Tag: Lahore
The Youth Revolution in Pakistan
I share with you an email written by Masood Sharif Khan Khattak who discusses the youth revolution in Pakistan following the ordeal faced by a few young activists of Student Action Committee in Lahore Assalam Alaikum All, The younger generation of Pakistan gives me a lot of hope that all may not be lost as…
With extreme prejudice?
A volunteer from the Student Action Committee writes on the SAC Lahore incident based on narratives by the SAC Lahore activist who were roughed up in Punjab College On two consecutive days, 1st and 2nd February, the staff (security personnel as well as faculty members) of Punjab College, Muslim Town have tried to deny the…
SAC Lahore, exposes Punjab College & Caretaker Minister for Special Education
SAC Lahore held a press conference today at 1:00pm against the Punjab College and its administration for attacking their activists yesterday The Students Action Committee (Lahore) held a short but vehement protest against the brutal assault by Punjab College’s establishment on four SAC representatives and a bystander driver. Held outside the Press club today at…
Justice Tariq Advised Physiotherapy & Surgery
It has been reported in Dawn that Justice Tariq has been advised physiotherapy for his ailing backche and swollen knees and with further investigation it reveled that he had a hair line fracture in his left knee Doctors at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) here on Saturday advised physiotherapy to justice Tariq Mehmood…
Rally Pictures from Nasir Bagh, Lahore
Credit: The Emergency Times – LINK
Report From Lahore: SAC Members brutally attacked at Punjab College
A detailed report of the incident that occurred today at Punjab College which involved the roughing up of activists of Student Action Committee. Published in the Emergency Times Blog – [llink] Today, the true nature of the establishment was unleashed in full colours. As a sequel to yesterday’s assault against a PU teacher and an…
SAC Lahore activists thrashed again at Punjab College
SAC Lahore is reporting that a few of its activists in Punjab College, Lahore were rounded up by about 10 college members and given a severe thrashing. The SAC volunteers were the same people who were served up a thrashing a day earlier as well, Defying the oppression he showed up once again at the…
SAC Lahore activsts beaten up & manhandled
Reported via the Emergency Times blog In two separate incidents of brutality, typical of the oppressive nature of the regime and its partisan brute components, a member and an advisers of the Students Action Committee were harassed and beaten up. Outside the Punjab University New Campus mosque, students Rafi ullah Awan, Yasir Abdul Haleem, M…
Aitizaz Ahsan Released
It is being reported in Dawn that Aitzaz Ahsan has finally been released, Bushra his wife, is reported to have said that he was released late last night in Lahore “He’s very upbeat about life. He’s very happy. He has gone to Lahore High Court to address the bar. Aitzaz Ahsan, president of the Supreme…
Aitzaz Ahsan Rearrested for One more month
President of Supreme Court Bar Association Aitzaz Ahsan came out of his home in Lahore on expiry of the date of his detention but was immediately placed under house arrest again after an order issued by Punjab Home Department. “I have not made any breach of the detention orders, but according to the order my…
Chat with Cisco Country General Manager, Dr. Aamir Matin
A few days back I had the opportunity to sit down for an hour long talk with Dr. Aamir Matin, the Cisco Country General Manager who had flown in from Islamabad to be in Karachi for a few days. The casual meeting was arranged through the efforts of Rabia Garib of Rasala Publications and editor…
Vigil in Lahore for Judiciary
From activists in Lahore: Can we let apathy and general fatigue have the best of us while the government continues its draconian orders? How long will Aitzaz Ahsan, Muneer Malik and Ali Kurd remain in arbitrary house arrest? Just Yesterday the Honorable CHIEF JUSTICE Iftikhar Chaudry was given illegal orders to VACATE his residence in…
Bomb Blast in Lahore 25 killed
A suicide bomber, apparently targeting police officers, detonated an explosive outside a court in Lahore Thursday, killing at least 25 people and injuring 39 others, police said. Among the dead were 22 police officers and three civilians the blast occurred in the city’s commercial district, moments before lawyers were set to begin a rally outside…
Postal workers in Lahore buying Votes for Rs 1,500 ($25) only ?
Exposing election rigging is a tough job. as the onus of proof generally lies on the accuser, hence usually very tough to prove, at times opposing parties may even try to set each other up simply to humiliate them and pull a few extra votes in the process, everything seems to be fair in our…
The NAB Diaries – Part Four
Guest Post by Amer Nazir Part One of the ‘The NAB Diaries’ can be read here Part Two of the ‘The NAB Diaries’ can be read here Part Three of the ‘The NAB Diaries’ can be read here “Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of…