Tag: Election
Update @ 1018: Sindh Democratic Forum encourages united peace rallies
The following signed statement was received from the SDF (Sindh Democratic Forum) via the HRCP and calls on everyone to unite when rallying for a democratic Pakistan peacefully: The members of Sindh Democratic Forum (SDF) have expressed their deep shock and strong condemnation at the imposition of Martial Law in the country. It is a…
Update @ 1845: Musharaff gives press statement on elections
Musharaff just gave out a press statement on elections, his removal of uniform and the selection of an election date, which is being streamed in by ARYOne TV: We must understand why it’s like this, because there are provincial assemblies, one of them completing on the 24th of November, another on the 28th of November…
Avvaz.org Petition: End the Emergency in Pakistan
If you sincerely believe in calling for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan the please sign up for the petition at avvaz.org Pakistan is on the brink. Unpopular president General Musharraf has imposed martial law, sacked the Supreme Court and shut down the media and basic freedoms. Now he is abusing the threat of terrorism…
Update @ 2045: Troops marching towards parliament buildings
Via Al-Jazeera news tickers, Pakistani troops are marching towards parliament buildings. There have been calls for the National Assembly to convene on Wednesday to discuss the present situation while the Pkistani interior minister has stated that there will be no general elections until the situation on the ground in Pakistan is back to normal which…
Elections can be Delayed by a Year – Shaukat Aziz
Dawn News reported today a statement by Prime Minster Shaukat Aziz Parliament can delay elections for a year: PM Shaukat Aziz ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (AFP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said Sunday that parliament is entitled to delay elections for a year under a state of emergency, but added that the government had not yet made…
‘Phone call’ that led to Emergency
As mentioned previously in one of my post barely a day back when discussing Benazir’s exit out of the country, I suspected that something was a foot regarding the Presidential Petition decision and it could be possible that the Supreme Court judges might revolt, well now with the martial law in full force I think…
Where do we go from here? – Najam Sethi
Published in the 4th November edition of Daily Times by the editor-in-chief of Daily Times, I think he has outlined the issue quite well and its worth reading News analysis: Where do we go from here? By Najam Sethi Several points are interesting and significant about last nights political rupture. We have a state of…
Musharraf’s taped address to nation – Part 2
When in 1999 i took charge of the government, i was intended to take in process a democracratic step and i took that process gradually to change and transfer power to elected reps of the people, now when i took that my strategy was to control administration and move towards stage two. When in 2002,…
Update @ 2105: Press Restrictions to be imposed at 1900 GMT
Pakistan rangers take up positions in many parts of Pakistan News correspondent from Al Jazeera confirms that at 1900 GMT today (03/10/07), a media blackout will be imposed on all media, new restrictions are being imposed on type of reporting allowed, may it be internet, radio or TV and those found violating regulations will be…
Benazir Scampers out of the Country, Bhaag BB Bhaag
Barely two days before the arrival of Benazir Bhutto on Oct 18th, a very respected and trusted source had the opportunity to meet a high level bureaucrat from the Musharraf regime (I would like to protect the source and the contact) for a casual dinner, naturally at that time the hot issue under scrutiny was…
Telling it as it is to America
An article appeared in The News on October 23 narrating the discussion that took place in the meeting with Senator Tom Daschle, I feel the participants were quite blunt and open in telling the former US Senator their true feelings, almost what I would have done given the opportunity, but the question is will it…
Pakistan is the World’s Most Dangerous Nation : Newsweek
Newsweek has dedicated this weeks cover page to Pakistan with a bold title “The Most Dangerous Nation in the World Isn’t Iraq – Its Pakistan” (read the entire 6 page cover story here). To be honest Pakistanis are not at all surprised, as it was on the cards all along and we have been watching…
October 17 Court Decision – Don’t Expect Much
October 17th is being trumpeted by many as a critical day in the history of Pakistan, it is a day which can be earmarked as a day to make or break one too many political giants of the present era. Two highly important political cases will be discussed while the Pakistani community holds it breath…
Inside the mind of a Supreme Court Judge
Supreme Court of Pakistan is about to give its verdict on Qazi Hussain Ahmed’s petition and it should be interesting to find out what possibly would be going through the mind of a supreme court Judge sitting not only at one of the most important and respected position in Pakistan but also at the brink…
Teeth Maestro Interviewed by Pakistani Spectator
I was recently interview by Ghazala Khan at The Pakistani Spectator – here is the published version as found on their website – I thank her and the entire Pakistani Spectator team for all the kind words they have repeatedly mentioned about me. Interview with Dr. Awab Alvi : Blogging Maestro Teeth Maestro is one…