Tag: CJP
SC Order dt 3rd Nov, before Bench Thrown Out
I have just obtained a copy of the Original supreme court order which was issued by the Honorable Supremer Court Judges before they were unlawfully overthrown by the Pharaoh (!). On the fateful day on 3rd November when General Pervaiz Musharraf proclaimed Martial Law on Pakistan the then sitting bench of the Supreme Court was…
Imran Khan gives message of Resistance
A video message by Imran Khan recorded from an undisclosed location while he is defying arrest. Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Justice Party) urges the youth to stand up for the country, while he asks the west to understand the fact that Musharraf is not fighting a war of terrorism but using this…
Update @ 1445: Asma Jahangir e-mails her detention order
The following e-mail came in via Omer from Asma Jahangir who is the Secretary General of HRCP (Human Rights Commission Pakistan): The situation in the country is uncertain. There is a strong crackdown on the press and lawyers. Majority of the judges of the Supreme Court and four High Courts have not taken oath. The…
‘Phone call’ that led to Emergency
As mentioned previously in one of my post barely a day back when discussing Benazir’s exit out of the country, I suspected that something was a foot regarding the Presidential Petition decision and it could be possible that the Supreme Court judges might revolt, well now with the martial law in full force I think…
Update @ 0104: Arrested university professor calls for a united protest
The following message by Osama Siddique who is a university professor at LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences) and arrested earlier alongside members of HRCP, was sent to us via the blackberry service within our comments section on a previous blog posting: Dear all, As I write to you many members of society are actively…
Where do we go from here? – Najam Sethi
Published in the 4th November edition of Daily Times by the editor-in-chief of Daily Times, I think he has outlined the issue quite well and its worth reading News analysis: Where do we go from here? By Najam Sethi Several points are interesting and significant about last nights political rupture. We have a state of…
Inside the mind of a Supreme Court Judge
Supreme Court of Pakistan is about to give its verdict on Qazi Hussain Ahmed’s petition and it should be interesting to find out what possibly would be going through the mind of a supreme court Judge sitting not only at one of the most important and respected position in Pakistan but also at the brink…
Musharraf & his Hair Pulling Fenzy
The Economist recently published an image in their August 16th issue which was a perfect reflection of the emotional roller coaster faced by General Pervaiz Musharraf and his feeble attempt to remain in power by a thin thread. Last week the Supreme Court of Pakistan handed him yet another lethal blow by nullifying all agreements…
I still love Pakistan, Do You?
Barely four days left for the 60th anniversary of our beloved nation, but it seems that many citizens are just not motivated enough to celebrate this milestone. It appears that the people have been disheartened by the continuous political twists and turns that have besieged our country since the past few months which saw the…
Pakistan at the Mercy of ‘Greedy’ Musharraf
Its not easy for a nation of 160 million people stand on the sidelines helplessly watching one person lead our beloved country down towards a path of destruction simply because of his greed and hunger for power of the kursi. There are strong rumors floating around Islamabad suggesting that Musharraf might enforce a State of…
EU Tightens the Screws on Musharraf
Today on May 12 the European Parliament issued a resolution on Pakistan which in effect puts some considerable pressure on Musharraf to shape up. They have itemised the charge sheet quite well touching the Baluch issue, dissappearence, Lal Masjid, May 12th, Supreme Court Issue and a number of other things. I quote here the recommendations…
Blood Bath at the Lal Masjid
Tuesday’s clash in Islamabad at Lal Masjid left 10 dead and over 160 people injured if not more. I stand here dejected yet again at seeing my country in a state of turmoil, its sad but 2007 has been a rocky road for Pakistan. It started in early March when the state attempted to assault…
Understanding the Future Military Leadership in Pakistan
Stratfor has recently published an article which was later picked up and later blogged by The Glasshouse. Considering the present political turmoil in Pakistan it is a good article to read and comprehend the power struggle faced by Musharraf not only limited to external political forces but also from within the ranks of the military…
Musharraf: I Command You to Praise Me
I COMMAND YOU TO PRAISE ME Well my fears continue to be realized with time and yet again we were not surprised when the President of Pakistan, the so-called upholder of the free press, went ahead to ink the new PEMRA ordinance which gives President Pervez Musharraf more authority in controlling the electronic media. Quite…
PEMRA Clamps Down on TV Channels
The saga continues, the battle between the bureaucracy and the electronic media has now come to an interesting juncture. PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority) has issued guidelines to all TV channels curtailing their freedom to cover LIVE events hence forcing them to seek prior clearance from PEMRA. The trojan horse has been camouflaged under…