have authrotiy to curse anybody but my life is there for finishing GHUSTAK E RASOOL. Whatever you call american name blend “AL-QAEEDA” or “TALIBAN” but i’ll prefer to take title “MUJAHID”. Ok guys i’ll catch u later, i was in my lunch time which is finished now. I’ll Be Back, by the will of Allah(swt), Assalamu alaikum wa rahamtullah. if i hurt any true muslim i’ll do apologise for this in front of everybody. BUT TRUE MUSLIM MEANS TRUE MUSLIM.
you must be joking, you should formulate your
proselytistic nonsense by
Hate for all, love for non
you proved it by dancing over Iraqi’s Genocide,
Afghani massacres and extermination, Kashmiri’s
genocide by Hindus, you have never ever condemned
single muslim’s death and murder, are you not a fake,
lying, deceiting Qadiani militant extremist ?
I guess he is an actor instead of Religous Scholar.
Shezad Mannan
http://www.laask.com (get everything Free)
Dr. Amir Weldone. I proude on you. Gustakhe Rasool ki saza mot hai ahmedioooo.
Where in the Quran or Hadith have you read this, if I may ask?
I know about Sunnah that the Holy Prophet didnt say anything to anyone, even to the woman who used to throw garbage at him.
I would like you to educate us on this new revelation.
Shia, Sunni, Ahmadi, Qadiyani, Christian, Hindu, Jews, Wahabi, and every other follower of other religions should be allowed to practice their religion in Pakistan. No body should be stopped from calling themselves muslim if they want to. If they want to say Bismillah they should be allowed to.
Everybody should be allowed to propagate their religion.
That is what I think Islam is about.
I think that is the way Pakistan should follow.
@Arshad Khan,
Pakistan was and will always be the most tolerant
country on this flipping planet, a minority came from
India, and fu…k up the whole peace, Pakistan has its
laws, constitution and legislation, a minority can not
impose their fabricated laws ? Religious extremism or
perversity, corruption must not be allowed, this is an
International law today every where.
Muslims, reserve the exclusivity to pronounce the
jurisprudence of Islam, neither Vatican, nor UNO can
interfere in Pakistan’s internal affaires, The Muslims
of the world 1.7 billions hold the unique power to
promalgate or abrogate under, of course the Quranic
injunctions and laws and indications.
Your slogan ” nobody should be stopped from calling
themselves muslims if they want to ”
is a pervert demagogy, which has a corrupt consistance
and idiotic forcing to a society which has refused to
accept some elements which does not fit in their
parafrenalia, there fore, rejection is but natural and
applied normally since yonks. The society has the
ultimate power, absolute power to reject anyone !!
Amir Bhai May Both Parishan. Amir bhai may jo kam karta ho wo ulta ho jata hay koi duwa qabul nahi hoti mri age 22 sal hay or may takriban 12 sal ki omer say kam kar raha ho lakeen koi kam sai nahi ho ra Amir Bhai Muj ko is ka koi hal batay may to both fadap ho giya ho baz waqat to maray mu say Allah ki shan may gustaki bhi ho jati hay or may both pasay man hota ho plz maray liya Dunya or Akrirat ke dwa karay
@ Rafay Kashmiri
As far as I know everything for a muslim should be based on Quran or Sunnah. If one rejects the other is not the “True” or may be even a follower of Islam thus not a muslim.
As a minority do you mean “Qadiyani”?
If this is the minority what is it rejecting (Is it that they don’t believe Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is a last messenger and if this is it??
How through Quran and sunnah “Qadiyanis” are stopped from calling themselves “muslim”?
And please use simpler terms and if you use complicated terms then explain them in parantheses.
Would appreciate if you cite from Quran and sunnah when you allege people or Qadiyanis for wrongdoing?
@Rafay Kashmiri
“Would appreciate if you cite from Quran and sunnah when you allege people or Qadiyanis for wrong doing?”
what I meant by the above question or statement was that you alleged “a minority came from India, and fu…k up the whole peace, Pakistan has itslaws, constitution and legislation, a minority can notimpose their fabricated laws ? Religious extremism orperversity, corruption must not be allowed, this is an International law today every where.”
Where is your support for these allegations?
Where is your support against it from Quran and Sunnah?
Musharraf’s Blue Eyed Religious Affairs Minister Turns Out to be Dr. Fake
KARACHI, March 9: He is the most high profile Parliamentarian of Altaf Hussain’s Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and is also projecting himself as Altaf Bhai’s successor, should something happen to the MQM leader in London.
He is the blue-eyed boy of General Pervez Musharraf as the General telephones him after hearing his dramatic preachings on the TV. He is the most versatile preacher of Islamic values and morals on home TV screens round the clock. He is a prolific speaker and a successful fund-raiser for charities. He is a junior Minister for Religious Affairs in the huge cabinet of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz.
But in addition to all these qualifications, young, dapper and the stylish member of the National Assembly from Karachi, “Dr.” Aamir Liaquat Hussain, is a fake and a fraud.
In a stunning investigation by Karachi Urdu Daily “Ummat” it has been documented and proved that Dr Aamir purchased fake University degrees to contest the 2002 general election, forced the Karachi University officials to authenticate these degrees in a single day and prevented any investigations by the newspaper to dig deep into the unavailable records at the University.
@ Arshad Khan,
you are wasting your time as well as mine and
others, nobody is interested on the subject, can’nt
you see ? Even if I am provoked by making my last
comment disappear. !!but rest assure something wome
where elese is going on !!
@ Ali Imran,
all that big announcement and bla bla bla, your
source falls on Daily Urdu Ummat, you did not find
some other ” serious” and authentic source, Ummat is
situated within Karachi University, doing what ????
between us, how much did your Jamaat-e-Qad paid to
Ummat as usual ?
@ Teeth Maestro,
let me mention here with a profound satisfaction
that Allah SWT creats Asbaab for the crytal to come
up clear before our eyes and glitter with miracles.
It was 7th of sept, Alim on line Geo, one of
my “favorite” hated TV, I never saw what did Dr. Amer
Liaquat said as I do’nt have desi channels, but then
was like a SOUNAMI the whole Qadiani Ummat stood up
to profit as usual, but fell into the trap, just one
example among other Blogs, this one, where Qadianiat
was never so brutaly disected, massacred, cutsplited,
post-mortumed with such precision and with perfection
that never happened since the munazirah of late 50s
and 60s then 70s. I must appriciate dr_jawwad71 with
material, references, arguments, books and replying
to 48 anonymous provokators. Impacable.
Nobody needs to answer this, taking some days leave
for Earthquake relief, see you soon, Inshallah.
Alim online ka name Jahil online rakh dey cuz yeh Ammir sahib totally jahil hai.HUH
Assalamu alaikum wa rahamtullah,
bhai bhai im not scholar, yeah sorry i am like other who reads couple of books and start coming on TV, doing khutba stuff. First didn’t come back for such a long time. I was busy in my work but now just click that i left some msg let me go thru with you all. Bhai log, pls pls don’t use F.. word its not gonna help. By the way whoever wrote i am dancing about all kills, Al hamdulillah i am not that wild person celebrating killing of my brothers, sisters, mothers and other. But Al hamdulilah, i made Allah witness i prayed for them all. Instead of swearing. But can’t we see all why muslims are butchers like animal all over the world. Its US, We all. I am not gonna write more now on. Bcoz the problem we got is we talk too much. But regarding Amal, Nothing. Hope i am not hurting anybody. They way i learn is to correct ourself first. Its been very long i didn’t visit pakistan, but been updated with my friends and i am fear where we are going. Is wearing short cloths, showing clevage, is so called modrenize or civilize. Where its written. I heard a lot not even this only. So are we not calling Allah(swt) CURSE. Tell me. What was the teaching of prophet (saw), we ignore, and say those were old days. Bhai Bhai, we should start from our house. I was muslim bcoz my parents were muslim. But unfortunately never given right direction which i just start learning in this Burhapa. Though im only 38 not too old according to some civilize or business man ppls ready for rock n roll. Dont’ you think we facing problems in pakistan. Its not govt. its US. WE. We invoke Allah (swt) to put these bads things on us. We call those clamity on us. Where is written to put fire on shop, rikshaw like that. We never felt for those poor ppls whose earning was lighted. We just chill in our room in front of Big Plasma. Am i right. So now my all brothers stop cursing and swearing on people. We all are children of Adam & Eve. The biggest weapon ever made is ‘DUA’ but shame for us. Our Dua in Salah is, Ya allah make my job permenent, reward me zero meter car, give me good position in my family specially in office, but how many times we prayed for our family ‘Ya Allah give hidayah to my son/daughter/wife, make them relgious, make them success here and here after,” islam never teachs to ‘MULLAH KE DOUR MAJSID TUK’, we should be in every field no matter wat is, engineering, doctors, mechanical etc. but thing we did we keep Allah (swt) one side then start this life. Unfortunately i found the exactly same thin in my family so i can’t point finger on other. My nephew in pak, go college, then coaching centre, then home food with TV and then sleep, in whole daily work i didn’t see Allah(swt) in his life, OH! yeah i’ve seen the Quran wrapping in most beautifull velvet cover only allow to touch in Ramadan. So now what expect from Allah(swt). To put muslims in the world in higher position. NO WAY. its not baddua buts thats truth. So if brothers here are married try to make Sunnah in his family. Ask your kids what dua they know before after eating, going toilet. This is not help only daily life but inshallah Allah(swt) will give reward IZZAT in this world to. This is my personal experience. NOT SUNEE SUNAEE BATH. Sorry again i took everybodys long time again. But thats my personal feeling i wanted to share. Its overflowing. These Gora takes time to understand but you ppls have background of Islam so please don’t think just dive in. May Allah (swt) gives us Tawfiq to act upon it and gives muslim a higher position in this world. With a Good Name. Ameen.
Waalikum salam wa rahamtullah
in all fairness, I watched this video twice but failed to see/hear him incite the murder of or declare the Ahmedis “Wajib-ul-Qatal”.
My brother that was our problem is do we need to see/hear him then we’ve to say yes they are Wajib ul Qatal. Does he got any authenticity to say these. We should shame our selves. Why can’t we pick authentic Ahadith book and read & read Quran for more explanation we’ll know who deserve this thing no need to argue more. That what i said above we should start correcting ourselves. But we always so extra conscious for worldly affairs likes studies, business taking out times to get things sorted but when it comes to religion we ask MASALLAH a guy having beard and topi, Maulana can you tell this is right or wrong. We can’t we get struggle to get the right Molvi.What this Molvi background is? Why can’t we struggle for this. I’ve seen my own eyes these things. And then we said OH! Yeah i did ask molvi sahab he was saying this thing Like Mr. Liaqat. And then we follow blindly for our whole life. I’ve come across so many things which i used to follow like my mom (may Allah (swt) give her a peace in Jannah – Ameen) said to me but when i check with Authentic people and found there is no place for such things in Shariah.But what we argue my mom & dad can not be wrong.With all due respect most of the time our mom & dad was following which they have their parents. I’ll end up with this example, i hope a very few of know about this Masalah. My daughter who she passed away last year 2007 (she already in peace, lucky she had a Jannah visa) people were saying i should not gave her a bath bcoz she was a girl. How stupid people pass this comments without clearing stuff i straight asked to Mufti, and he explain me, if a girl died before her pubity (baligh age) and her age is less than 7 years old then only father can allow her to give a gussal but only upper part, and offcourse her SATAR was covered with cloth though she was just 14 month old, so i give her a gussal on uppar part and my wife did the lower, and unfortunately in my in-laws NANI was saying he(I) shouldn’t gave her a bath. How strange she is a elderly women in family which we all respect and should as well but passing comments without any reason is not good. She was my first child but ‘To Allah (swt) We Return’ thats what our base should be. How strange one Arab knows my child health when he asked and i replied him yeah she passed away and said ‘AL HAMDULILLAH’ for a moment i shocked and said myself i lost my child and he saying Al-Hamdulilah. But later i found he was right. How many people knows this Maslah before i didn’t know either. But i took this previlige of Gusal. Al-hamdulillah i buried her with my own hand. So my point is for you all brother, try to learn more & more about daily life behavior according to Sunnah. And inshallah you’ll see a big difference in your faith and how respect you’ll get it. Honest we are educated but i must say ‘we are proper jahil’, sorry if its hurt anybody.I myself is Master in computer science & my wife is master in Micro Biology but regarding Maslah of daily life,i must say we know nothing. What thing we have with us if we die, NOTHING, just totee puthee namaz, khalee takkarain wat else, Namaz may hou tou DIL kahee or. If we are married should think are we giving our wife’s right or not. Giving food and shelter these are basic but what about other stuff which she left for us.
Ok as usual i took long time of you people. Inshallah next time my reply will be some exact quote from quran or ahadith if i found with reference. Jazakallah khair
@ BuddyLove
you can be the luckiest fellow, if your parents
have left behind a large collection of Books by
serious authors and honest, sincere intellectuals,
If you run around the priests and Charlatans, your
way is LOST, you will only rely on your sentiments
and fall prey to your proper impatience.
Secondly, if you can read and write with patience
no one can influence you with hidden intentions and
evil thoughts.
Your encounter is poignant snd something to learn !
@ Zahid,
I have the same opinion, though GEO Alim on Line
was never my favorite, most of invitees did not
merit such diffusion. The media on the whole, should
present such subject with certain professional tactics.
There are thousands of reference Books on Irtidad,
murtad, or who is Ghustaskh-e-Rasool and other punitive
legislation in” mordern day Islamic country-wise
Sharia ”
The same Geo presented by Dr Shahid Masood
( also on Youtube ) Meray Mutabiq !! with
invitees like
Dr .Javed Iqbal, Dr Asrar, Prof Mehdi Hassan,
where Mehdi Hassan who is a Communist,and anti-Islam
told ” fabricated” lies that Ghulam Qadiani was
approved by every Muslim Leader of that epoch, he even
mentionned their names, but no one present there
refered to the fact that such ” approbations” were
before or after the ” Claim ” of Prophecy, the result
is that on Youtube Qadianis present the clips and
cuttings of the passages where it was pronounced
” yes fulan fulan approved the New Prophet “.
Media like Geo could be proved evil, liars, and
secular propangadists, which is typical of Nazi era.
Bhai bhai, i even not even dislike ALIM ONLINE, if i tell the truth i’ve have a doubt about whole GEO channel, which i heard whole pakistan are mad about it. You are right Dr. Shahid Masood is also a person with full of doubt. In my whole 38 of my life i never heard that Qadiani is being approved as a Muslim. The Last prophet was Prophet Muhammad (may Allah be peace and blessing with him). And no doubt there he is the last prophet. I still remember of his saying where the translation is “I am the last brick of the wall, when it putted the structure get completed” Ya Allah forgive me if done mistake of his(saw) saying. So my brother Qadyani’s are not muslim. Who ever saying fulan fulan appoved, well nobody can approved anymore this all ignorance. Thats it. I just had a cutting of news paper about those higher post qadyani ppls working in govt. one of my friend posted me. Now the question is, how they come entered and get those position. This will be a long debate. Well i am not comfortable with any GEO channel, Dr. Shahid Masood, Kamran khan ky sath, Nadia khan show, and other they all are highly paid people, Who is supporting GEO, did anyone think, where this huge amount of money is coming for those people salary, why the HADUD ALLAH is being change, did anybody heard the speech about it from Mufti Taqi Usmani. We should listen his speech. There are lots of thing happening in Pakistan. We all are talk talk & talk but nothing change in our country. To be honest i stopd watching news. Its hurt a lot. But you ppls think when the time any cricket season GEO again is top number one to get the awami support. Is GEO not open too much regarding all music stuff. Think my dearest think. Rafay Bhai, unfortunately my parents didn’t left any books for me, but all i can say its somebody dua, which change my life, i wans’t a beard person, but Al hamdulilah these all current situation change my life specially 9/11, after that ppls here in UK ger scared and start shaving bcoz ppls start giving bad looks like u did something wrong. But now al hamduliallah whatever media trying to show we all know now who did and why did. But bcoz of that we all know Islam spread too much after that. Al hamdulilah. So the qudyani are Kafir, if they can’t accept the last prophet mohammah (saw) as last prophet they are no more muslim. But what can we do, everybody love GEO channel in pak, even my wife used to watch NADIA khan show but Al hamdulilah 50% she stop watching it. So my dear brother we all need to learn and educate our family too. And Inshallah one day by the will of Allah (swt) pakistan will be the Islamic State. Can we start sorting out ourself first. You know what i mean.
Walaikum salam wa rahamatullah
@ BuddLove Bhai,
I think you hit the punch line, your last phrase
was ” can we start sorting out ourselves first.
Just boycott Pak media “Awaarah ” channels, I had a
big row with Nadia, to me they are all anti-Pakistan,
its better watch classical ragas and dadras, thumris
and a nice Ghazal, atlest they are all pure not
hypocrite and fake, on the top of it they (TV)have so
heavey horrible mak-ups, they look monsters.
Stablish a dialogue with Allah (swt) He Has and Will
Always respond you, do not rely on anyone, observe
everything, but keep in touch with AlMighty the eternal,
and always be nice to your wife.
@ Rafay Kashmiri
OH Bhai, did i hit too hard. lol.
Well again i will not criticize you or any body what to do. But before doing think about that particular thing that is it give benefit after death or not.I’ve been giving a small chart which is very cool. So i tried to follow it. But again I am human too and GUNHA GAR, pls you all pray for me as well. You are right I always invoke him (ALLAH – SWT) with good attribute and he listen me but sometime doesn’t listen me too. But i know those prayer who never answered means Allah (swt) didn’t listen NO. thats wrong, he saved for us for the day of judgement and we can not find any good deeds that time Allah (swt) will present those DUA’s as a saver and that time we’ll come to know about DUA. How powerfull is. Ok Bahi Rafay, aga bhai samjhty hou tou mashwara yeah hay ka bhai tumhree, gazal bhi kam anay walee nahee. Kam aaee bhi to do alfaz ALLAH (swt) ky zikr ky. BUS. Hope you didn’t my suggestion. YAAR BHAI BHAI KY KAM NAHEE AYGA TOU PHIR KIA FAIDA BHAI KAHNA. Walaikumassalam wa rahamatullah
@Arshad Khan,
On the subject of Qadianis, I would highly
recommend you to go thru all the comments
of ” dr_jawwad71 ” on this blog, what this
gentleman has done is a miracle on modern
day communiction equipement like internet,
puting enormous amount of arguments, so solid
like a rock, my own 5 friends are watching
regularly and we discuss among us, and already
learned so much, read those long arguments with
all necessary references and links, its just
amazing the amount of energy and work this
man has put into material, I could’nt do that !
I do not have such patience and energy to sit down
and write those awesome comments responding the
Teeth Maestro is also to be felicitated that he let
this controversial debate take its due cours
on his blog, there are thousands of muslims learning
about this delicate subject getting themselves well-
Jazakaallah bhai Rafay, i’ve just come to know new stuff which Mr. Tal saying above about Jesus(peace be upon him). Quit shocked new things to learn. Very simple question for Mr. Tal (whoever he TAL is) did he not know theirs a tomb of Habil & Qabil and other prophets who came earlier then Jesus(peace be upon him) then if this the case Jesus buried somewhere in India, Kashmir not a single person knows his QABAR, very strange, very very strange. let me think about it hhhmm. Regarding the quranic translation what Mr. Tal mentioned, first he should know that Arabic and also should follow the verse before and after then mentioned, there is always a link for that particular verses. Like somebody mention that its written in Quran “Killed the Kufar” but he didn’t refered the ayat before and start missleadin people. The verse before was about Maidan Jang(Battle field)which was the continuation when u are on the field and you are facing kufar in battle field then kill them. But like Mr. Tal quoting this misleading verse. So Mr. Tal first take the education of Arabic language then you’ll be able to transalte fairly. Then you also come to know who is the LAST PROPHET. No need to teach you. Yes you are right we’ll all face the consequences who done right and wrong. Al-hamduliallah thinking about that day is always giving me satisfaction that those who made the mockery and had a fun with Islam that day inshallah they will know they were right or wrong. Mr Tal theres a lots of fabricated quranic verses in the world accept in Makka & Madina, but unfortunately you peoples are not allow to go there. WHY? as you mentioned you are true believer of ISLAM, then they should allow you people RIGHT? Mr. Tal don’t ever think that if somebody is wrong in this world he’ll get punishment. No its not like that. The mercy of ALLAH (swt) giving you and other chance to repent and make tauba otherwise we all know why HELL is made for. So all my Qadyani think about it, you all are saying you are a true believer then why Saudi not allow you people. Think about it. Ok. Don’t get JAZBAIT BHAI LOG. Just think when go for sleep.
Walaikumassalam wa rahamtullah.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahamtuallah,
Wow I just wanted to share some good new info here like Bhai Amir liaqat did, I don’t know how many of you know about Dr. Farhat Naseem Hashmi (Al-Huda Int’ School ladyl). As I said long time ago we need to sort out ourselves but unfortunately we are very busy in daily life work can’t even bother to ask our wives & kids “Did you missed any prayer today”, we just ask begum “Khanay may kia pakka hy”, “bachy school ka work kar lia”. Like that,even we sat in front of TV and then have dinner and “yaar isha ghar may parh layngay, aaj kafee thak gia houn” like we hit the mountain and break into pieces. Now what she (Dr. Farhat) teaching to ladies in Durs, women can touch Quran in their periods time, who the hell these molvi’s are stopping us to touch, who gave them authority to stop us, where is written in Quran not to touch on periods day” (printed in: Roznama, 17mar 2001). Not even that she also said “you womens do not need to read qaza namaz, just do Taub” Here is the answer for sweet Dr. Farhat, meaning “whoever found you’ve missed that time prayer and come to know that you’ve missed so read it that time” (quote:sahih muslim.p241, chp qaza salat). Another same thing for Mr. Tal, a sweet ahadith for you translation: “whoever read Quran and said anything without knowing of it, so he/she shall make place in hell” (quote: Mishkate p35). Now please Mr. Tal bahi log, don’t ask who is bukhair(ra), tirmizi, abu dawud and other people. These are the big narrators of Ahadith. Right. So please do not try to quote from Quran just a one verse. I know you all qadyani’s are watching and reading all those blogs, why not try to correct yourselves and think. As I mentioned if you people are TRUE BELIEVERS, then why these Saudi stop you. Actually you people are more ASHIQE RASOOL then us, I think. So please don’t waste your time and think again. Our elders could be wrong. As like Hazarat Umar (RA) he used to think he was right but when he heard Quran from his sister, he cried and embraced Islam. So think again, time is short. You & We all know, what we can or can’t do against you people. You all know what I mean. But Al-hamdulillah Allah (swt) made Day of Judgment. That time sirf “pachtawa ke kuch na milay ga”. Walaikum salam wa rahamtullah.
Oh chaudry u belive in last prophet what about Hazrat Issa
oooooooohhh lalaaaaa!
trying to confuse muslims….? well don’t do that. it is a wastage of time as we all know that;
hazrat eisa aleh salwat o salam is not the last prophet.He was the last prophet of bani israel where he was denied by his ummat.ALLAH raise him alive and he will be send at the time which is nearer to resurrection. not as prophet but as a “ummatee” of nabi e kareem (pbuh).He will kill the dajjal , exterminate Israel with eradicate the jews and convert christian to the Islam.
any question????……..
oi r u a muslim or not???? OI do u read the holy quran or not????? how on earth do u expect ahmadi muslims not to believe in the last law bearing prohet Muhammad PBUH????????? Utter idiocy by "DR" Liaquat, such a nonsense bearer!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This will baa great news for our Mullahs and their followers that Jesus Has descended on a Minaret In Damiscus. He is waiting for his guns and ammunation to start his Jihad against the infidals. It is my pleasure to inform all the Mullahs that just wait for their turns to enroll in the army of Jesus , and keep themself clean and free of any disease . Jesus dont like the sick and Mota Mullahs, as they will not able to fight being too fat to fit for the duty. He is going to start his fight againt the Dajjal in Pakistan as it is considered one of the most corrupt and law less country of the world.
Good news now. It is another news that Muslims now can eat halal pig as meat is scace in Islamic republic of Pakistan. A halal pig is better than crows, menas and voltures.
Same old thesis. Way off the nature and un conventional. How many people we have seen raised to heaven and came back. Jesus must be very old when he will come back. We will need some vitamins, and herbal medications in order to make him young.
Dr Sb
My name is Daud,Do u believe that The Holy book Quraan Shareef is flawless book , the absolute book, Without any error. You will say definitely yes. How it can be possible that God will raise hazrat Issa alive and on the other hand God says in surat Bani Israel, to our holy prophet P.B.U.H, Allah says in Quraan "Or thou have a house of gold or thou ascend up into heaven; and we will not believe in thy ascension until thou send down to us a book that we can read.’ Say, ‘Holy is my Lord! I am not but a man sent as a Messenger.’ So how can you say like that Hazrat Issa was lifted alive by Allah,So there is no contradiction among the verses in Quraan Dr Sb. Our holy Prophet is greater that every prophet in spirituality , his level is the greater than every prophet, in connectivity with the great All Mighty Allah.As i said above that "Holy book Quraan Shareef is flawless book , the absolute book, Without any error" There is mistake in the translation so you are required to see the video of Dr Israr (Late), in which he said that there is no words of lifting alive of Hazrat Issa ,written in Quraan Shareef.
Translation of the verse i have quoted for you (Verse No.93)
یا تیرے لئے سونے کا کوئی گھر ہو یا تُو آسمان میں چڑھ جائے۔ مگر ہم تیرے چڑھنے پر بھی ہرگز ایمان نہیں لائیں گے یہاں تک کہ تُو ہم پر ایسی کتاب اتارے جسے ہم پڑھ سکیں۔ تُو کہہ دے کہ میرا ربّ (ان باتوں سے) پاک ہے (اور) میں تو ایک بشر رسول کے سوا کچھ نہیں۔
Mashallah you are really smart guy but not a smart Muslim because you dont know what are you saying about Hazrat Mohammad(p.b.u.h) because you are raising alive Hazrat Isa(a.s)toward the heaven but you burried Hazrat Mohammad(p.b.u.h).Please brother try to understand that Muhammad(p.b.u.h) is the greatest prophet of God not Hazrat Isa.God said in Quran that Hazrat Isa(a.s) has died. and he'll never comeback. If you need some refrencises on this topic please send me an e-mail. wasalam
ITs actually suprising to see a lot of good muslims taking a great deal of time in explaining the act of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) with the people who immediately cropped up after the Death of Holy Prophet (PBUH) declaring themselves as prophets.
What most of them seeminly tend to miss out on the fact that the first INTERNAL JIHAD lead by the GREAT Companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was based on 2 very accurate reasons and under the Sharia law.
The First reason was that Apostates are to be killed under the Sharia if they apostasize publicly.
The Second being that Apostates not only publicly denounced Islam, they also refused to be part of the Ummah and thus declaring that the Fard of Zakat and Allegiance to Holy Prophet (PBUH) were not applicable on them. Therefore the Apostates under the Sharia law must be excuted.
The Pakistanis Ulema declared them as Non Muslims ( a very lenient view in my view)
The Ulema of Pakistan and the world have recognised the fact that Ahmedis are Non-Muslims. Its about time that Ahmedis also realise this that when it looks like duck sounds like a sound its usually is a duck. Thus if they truly believe that they are Muslims they would have followed the Holy Prophet (PBUH) rather than following a demented person or a patient of Multiple Personality Disorder who confused himself to be either of the 3 and all of the 3 at once ( The Holy Spirit, Jesus and Mehdi )
A lot of comments have asked why this matter is being brought to the forefront. Then they should look in the so called Human Rights Defenders recent new front in trying to change the Sharia Law which clearly in very explicit and well defined terms stats that the punishment of Apostasy is Death. This is was the practice of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) and Salaf (the 3 Generations which are the best examples for us).
For the people who would now come and say that this is an ancient law and should now be null and void. I simply ask them that if you truly and deeply believe in Freedom of Religion and believe that everyone has a right to excerise their religion. Then i choose to excerise my religion by freely and openly advocating the Sharia law and rulings in terms/regards of Apostasy NOT BE CHANGED, and request other to respect my right and defend my right to freely excerise my religion and beliefs.
I wish you could practice your religion like what is in Quran and Hadith. Alas, who is practcing religion in your par of world. Killing other people is more important for your religion instead of practcing your religion freely. If you think all the politicians of Pakistan or the top brass of military is true devoted muslims then you are living in the paradise of fools. Forget Ahmadys, your own brothers(Wahabi, DewBundi,etc.) are not muslims for ach other. At least Ahmadi recite the Kalima of Islam, pray towards the Kaba, eat Halal Meat, and recite Quran. Then what make them no muslims. They belive the last law bering prophet, but believe that there will be prophets after Muhammad (PBUH )
just like 124000 prophets,not all of them were law bearing prophets.
As amatter of fact, muslims are becoming so Jahil that we will need a prophet very soon. I was lauhing on the writing that Jesus will come to correct this world. This makes christians very proud of their prophet.
""Then i choose to excerise my religion by freely and openly advocating the Sharia law and rulings in terms/regards of Apostasy NOT BE CHANGED, and request other to respect my right and defend my right to freely excerise my religion and beliefs.""
Lols man ur one screwed guy …were entitled to our freedom to belief as long as our beliefs dont infringe on the rights of others in this case the rights of others to live a full healthy life………..if i was really entitled to freedoom as you term it to be…….what if i believed that i had been chosen by god for a holy mission in my dream and the mission would be to kill your sisters and rape your mother am i still entitled to my FREEDOM TO BELIEF lols so now you understand what freedom to belief is……..i.e. we can only exercise our rights as long as they dont effect other …see that is why they are called my rights cause they are only supposed to eefect me
so its you who is going around bombing mosques and killing people from different sects in the name of Sharia Law… congratulation you just earned a castle in hell
quite right.
the claim of prophethood can not be wieghed that who brought the message,what is the message or what is the character of the self proclaimed prophet but should be unexponentially rejected as there is very clear and decisive aahadeeth and Quranic verses are there in favour of khatam e nabbuwat and nabi kareem(pbuh) him self fought with one kazzab.Also you pointed out the behaviour of our “salf” regarding this issue is a best example for us.