Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain a famous religious host of a show called Aalim Online which airs frequently on Geo TV has entered some hot waters in the past few days. It is believed that his comments on the show may have incited Muslims to target and kill followers of the Ahmedi sect. Dr. Aamir has been running this show for the past many years and has developed a strong following catapulting him to fame to the extent that many Pakistanis swear by his religious commentary on TV, and remains a highly sought after show specially during the month of Ramadan.
Historically Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain has had his taste of controversy which started of from his fake degrees where this blogger had labeled him as Jahil Online back in 2005, he was then associated with MQM for a few years and ultimately had a falling out with the party over a controversial comment he made on TV condemning the British author Salman Rushdie, saying that Salman Rushdie should be killed for blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his book, Satanic Verses, after making this comment Mr. Online refused to retract his statement despite immense pressure from the top London based MQM leadership which ultimately lead to his dismissal and soon he also resigned from his Ministry
Asian Human Rights Watch reports that on 7th September in his program ‘Aalim Online’ the anchor declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don’t believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear. While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill.
This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.
According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpurkhas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building’s front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.
On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.
Join the Asian Human Rights Commission in sending a Letter of Appeal to a number of top leaders in Pakistan
664 responses to “Aalim Online – Inciting murder against Ahmedi’s”
Ahmadis aka Qadyanis should cease from spreading interpretations and activities, which deviate from the principal teachings of Islam – which includes the spreading of the belief that there is another prophet in Islam with his own teachings after Prophet Muhammad (saw). If they don’t accept Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be the last prophet, than they cannot claim or call themselves Muslims.
Here is some thing that your prophet Ghulam Kafir Qadiani said:
Immersion in remembrance of Allah is just like a sperm ejaculating into female genitals
Thus immersion in remembrance of Allah which is also called khusoo is similar to that state of sperm when it gets a form of ejaculation and drops into female genitals and there is no doubt it is a time of great ecstasy in physical state. However, just falling of that drop of semen inwards does not necessitate a relationship between womb and that sperm so that it is attracted toward the womb. Thus, similarly, spiritual enthusiasm and state of khushoo does not necessitate that such a person will have connection with the kind Lord and will be attracted to Him. Rather as the sperm gets into vulva of a whore through adultery then the person dropping the sperm gets the same delight as he gets with his wife. Thus the state of khushoo and enthusiasm of idol worshipers and creation worshipers is similar to that of adulterers. That is, khushoo of pagans and of the people who remember God for worldly reasons is similar to that sperm which goes into internal genitals of prostitute women and creates delight . (Braheen Ahmadiyya Vol.5 192)
This is what Ghulam Kafir Qadiani says about Jesus(AS)
Hazrat Sb beautifully describes his research on genealogy of Jesus
The family of Jesus was perfectly holy and immaculate. Jesus’ three paternal and maternal grandmothers were fornicators and prostitutes, from whose blood the body of Jesus came into existence. May be it was a condition for divinity. His inclination for prostitutes and interaction with them might also be due to this ancestral relationship. (Anjam-e-Atham 291)
Ghulam Kafir Qadiani about Jews:
Mary’s hanging out with her fiancee Joseph before wedlock is a strong testimony of an Israelite custom. Going out with fiancees among people in some frontier tribes had exceeded the limits to such an extent that sometimes pregnancy comes before wedlock, yet it is not looked down upon and it is generally ignored with a smile. (Ayyam-al-Sulh 66 [rk300])
About Muslims:
All Muslims who do not love Hazrat Sb writings are offsprings of prostitutes
All Muslims regard my books with reverence and care and benefit from their sublime thoughts except those who are the offspring of prostitutes; God has put a seal upon their hearts and they do not accept me. (A’ina Kamalat Islam 547-548)
I watched the above mentioned program.I would like to condemn this program specially this session extrem strongly.As being an Ahmadie MUSlim I believe that no one has the right to blame on religious beliefs of others. This very disgusting program presented the wrong picture of ahmadies and their belief.The statement was given by the so called ULIMA invited in the programm were misguiding the viewers in terms of believe of ahmadies of ahmadies about khatm e nabuwat.The reaction of which has been immediatly seen in the form of inhumanity and cowardly act by killing two prominent ahmadies who were helpful citizen without any discrimination to society. I like to condemn the statement given by the guests that ahmadies should be killed all over the world due to their faith. My question is WHO they are to judge people and their belief. There FATWAS can bring havoc to people who are innocent and have not even common religious knowledge and bring severe astrocities to ahmadies, who are alredy suffering anctions to practise proper islma in the so called ISLAMIC state of pakistan. ALL MUSLIMS including who were conducting this programme believe on HOLY QURAN in which GOD says LA IQRAHA FID DEEN which means there is no compulsion in bvelieve DEEN.
wide world ahmadiya VS AAMIR HILAQAT
tum ho tee koon ho hamee QATAL karnee waalaa
aamir liaqat is liar criminal mind person and have no knowldge of islam and ask question from those who also need that AAPNI DUKAN DARI CHAMKI RAHAY many many questions could be raised in this regard and they cant even answer them if they r sincere with their religion in my opinion they have nothing to do with islam.i want to say them that please show the national assembly session which u or ur government have reorded in 1974 with AHMADIS to tell people the truth and reality .
it is open challenge from Ahmadies.Listen it and then proove it
I swear by God that whatever you have quoted there as “writings” of Promised Messiah are nothing but either things translated into English totally wrongly to give a wrong impression or are total fabrications, or are things taken out of context. Have you ever read the writings of the Promised Messiah yourself or you just quote things by copying them from anti-Ahmadiyya websites. Do some research yourself with an open heart and with righteousness like a true Muslim, then you will see the truth only in Ahmadiyyat ie. the true Islam. So you stop changing the topic by quoting things from anti-Ahmadiyya websites and discuss the real issues and beliefs with us if you have the courage. You keep us calling non-Muslims but fail to give the reason. You want to discuss the issues, then I am ready but one by one and don’t try to change the topic by quoting these lies.
I wrote a long post earlier in the thread where I briefly touched and explained the lies of the anti-Ahmadiyya thugs like the ones in the program in discussion.
I will give some links for the sake of the unprejudiced, righteous readers:
1. Finality of Prophethood according to Quran, hadiths, openion of the Islamic scholars of the past on the issue, and the use and meaning of the word “Khatam” according to Arabic lexicon:
2. Jesus’ (AS) death according to Quran:
3. Reply to anti-Ahmadiyya fabrications/allegations:
In a nut-shell, Ahmadis beleive in the Khatamiyyat of the Holy Prophet more than anyone else. Our understanding of the term Khatam is absolutely according to the teachings of Quran. Our understanding of the status of Jesus (AS) is totally according to Quran and hadith. In short there is not a single belief of Ahmadis that is in contradiction with the true teachings of Islam. On the contrary it is the non-Ahmadi Muslims whose beliefs and actions are in total contradiction to teachings of Islam. You just need an open and honest heart to understand this.
The sun is shining like with its full glory, you need to open the window of your heart to illuminate your own heart, otherwise your heart will remained drowned in darkness.
hellow every one
i want to give u all, a suggestion that please log on to http://www.alislam.org and see what is against islam.
please before doing anything or give ur opinion about Ahmadis visit our website.
muje in molweon se kuch kenha hai ka aapni dukan dari chamka kar islam aur pakistan ko nuksan matt pohanchao gusa hame bhi buhut ata hai lakin hum islam ka follower hain aur jo peacefull religion hai . itna besabre kuoon ho rahe ho molweo inshALLAH tum jaldi hakeekat dekh lo ga. in molweon ki aaik aaik baat ka jawab kuran aur hadees se dia ja sakta hai. kuoon nahi Ahmadioon ko bulata tv channel per molweon ka sath aamnae samnae live programm sawal jawab .mere musalman brother ya darte hain in k paas koi jawab nahi hai .Sachay dil se ALLAH paak se dua karo ka woh tumhari kudh rehnumai kare. ALLAH SAB PER FAZAL KARE
Dear all, On the one hand, when non-believers publish cartoons of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), we go ballistic put everything on fire. On the other hand, we take pride is humiliating someone who is regarded as a prophet by another person (although we may not agree to him). Is this justified by any standards? Why are Muslims being ridiculed everywhere in the world – I think this is not a million dollar question!
the history suggets that out of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (who according to dr.hussain most of them were uneducated) were prominent figures of the world such as Dr.Salam (the only nobel prize holder Muslim Scientist), Ch.Zafurullah Khan (first foreign minister of pak and first muslim Judge in world justice court),M.M Ahmad and so many others. I dont know which educated people he is coming from. he might be talking about Fazal ur Rehman or Sami ul Haq or Manzoor Chinioti. Stats of pakistani literacy rate show that Rabwah, the main city of ahmadi population is the most literate city of pakistan and if you guys want to see the real Islam in practice, go to that city.
These Ahemedis have high influence in parties like MQM and BLA because they have the same agenda…they want to distort Islam.
May Allah guide these Ahmedis, if they don’t deserve Hidaya may Allah destroy them just like the people of Muselma Kezzab and Aswad alUnsee. AMEEEN.
well said irfan shaib i was there in 2005 quite city getting bigger now my dad studied at TI college.One thing u forget to mention from Air marshal zafer ahmed ch ,air commodore imtiaz bhatti SJ the guy who fought first dog fite of paf in 1965 SQ leader munir ahmed SJ shaheed Gen abdulali malik sj hj his brother Akhter hussain malik HJ sj the founder and executer of opration Jabralter in kashmir mj gen iftikhar jangua sj at ran of kuch and so many.Dont forget your heroes guys they were pakistani first then they have any religen .
Krachi wala shahib we have high influence in west too we build the biggest mosque in canada at calgary and there was canadian primeminister the opposition leader and head of all other political parties in canada were present as well canada issue post stamps at our jasnhe tashker of hundrad years celebration american too issue deeds speeks sir ji there r pakistanis too who r inside jail on terrorism chargs including imam of mississauga mosque they call him head of that ring waiting for trial.ON the name of islam .
i started liking aamir liaquat but after this show… he should be ashamed…beeing himself a shia, who have a different kalma, azan……….and calling ahmaddys (who have the same kalma azan…….) non-muslim is just ridiculous!!! how can u ppl (sunnis, shia etc) say dat ahmaddys dnt believe that hazrat muhammed (saw) isnt the last prophet when u urself dont believe that —-> u believe hazrat isa (as) will cum back which makes him the last prophet….i dnt thnk he knws anythng abt ahmmadys cuz v dnt say dat Hazrat Masih-e-maud is a prophet..v say dat he's the imam mahdi, hazrat muhammad (saw) had revealed!!!! there r a lot of other thngs proving us rite n inshallah v'll succeed cuz allah n his prophet(saw) r wid us!!!!
islam zindabad!!!!
ahmaddiyat zindabad!!!
@ Karachi-Wasal. Brothor you’re saying that we have high influence in parties like MQM but you forgot that we are not a political party. We don’t have any links with these political parties. If you are blaming then provide proof. You’ll never get any proof because the Jamaat Ahmadia has the finest character in this world. Even our opponents accept this and don’t put such objections. One can criticize on our beleifs but everyone know what is the character of Jamaat-e-Ahmadia.
Well said Karachi-Wala. Who’s wrong gets destroyed like Muselma Kezzab. And that shows our truth that Allah protected us otherwise in the tenure of Zia-ul-Haq, Government of Pakistan fully tried to ruin us and destroy Jamaat Ahmadia.
According to an Ilhaam to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, Allah said:
“I will give you a large party or Islam”
He got this prediction when he started preaching Allah’s teachings. And now after 119 years, this promise has been fulfilled by God. Now Jamaat Ahmadia has more than two hundred million (20 crore) followers in the world including more than fifty lack in Pakistan.
Allah do not let imposters to live rather Allah kills imposters himself. Think again.
What a shame……………..
janab so called muslim aap na kaha ka mta ko chalana ka lea paise kon deta hai janab doctor aamir sahib to geo se paise leta hai aur un ka aapna personal agenda hai kuoon nahi woh volunteer kam karta jabka mta main hundered of Ahmadis din raat bagair paisoon ka kam karta hain aur jamat chanda deti hai…now i come to ur other question that is related to ur and ur ulmas question that Ahmadis r being created by british government oo dear muje lagta hai tum logon ko samjh nahi shaeed .british umpire ya gaovernment hame create kare gi iss lea ka hum un ka nabi hazrat isa ko kehta hain ka sara anbia ki tarha foot ho chuka hain.aur tum loog christian ka agenda la kar chal raha ho ka jesus zinda hain to british aur american poda tum loog ho. Jab hazoor Muhammad SAW foot ho gae hain to kisi aur ka ya makam ka woh zinda raha hargaz nahi ho sakta.
@ Firas. Firas sorry I didn’t see your comments. Ya, I’ve seen your cuttings but again I’ll say Alas! These jaahil Moulvis have been successful in there mission. Firas it’s good that reference is there. Go and find these books from anywhere and read only only this. Start from little back and end at little forward to these writings. You’ll get your answers yourself. This site didn’t dare to copy past the whole book but rather pasted only the cuttings of there interest. I’ve read these books and that’s why I’m saying this.
2ndly you just copy pasted the questions so I’ll copy paste the answers of these questions here. This site contains answers for most of your questions. Specially the topic of Esa. It has a separate heading. See on the top. Clear answers to languge issues.
And better you try to get atleast one book. Especially Izalah-e-Uham. From which these cuttings are taken. You’ll get to know everything yourself. Secondly as Bilal said that English translations are not right. The makers of this site fully tried to give it a wrong colour.
Again Firaz you didn’t give answers, and most importantly didn’t reply to the proofs I gave but again tried to divert the topic. I’ve already seen the site of whom link you gave. But Alas! That creaters of this site didn’t read the whole book or atleast nothing around these cuttings. And the people with less knowledge are easily being grasped by this website.
A doctor who completed his studies in the States and went back to his home country to help his people. Not looking at whether they were muslim or non-muslim, as a good human he devoted his life to his country, did he deserve to be killed in the name of Allah? What will happen to the poor who depended on this no cost blessing. So as for you so called doctor I have no words to say other than shame on you.
Next time fear god and let gods world live in peace.
Listen to Khatme Nabu’wat authortative answer from Ahmadi to correctly understand our believe.
For more information visit: http://www.alislam.org/
dear frnds,
can anyone ask mr amir i mean mr jahil tht if ahmadis were the non muslims thn howcome they have been survivng frm the last hundred years mr jahil pls do comment on tht and wht u have done is a non human act and u have blood of two innocent people on ur hands and ALLAH will never forgive u mr jahil
khatum is an arabic word interpreted wrongly by pakistani mulaan.there r many other interpretation of this word existed.and please keep in ur mind that in arabic the word khaatum and urdu the word khtum is two different words.if the wrongly interpretation of these mulaans accepted for a while then please give me the answer of a simple question that all the muslims have the believe that imam mahdi will come will he a prophet of ALLAH if not then how could he guide or lead the muslims without getting guidence from ALLAH .if he could not get guidance from ALLAH then how would he be different from other leaders or molana .only the servent of Muhammad SAW and prophet imam mahdi could change the spirtual condition of muslims and give them life ,other so called stories of mulaans r fake.
People forget one VERY IMPORTANT thing : In an Islamic State ‘Murtid’s’ are Wajib-ul-Qatal. BUT IMPORTANTLY it is the duty & responsibility of the STATE, not of every individual who has a weapon in his hands. When we give examples of Hazrat Abu Bakar or Hazrat Umer they were acting as Caliphs of Islam, not in their individual capacities.
Furthermore, a ‘Murtid’ is someone who has accepted Islam & then turned away to Kufr. However, his children CANNOT in any circumstances be considered Murtid but they are considered Kafir because they have been bought up in such surroundings.
I think that the majority of Ahmedi’s today will not be converts from Islam but rather born into the religion.
I blame our Ulema for not clarifying & then not condemning these acts of violence which should be classified as Murder of innocent individuals which the Quran says is like the killing of the whole of humanity.
Amir should not have said on public media but lets be clear:
Qadyaniism is NOT a sect of Islam like Sunni and Shias. they are non-Muslims just like any other non-Muslim community on earth. Associating them with Islam is as pathetic as Mirza’s claims for being next Prophet. Qadyanis by defnition of Islam are not Muslims anyway but it doesnt give anyone license to kill them freely.
Guess What??? All you guys who call Aamir Liaquat Hussain as Doctor… There is a good news for you… You can become a Doctor in less than a month for only $500 (even if you failed intermediate examination, still you are eligible) and you know what? you dont have to do anything else… Just keep following your So called schollar Aamir Liaquat Hussain and get DR label as he did.
So now even after you attach DR label with your name soon, please still dont call your self as an educated person as you will still say a “JAHIL” even though you can call yourself “PARHA LIKHA”.
Shame on you PARHA LIKHA guys now, you love and follow a person who buys degrees to become and MNA. If that person did not start his life with such lies, you guys still would not even know him. Now so many people who think they are muslims are following this lier.
All of you guys who call themselves a muslim and beleive that killing a human is a good deed, please ask your soul when was the last time when you read your last Namaz other than Jumma prayer? If by any chance you prayed once lately… when was the last time when you prayed all five prayers in a day. For your information Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui was known to be very punctual in his five daily prayers. I wounder how guys like you will go and kill someone who says Kalma, reads Qura’an rgularly and says Kalima.
If by any chance one of your so called educated persons think that he is regular in his five prayers… it is good for you but there is no need to tell that to us in this forum.
Now for all of you that call yourself followers & lovers of prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)… As far I remember, my first introduction to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in my early childhood was as “Rehmat-ul-il-Aalimeen”, maybe some of you guys got his introduction as “terrorist” (Nauzbillah) by your parents 🙁
Now some of you might have ever read about the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) as what I know about him, he really was a Rehmat for the world; and not a killer. His REHMAT was equal for all Muslims and non-Muslims. Himself did not declare anyone as “WAJIB UL QATAL” even though maximum ever enemies of Holy Prophet PBUH existed during his own lifetime. History confirms that biggest ever enemy of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was “ABU JAHAL” and you know how was he treated by “Rehmat-ul-il-Aalimeen”? He was never declared as “Wajib ul Qatal” even though he tried his best to kill Holy Prophet PBUH. He never even ordered to kill any of the MUNAFIQEEN because of this.
So the followers of Holy Prophet PBUH follow him trying to bring Rehmat to the whole Humanity and believe that killing someone is biggest sin (GUNAH-e-KABERA) . While those of you followers of “ABU JAHAL” still believe that a human humanity can be killed or should be killed. ABU JAHAL (father of all JAHILs) used to think that he was the most literate person of the time and you JAHIL followers of your father ABU JAHAL still call yourself as educated. Going to schools and universities or buying fake degrees may make you eligible to call yourself educated but does not make you literate.
Now the extract of above is that people who bring Rehmat to the whole world may call themselves followers of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Even the non-muslims who bring peace to the world are somehow following Holy Prophet.
And those of you who like to say “Kill kill kill” etc. and believe that they have right to declare anyone as “Wajib ul Qatal”, you may think twice about yourself, who are you following Hazrat Muhammad PBUH or ABU JAHAL? See you guys need to claim that you are educated… if you were literate… you did not have to say that you are educated… as your comments would speak for you… but you had to mention is as you are actually talking JAHAL but want to claim as being educated.
FYI Holy Qura’an says killing an innocent person (who did not kill anyone else) is the murder of Humanity. Some of you might still believe on Holy Qura’an a bit more than your beloved Aamir Liaquat.
Now about someone being Muslim or Non-Muslims…
Most of the Muslims know that Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH described that a Muslim is one who says Kalima. Now in definition it might be as that a Muslim is the one who says Kalima and then believes on it. Holy Prophet PBUH said even if you think that the person is reading Kalima because of your fear or to save his life and you kill him, you murdered a Muslim. As you have no right to decide if he is saying that from the bottom of his believe or believes otherwise. Now Holy Prophet PBUH himself did not declare a person as non-Muslim whoever read Kalima once even though apparently he was just trying to save his life. If Holy prophet left this on Allah and did not decide himself also did not let the best of his companion to decide it; how come these NAM NIHAD MULLAHs think that they can do so? Do they think they have better knowledge of Islam than Holy Prophet PBUH?
Now if you guys have listened to his program himself this JAHAL/Jahil online… he himself admitted that Qadianies do read the same Kalima, read the same Namaz the same way, do Fast same as rest of the Muslim world and also do charity. Unfortunately they are not allowed to go for pilgrimage but if they were allowed to do so I am sure they would have not stayed back.
Some of you might know that these five are called PILLARS of ISLAM. These JAHILs online would declare followers of these Pillars and Non-Muslims and people like you who do not follow these Pillars still claim themselves as Muslims and like to give FATWA-E-KUFR about anyone.
I am amazed by you guys who call themselves Muslims and educated while you guys think that they can blame on anyone or anything. You guys love to declare anything as your Fatwa while you don’t know about it. You blame Jews for making sects in Islam? Do you know when the first division between Muslims was? Do you know that sectarianism in Islam started only a few years after Holy Prophet at the time of Hazrat Usman Ghani followed by further divisions and even wars within Muslims at Karbala… For your information, there were no Jews in that area that would have done such planning. Only we the Muslims are responsible for these partitions who blindly follow such JAHILs for whom religion is just a business and a way to earn money. These are the guys who divide Muslims by misleading and misguiding them. Who is responsible for this? Jews? No… responsibility is on Muslims ourselves as we ourselves don’t know much about Qura’an and Hadith so that’s why we need these MULLAHs and give them a chance to take us over and mislead us. When they say something in Arabic, we get impressed because we don’t know Arabic. When they say something and refer it to Qura’an or Hadith then again we immediately get impressed because we don’t have enough knowledge of these and as they say things we don’t understand, we start thinking that they have a lot of knowledge and understanding of Qura’an and Hadith. When they quote a lot of Ayat and Hadith, it does not mean that they have actual understanding of it or they are showing you the right picture; for them it is just a business and they will show you the picture they want as they can easily exploit your lack of knowledge. They do work hard for their business as everyone else does for their own business while these MAZHAB KEY THEKEDAR memorize these Ayat and Hadith. We on the other hand do blindly believe them and never double check the reference they provided. If someone does confirm the Ayat, he will be happy to confirm the Arabic and would hardly read the translation. If by any chance read the translation, then will not read before and after it to properly understand it.
As someone mentioned here before how the MULLA on that program JAHILs online misguided the nation by telling them about saying of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed about name of three cities in Qur’an.
These Mullas say that Ahmadies follow offer prayers, read Qura’an, say Kalima and do all other Islamic practices to mislead other Muslims and they run their Television channels and show Islamic things in them while they don’t believe in them.
They also…
– Print their books with all Islamic teachings…
– Run multiple televisions showing all Islamic teachings and spreading the message of Islam
– Practice all pillars of Islam as a Muslim does
– As mentioned by someone here that they translated Qura’an in over 60 languages
– Serve humanity as guided by Islam
Now those of you who believe themselves as educated, tell me something… You know most of Muslims now days don’t offer they regular prayers, don’t regularly read Namaz, don’t regularly Fast, etc. even though they have a right to call themselves a Muslim according to the constitution of Pakistan.
Now even though constitutional Muslim who also believe in these things don’t practice Islam (prayers, etc) properly, why would someone do such a hard work while they don’t even believe in it even it is harder for the believers as well. And these guys keep doing so during the whole lives and even die for it (after being declared Wajibul Qatal), teach these things to their children etc. Why would someone play with their lives and religion like this? What could be someone’s intension? You might say that one can do it for money but you know no one will ruin their children’s life for money and teach them a fake believe to follow whole of their lives. Does it make sense to you that someone can play with their lives and even their children’s life like this? For money???? It does not make sense to me atleast.
Now about Pakistan… these MULLAHs that were against the independence of Pakistan and existence of Pakistan since the beginning, they were against Qaid-e-Azam since the beginning and now are claiming to be TEKEDAR of RELIGION in Pakistan… Do you know if there was any Religious body or party participated in PAKISTAN MOVEMENT??? No… None of these… and you know that the only religious body that helped Qaid and participated in Tehrik-e-Pakistan was this Ahmadiyya Jamat. Now those enemies of Pakistan have became Religious Thekedar in Pakistan and Declare others as Non-Muslims….
Constitution defines them as non-muslims???
This is not the constitution provided by God but it is the one mended by these MULLAs that keep Religion as their business. That meeting and decision your JAHIL online was celebrating… Do you know what happened in it? Do you know there was a debate between Ahmadies and all these MULLAs from many other sects… If that decision was based on any truth… why the proceeding of these meetings (IJLAS of PARLIMENTS) are hidden from public? Do you know that this is the only proceeding of Parliament meetings in the history of Pakistan that is locked for so many years and not being released to public. If they had any true in this Ijlaas… why don’t they release those to normal Public so the public can also decide something by themselves…
About Khatam-e-Nabuwat…
If someone really wants to do justice… instead of listening to these JAHIL and JHOTAY MULLAHs check what Ahmadies say about it. Who knows you may find that they believe on Khatam-e-Nabuwat more and in a better way than these MULLA. If someone really thinks he is educated, I am providing you with the official website of these Ahmadies and Qadianies which will explain all of their believes. Check these believes and then figure out yourself if they should be treated as a sect of Islam or should be declared as non-Muslims?
Offical website of Ahmadiyya Jama’at
http://www.alislam.org (check this and you might be able to refresh your own believes while reading about them….
As mentioned by the JAHILs online… they also run some TV channels propagating message of islam….
Why don’t you check it by yourself???
http://www.mta.tv (watch their TV live on the web and see if they talk against Islam or talk as Muslims? Running such satellite TV channels even without advertisements is not a small thing and one cannot manage such a big project against their believes.
Check how they are serving Humanity around the world… (as per Uswa-e-Rasool PBUH)
Humanity First is the only NGO around the world serving humanity with zero administration cost; which means that the organization does not have any employees and only volunteers run such big projects.
Here is a link to their international website…. Check its regional sites to see their work around the world.
Check all of the above to actually know about them instead of being misguided by these Mullas
By the way those of you sunni lovers of this JAHIL Online for your information this JAHIL also have “WAJIB-UL-QATAL” fatwa about you guys…
Here is a link to one of his speach on Birthday of Hazrat Ali when he expresses his hate for Sahaba Ikram while he tells that he will continue his WAR against Ameer Mawiya and followers…
Dont forget to visit …
to get some more information about your favourite Lier Mullah
Islam is a religion of peace and Ahmadiyyat too. But your so called “Ullemas” are against peace. No one has the right to say us non-muslims. Only Allah kows who is a muslim and who not. You cant’t read the heart of other people and blame them. It is against humanity to kill innocent people.
Ager ahmedies vajubal qatal hain, to yeh (Maulana hazraat) jin per Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) nay laanat dali hay ye tu vajbul afaat hain. Inn per Allah ke Aafatain hoon gee. Jis tarah Zia Ul Haq aik Ibrat Naaq Muat Mara tha , Jis tarah aik saal pehlay zalzalay nay buhat say injaisay bhatkay huay logoon ko lukma ajal bana dala woo zalzala aath(8) ahmediyoon kay qatal kee vajah say aaya tha. aur ab ager tum aik ahmadi ko Qatal karo gay to Allah aik hazaar ahmadies peda ker day gaa, Ager tum aik ahmadi ko Qatal karo gay to Allah tum jaisay hazaaroon ko zalzaloon say, aasmaanee aafatoon say tumaray tukray tukray kerday gaa . Azmaloo. Allah hamaisha hamaray saat hay aur is waqat bhee hamare ta’aeed may hay.
Hamrah Imaan hay kay Hazarat Muhammad(s.a.w.) Khatim ul Ambia hain. Aur Hazrat Masih Maud ( Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani ) shachay Ashiq- k- Rasool hain. Aur Imam –Medhdi hain jis key paish goee Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) nay apnee Ahadess may key hay .
Hamrah Imaan hay k Allah Aik Hay , Is Kay siwah Koyee Ibaadat Kay Laik Nahee , Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) Allah kay Rasool Hain.
Inn Mulanaas Key kia majaal kay Islam ko aapnay haat may layker kisis ko kafar kahain . Ager yeh Shachey hain dekaadain 1973 kay Isambly ke karvaayee jis may Ahmadiyon ko fatah hoyee thee mager Shah faisal kay kahnay per Zulifqar Ali Bhutto sahib nay Jamaat –e- Ahmadia koo Islam say Kharij Ker diya thaa. Aur Bhutto sahib , Imam Mehdi kay teesray Khalifa Hazrat Mirza Nasir Saheb kay samnay jaker mafee mangtay huay kehta hay “Mirza Sahib Main apnay dono Haat katwa chukka hoo” tu pir kia hua Bhutto sahib kay saat woo sab jantain hain Is kay baad Aik neya KALMA inn mulanoon nay banaya “Allah Aik Hay , Is Kay siwah Koyee Ibaadat Kay Laik Nahee ,Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) Allah kay Rasool Hain aur aap kay baad aanay wala koee bhee nabee ya Imam mehdi jhuta hay” yea naya kalma jo kay hamaray Pakistan kay Constitution may shamil hay jis kee khaber Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) ko nahee hay.Yeh kalma per ker Insaan Islam may dakhil hoga.
Rasool Allah nay Quran main jaga jaga nahaq qatal mana fer maya hai. Yeh sab aap jantain hain.
Quote from hadees
Aik dafa Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), nay aik sahabi ko lushker ka sapa salaar bana ker bhaija us jang main may jab wo aik adami ko qatal kernay lagay tu us adami nay KALMA perlia lekin phir bhee un sahabi nay us adami ka qatal qerdia. Jab yea khaber Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) ko pmilee .tu aap itnay khafa huay kay un sahabee ka kehna tha kay may dua magta raha kay aap khamosh ho jayain.
Tu kia yeh Maulanaaz dilon kay bhaid janhtain hain yeh tu phir Khudayi ka dawaa huwa.
Yeh maulanaaz khada kay aur Rasool ullah kay dhutkaaray huan hain in per aab Allah ke laanat pertee raha gee .
Allah Hafiz
Rightly said Mr Adnan Siddiqui. Qadyaniism is NOT a sect of Islam like Sunni and Shias. Absolutely true. Its not a sect. It is TRUE ISLAM, It is real picture of Islam. Its is a jammat which follows the teachings of The Holy Prophet SAW and his companions. It does not follow Illiterate mullas of Pakistan and other countries.
Dear Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib,
I am writing to you in English as my Urdu is not that great. However, since you received revelations in English (let’s overlook the poor grammar, shall we?) and since no doubt you are with your esteemed friends, including Maulvi Muhammad Ali, whose grasp of English I understand was very good, getting a translation shouldn’t be a problem.
I appreciate that you are no longer alive, but since you measure the success of the mission of the Promised Messiah in terms of the lifetime of the movement, I thought the matter of your being on this realm or not was hair-splitting. Incidentally, I looked for the Promised Messiah in the Holy Qur’an, but couldn’t find him. I couldn’t find Hadhrat Imam Mahdi there either. Oh, I found Hadhrat Isa, but let’s face it, you’re not the same person. As for Krishna, I found no reference to him in our Noble Qur’an either. So please excuse me if in my confusion over your identity, I simply refer to you as respected Mirza Sahib.
This is an open letter, and I’m sure that those who are still loyal to your jama’at and who will remember me as being loyal to your jama’at before November 2004 will find the way I have addressed you to be a little disrespectful, not calling you Hazoor and all that, a term that I feel is more appropriate for the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW by the way. I know you said that “those who distinguish between me and Mustafa, have neither seen me, nor recognised me”, but I’m sorry, although I’ve only seen your picture – you definitely aren’t the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. I know you’re from India, but aren’t you taking this Hindu concept of reincarnation a little too far?
In case this stings you slightly, I should point out that the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, whom you followed in perfection to the point of being a second and improved advent of him was never averse to questions. Or was it Hadhrat Isa you claimed to be a second advent of? Or Krishna? Or was it all the prophets? I apologise for my confusion!
Since you have also abrogated the Qur’anic injuction of Jihad of the sword (Qital) for all time, I thought you would be open to a Jihad of the pen and thus my open letter. Don’t worry if you can’t reply yourself, I’d be happy to hear from one of your progeny, I mean, successors, seeing as they get revelations too. Maybe you could inspire them to reply?
Please excuse my frankness. As I say, I mean you no disrespect, this is merely my style. If you find me provocative, then I mean to provoke thought, not anger, you should consider me a friend! I really wouldn’t want you to write me a letter with a thousand numbered invocations of laanat. Since you have done this before, I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of you and receive perhaps 10,000 laanats or more, all diligently numbered.
Hey! That gives me an idea! If you had followed this example to its logical conclusion, then perhaps you could have delivered on your original promise of 50 volumes of the Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya after all, instead of reneging on your deal with Muslims and delivering only 5 volumes! I can understand why you had been criticising and abusing the poor suckers who had been waiting 20 years who foolishly asked for their money back. After all, didn’t they see the funny side of you deleting only a single dot from the promised figure? These Muslims! No sense of humour!
If you had followed my suggestion, perhaps you could have filled the 45 missing volumes with laanats for all of your enemies! Or for all future enemies! For all of Islam in fact, because over a billion Muslims still don’t believe in you and therefore, as you say, are not really Muslims anyway. So that’s OK then. Anyway, I digress – that way, you could have avoided all those unfair accusations that you were not setting a good example in terms of sticking to promises; or just as bad, that you had gone back on a business deal and that the customers of the transaction were indignant about only getting a tenth of what they paid for.
Never mind, we could always get one of your divinely-ordained progeny, I mean of course, an independent Khalifa who is not necessarily a direct descendant of your family and heir to your money (silly me, I meant the money you took from those suckers that believed you, just because you were as charismatic and brilliant at debate as any modern cult leader – I’d love to see who’d win a mubahila between you and L. Ron Hubbard) to write the missing volumes and claim that they were there all along, but that “stupid Muslims” hadn’t seen them or asked about them. It would be so easy, I mean, as you know, nowadays we have the word processor and we have cut and paste! Damn! If you had had these things in your day, you might have been able to do it yourself! Just hit Ctrl-V for half a day (you could do it between Fajr and Asr, since you had time because you were in the habit of doing Zohr and Asr together, great time-saver! How else were you going to break the cross, eh?) and you would have been able to stick to your promise!
Oh the bit about your family, I meant Hakim Noor-u-din notwithstanding; let’s face it, Ahmadiyyat was more his idea than yours anyway. I don’t think you denied that. You were just the front-man. The charismatic leader who could contradict himself a thousand times, but like Tony Blair, never get chucked out of your God-appointed office. You were untouchable. Whoops, didn’t quite mean it like that, you know what I mean!
Oh there’s a bit of confusion for me right there. You said your office was appointed by the “stamp”-like seal of the Holy Prophet SAW. I was under the impression that only Allah had the power to appoint prophets. My bad. Sorry for the misapprehension.
You handing over power to your brother-in-arms (oh, we can’t have that, you abrogated arms, whilst confiscating alms) … your brother-in-no-arms after your death probably inspired Prime Minister Tony Blair. Looks like he won’t hand over power to Gordon Brown until after his own demise either. And like Noor-u-din, Brown was always the real brains and Power behind the Throne. Of course – your throne is the greatest of all sent down according to what your God told you. Do you remember? I think you’re so impressive – that people still believed you after you made such obviously over-the-top claims about your own grandiosity and enormity.
Remember, you were promising 300 proofs of the superiority of Islam? I had an idea! Although you delivered only one proof in the end, you could have argued that since Allah is One, to have delivered 300 proofs might have implied a compromise in His Unity (God forbid). In fact, you could have just deleted the nukhtas and said “Since the difference between 300 and 3 is only two nukhtas, my promise has been fulfilled to those of understanding”. But wait! That still leaves you with two proofs too many! I know, you could have added “Allah revealed to me that three proofs is abrogated for all time, and He said He doesn’t want anything to do with the number “3” as it represents the Trinity and the ideology of the cross. And I have to get on with destroying that. My job role as Promised Messiah is too important an issue to set aside just to be fair and reasonable! So since I am here to show that there is no ‘3’, and there is only ‘1’, I have kept my promise”. Oh and of course, I almost forgot. Your job role as the Promised Messiah also obviated your requirement to do Hajj. People should understand that breaking the cross, which of course you did, oh wait, no, Christianity increased both during your office term and after it; let’s think about that one for a bit. Anyway, we’ll work out a good excuse as to why “the second advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW” didn’t do Hajj.
Those “idiot Muslims” who were expecting you to stick to the letter of your word should have known that Allah Himself told you directly that you are to Him as His Unity and Uniqueness. Not even the Holy Prophet SAW could have claimed such a revelation! Isn’t your jama’at lucky to have you? Then again, you have claimed to be a more perfect advent of RasulAllah SAW and people really shouldn’t be expecting you to be so earthly as to condescend to honour a public transaction. That would mean you offered nothing new in Islam! No Shariah, no deal. It doesn’t matter that there is no concept of a Shariah-free-prophethood mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, since you are the best person to interpret it until Judgement Day.
Let’s face it, one of your greatest achievements was the new and interesting way you interpreted the Holy Qur’an! What were all those Arabs thinking of that they didn’t even understand their own language that it took a man of Mongolian, I mean, sorry, Persian descent to tell them what the Holy Qur’an really meant? You came to reform, to guide, to innovate all those great thinkers. Even Imam Bukhari got it wrong with his Sahih Bukhari, don’t you think? All that stuff about the Holy Prophet SAW being the last in the line of prophets! What a daft idea! It was something that no native Arab speaker for 1400 years got the hang of!
Anyway, what’s wrong with a fresh idea? What would be the point in another prophet like you if he was not going to be innovating in religion, even though Allah Himself has expressly forbidden it? Like your God said to you, if it wasn’t for you, He wouldn’t have created the heavens! I guess He created the Qur’an for you too, right? I mean, He did reveal it to you again. Maybe you think He got it wrong the first time? Maybe you think you understood it better than the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Sahaba? Oh wait. You have Sahaba too, right? This is all getting a bit confusing.
Respected Mirza Sahib, I don’t mean to poke fun. You see, I’m of the Internet generation. We ask questions. We want to learn. We don’t just take things at face value. That might make us a little impertinent, but we don’t want to be taken for a ride. I’m sure you wouldn’t want innocent people taken for a ride. Would you?
Well, I’m sure you’re busy getting ready for your heavenly nikkah with Muhammadi Begum, that is assuming her legitimate and rightful husband doesn’t object, but who is he to stand in the way of such a great prophet, right? I know you can’t write back, but I know you’ll find a way of reading this. Perhaps you can ask Allah to inspire one of your descendants to respond? I’d love to know what you think of my ideas.
Shahid Kamal Ahmad
20th January 2005
dear friends i saw this program it is really very shamfull for Dr. Amir (program host) that he is producing voilence in islam and specially in Pakistan. he is producing hatred in muslim facts (firkavariet)which is very bad thing.its all against the sunna of Muhammad PBUH against the real Islam.In Islam no one has right to decide that who is muslim or not. indeed Dr. Amir is doing this to earn money and name in politics he is really doing a bad job.he is not serving islam,he is just producing hate in islam .Amir please forgive muslims and dont do your dirty job .please amir you should know LOVE FOR ALL HATERD FOR NON in True Islam ok allah tallah Dr. Amir ko hadayt dy
I dont want to comment anything about his authenticity. but before boasting in his favour one should better look at the view of muslim Ulema’s news paper “The Ummat”. the link is
that was real shameful. it was real act of cowardness. agar amir liaqat wanted the trth tu us ko chahie tha k wo kisi ahmadi scholar ko b bulata aur phir bat hoti
I am new to this site and i am very surprised to see the fake degree’s photos of Mr. So called Aalim Online. Even though the university of karachi who authenticated the degrees and did not keep the copies for there future records. So Mr. Aalim oh i mean Mr. Jahil is not a doctor either. We just need look back before the creation of our motherland, these so called Muslim scholars were against the creation of Pakistan. They even called Pakistan “Paledistan, kafiristan”, and our beloved Qaid “kafir-e-Azam”. They were the Ahraries who were against pakistan not Ahmadies. Mulas were with Congress. Qaid-e-Azam wanted to Pakistan be Socialist country not a country full of extremist or Talibans. Ahmadies have done tremendous efforts in the creation of pakistan and later on did help securing pakistan from its enemies. Not long ago our enemy attached on pakistan with 500 + tanks and guess what the commander of that battle happend to be Brigadier Abdul Alla Malik who decided to go against GHQ’s recommendations to withdaw to secure lahore, instead he called urgent meeting and address every soldier, he said that if we withdraw from here than no one be able to stop them and later at the end of the battle world saw what happened. It’s known that indian withdrew empty handed. How one can forget his elder brother “General Iftekhar Malik” who fought against indian bravely. pakistanies should never forget the Sir Muhammad Zaffarulla khan, the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan who fought for Kashmir in UN, we celebrate the Kashmir day and we always call UN for their declarations on Kashmir but who was behind all this work. We as a Pakistani don’t have time to figure it out and we let others to tell us and believe them. How can pakistani Gov’t forget when they requested Ahmadi Imam to prepare soldiers to fight against indians, thousands went without any hesitation to fight with enemy. How can we forget our president who took over power from Bhutto, An Ahmadi eye specialist who was also general in the Pakistan army did operation on Zia-ul-haq eye. Now Ahmadies can’t get promotion after certain positions in the pakistan army, what a shame. This is our dilemma that those who were against Pakistan are in power and those who were for pakistan are in big trouble. This is our tragedy that our cream is leaving pakistan or left pakistan and helping other nations to build their societies.
May Allah Take Care of Pakistan.
please check this web site our for your information.
This is just absurd. Tell me one thing. You say we dont believe that Hazrat Muhammad saw was the last prophet when we do. But then you say that Hazrat Eesa is still alive. Wouldn’t That make HIM the last prophet?
if there is no prophet after hadhrat Mohammad may peace be upon him, what will be the status of hadhrat Issah. HE WILL NOT BE THE PROPHET WHEN HE WILL WILL APPEAR 2ND TIME.WHERE IS MEHDI.I STRONGLY BELEIEVE LOVE FOR ALL, HATERED FOR NONE.
Ahmadies are true Muslims as they believe completely on the prophethood of Hazrat Mohammad May peace be upon him.
Anyone wishes to enter into covenant of allegiance should swear on the following from the core of his heart.
1.That till the last day of his life, he shall abstain from shirk (associating any partners with Allah).
2.That he shall keep away from falsehood, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, disorder, rebellion and every kind of evil.
3.That he shall offer prayers (Salat) five times daily.
4.That he shall not inflict injury on any of Allah’s creatures.
5.That he would bear every hardship for the sake of Allah.
6.That he shall not follow vulgar customs and guard against evil inclinations.
7.That he shall discard pride and haughtiness, live in humility & meekness
8.That he shall hold his faith, dignity, and the welfare of Islam dearer than his own life, wealth and children.
9.That he shall have sympathy for all of God’s creatures, and devote his talents to their welfare.
10.That he shall establish brotherhood with me (i.e.Ahmad), obeying me in all good things, and firmly adhere to these rules until the last breadth of his life.
salam to all.as a muslim we should pray to THE ALLAH ALMIGHTY to open up our hearts for the truths.if mr aamir is right or the govt of 1974 was right then y they hide the actual inside story of wht was happened in the assembly. now again the same govt has come NOW MR AMIR U HAVE FAITH ON ALLAH THEN PLS SAY TO THE GOVT TO OPEN UP THAT FILE AGAIN AND SHOW THAT WHOLE PROGRAMME ON GEO WITHOUT ANY CONTRADICTION.THEN THE LOYAL PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN WILL UNDERSTNAD THE TRUTH.INSHALLAH.
Mullas have done a great job especially in Pakistan. Once I was touring with one of my friends in a remote area of Pakistan. It was Namaz time and we wanted to offer prayres in the mosque but we did not know where the mosque is. An old man was working in his crops. I asked him if there is any mosque in that village? He said no.. not in this village. I asked him is there any school in the village? He said no. I asked him is there any place where children learn to read Holy Quran? He said no. I asked him if he knew Kalama-e-Tayyeba? He read but in toltally wrong way. To finish my conversation I asked him if he know about Mirzaees or Qadianis? He said oh yeah they are kafirs as the Maulvi Sb in next village mosque says. Well done Mulla. You could not teach them about the basics of Islam but told them very important thing without which their Aakhrit will be at risk.They will never publish that discussion of Alcohlic National Assembly of Pakistan which decided about Ahmadis. These Mullas are the worst creature under the blue sky and their job is only to cause conflicts between Muslims as they have been doing in past and now. They can’t live without it as if they stop doing this who will give them Halwa. Halwa is not only sweat dish it may be diesel or ministries in federation or good money to present promgram on Geo. Carry on Ahmadis. You are the real followere of Hadhrat Khatam Al Anbia Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa SAW and you have to spread his message across the corners of the world. These illiterate people cant harm you.
as ex Qadyani said, Mirza Qadyani(Lanatullah Alhaye) ‘s Qadyanism was nothing but a cult rose among Punjabis in the beginning of last century and could not flourish further beyond. The truth is that most of the Qadyanis today belong fro Punjab and many of them are reverting back to Islam Alhamdolillah.
The plain fact about Mirza Qadyani(Lanatullah Alhaye) is that he died in washroom. tsk tsk. SUch a “smelly” death yet his followers busy to declare that moron sacred.
Go and curse your Mirza that why did he die in washroom and why all of his prophecies went false?
Sharif: Jesus(AS) will join as UMMATI of Mohammad(SAW) rather exhibiting his Prophethood status. Jesus was prophet for Children of Israel. His second arrival would be sure very noble but not with status of Prophet.
Irony is, these qadyanis believe that Jesus is burried in Kashmir. I bet these qadyanis belief did bring smile on others face.
@Meer: I myself is not a deobandi but unlike yo I don’t follow that stupid Kokab who dont start Jumma prayers unless a handsome amount of Money is received in form of CHANDA. It was pretty easy to refute guys like Kokab
read here:
Who would resort to violence?What did the Holy Prophet (saw) teach us? Did he ever engage in Offensive attacks?
At the worst of the most atrocious persecutions of Muslims in Mecca, he preached Patience and Perseverance. AT NO TIME did he advocate retaliation of any kind.
When he was finally given the permission to take up arms, it was only in DEFENCE.
Is it any wonder that today Violence is used against Sunnis/Shias/Ahmadis etc IN THE NAME OF ISLAM? Or is it a smoke screen to justify abominable acts of barbarism against humanity?