Category: Crisis

  • Will the Supreme Court get the parliamentarians’ degrees verified?

    A dozen or so of these unworthy parliamentarians have been already disqualified on grounds of fake degrees. Many more continue to be our MNAs and MPAs. For how long shall we suffer and tolerate these unethical characters? Why must the SC not task the HEC to verify their degrees and get rid of those who…

  • Op-Ed: Flogging my Sentiments

    My first Op-Ed for Express Tribune Flogging my Sentiments has been published in the Saturdays The Express Tribune, talking about the ever controversial flogging video which has already been extensively debated on my blog running into a very heated debate. In the Op-ed I again take a swing accusing the Pakistan Army and our covert…

  • Pictures of Protest in Karachi – Against Civilian Killings In Khyber

    On Saturday April 10, the Pakistani army bombed villages in Tirah in the Khyber Agency and killed more than 70 civilians. While the military denied the incident, local government confirmed compensation payments for civilian deaths and injuries. “All of those killed were civilians, 100% innocent,” said Ikramullah Jan Kukikhel, a tribal elder. He further elaborates…

  • Protest at Karachi Press Club Against Civilians Killings by Army

    On Saturday April 10, 2010 Pakistan Army launched an air strike in tribal area of Khyber and as a result at least 73 innocent civilians have lost their lives. Pakistan Army’s first reaction was denial and only confirmed the civil casualties after 5 days. This is not the first time that the Army has been…

  • What’s a Meridian Jet doing in Karachi?

    Last week while traveling to Islamabad for a personal visit I noticed this jet parked on the tarmac near the PAF sheds, little did I think again about the airplane until I read a blog post by Omar R Quraishi who also happened to notice this plane while he was jet-setting to Lahore for a…

  • Sick and Tired

    Over the past week Pakistan has read many different news items. From the passing of the 18th amendment to the bomb blast at the US Consulate, much is happening. Some may say the stories are for the betterment of our country while others may disagree. In my mind the successful visit of the Foreign Minister…

  • Reflections on the current crisis in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa

    I’m currently working with an international organization in Mardan, Swabi, Swat, Buner and D.I. Khan– all conflict affected areas of Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa (KP). I’ve literally been living in these areas since January this year and have tons of stories to share but time constraints have not allowed me to write about my experiences as yet. I…

  • Imran Khan’s stand on Taliban – War is not the Only Solution

    This article was sent to Dawn in response to Cyril Almeida’s column Talibangate, but was not published, it has more recently been published in The News in a slightly edited version, but the actual rebuttal is reproduced here Mr Cyril Almeida in his article in Dawn on 19th March, states that Imran Khan has cried…

  • Samar Minallah Responds to Fake Flogging Video

    Daily Times published today a detailed response by Samar Minallah on the fake flogging video she wraps up the article with some very touching words,” I will continue to challenge those who misuse Islam for power and politics. I will continue to raise my voice against individuals and political parties who use my religion to…

  • Democratic Revenge

    Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto and PPP came into power in 70s with the slogan Roti, Kapra and Makan. Those were good old times–things have changed now–from roti, kapra and makan, our nation’s requirements have come down to Bijli, Atta and Cheeni. It is only common sense that PPP needs to change its slogan too. PPP and…

  • Am I Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

    We fail to participate in democratic processes while we recognize democracy as a utopian ideal form. We fail to contribute to the national kitty while demanding increasing state services. We can apply the same line of argument to other segments of society. We must recognize our own failures for allowing society to reach the state…

  • Peoples Assembly – A Dialogue for Peace

    Date: 22nd March 2010 Location: The Second Floor, Karachi Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm RSVP: Peoples Assembly – A Dialogue for Peace (Facebook Event) Aman Ittehad is observing a Peace Week from 16-23 March 2010. During the week we propose to hold a series of public dialogues in each city across Pakistan called Peoples Assemblies where…

  • Sahil Saeed’s Recovery – Spotlight should now Focus on Local Kidnapping Victims

    Along with most people, I was glad to hear that young Sahil Saaed had been safely recovered. What a relief! Finally some good news to lift our spirits! However, in the aftermath of Sahil’s rescue more questions are being raised. For one his kidnapping has shed light to the awful spectre of child kidnappings that…

  • PC Hotel Workers Strike update – 20 Days and counting

    There are only about 140 people left in the basement in their 20th day of protest at the PC. On Sunday evening about 30 to 40 went home due to sickness or some other emergent reason and were not allowed to return to the basement and in their astute attitude the PC management is not…

  • Find Heaven – A Musical response to the brainwashed Suicide bombers

    Today a string of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 bomb attacks in Pakistan has the entire nation emotionally hurt compounded the fact that we also suffered a loss of 40 innocent lives. The series of suicide bombings has forced many of us to vocally condemn this mindless act of terrorism but interestingly Daniyal Noorani has chosen to send his…