Category: Crisis
What is Blasphemy?
Blasphemy, in its literal meanings, is defined as a behaviour or language expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred The issue of blasphemy, highlighted again by the recent banning of certain websites in Pakistan, has caught the attention of everyone again, through debates on media. I also read and heard different versions of thought…
Hunger knows No Friend but its Feeder
While a minority, born with a silver spoon living in their palatial havelis, luxurious farm houses and bungalows, can talk about the problems being faced by the country such as fake degrees, terrorism, the presidency and target killings on their dinner tables, with generators on standby and water tankers at their disposal, there are millions…
Who is The Terrorist?
Guest Blog by Zeeshan Khan She crouches in a corner of her humble abode Fear writ large in her light brown eyes In her heart she cries out to the world, “How much more will we be terrorized?” There has to be something about the term ‘Terrorism’ which makes it the most misused term in…
Call a Spade, a Spade!
Muhammad Ali Jinnah – Presidential Address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11th August, 1947 As you know, history shows that in England conditions, some time ago, were much worse than those prevailing in India today. The Roman Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other. Even now there are some States in existence where…
Rebecca McKinson writes a blog post More problems in Facebookistan, here last paragraph quite aptly sums up the frustrations of the Muslim community as a whole – she says This larger context also helps explain the extent to which moderate and cosmopolitan Muslim Facebook users who believe in free speech against censorship were so alienated…
Karachi: Solidarity Rally for all Ahmedi victims in Lahore, 4:00pm Press Club
Peoples Resistance in Karachi condemns the violence against the Ahmedi community, yesterday in Lahore which leaves a blood trail of over 80 dead and dozens injured. In a land which was founded on the fact that there should be freedom to practice any religion, sadly since General Zia ul-Haq’s times there have been certain laws…
Why Quit Facebook
Guest Post by Muhammad Adil Mulki and assisted by Khurram Ali Shafique 1) How Important is Love for Prophet Muhammad – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم (S.A.W) Our faith can not be complete till such time that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is dearer to us than our own selves, our parents, our forefathers, our children and…
Death of Collective Wisdom
Is there a competition going on in Pakistan between institution to earn shame and notoriety for their nation?” my colleague asked me casually while we were having some drinks and watching a news television. “We are on that path for last 40years”, I answered stubbornly. Can there anything such shameful to force you behave that…
One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece by a Virtually Dead Man
I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of expression” and…
Facebook Ignoring Religious Hatred Group – Everybody Draw Mohammed Day
If you may recall in 2006 the Muslim community world over was in uproar over a few sets of controversial cartoons published in the Danish Newspaper on Prophet Muhammed [PBUH] it resulted in large scale riots in many cities. The journalists from Jyllands Posten remained under a serious threat and the Muslims failed to see…
Anti-Americansim: Time to Make it Unfashionable
When I first learned that the suspect in an incident to set off a bomb in Times Square was Pakistani, my reaction was somewhat jaded. Most of us Pakistanis living here in the United States have become accustomed to the unflattering amount of attention given to our country of birth. Perhaps as a sign of…
Drone Attacks in Pakistan have a 2.5% strike rate against Al-Qaeda
The Pakistan Body Count, a website run and managed by Zeeshan Usmani, a professor at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute has documented over 124 drone attacks since 2004 and as per the last documented attack on May 11th 2010 in Miranshah shows that only 30 Al-Qaeda operatives have perished in the last six years but more…
Ex-CIA official reveals Waterboarding Torture & the Iraq Invasion
In a video interview John Kiriakou, a former CIA counter-terrorism official reveals new information about the capture and torture of “high-value” detainee Abu Zubaydah. Abu Zubaydah was arrested in March 2002 in a joint operation with the CIA, FBI and Pakistani intelligence agents from Faisalabad, according to intelligence reports from the Bush administration who had…
Understanding Terrorism
I was deeply troubled by the recent suicide bombings of the innocents in the Kohat refugee camps. I was not surprised by the reaction of the Pakistan military and continuous shelling in response. I know I was not alone in this. The entire nation felt the pain of these refugees who were the victims of…
Benazir’s Murder: The Pyre Must Burn
The assassin displayed remarkable cool. At least once, he chose to delay his fire and then moved in very close to an advantageous position with the bomber following him. The man who grappled and brought him down deserves a citation. Benazir Bhutto, the Daughter of the East is dead, buried and treacherously abandoned by her…