Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain a famous religious host of a show called Aalim Online which airs frequently on Geo TV has entered some hot waters in the past few days. It is believed that his comments on the show may have incited Muslims to target and kill followers of the Ahmedi sect. Dr. Aamir has been running this show for the past many years and has developed a strong following catapulting him to fame to the extent that many Pakistanis swear by his religious commentary on TV, and remains a highly sought after show specially during the month of Ramadan.
Historically Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain has had his taste of controversy which started of from his fake degrees where this blogger had labeled him as Jahil Online back in 2005, he was then associated with MQM for a few years and ultimately had a falling out with the party over a controversial comment he made on TV condemning the British author Salman Rushdie, saying that Salman Rushdie should be killed for blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his book, Satanic Verses, after making this comment Mr. Online refused to retract his statement despite immense pressure from the top London based MQM leadership which ultimately lead to his dismissal and soon he also resigned from his Ministry
Asian Human Rights Watch reports that on 7th September in his program ‘Aalim Online’ the anchor declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don’t believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear. While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill.
This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.
According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpurkhas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building’s front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.
On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.
Join the Asian Human Rights Commission in sending a Letter of Appeal to a number of top leaders in Pakistan
664 responses to “Aalim Online – Inciting murder against Ahmedi’s”
you can still watch these videos on the following link
This program was a part of a big conspiracy against the Ahmadi Muslims. All the things which were associated in the program with the beliefs of Ahmadi Muslims and their founder were based on lies and deception. I will try to briefly touch a few points which were associated as the beliefs of Ahmadi Muslims for the benefit of those who are not prejudiced:
1. In the program it was said that Ahamdis don’t believe Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) as the last prophet. It is a wrong and out of context statement against Ahmadis. Ahmadi Muslims believe Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be the last law bearing prophet and Holy Quran to be the last Book of Guidence. Ahmadi Muslims believe that to say that even a prophet of Allah from the ummah of Holy Prophet can’t come is against the teachings of Holy Quran. Ahmadis believe that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian has come to revive the true spirit of Islam in the same way as Jesus (AS) came to revive the true spirit of Judaism.
2. In the program it was said that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian said that there are three cities mentioned in Holy Quran ie. Makkah, Medina and Qadian. This is also a big lie which was said only to decieve the public. I have read the excerpt that Mullah was referring to myself. If that Mullah in the program had even a small amount of decency left in him he would have told the public that he was deceiving others. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that he had seen a DREAM in which he saw the mention of three cities in the Holy Quran. If the Mullah had made it clear in that program there would have been no problem there at all. Why would a person (so called scholar) tell a lie to establish his truth? Think about it friends.
3. It was said in the program that Ahmadis believe in the reincarnation like the hindus. Another big fat lie. Ahmadis believe in one life and the hereafter and nothing even close to reincarnation or anything like that. Ahmadis only believe that the coming of Imam Mahdi is LIKE the second coming of Holy Prophet. The reason is that the purpose of the coming of Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah in Islam is to bring back the true Islam Holy Prophet brought more than 1500 yrs ago. This concept is very easy to understand for anyone who does research with honesty and an unbiased attitude.
4. On the concept of Finality of Prophethood the Mullahs said that Ahmadis are non-Muslims because they “deny” this concept. I can prove that it is infact the Mullahs who deny the Finality of Prophethood by believing that Jesus (AS) is still alive and will come back to the earth again. According to their own beliefs Jesus (AS) is still to come. Ahmadis on the other hand believe that Jesus according to Quran was a prophet for the people of Israel (Rasoolan Ila Bani Israel) only and is dead like all other prophets. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the other hand was a prophet for the whole humanity (Rahmatullil Alameen) so why would a universal ummah need a prophet who was only for the Israelites?
So according to Ahmadi Muslims the coming of Jesus is actually the coming of an ummati of Holy Prophet whose purpose is to revive the true spirit of Islam same like the purpose of Jesus as the reformer for the ummat of Moosa (AS) (Judaism).
My post has already taken a lot of space, so I would like to close here now by saying that if anyone wants to know the truth, they should do it with unprejudiced and unbiased heart and with righteousness.
It is really very disappointed that terrorism is been openly tought by the GEO,and more saemable is, they are doing on the name of the peaceful man of the HISTORY our beloved Prohpet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH).And these Jahil Ulama convinced the European to make the HUZUR pic like that(Astagfirrullah).The Ahmadies will fight till their deaths with these Extremists, christians, jewish , hindus and with everybody who tried to present the wrong face of Our PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) and we will protect him on every stage INSHALLAH.
Do what u wana do but none can stop us to spread the real picture of Islam , The Real Sunna of Hazrat MUHAMMAD(PBUH).
Allah Hafiz
No doubt why Pakistan is doing progress in this current world. It is just because of some radical nerds like Dr. Aamir ( i feel shame to call him doctor ). People are dying because of hunger life is tough but still people like him use controversial issues to misguide innocent people. Our government isn’t good at all to handle anything that is why people like him are at loose.
I don’t know what else to say I am just very sorry for our country and also for some people who don’t use their brain and follow radicals in the name of Islam.
i think that being a normal and people of this nation , we should atleast give ahmedis the right to live ( whatever they believe), although they are pakistani. i believe that Islam never give a right to anybody to kill anyone, This is so shamefull for every pakistani.
Ahmedis have right to live, they do live and prosper in Pakistan just like any one else.
They can call themselves any thing they want but if they like to call themselves Muslims they would have to follow the teachings of Muhammad (S.A.W.W). One of his teachings was that Muhammad(S.A.W.W) was the last of the prophets and any one after that who claims to be prophet is an IMPOSTER.
AbuBakar and the Sahaba, fought two liars like Ghulam Kafir Qadiani, namely Muselma Kazzab and Aswas al Unsi. Infact Muhammad (S.A.W.W) had predicted that before the real Dajjal appears there would be many IMPOSTERS who would claim to be Messiah.
This is pathtic. Does he or any of you even know about the Ahmadis?…I am an Ahmadi and i believe in the holy Quran and Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)..I don’t need to prove the validity of my faith to ANYONE especially to people who are morally bankrupt…Nobody has the right to declare anyone a non-muslim.. This is one more reason that we as a nation are so looked down up on by the whole civilized world…We are so stuck in the medieval times..I bet Pakistani nation even back than would have been the butt of all jokes..
This so called aalim idiot should be sent packing to Afghanistan where the so called great ISLAMIC emirate was established by the Taliban…
Bhutto the so called ISLAMIC leader branded Ahmadis non-muslim to satisfy the Mullahs who ended up the hanging the sorry bastard..Zia did no better..
Its this hatred infested mindset which is responsible for the collapse of our society..
May God help us all!!
Before I deal with The Ahmedi issue,let me deal with the far more graver American issue.
You say:”its like four score and twenty years ago our forefathers decided to create a country and wait for 150 years for another one to emerge so we could mess with it”.
Obviously you need to read to re-read your history of the American people.By the time Abe said these words your innocent Americans had already carried out the genocide of the Red Indians along with the enslavement of the negroes -bringing untold misery and death to two entire continents and millions of deaths ,not to mention the deaths in the civil war itself.
Soon after they attacked Canada ,but were taught a good lesson when the British burnt Washington and the White house.Expansion to the North froze.
But in the South they launched an Imperial war with Mexico,adding 55% of that nation to itself and extending to the Pacific coast.Here they added Texas, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming, and the whole of California, Nevada and Utah.
Next they annexed Hawai and Palmyra Atoll after American businessmen had overthrown the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Next they instigated a war with Spain to establish their Pacific Empire stretching all the way to the Philippines and including Cuba,Gaum,Puerto Rico,the Philippines,Wake Island,and American Samoa.In Philippines alone they killed over 500,000 people.
The process continued in the early part of the 20th century with their aquisitions through force or pressure of Tutuila Island, Aunuu Island ,Manua, Swains Island,United States Virgin Islands, Jarvis Island, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands and Palau.By this time they were within reach of Europe and joined late in WW1 to establish a US presence.
From 1917 to 1947 was spent in establishment of their domination over Europe.Only the presence of a strong European power Russia prevented an annexation of Europe;as they were forced to rely on The Munroe doctrine and Marshal plan to buy European loyalty in facing Russian socialist/communist ideology which was gaining popularity amongst European intellectual circles as well as labour classes.
Uptill the late 90’s they were busy with the cold war,fooling the world to fight Russian threat -so that they could emerge as the sole Super power.
It was only after this had been done that they could face what in their perception is the remaining major threat i.e. Islam .The biggest thorns here were Iraq(the strongest Arab state) and Pakistan(the sole Muslim nuclear power,and the strongest non-Arab Muslim state).
They have wasted no time in tackling these-and the next after Pakistan will be Iran…and we will by then have a super strong China allied to Iran as well as possibly a renewed Russia to deal with them.That might be the begining of the end for USA.If we wake up in time,we may also be part of the begining of the American end-they are already over streatched both economically and miltarily.
All this I wrote just to make you realize how wrong you were when you wrote “its like four score and twenty years ago our forefathers decided to create a country and wait for 150 years…”. When have they ever waited to aquire another country or massacre it’s people.I have not even mentioned here their crimes in China,against Japan and in Indo-China(vietnam etc).
If we include all major aggressive operations against foreign nations by USA since it’s creation it would possibly average to one per year with over a 1 billion people killed in the period by them.
It’s just that we were so far away from their area of intrest they only started noticing us after 1950’s.Since then we have increasingly become a center of their interest.Seeing their record….GOD HELP US!
Ahmed Chowdhry,
Please refrain from saying ‘US’, we Muslims have different belief from you. WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN GHULAM KAFIR QADIANI.
Why should we send Amir Liaqat, why not we send you to fight along your MASTERS??
Omg aOne well what can one say when ordinary people like you are so blind that they can’t even use their brain. If you think that someone can declare people with just a piece of paper then you are mistaken my friend, and God shall decide who is right and who is wrong. NO religion teach to murder other people and if someone do what would you call him ???? A muslim? the true one? that is how majority of world know muslims today just because of bunch of radicals and fundamentalist who are misleading nations for their own sake.
Before pointing finger to someone we should notice that their are three pointing towards us. So why not leave the judgment on God and try to practice your believes instead of correcting others.
Hi All,
Now let me state my position clearly on the Ahmedi and Rushdi issue.FirstI am encouraged to see the heathy and reasoned debates on the issue on this blog.At most other places it soon degenerates into a foul cursing match!
On the Ahmedi issue I agree 100% with SH.
First ;The Ahmedis are not a Muslim sect,and have no right to call them selves Muslims.This is because even though they generally pass it on to others that they believe in M.G.Ahmed as a messiah;they know it and I know it that their belief in him is more than this.Indeed they believe in him as a prophet.Since Islam has always been clear on the issue of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)being the last prophet of ‘The God of Ibraheem’,this clearly puts them outside the pale of Islam.Their continuing to insist in calling themselves Muslims and then asking us to accept this would be the same as my saying I do not believe in any idols or my saying that Jesus is not the son of God and he was never crucified for our sins;and then expect the Hindus or Christians to accept me as Hindu or Christian.
Second: Yes indeed Ahmedis are them selves a part of the problem when they continue to so insist.It is well known when in Rome do as the Romans do.If Islamic and Pakistani laws have declared them as non-Muslims if they wish to live in peace here they have to learn to accept this.
Third:The very fact that we our selves have declared them as non-muslims prevents us from killing them on the grounds that they do not hold Muslim beliefs.Both the laws of Islam as well as the constitution of Pakistan gives full protection of life and property to all non-Muslims,even kafirs.If it was other wise our beloved Holy prophet Muhammad(PBUH) would never have forgiven the Kufar of Mecca when he conqured the city.
Fourth:The rage which the Ahmedis incite in us when they call them selves Muslims though appropriate can never be a justification for killing.In fact any anger is haram in Islam;at most we could initiate legal action against them – but best would be to convince them of their error through well reasoned and civilized discussion.
Fifth: Unfortunately I can not agree with those who claim that the document which binds us togather is our constitution.This is for the simple reason that if we wish to call our selves Muslims we have to belive in Allahs law rather then the man made constitution as supreme.The only problem is that our raving,lunatic and ignorant mullahs/alims of each sect – can’t pull their acts togather to allow use of Islam as the religion of peaceful submission to the will of Allah as a means of achieving bliss ,harmony and contentment for all- including Muslim sects as well as non-muslims.
Sixth:The matter of Rushdie should not be confused with the issue of Ahmedis.All sects of Muslims all over the world believe Rushdie is wajib-ul-qatl.I must confess I have not read his book,in which case I am bound to follow the alims consensus.Yet having accepted or given this ruling,our alims should also make it clear that this verdict is only to be enforced if he makes himself available in Muslim countries where this law is applicable.If he is in any country whose laws are different,his killing would be the act of a jhanami,as we would be violating the laws of that land.This would be a civilised -and more sellable- form of the verdict.
Seventh: I agree with SH and must wonder why of all times this issue has to resurface now ,when we face the most pressing problems -and are most in need of unity amongst all Pakistanis -muslims or otherwise?
What a shameful attitude from so called “aalim”. If ahmadis are on fault, how they can survive for more than 100 years. Because a liar does not live long. If ahmadiyya jama’at is wrong then where is promised masiah (mahdi mauood) because his arrival time has gone.
GEO is getting the videos deleted of 7 Sep Aalim Online from Youtube. The message says “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Geo TV Networks”.
“Since Islam has always been clear on the issue of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)being the last prophet of ‘The God of Ibraheem’,this clearly puts them outside the pale of Islam.”
@Hassan Abbas: Here is a video in which Maulana Qasim Nanutwi founder of Deoband denies Khatm-e-Nabuwat. Now let’s see you cal him non-Muslim.
@Hassan Abbas: Apart from Maulana Qasim Nanutwi a couple of more people who denie Khatm-e-Nabuwa include Imam Raghib and Maulana Rumi. Some claim even Ibn Arabi as well.
I am hoping you will declare these people non-Muslim forthwith.
Mr amir liaquat if the jews or christians claim that muslims do not believe to prophet musa or isa as last prophet so kill the muslims then according to you it wout a great and noble job, some times i have seen you shouting in your aalim off line programm on some forces that they are killng muslims,think perhaps they are doing their eligious duty.
it should be an obligation on Geo tv like laskar-e-tayyeba, jesh-e-muhammad, taliban, and other banned orgnisaions, because they are preching openly to kill the people.
aONE- You are no one to tell me whom i should call US. This is a free forum not your local majlis where you can impose your ideas no matter how invalid and corrupt they are. Its diversity of views that give rise and power to societies and civilizations. But i guess you are too ignorant and rigid minded to appreciate that.
I am sure the 72 other sects of Islam would differ from your views. Its narrow minded people just like you who have given this great religion such a bad name. My advise to you: You are welcome to express your views in a civilized manner but don’t try imposing them on others.
Keep you
shame on you amir liaquat, no wounder why pakistan is in trouble.
There is a difference between disagreeing with the ideas of Ahmedis and calling for their murder.
The Ahmedis should be free to do as they please.
But Muslims should not have to accept their beliefs as that of Islam. They do not accept the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the last prophet.
They hide behind verbal gymnastics and the hatred of extremist Muslims.
But they themselves are very biased toward non-Ahmedis. In fact they believe we Muslims, i.e. non-Ahmedis, are not real Muslims.
Nonetheless, they should be given full rights in Pakistan. I think it is technically incorrect to label them as Muslims, especially since they do not see us as Muslims.
Dear Friends,
I want to narrate an example from the Holy life of our Holy Prophet. Musailma Kazab came to him and requested His Highness to grant him half of his kngdom. Aswad Ansi Also declared himself a prophet in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet(S. A. W)BUT HE NEVER SENT ANYONE TO KILL THEM. Now why Hadhrat Abubakr did so? It was not because they declared themselves Prophets. But it was because of the fact that they created a state of their own in the Islamic state with their own laws and it was a clear MUTINY. if it was not so. It Is a chellenge that kindly remove the cotrovarsy between the actions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.w) and Hadrat Abubakr. Dear Friends in the worldly matters we want to do the research ourselves but in the spiritual matters we want to depend on these undermatric clarics and these culpits of them with fake degrees. kindly ponder on the Holy Quran and Uswa e Rasul yourself and make use of the wise that God has given you. In The Holy Quran it is clearly mentioned that the punishment of a wrong prophet is in the hands of Allah. So dont try to be Him.
Mashallah! Ahmadi’s are imposters and blasphemers. They are a curse of humanity and are an invention of England to weaken muslim india before partition. The people on this blog are acting ridiculous, either they are ahmadi or slaves of the west. Look how the American treat Mormons. They treat Mormon’s like second class citizens, they have to live in Utah, because thats the only place they feel safe. And USA is a secular state!!! Pakistan was founded on Islamic principles, and those people who contradict these principles need to get hell out.
Dear Friends,
plz goto this page and send letters to people who responsible for this.
Thank you for providing the link.
Sir, We are free to have our opinion, thats absolutely right but have you ever had a talk with any ahmadi. They never term you non-beleivers as normal muslims term them. They say that you are the non believers in the Promissed Messiah whom they deem as the Promissed Messiah. No Ahmadi can ever term you as the non believers in Rasull Allah (S.A.W.). so thats a big difference
shame on you amir liaquat
Dear Friends,
we can help ahmadies by clicking on the following link. it will take you minute to complect this, plz click on the link.
Although many people killed ahmadies but I never heard any ahmadi kill anyone. is it not the proff that they are true muslim???
plz goto this page and send letters to people who responsible for this.
dear brother I am narrating examples from the Holy and Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet and you are rejecting them. the Clarics say that you shouldnt talk to them while Holy Prophet always used the method of dialouge for the propogation of Islam or at the maximum he gave challenge (Mubahila as we call it). Mr. Ghamdi, Dr. Khalid Zaheer also stressed the same thing. but I dont know where do you live. If you are the follower of America than send all Ahmadies to an UTAH like place. but if you are the follower of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) go for dialouges or Challenges.
Dant babu i like your blog u brought sensitive topics into lite which does exsist but stay hidden as an ahmadi living abroad i would say what we have acheive as community is special from Nobel prize to COAS to war heroes to only pakistani in Haig as judge we beleive ourself muslims and decalration by parliment that have no value in pakistan let leave thing on God let him judge by acting on tv wont help this Alim online guy he will be punished by Allah almighty if he did not learn from his blunders on the name of islam and mind u Ahmadi not only live in pakistan they live in whole islamic world but there is no such issue its only in pakistan by such Jahil mullahs.I always consider this guy a frad and fake mullah instead i like thoughts of Ghamadi he is better with some good knowldge.
Meer ,
You miss the point entirely.This is not a religious blog,nor is the current debate about Ahmedis being right or wrong.It is about killing Ahmedis by those people who believe that Ahmedis are wrong on the issue of the last prophet.I just made my entire position clear to amplyfy the point that even though I believe that you are wrong ,I still dont agree that this means any one is justified in killing Ahmedis for this wrong belief.
Take it or leave it;but lets not turn a discussion on how to behave as a Muslim into what to believe as a Muslim.At least I am not intrested in carrying out such a discussion here.
By the way what Maulana Qasim Nanutwi or any other isolated scholar says on the issue is irrelavent ;what is relevent is what the concensus of a particular sect is on the issue.
well,he was a dubious man but since i heard the news that MQM has canceled his membership i came to accept that he is a good Muslim.
killing any non muslim (like ahmadis) for just being a non muslim is against Islam .. but killing a blasphemous muslim or non muslim is necessary and fully justified. RasoolAllah SAW himself and the Shahabas RA after him did the same thing everytime some such thing occurred.
first of all all of you have to understand the meanings of blasphemous. Are most of the muslims not blasphemous as how many times the sunnahs of the RasoolAllah are being killed daily. How many muslims tell lie, measure short, blake market, earn unfair profit, drink alkohal, go to pimps, at last every evil they practise which was prohibited by RasoolAllah and Islam. So it means all the muslim (doing all these) in pakistan are wajib ul qatal. So as Aamir Liaqat Hussain is also as he is spreadind Mazhabi Munafrat.
@ Nadeem Ahmed Khan. I totally agree with you Nadeem.
Dear Hassan,
First of all i want to comment on ur first two objections i.e. no one is allowed to ask someone to not to call himself that u don’t like him to be, as this will create CAOS, and this is the main reason that there is a lot of CAOS in Islamic world especially in Pakistan due to the acts of these Maulvi Hazrats.
Secondly if you say that u r a muslim then u cannot ask someone else that if u want to live in peace then obey us and accept all the things we believe because practically it’s not the way Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, but of these Maulvi Hazrat.
So, therefore it is requested that please see my comments and think over them that u r following the way of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH or these Maulvi Hazrat.
At what point will idiocy be “Wajib ul Qatal”? Killing someone for their religious beliefs, even if they contradict yours, is bloody ridiculous. At soome point Muslims need to enter the modern era and realize killing people because they don’t believe your fiction is a throwback to the stone-age.
Bah! Okay, next person to “blaspheme” against common sense dies. That’s my new religious belief. God told it to me. Arguing with that is against my belief system. I will brook no criticism.
Guys, these issues resurface, because these Rand Robots consider us to be a simple race of weaklings. A call for Muslim “civil war” has long been the battle cry of the neo-cons.
That said, what we have here is NOT a problem with Ahmedis if they want to call themselves a new religion (like the Bahais). The problem is that Ahmedis/Qadyanis call themselves Muslims and seek to displace Islam completely and replace it with their own heretical beliefs. All the Islamic sects and schools of thought are unanimous in their opinion that this blatant blasphemy of theirs removes them out of the fold of Islam, and consider the Ahmedis to be disbelievers.
Nevertheless, these issues should be dealt with within the laws. Period. Any other edict or allegation is to create dissension, dis-unity, and disarray. Beware; their ultimate assignment is to undermine the Muslim community by undermining its primary values, its main ideas, its representative institutions and its primary modes of self-empowerment and self-representation. They seem to have plenty of help from the likes of GEO and some other folks with heretical tendencies.
to all those holy men who feel that the only problem with Ahmedis is that they wish to displace Islam completely and replace it with their own version, i have one question…
which Islam are they replacing?
We have more flavors that Baskin-Robbins. And not all of them are as tasty.
Actually the programme which was telecast on 7 sept against Ahmadi the Fuking aamir liaqat and his bitch so called molvies who knows nothing about the islam they said that ahmadi pplz murdered is allowed. So i asked a one thing with Bastered Aamir Liaqat Hussain what happened in last year when he says wrong about the Shiya Firqa what they have have done with him. Aamir did u know that murdered is not allowed of any human being. About so called molvis of Pakistan who always running behind the money and govt seats. They did’nt know about the Islam if they think that islam is split on a blade of a sword so i will advised both Bastered Aamir Liaqat Hussain and his gay partners go and read the history again. What happened after his programme two innocent peoples were killed of this Firqa who always help poors, Dr Maanan was a doctor who helps poors and free medical treatment of pplz. But who cares Aamir liaqat has received money for that programme and got good on that day. i did’nt think that he is a educated man. Shame on u all basters in which our molvis contribution 100%.
I have seen this programme where he and his companion mullahs saying lie against ahmadis and then claiming they are wajabul qatal. I ask the geo management and all the listener that all your programmes are two way, i mean one party and then other party’s view, if you have courage then take the Ahmadis view and give them one hour to tell the peoples what are there believes. The programme is only for these mullahs, they are big liars saying those things which was not claimed at all.
Hassan abbas u need to convert to real Islam
Geo is the first private TV channel of Pakistan. There are different kinds of programs being broadcasted at this renowned channel. “Aalim On Line” is one of them. Its host is Aamir Liaqat Hussain who was ex-Minister of Religious Affairs of Pakistan. He forced to resign from his ministry due to his religious hatred preaching. Some days ago his program about Ahmadiyya community was showed on this channel. In this program as his routine he defamed Ahmadiyya community. He said that killing of Ahmadis is legitimate and they should be killed at the spot. Aready there is no shortage of terrorism in Pakistan and a person like him is adding fuel to fire. I am unable to understand why Geo is telecasting his programs. This channel should courage to allow Ahmadis to answer his allegations. Without hearing point of view of both parties none can take any decision about who is right and who is wrong. Moreover Govt. should sensor religious programs of this channel.Anyhow I know none of you have courage to invite Ahmadis in your program. That is why I am raising some question before this religious actor and all of your other leaders; I hope you will answer these questions at least in newspapers. 1. What is the religion of Salman Rushdi and Taslima Nasrin? 2. Why Pakistan’s Govt. do not courage to disclose the discussion of Ahmadiyya Community’s leaders in the assembly of 1974 before declaring them as Non Muslims? 3. What is the religion of those who keep weapons in their mosques? 4. What is the religion of those who assault over Mosques and Seminaries with phosphorus bombs? 5. Who did open fire on Khana Kaba and what was the religion of those who were using this sacred place for shelter? 6. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the Prime Minister of Pakistan when Ahmadis were declared as Non Muslims. A military ruler Zia Ul Haq issued many ordinances against Ahmadis during his tenure as President of Pakistan. How did both of them die? 7. Khusro Parvez was that king who torn the letter of Muhammad (PBUH). Yazid was the leader of assassinator of Muhammad’s (PBUH) grandson. Why you give your children these names i.e Parvez, Khusro, Yazid? Are you Muslims or Atheists? 8. Has any Ahmadi ever involved in killing of innocent people in suicide attacks? 9. Is respect of only those religions are necessary who are permitted by Sunnis, Shaitas, Wahabis or all religions are respect able? 10. Majority of Sunnis, Shaitas, Wahabis have been declare each other as “Atheist”. Have all of you decided who is Atheist and who is Non-Atheist? 11. How many of you who have stopped looting people in the Holy month of Ramadan? 12. What is the religion of those who buried their alive girls in the province of Balochistan? 13. What is the religion of those who marry their daughters with Quran only to save their property? 14. What is the religion of those who sale their daughters in the province of NWFP and tribal areas? 15. Why did Pakistan’s Govt. afraid from Ahmadis to hold their Annual congregation at Rabwah? 16. You preach in Europe and North American countries with full independence. Why Ahmadis are stopped from preaching in Pakistan? If you are not wrong then why are you afraid from them? 17. As you accept that Christ will appear again in the world. Will he appear as a prophet or as an ordinary person? Will you accept him or kill him as you have been killing your Caliphs? There are many historical facts, which are intentionally concealed by you. You have to tell people about the discussions of different leaders in round table talks about independence of Pakistan with British Government so that people could know about the character of Sir Zafar Ullah Khan and Allama Iqbal. You have to inform people about the creator of Operation Gibraltar in 1965. You have to give your judgment about him, who was leading Pakistan’s forces in the battlefield of Chovindah. Would you courage to tell the people fairly about the facts or would show same bias as you showed in your program. You have to inform people about Ahmadiyya TV programs as well, so that people could watch the facts. I know you would not do it because you and other religious political leaders of Pakistan earn money from religious hatred preaching.
So how is your Ahmedi TV being funded? and where is it aired from?
Why do people of Pakistan have to listen to your biased version of the facts?
These Ahmedis don’t have any problems if 10-20 Pakistanis die every day in FATA but they get raged if only 2 of their Ahmedis die.
Simply put these are not Muslims but Ahmedis because they cry when Ahmedis die and they do not feel any thing if Muslims die.
I don’t think Pakistani Govt is scared from you guys hosting the conference in Rabwah, all they are trying to do is save your sorry a$$es.
As for your question, when Jesus will appear will you accept him or kill him…
First of all Jesus will not die in toilet as did your Ghulam Kafir Qadiani and when he will come, he will come to clean the world from people like you and Muslims Insha Allah will join him.
Why Ahmadis are stopped from preaching in Pakistan? If you are not wrong then why are you afraid from them?
Pakistani Govt wants to save you guys, simply put. Majlis Khatm-e-Nabowat has only saved you guys, while you guys still do the preaching. Don’t tell me that Qadianis don’t do preaching in Pakistan.
Qadianis don’t kill people
Qadianis are low life thugs, they like to stay behind the curtains. They hire assassin to kill people like Maulana Yusef Ludhianvi.
Why don’t you guys openly admit that you are preaching in Pakistan (even if its not allowed by govt of Pakistan)Why do you guys hide this fact?
Well firas let me answer your questions one by one.
1st question:
So how is your Ahmedi TV being funded? and where is it aired from?
You’ll be thinking that Ahmadis are being supported by Non-Muslims but you’ll be sad to know that it is not. MTA is being contributed by Ahmadis (Small or lange contribution) and not only MTA. Ahmadis are also using these contribution for preaching Islam all over the world, Are being used for translating Quran in many different languages, constructing mosques and the list goes on. We’re not a political party or Jamaat-e-Islami like Jamaat that we’ll receive fundings from any agencies. We are the Jamaat of Allah and Allah is our supporter only.
MTA is being aired from United Kingdom and Ahmadi students and other Ahmadi professionals run this channel only.
2nd question :
Why do people of Pakistan have to listen to your biased version of the facts?
Well simply don’t listen. If someone dares to listen then it’s good but if anyone don’t then it’s his/her loss.
3rd question :
These Ahmedis don’t have any problems if 10-20 Pakistanis die every day in FATA but they get raged if only 2 of their Ahmedis die.
Who said that we don’t have problem? We are more worried than you ppl. This is all the result of religious extemism. We want to create harmony so that the suicide attacks could be stopped and Government operations could also be stopped in tribal areas.
Many Ahmadi Muslims gave there lives for the making of Pakistan and not only this for the freedom of Kashmir, Ahmadis played an active role. Sir Zafarullah Khan who was an Ahmadi took the matter of Kashmir to UN so that murder of innoscent Kashmiris could be stopped. But today, Government hide these realities and everyone knows why.
You wrote : Simply put these are not Muslims but Ahmedis because they cry when Ahmedis die and they do not feel any thing if Muslims die.
If Ahmadis were able to cut there hearts and show you ppl our feelings for Islam and Muslims then you would have come to know how we feel. I can’t say anything more than this.
You wrote : I don’t think Pakistani Govt is scared from you guys hosting the conference in Rabwah, all they are trying to do is save your sorry a$$es.
Alas! The jahil moulvis (Not all only few jahil) have been succeeded in contaminating your mind. I mentioned above that this is the Allah made Jamaat not a human made. But you don’t know even basics of Jamaat Ahmadia or you may take years to know. May Allah guide you to the right pat.
4th question :
As for your question, when Jesus will appear will you accept him or kill him…
Well you didn’t gave any answer but filled with anger. This is a very long topic but let me cover it here.
4th question :
As for your question, when Jesus will appear will you accept him or kill him…
Well you didn’t gave any answer but filled with anger. This is a very long topic but let me cover it here.
Jesus was not from the shariat of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) so he can’t do Immamat-e-Sughra (Namaz parhana). Nabuat is Immamat-e-Kubra. How can a nabi who can’t do our Immamat-e-Sughra can do Immamat-e-Kubra???
Secondly again he was not from the ummat of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). So if he comes again then he’ll be a sharai nabi not Ummati Nabi. This contradicts the Hadees “La Nabi Baadi” which means that there is no Sharai nabi after Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH).
Hazrat Ayesha (Razi-allah-taalah) said:
“Logo An Hazrat (SAW) ko khatam-un-Nabin to kaho magar hargiz ye na kaho ke aap (SAW) ke baad koi nabi nahin aaye ga.”
Reference is present on this page:
I think it’s enough for this question.
Keep on waiting for Jesus but the time period mentioned by Hazrat Mohammed has been over and all of the predictions in Islam had been fulfilled. Promissed Messih has came. See these links if you still need explanation. They contain views of Non-Ahmadi aalims like Tahir-ul-Kaadri.
You wrote :
If GHULAM AHMED QADIANI would be an imposter then how would have Allah allowed his Jamaat to flourish alot? Allah killed all the imposters and False prophets who tried to claim themselves Prophet. So then how Jamaat Ahmadia can be left? Allah promissed not to alow any JHOTA NABI. Do you have any explanation?
You wrote :
Why Ahmadis are stopped from preaching in Pakistan? If you are not wrong then why are you afraid from them?
Pakistani Govt wants to save you guys, simply put. Majlis Khatm-e-Nabowat has only saved you guys, while you guys still do the preaching. Don’t tell me that Qadianis don’t do preaching in Pakistan.
Well strange. Of which Pakistan you’re talking about by the way? You said Government is trying to save us? Haha. I think you don’t know anuthing or you pretending to do so.
Government of Zia-ul-Haq gave clear orders to kill Ahmadis in 1980s. Not only this. I want to tell you some shocking realities. Government ordered in 80s to remover the Kalima Tayyaba written on the Masjids of Ahmadis otherwise they will be demolished. Ahmadis had to cover those Kalimas with boards as we’re Muslims we didn’t remove them. If you want to see then see on the walls of Majids of Ahmadis, you’ll see boards. There is Kalima beneath them. Now tell me who’s Muslim and who’s not. And if still anyone is protecting us then plz leave because according to verse of Quran
“Allaih Salla Bekafin Abdehi”
Translation : “Kia Allah apne bande ke liye kaafi nahin?”
And now about preach. Who says we don’t preach? Is it wrong? Kuffar-e-Makkah used all of there powers to stop Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) from preaching Islam. So do you think Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) stopped? No. Similar is the case with us. Enough answer.
You wrote :
Qadianis are low life thugs, they like to stay behind the curtains. They hire assassin to kill people like Maulana Yusef Ludhianvi.
Again I’ll say that it’s the result of Jahil Moulvis’ teachings. Jahil Moulvis and other political parties and agents kill each other and then try to put blame on Ahmadis but fails to do so. Because even our opponents appreciate us as one of the most peaceful people in this world. I’m asking about Pakistani good Ullema and many other countries. Even Pakistani Government never put such blames on us. Firas first validate your blame before writing here. No one will support you in atlest this case.
I think I’ve written alot and the longest comments. Now Firaz, Tania asked few questions. You didn’t answer them and enforced your questions. Now when I’ve given answers to your question, it’s your turn to answer ALL pf the questions of Tania. Will love to read your answers soon.
Zeeshan Qayyum,
Ghulam Qadian was an IMPOSTER, he didn’t know who he was,
first he claimed he was Mahdi, then he claimed he wa a Nabi then he claimed he is the 2nd coming of Jesus.
Qadianis claim that they follow Muhammad(S.A.W.W) yet they deny the teachings of Muhammad S.A.W.W.
Infact Qadianis have nothing to do with Muhammad (S.A.W.W).
In order to attract naive Muslims they start with Mullah bashing. I say long live Mullahs who are not contaiminated by the teachings of this IMPOSTER, GHULAM KAFIR QADIANI.
May Allah guide all the Muslims to follow the right path of Muhammad(S.A.W.W) and the Sahaba, who fought and killed two such IMPOSTERS, AMEEEN.
Again FIras, you didn’t give answers to questions but creating more questions for me. I’m ready to answer all of your answer till my death.
You wrote :
first he claimed he was Mahdi, then he claimed he wa a Nabi then he claimed he is the 2nd coming of Jesus.
You’re writing wrong. Remove all “THENS” amd insert “ANDS” to make it right. If he didn’t kow khow he was then he didn’t have more than two hundred million followers in the world. And Allah don’t allow IMPOSTERS to let people deviate from right path. Allah showed the results of all imposters before and after Hazrat Massih Maod (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed) so why not he?
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed claimed to be Messeih-Maud, Mehi-Maud, Immam Mehdi and the second coming of Jesus. You forgot Messeih.
Secondly you wrote :
Qadianis claim that they follow Muhammad(S.A.W.W) yet they deny the teachings of Muhammad S.A.W.W.
Please mention our deviations. I’ll explain when you’ll mention them. If it’s the topic of Jihad and something else, let me know and then I’ll prove that basically Ahmadis are real Muslims. Don’t think that I’ve said that you’re not a Muslim. You are a Muslim also. Mention here what explanation do you want.
Again at the end you got angry and put false alegations on Ahmadi Muslims. But this time I’m not going to repeat my answer again. Concentrate on a point.
I request you to please listen to the videos, of whom I’ve posted links. They’ll definitely help you. If you want any refernces from Quran or Hadees do write here or alternatively you can visit these sites:
And beleive me I’m not leading you towards darkness. And clicking once will not led you to hell. It may clarify your mind towards Ahmadis. And remember I’m not preaching. Just defending. Don’t think that I’m writing this so that you convert or so.
At last just one request. If you find even a little truth in what I said then please stop writing Kafir withe name of Hazrat Masseih Maud. It really hurts Ahmadi Muslims. And remember Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) told to respect everyone including your opponents. You would never have heard such comments or language for non-Ahmadi Muslims by any Ahmadi.
Do take care of you.