Category: Benazir Bhutto

  • 27th December: Mourning or Celebration for PPP / Zardari?

    That fateful day last year Pakistan lost a charismatic leader in the form of the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Its ironic that despite the fact that PPP since then has come to occupy the power house of Islamabad but it has brazenly ‘refused’ investigate the perpetrators and bring the ‘criminals’ to justice. What really…

  • Politics & Policies of PPP & Asif Zardari

    A Casual Look…. By Barrister Ali K.Chishti Asif Zardari’s politics of reconciliation took him to the doors of a 120 yard head quarters of MQM who had a bitter relationship with the PPP because of Benazir Bhutto’s extension of the infamous Operation Cleanup apart from the Sindhi-Mohajir or Rural-Urban Divide in Sindh. The message was…

  • Pakistani Bloggers and Zardari: A Suggestion for Both!

    Guest Blog by Silence fromIslamabad Observer Blog Bloggers are also socio-political commentators; any change in the social and political landscape of a society will mean a shift in blogger’s orientation. Unlike mainstream media men, bloggers are considered to be voice of ‘people’ as they themselves belong to various political and social backgrounds and reflect what…

  • Tariq Ali speaks about Pakistan Current Situation

    Guest Blog by Yaseen Khawar of Tariq Ali s a renowned Pakistani intellectual of world reputation resides in U.K but visits Pakistan from time to time. Recently he gave an interview to Amy Goodman, It is presented here: Amy Goodman: Recently Pakistani border security forces have stopped American army to cross the Pak Afghan…

  • Humor: PPP’s Annual Press Release

    Annual Report – September 15, 2008 Management Discussion and Analysis (MDNA) – Brief The Permanent Plunder Party (PPP) Co. is extremely pleased to announce the results from the success of its “Say What You Don’t Mean” (SWYDM) pills that were designed to induce “hallucinations” and spur episodes of “selective amnesia” among the general public in…

  • Zardari is the best Revenge – Benazir’s Subliminal message

    After the tragic assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, both Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari have been drumming our ears with the democratic vision (?) of Benazir Bhutto. Bilawal Bhutto while addressing the PPP press conference on 31st December said My mother always said, “Democracy is the best revenge” – Bilawal Bhutto [31st Dec 2007]…

  • Living with Corruption

    Guest Post by Silence Corruption and governance goes together in developing countries, especially the third world where democratic process is influenced by bloodline, money politics, feudalism, intervention of imperialist powers through military and religious exploitations. The process becomes more painful when the society is trying to develop from under develop, while profiled as ‘high risk…

  • Sassi Bhutto in Pakistan

    This is nothing close to breaking news but a few weeks ago another Bhutto from within the confines of secrecy to finally emerge into the land of Pakistan. Sassi Bhutto, the 26 year old daughter of Shahnawaz Bhutto is said to have arrived in Karachi about a month or so back and also went to…

  • The Great Game –The Count Down Begins !

    In its December issues Global Research of Canada in a series of articles by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky outlined the American design for the break up of Pakistan. I give below the gist of his remarkably till now accurate analysis(with a few comments of my own),in the hopes that it serves as an eye opener for…

  • BB’s version of the Nigerian 419 Scam

    I was recently in receipt of an interesting email proposing a very lucrative business proposal. Reading the email, the sales pitch seemed very convincing, the facts were seemingly spot on, the plot perfect but something smelled suspicion of a 419 Nigerian scam [you could also enjoy another old post of mine on another Pakistani 419…

  • When Character is lost, everything is lost

    Guest Post by Amjad Malik Civilian rulers are in a fix how to restore supremacy of Parliament, promote rule of law and restore free judges as their deviation from consultation has revived the dying regime of General Musharraf who was once declared ‘endangered species’ by Benazir Bhutto but she was turned into ‘Be Nazir’ in…

  • Khalid Shahinshah, key suspect in BB’s murder assassinated in Karachi

    A key witness of a Bhutto assassination has been shot dead in Karachi yesterday on Khy-e-Bhukahri DAWN: Khalid Shahanshah, the chief security officer of PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari, was assassinated on Tuesday afternoon outside his Clifton residence, police and witnesses said. They said that gunmen on a white car sprayed him with a volley…

  • Pakistan; The Ongoing “Soft Revolution” towards a “Welfare State” – Part II

    Guest Post by Silence Part I of this series can be read here The first Cultural Revolution in history of sub-continent was the Sufi movement, from the 13th century A.D. Sufism increasingly attracted the creative social and intellectual energies within the community and with the passage of time it acquired new dimensions and began to…

  • Pakistan; The Ongoing “Soft Revolution” towards a “Welfare State” – Part I

    Guest Post by Silence A welfare state is a government that provides for the welfare, or the well-being, of its citizens completely. Such a government is involved in citizens’ lives at every level. It provides for physical, material, and social needs rather than the people providing for their own. The purpose of the welfare state…

  • How Citibank Laundered Asif Zardari’s Money

    I just came across this write up found on Chowk published on November 7th 2007, its definitely worth reading. In addition to Mr. Shaukat Aziz, current Prime Minister of Pakistan, numerous former Citibankers occupy highly influential positions in the government and the private sector in Pakistan. Citibank is one of the largest banks, and operates…