Category: Islam

  • Geert Wilders uploads Fitna, but host forced to delete video a day later

    The Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders has posted his controversial film critical of Islam’s holy book, the Koran, on the Internet. I personally have not seen this video and do not plan to watch it simply in protest of his deliberate attempt to spark hatred along religious lines. Generally when reading the description of the…

  • Pakistan-wide censorship results in 2-hour YouTube Global Shutdown

    Yesterday in a funny yet serious incident youtube was knocked off-line for over two hours and in a comedy of events the blame goes squarely on our beloved Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and their attempt to censor the offending video of the Dutch (Right-Wing) Politician Geert Wilders. Yesterday we had reported that the offending video has…

  • Nizam-e-Sharia – Islamic Religious Laws in Pakistan

    Senator (R) Iqbal Haider shares his opinion on the recently announced plans for Nizam-e-Sharia. It is without doubt worrisome and important to highlight this issue for everyone and also to open it up for debate. These days General (R) Pervez Musharaf is on a mission to convince and pacify the European Union that he is…

  • STRATFOR: Bhutto and the U.S.-Jihadist Endgame

    An article appearing in STRATFOR [Strategic Forecasting Inc.] about Pakistan, its definitely worth reading, but mind you its from the perspective of a Non-Pakistani, its time that WE stand up for what we believe is right for Pakistan, not what they hope is good for us. Is that too much to ask….. Pakistan, Bhutto and…

  • Eid Mubarak

    I would like to extend my warm greetings to all my readers, on this Eid-ul-Fitr wishing you all a very Happy Eid Mubarak. At this joyous occasion please take a moment to offer a prayer for the hundreds and thousands of innocent lives being lost in North Waziristan for the sake of ‘someone else’s [read…

  • Turkey Censors

    A few months back in March there was a huge circus surrounding the decision by the Turkish government to block the entire YouTube website as it hosted a video which according to the official government statement was insulting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Unsurprisingly the same, modern Turkey was now up in…

  • Pakistan, Northwoods & American Oil Empire

    Since 2001, we have all been exposed to the ever growing mass of evidence indicating a major conspiracy theory surrounding the events of 9/11. I have heard far too many, read many and even ended up believing a few, but the fact remains that whosoever orchestrated that event simply served us right into the hands…

  • Mushy: I Pledge Allegiance to …..

    Today as anticipated, General Pervaiz Musharraf addressed the entire nation on national TV simply, in an attempt to talk to his people and try to convince them that his actions in the Lal Masjid issue were justified. It was probably the icing that needed to be added despite the propaganda effort played out by the…

  • Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid

    Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag…

  • Lal Masjid, The End to the Beginning of an Islamic Revolution ?

    Before I begin, let me be clear on the issue that I do not hold the Ghazi Brothers in high regard to what they did these past few days, they used women and children as human shields to take an entire city as hostage and in effect ridiculing my country as a nation we harbor…

  • The Lal Masjid Stage Play

    A few months back in April I shared my gutt instinct which continues to prove itself correct on a blog post titled Lal Masjid Issue & Its Blocked Website where I wrote In my opinion, I feel the ISI / GHQ / Musharraf are the stooges behind this Lal Masjid uprising, the stimulus had been…

  • Blood Bath at the Lal Masjid

    Tuesday’s clash in Islamabad at Lal Masjid left 10 dead and over 160 people injured if not more. I stand here dejected yet again at seeing my country in a state of turmoil, its sad but 2007 has been a rocky road for Pakistan. It started in early March when the state attempted to assault…

  • ‘Sir’ Salman Rushdie, Up Yours!!!

    This recent move to (dis)honor the author Salman Rushdie with the highest British award of Knighthood a bold step which attempts to continue to alienate the Muslims of the world. Since 9/11 the Muslims have been in the cross-hairs of all investigations in any unforeseen mishap in the world, the first thing that the media…

  • Lal Masjid issue and its Blocked Website

    I am sure many have heard and read about the Burqa clad women armed with sticks who were protesting in Islamabad. The set of images has been displayed across millions of websites showing yet another extremist element in Pakistan. I have a slightly different take on the entire issue, but before you start rapping me…

  • Overdosage of Religiosity !!!!

    Cricket Bloggers of Pakistan: Seriously will PJ Mir in cahoots with Naseem Ashraf shut up and stop accusing the team for overdosage of religiosity blaming it as the sole reason which lead to the devastation in West Indies. I remain a moderate Muslim, but was definitely proud to see a good side emerge from within…