Aman Ki Asha – An Indo Pak Peace Project ?

India is preparing for a possible “two-front war” with China and Pakistan, Geo News quoted an Indian newspaper as saying on Wednesday, The News reported … something not new, Indian Establishment has been directly or indirectly showing hostility against Pakistan since Mumbai incident and yet we have this ‘Aman ki Asha’ thing going on, communicating (read conditioning) the already dazzled Pakistani masses to have a very friendly perception of their neighbors, whose involvement in the Karachi Ashura incident and Bolton Market Tragedy cannot also be ruled out, let alone in the Indian’s Involvement in Waziristan, frequent cross of fire at boarders etc  … and amidst of all this we have this Aman Ki Asha campaign only adding to the list of questions one might have against the intentions of our capricious (not quite though) neighbor …

I haven’t seen all the ads of this strange campaign, but this one is telling …

I am particularly intrigued by the symbolism in this clip, for example:

  1. Pakistanis are shown backward as compare to Indians, this could have been reversed or rather the status on both sides could have been the same? Indians are shown more civilized and can make a phone call as well …
  2. Pakistanis are desperate to hear a indian song “Dil wale Dulhaniya Le Jaen ge”,and Indians are looking forward to fulfill there wish …
  3. The signals of Pakistan Radio doesn’t go this far, however Indian Radio signals are caught by the radio Pakis have
  4. The elders are bearded, religious looking … looking forward to hear an Indian song?

Henceforth, I found this advertisement as humiliating to Pakistan’s Identity in a very subtle way … there could have been other ways (read balanced, unbiased, respectful etc) as well to make this ad … but for some reason its not like that, even it would have been, I would have still asked the same questions. Amongst all, in the light of whats been going on between the two countries, one must better be careful in forming ones perception which might delude us against any unprecedented danger … the general public should rather keep its eyes open, mind also …

Its better safe then be sorry…

Check this out Instead

Aman ki Asha?

Its better to be safe then be sorry…

Note from Teeth Maestro: I personally am an advocate for promoting peace between Pakistan and India and believe that such intiatives despite their potential short comings must be appreciated as a definite step forward to bridging the Indo-Pak divide. That said in all fairness I also feel that Omar Javaid also has a right to his opinion and feel that posting this blog post on Teeth Maestro will serve as a important debating issue to in effect extensively evaluate the problems associated with such peace initiatives, if at all possible



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74 responses to “Aman Ki Asha – An Indo Pak Peace Project ?”

  1. faisal Avatar

    I hope the peace initiative will work. But peace and mutual existence can only prevail through mutual acceptance of each other as reality and resolution of disputes on the bases of equality and justice. In Pakistan and India case still lot has to be done to go this far.

  2. ikoo Avatar

    Yeah, forget Kashmir and free Baluchistan then we can have peace….oh yeah and close the remnants of lollywood too.

    1. Syed Mazhar Hasan Avatar
      Syed Mazhar Hasan

      @ikoo: why not reverse the option, forget kashmir & free assam n other states which are forcefully captured by india & we process more peace then we are currently offering against all the -ve & continuous efforts of India, we are agree of lolly wood stance however 😀

  3. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    India is preparing for a possible “two-front war” with China [Omar]


    Dear Mr Omar,

    In my humble opinion it is not correct.

    Sino-India defence dialogue ends with joint military exercise plan…

    (, Jan09, 2010) India and China have ended a defence dialogue in Beijing with an apparent agreement to hold another joint military exercise with the purpose of reducing areas of misunderstanding and ensuring harmony along the vast border areas, according to The Times of India online Dec 7. The two-day dialogue, the second since 2008, was held between India’s defence secretary Pradeep Kumar and Chinese officials led by Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army. (China’s official Xinhua new agency Jan 7 called it the third round of defence consultation between the two countries.)

    1. farrah shah Avatar
      farrah shah

      after USA engaging at Yemen…. forming US Base in Iraq ….Yemen and Afghanistan ….controlling whole of Arabian peninsula … you still think after few more years it will be difficult for India to fight Pakistan and China simultaneously…

  4. Observer Avatar

    I think India is overplaying it's military might when it says they are preparing for a two front war. Nor do I think the military might is present for that kind of adventure and nor is the will power to fight both China and Pakistan. These are only meant for frigtening weak and corrupt Pakistani leaders. India is bigger power in terms of weaponry and manpower than Pakistan, but don't forget the historical factor too. They know we have the ability to beat them on the battle field, but that requires genuine leadership and not monkeys jumping from one branch to another to show their active pursue of saving Pakistan. If we are able to stand united and get a new capable leadership, then all the hostilities will end quite rapidly!

  5. Rumaisa Mohani Avatar
    Rumaisa Mohani

    Some very interesting and eye opening issues are pointed out about the ads of this campaign. Especially if you are working for peace, you have to give equal importance to all the parties involved. Showing one as illiterate and other as very civilised and advanced is not the way to move towards peace. Otherwise,this campaign may not be more than a publicity stunt, especially in the 2nd largest media market of the world.

  6. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    Another crap of Geo and Indian organisations to play with simple minded people on both sides of the border.I have never found any dispute among people on any side of the border…

    People of India understands us and we understand them our pains and gains are same.

    We are fooled by our governments and media in the same way and manner.

    Exploitation and rat race persist in both, three classes exist in both countries.

    I would like to take this opportunity to state that the youth of both sides have some yalgaar of comments at you tube and internet to belittle and smear each other with most vulgar sort of comments…..beyond imagination…they pour out all the filth on internet under fake names ….most disgusting …abusive comments which they would ashamed of owning….

    They should be engaged in healthy dialogue instead of leveling each other with filth.

    There are no gaps between people there are serious issues which cannot be put under carpet.

    If we think that by befriending these issues will go away than we are wrong.

    Pakistan has its problems and India has its own until we recognise them and address them as our own and stop meddling in each other's affairs there is no peace.

  7. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    whenever governments talk about peace…I become more worried ….USA invaded at least hundred countries in the name of peace and dropped nuclear bombs in the name of peace and using the pretext of saving it's people has invaded Iraq…Afghanistan …and is interfering with Pakistan….what is the hidden agenda here…people should be aware of that

  8. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    The first clip Aman Ki Asha is intended for Afghanis …not Pakistan …look at the location …or are they Baluchis???

    Baluch dancing like a woman a very bad move please show this Indian concept to Baluchi men.

    1. kohestani Avatar

      These damn Indians, why didn’t they show some true Pakis, i.e. Punjabis, doing bhangra on the other side of the border? And what is the Pakistani concept of a Baloch man? A bearded and backward terrorist who should be killed and his land and resources should be robbed?

  9. Nazia Avatar

    The Aman kee asha like images should be looked into broader spectrum than before prosaic events like sharing of showbiz activities, musical competitions or some low profile student tours that worth nothing in sustaining long team peace maintenance packages between two rivals of east.

    Our weak and Indian corrupt leadership couldn't go beyond t their limited mental approach and always keep confined into personal political interests regarding peace mission.

    EU example is the most civilized organized human planning in the way to mankind development and mission towards peace among different countries/communities who even have different languages, cultural set up and diverse priorities.They all compromised on minimum and these were to go for peace accord ,demilitarization of states and enhancing of trade and tourism activities with minimum restrictions.

    We are still far way from this basic applied lesson of developed nations and feel proud to be the biggest arms dealers of the world.

  10. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Behind Aman Ki Asha on Geo [Destination Peace – Jang Group and Times of India] US presses Pakistan to open Afghan-India trade route By Anwar Iqbal Thursday, 14 Jan, 2010

  11. Rehan Avatar

    I for one do not see any malicious intentions in the overall campaign. However i don't see any such peace efforts succeeding unless the governments themselves are serious. See this useful article on Aman ki Asha and the reasons why it will fail:

    1. Aamir Mughal Avatar

      Dear Mr Rehan,

      No harm in initiating peace talk with India provided it is backed by well defined and through Institutionalized Decision [I mean thorough debate in Parliament with the consent of Opposition] and also no more "Adventurism" like "Kargil or Operation Gibraltar/Operation Grand Slam" without taking Civilian Government in Confidence when Government was caught its pant down by the International Community and caused much embarrassment and above all those [Musharraf/Mahmood/Aziz/Hamid Javed/Tauqir Zia/Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani] were ran to Nawaz Sharif to save them and later the same group sacked Nawaz Sharif. I learnt about Kargil from Vajpayee, says Nawaz By Our Correspondent May 29, 2006 Monday Jumadi-ul-Awwal 1, 1427 Musharraf advised against Kargil, says Benazir Staff Report Wednesday, July 02, 2003… LAHORE: Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto on Tuesday said President Pervez Musharraf had brought the Kargil plan to her when she was prime minister and he was the director general of Military Operations. “Kargil was an absolute disaster,” Benazir said in an interview with the Third Eye Television. “I asked Gen Musharraf what would happen after the execution of his plan. He said he would hoist the flag of Pakistan atop the Srinagar Assembly. I vetoed the plan because I knew we would have to surrender the territory when it would come to the international community and that’s exactly what happened.”

  12. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Excerpts of the conversation between Gen Musharraf and Lt Gen Aziz – External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh today released transcripts of the conversations between Pakistani Army chief Gen Parvez Musharraf, who was in China, and Chief of General Staff Lt Gen Mohammed Aziz in Pakistan on May 26 and 29.

  13. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Debacle-As per Pakistani ex Corps Commander – Lieutenant General Jamshed Gulzar Kiani's forthright revelations on a TV channel about Kargil prove what this scribe stated more than 5 years ago.Lieut General Jamshed Gulzar Kiani called Kargil a debacle:– The Kargil Conspiracy The Nation 29 May 2003 A.H Amin [A. H. Amin is a writer, journalist, ex editor of Defence Journal (Pakistan), ex Editor of Globe (Pakistan); author of "Indo Pak Wars from 1947 to 1971," "Man's Role in History" and "Land of the Pure (short stories)."]

  14. P-Gill Avatar

    I am from India. As far as I know Gen. Kapoor spoke about ability to defend on two fronts. That may be achievable, particularly when the expectation is that any fight will be no more than an extended skirmish, and not a full fledged war.

    As far Indo-Pak problems are concerned, is there any realistic choice to peace? Can either side afford a war? I feel my Pakistani brothers will not like my saying it, but any Indo-Pak war will of-course very much harm India but it will be disastrous for Pakistan.

    I am not clear about the Aman Ki Asha program. But in general every effort in the direction of peace is laudable.

    1. Aamir Mughal Avatar

      Dear Mr Gill

      Indeed it would be disastrous for Pakistan. Track record is very much evident.

    2. MALIK AMAN Avatar

      according to the ad we got nothing to lose so in what terms it will be a disastor for Pakistan ?

      Thats the main problem with india it is seen the world though the eyes on its media .

      i will give you an advise if u have google earth than just go over wagah border than zoom in to the gate crossing go inside 3 or 4 miles from the gate to india and than go 3 or 4 miles inside pakistan the difference will be there . even the roads are much better and wider at the pakistan side .

  15. Nazia Avatar

    We have no choice left for our survival as live nation to get rid of terrorism at all cost.

    The dummy slogan of military leadership to hoist a flag In Kashmir has left no incantation any more in burning and insecure Pakistan.

    We have made sixth largest army and nuclear arms to join the race of arms show by fully ignoring the real needs of its majority of population.

    Our ordinance depots have been filled with modern weapons,

    We are on top in missiles and air defence systems,

    Latest tanks are standing in our artillery depots but see that we are adopting orthodox methods of fighting with our enemies who are standing in front of our houses.

    If in this way we marginally suppose that any super hero would came and give us Kashmir then what would you do for it,

    Would neglect it like Baluchistan or first go for swat like aggressive operation to clear the relics of Indian atrocity there?

    Chop off all trees in this valley as we did to our side Kashmir?

    Kashmir is still far behind to normalcy as it was before earth quake 2005.We even couldnt restore same standard of living which they lost 5 years before so what we could do good for Indian Kashmir.

    For educated and working class this ISSUE is just a lame excuse of militarism in our state on which our real and deserving development is by passed by our corrupt rulers.

    We have to come out of this delusional concept that was emotionally planted on our soil under the surveillance team of Mullah and military joint ventures.

  16. farrahshah Avatar


    Like your writing but the basic prospective is missing it is not Paksitan want Kashmir neither do we have army for that reason.Army is for defence of Pakistan not to invade other countries.

    Pakistan supports the Kashmir freedom movement or at least right of free plebiscite.

    As we support rest of the Muslim countries in the world.

    It is not that Pakistan will give Kashmir something; it is Kashmiri people who desire freedom which is their right.

    1. Rao Avatar


      I came across this site today. We know with all the militry might, we(India) can't hold Kashmir. Similarly Pak can't annex Kashmir militarily. Then why the fuss. It is better we resolve this issue to better of Kashmiries, Pak & India to win win situation for all. any takers?

  17. farrahshah Avatar

    Being a Pakistani my eyes are on Central Asia ,right upto Gawadar ,a bullet train from China upto Gawadar ,Iran and right to the heart of Turkey.

    Why we need to provide access to India who undermines ,threatens and wishes to take over our business and approach people like a Capitalist market.


    It is not about person to person level ,it is about two communities and it is true many of the news out of India over the past century regarding the integration and relations of communities or faiths has been horrible,particularly Muslim and Sikh communities ,how their religious and sacred places have been insulted and how massacres have taken place.

    Indian Muslims are very patriotic to India they take it in a stride maybe but it does make us insecure accross the border.

  18. Ammar Avatar

    @Nazia! I second you opinion regarding eradicating extremism as you rightly said that is vital for our survival as a state. This war is a complex conflict but one should keep in mind that such extremist elements, even when they are advocating populist causes, at one point in time will start losing the popular support; either because of their barbaric atrocities or due to the corrective actions taken by the state.

  19. Nazia Avatar

    Aman you say

    the difference will be there . even the roads are much better and wider at the Pakistan side .

    You think that wider roads are indicator of prosperity and strong measures of any country.

    In Pakistan you find this thing common in all cities of Paksitan that where the army resides or focused its concentration, first thing they do is to wide roads for their comfort and free movement.You can also check it through Google in any cantonment areas or army bases or near residences of senior officers ,all such scenes can be seen.You forget to see that just go miles ahead in civilian area where middle or lower classes of Pakistan live in majority, you would hardly found any smooth system of communication of major industrial and agricultural areas of Pakistan.

  20. Nazia Avatar

    Pakistan always went for taking over Kashmir and that was the reason two wars were started from our side.It is top slogan of our military and political set up to lay kar rahain gay Kashmir since we heard from our childhood.

    Who says to you that real Kashmirs want to attach them with Pakistan?

    Only a few groups which get support from Pakistan army followed this statement.

    The real opportunist of Kashmir movement raised their voices and used it as stairs to migrate it to western countries.Now their third generation is enjoying life in non Muslim states and as usual poor and emotional people have been sacrificed on this movement which focal point is still a religion.

    Rest groups are playing dirty politics and instead of any proper solution to this problem, they miss no chance of escalating tension filled issues when any govt tries to move peace process there.

    Yaseen malik a heroic character of Kashmir movement had come to Islamabad for marrying a US citizen young girl who is 18 year younger than him.He found no beautiful and effected lady of his match from Kashmir and preferred US citizen.This story is same for almost all leaders who are leading this movement that has brought Pakistan in the edge of break up again.

    Pakistan supports the Kashmir movement.

    Pakistan supports the Afghani movement.

    Pakistan is responsible for Iran security breach.

    Pakistan supported alqaeda movement.

    In these game of support played under military Pakistan forgot to support real Pakistanis who were deserved on priority than other supports.

    Extremists supports were created in Pakistan by state authority under brown uniform.Our secular army was slowly transformed into group of fanatics by an organized way in our barracks and then transferred it into deprived areas of Pakistan.These areas were in need of development, education and employment but we gave them mullah culture who brain washed them to transform them into such breed which are hardly seen in any live nations.

    Enough is enough.Before supporting others first look your prior liabilities as topmost duty which are being ruined under bad management of corrupt establishment and failed policies of political leadership.

  21. Nazia Avatar

    The Pakistani eyes who want to see bullet train from Gwadar to china is one of ignorant of real situation and surely following US+ARMY polciy to support foreign ideas and give monetary benefits to few groups and people in this game.

    One should know that our present railway system which is urgence and ultimate requirement of millions in Pakistan is designed by British and it is almost 100 years old.We even couldnt install a new track of few kilometers to our remote or high areas under our incompetent management of railway.Our signaling system is so obsolete and corroded that one can easily say that all system is under risk of Allah blessings. 500 railway crossings are without gates which had recently killed the 15 students of rural class who are trying to resist the hard system of NO survivals from our elite class.

    Any way there is no harm for day dreaming and planning new projects for giving more to elite class as our normal way of governance.

  22. ikoo Avatar

    Allama Iqbal being tortured….

    Since he couldn't be placed in the Guantanamo Bay jail, special arragements are made to torture him in the grave….

    Visit the link and see it your self:

  23. Omar Avatar

    Intelligence agencies expose hijacking plan


    Sunday, 17 Jan, 2010 3:33 am

    ISLAMABAD : Intelligence agencies on Saturday exposed a hijacking plan which what they said was being sponsored and supported by Indian and Afghan secret agencies. According to the Interior Ministry sources intelligence agencies informed the ministry that terrorists had planned to hijack Pakistan International Airlines plane.

    After receiving the information, the ministry announced red alert on all the airports, sources said. They said that Airport Security Force and other law enforcement agencies have been asked to enhance vigilance to frustrate the evil designs of terrorists.

    Sources revealed that terrorists had planned to hijack PIA airliner and take it to Kandahar. According to the intelligence report terrorists have links with separatist elements of Balochistan. No Interior Ministry official could be reached for comments.

    Copyright Business Recorder, 2010

  24. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah


    We need vision what and where we want to be in ten or twenty years time…if you think Aman ki Asha will work in one day it would not….it is aiming to achieve the goal in next twenty years …..if not ten.

    Now the bullet train from China to Gawadar and beyond seems to have given you a panic attack at present state of roads….

    and railway tracks….which need attention I take the point but why and how it stops us from building the bullet train tracks??


    …and regarding Kashmir you are talking about the perceptions regarding Pakistan army and Government

    …..I think they always hold the view that yes they want it resolved but last word would be the Kashmiri people themselves,what ever they decide.

    1. P-Gill Avatar

      Will bullet train be economical? China's industrial belt is on the other side , away from Pakistan. So what stuff will be exported by this train? For mid-east, I feel it will be less costly to use ship from Shanghai, rather than a train through China and Pakistan and then ship to mid-east from Gawdar.

  25. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    following Paksitan army + US vision is not a traitership

    US is our friend and a strategic one and we wish to remain its friends…

    Now tell me w

    Why we should shun China and USA offers of development but we must embrace India?


    I want to see the bullet train from China to Pakistan to Turkey…it will be such a fun like Eurostar buy one ticket and visit all of the infra structure will pop up…

  26. Nazia Avatar

    Why we people only think of vision for only our privileged class?

    We made motorway but ignored historical GT road which links millions of small cities and villages.we completely ignored the miseries of millions that are relied on GT roads for their earnings, emergency handling and routine matters of life.

    We have made huge and modern plazas and branded outlets for specific class but again never gave a thought of improving the obsolete construction styles of old market areas of all cities where even drain system was laid before the partition.

    Now about train system,if some how we would have been able to manage our system in an organized way ,then we would think of this luxury of bullet train but here the millions of people are highly at risk of accidents, materialistic loss and loss of time by using this important and unavoidable necessity of life a mean of communication. Just few days before We have lost just 12 small kids going to school in harsh weather.The parents of those kids have dreamed a bright future for their kids and by living in poverty level they were sending their children to a distant English medium school.

    What our state did for such people, their kids died like useless living being and not a single regret with some practical actions has been seen from govt.Why we are so senseless on this huge loss of our poor working class community?

    Simple answer is that we have only visionary plannings where we have our personal interests.Mian chunno like area would give no benefit to railway minister, its secretary and related people.

    Oh sure in the project of bullet train same team would earn billion dollar commissions along with lot of picnic plans to other countries in the name of project handling. So it might look more suitable and feasible in our system of governance.

  27. Nazia Avatar


    Our interior ministry under rehman malik has lost its credibility and coming time would prove that all such kind of undiscovered and unsolved terrorist acts which have brought huge lost of life and property, would have been designed under this ministry.

    Same situation is in the management of PIA under captain 's management who is missing no chance of declining its standard of flying and rising scale of its corruption details.

    So you see one thing in common in both departments that both zardari's close friends are controlling the important departments of Pakistan.

    So I can only pray for victims or targets of interior ministry or travelers for PIA under such pathetic and incompetent leadership and any time they can become victim of foreseeable terrorism ,apprehended by our rehman malik.

  28. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    I am just surprised at the pessimism in Pakistan and anti modern technology….and we want Pakistan to prosper???Where even people have limited imagination instead of improving the idea we call it dis functional.

    Anyway that is my imagination for the future of Pakistan…I want Tourism and Trade for my country people visiting Pakistan for dental cosmetic ,for facial surgery hair transplant and minor operations, meditation centers, to buy exotic silks to climb mountains,to discover deserts it will add to foreign exchange ,to buy finest cotton and shawls and to eat the best combination of spices to appreciate Mughal ,Gandhara English architecture it will bring in Democracy freedom and business for us openness in the society .We will have more business ,tourism is a proper Industry…

    GT Road exists and yes I am aware India wants to work on GT road as it runs through India upto Dehlie I think …but what harm has motorway caused us?


    Regarding the unfortunate accident of the van with the train it was caused by the negligence of the driver and faulty van.

    I still do not see why we should not have bullet train.

    It is not about Pakistanis using it only it is about Chinese coming to Pakistan on their way to Europe and Europeans coming to Pakistan on their way to China.


    Europeans want to visit Tibet want to climb KT why not facilitate it.Tourism is the major source of contribution to British economy why cannot it be ours in coming future?

  29. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    The idea of becoming subservient to India is abhorrent. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

  30. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    Dear Fellows


    Why we must have bullet trains and why India hates this idea:


    "The trade route from Gwadar, on the other hand, to Central Asia and possibly to Russia will pass through only a narrow strip, i.e. Wakhan, in north-eastern Afghanistan. But the real value of Gwadar port lies in its use for Chinese trade with Gulf States, Middle Eastern and European countries. The bulk of the cargo handled by Gwadar port is expected to either originate from or destined to China. And the route for that trade is already nearing to be fully functional. For the trade route to Central Asian states and Russia, the only segment to be built anew is Wakhan part. The construction of that segment, ensuring the safety of trucks in that area, and negotiating the terms and conditions with Afghanistan are more of a need and responsibility of Central Asian states and Russia – and not a headache of Pakistan. Indian participation in the construction of Chabahar and a road linking it to Afghanistan is more of a gimmick than a real strategic investment. The only feasible and shortest trade route for Indian trade with Central Asian countries is the land route that passes through Pakistan. "

    This is borrowed.

  31. Nazia Avatar

    our elite class cant avoid orthodox purging against India i,e

    -We made 6th largest army to terrorize India by neglecting millions of deserving people and important fields that are mandatory for normal human race.

    -We made first Muslim nuclear bomb to refrain India in its limits and then crossed our limits in Kargil borders.

    Embarrassing result has been clearly written on history pages.

    -We are not interested on modern GT road as India might get benefit through it so we would fully ignored the large population of Pakistan depending on GT road under India phobia but would surely miss no chance of planning for cosmetic surgery of foreigners and tourism of elite class to neighboring countries through bullet train.

    Our present railway system shouldnt be improved as RAW migh get benefit so we cant care for our residence as middle and lower class.

    Is that your high profile point in this modern and localized development program for few ?

    -Why we couldnt plan for huge green revolution along with mass forestation projects.That might bring tension for India?

    -Why not we could have developed modern education network in our all rural and urban side for all .Perhaps Indian would have afraid of our high educated class?

    Why not we installed huge steel mills instead of nuclear bomb facility that are known as backbone of any country for its way to industrial revolution?

    India might feared of our industrial boom and strengthening economy.

    So there are lot of civilized way to terrorize India but we always opted for military solution or benefits of few ruling groups in this envious environment between two typical rivals of south Asia.

  32. Hamad Avatar

    Well, it's a collaboration not a peace project. GEO/The News collabs with Times of India to have a larger market, more prospects and what not.

  33. imran Avatar

    Aunty Farrah and Aunty Nazia,

    Why are you fighting over high-speed train and steam engine train.

    Don't you have any thing better to do? like frying some eggs and parathey? I bet you have poor massiez doing this shitty stuff, where as you can post your intellectual-khichree over the web.

  34. farrahshah Avatar

    @Imran lol 🙂

    beta Imran Parathai banatai huwai souchna mana nahein hai.

    Afsoos jahan main houn whan maiyan naheen houtee.

    That is why I want my country to develop and progress fast so that there is end to exploitation of masian and women that they can have an openion apart from Parathai banainai

  35. farrahshah Avatar


    …..We made 6th largest army to terrorize India by neglecting

    The sarcam in above line is really beautiful …infact it is India dear which has played a part in 1971…it is India today which is threatening Pakistan and China…

    -I appreciate your sympathy towards Pakistani poors and vengeance against Pakiatan army but how unrealistic are you

    look at the Shanti Towns and slums of India and the programmes to land on Moon….who is unrealsitic here…

    I am sorry your agenda seems to me like people of Pakistan should think army is their biggest enemy,USA is against us ,

    people do not need new projects or chances of improvement because of corruption…

    I never said GT road should not be improved I said you are laying emphasis on it because it is in interest of India not Pakistan.

    I would prefer more of Motorways and netwroks without pay toll.

    You know dear we have our own many problems and yes one of them is India when it says it wanst friendship and than create problems within Pakistan.

    Which part of the article above have you not read.

    I said clearly that there is no tension between people it is the government agenda of India and its interests in the region.


  36. Nazia Avatar

    Baitay Imran

    when aunties are busy in negotiation don't jab your uncontrollable sentiments in serious matters.

    I think you are living among the incomptent kind of ladies who take long hours to give you a pratha and unda.They might start their preparation in night time so that you might get it early hours of morning in the name of break fast .

    For your kind information that modern facilities and cooking techniques have shortened the lengthy long hours of cooking toward more quick products and versatility in this field.

  37. Nazia Avatar

    You shouldn't appreciate my vengeance against army as army never did anything to me but you should appreciate my boldness that I am pinpointing the root cause of our backwardness in my state.

    Military system always works in confined space under few minds and develop limited and restrained mental growth of human minds.That is why now we look like a nation which all time looks for orders to follow and then obeys it without seeing its consequences on vast prospects for next generation.

    Our army is not biggest enemy but it has lost its track and objectivity as guardian of state borders.

    Can the chief guard of bank can be appointed as CEO of bank whose nature of job and training has different parameters then a security chief?

    Accurate CEO looks for friends and areas to enhance friendship and business ventures for his organization where security chief only rely his power of gun and would always look for intruders and enemies to prove his credibility in his institution.

    Military dictators always in search of enemy as part of training or for justifying their importance that is why Indian enmity is always a maneuvered integrated issue for our nation which all time shadowed our real civic problems in our state.Now our state has been turned into cocktail of civic, militarism supremacy and insurgency problems and people are swinging to and fro in confused state.

    I am emphasizing on maintaining GT road as I know its importance for local traders and tourism for locals/foreigners also as our all historical sights are on old GT road.

    TOLL free motorway is not found even in first world you have to pay either in Euro or Dollars while covering the smallest distance so this can be dream but unpractical solution of our traveling problem.

    India is not our problem but our real problems are product of our bad polices and these are population explosion, illiteracy rate, unemployment and centralized privileges for typical class only.

    All these factors are being multiplied by the corruption and ill will planning of ruling groups which come to rule us again and again in different forms by changing their masks.

    In all such grave problems where India is contributing to ditch us .Oh sure after seeing the present situation of entropy in Pakistan ,she is enjoying our state of "A BAIL MEJHAY MAR" which we have changed into like that "Aa taliban mejhay mar".

    Root cause of our problems is always inside of Pakistan and western or outer forces only locate its area to trigger it through our locals.

    So first have courage to locate them before your enemy reaches to your weakness and mend it as soon as possible.

    Aman ki asha project is some movement toward right direction as war ki asha has tried many times and gave us only declined status so lets follow good and change signs for better and peaceful future for our new generation who are looking more for migration to save heaven then staying in burning Pakistan any more.

  38. imran Avatar

    Plz Aunties,

    I don't know which auntie to side with, I guess I would have to try the fried eggs and parathey first…….either on Pakistani TAWA or at a drivethrough kitchen at Auntie Nazia's.

  39. Nazia Avatar

    It is not people of Pakistan who have to decide that donation should be accepted or not.It is our core commander conference headed by our COAS that is done on monthly basis by ceasing all important roads toward GHQ for many days, until our military rulers decide that in what conditions they would accept this aide.
    They have no courage to say that they are rejecting this offer as they have been addicted of this dollar habituation for their coming generation.
    The aide is not for poor people of Pakistan but for security proof arrangements and business ventures of our ruling class and military establishment is always on top to scatter its pouch in front of these all time aides.
    In America even single cup of coffee / tea/ common drink a tax of 1 or more dollar is taken by govt.So such a rigid govt which cant give a tax free drink to her common people ,would give you free lunch offers in the form of that aide?
    In return of this aide they are giving us war games,taking away our peace of mind .Their guards are in our soil in the form of Black water like commandos , sent here to keep us in alert state for forth coming huge terrorism activities.

  40. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    Anyway I do not support wars and am not in favour of any war.
    Be it China -India
    Or India -Paksitan
    WE the poor people of the world must be given the chance to live in it.
    2010 is a year of disasters anyway ,actually if you see since year 2000,sunami,earthquakes,floods and femines have already taken a huge toll.
    And in the regions of Iraq,Palestine,Pakistan,Afghanistan,Sri Lanka a huge population has been murdered brutally.
    I agree we must try to bridge the gap and increase humanity among ourselves but it must not be at the cost of one bullying other.

  41. Saeed Shiekh Avatar

    he President in his speech at Garhi Khuda Bukh stated that non state elements are preventing the government from fully functioning. If this is true, then let’s be clear and open with the public. Who is our enemy? This is not a top secret that the President, ISI Chief and Rehman Malik should only be privy to. We as a community of people need to finally get an answer. Too many lives have been scattered in ignorance. The time has come. Pakistan wake up. We need to get a hold of these corrupt politicians by the horns and shoot out the failures. I demand answers to this terrorist acts. Who is it? Why have they started now? Who are the catalysts? Is it the Deobandi school of thought with their madarasas? The Jihadi groups created by clerics? India. In all truths, we need to comprise a truth with these men. War cannot be won. We need to know what they want. If they want to oust Americans, then oust them. We can live without donations and grant. If the Supreme Court gives the verdict, NRO culprits to return the money, we have enough. I commit on behalf of Pakistan to the president that if law and order is restored, we will build Pakistan together. We do not need foreign aid. We need domestic peace. Can you handle this?

    Time we spread the word. Time we take issues on our turf. This Pakistan is bleeding. Talk to the nation. Give names. PPP, PML, or any other sects, come out with evidence. You are breathing your last. And so are we.Read more at

  42. farrah shah Avatar
    farrah shah

    Aman ki Asha :Nothing more to say after reading Indian Express today


    Despite the great restraint shown by India after the Mumbai attacks by Pakistan-based militants, New Delhi could easily lose patience if there were a repeat attack, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday.

    "I think it's not unreasonable to assume Indian patience would be limited were there to be further attacks, Gates told reporters on a trip to New Delhi."

  43. Nazia Avatar

    Before starting swat war the Gates predicted the Pakistan insecure conditions in this way.

    The Taliban in Pakistan overreached," Gates said of the recent advance on the Buner district near Islamabad. "I think that it has served as an alarm for the Pakistani government," he said, adding that leaders know the attempt at a truce with the Taliban in the strategic Swat Valley has failed.

    So he pushed the alarm and Pakistani army started her explosive operation there on its people and land.

    This relic of Bush administration is again predicting during his visit to India.

    He said

    Despite the great restraint shown by India after the Mumbai attacks by Pakistan-based militants, New Delhi could easily lose patience if there were a repeat attack, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday.

    I still cant judge that who has given him authority to speak on behalf of Pakistan or India.

    If observe minutely then see when ever any kind of peace deal or its effects are tried to created these aliens come to intervene with war forecasts for south Asian region.

    These intelligent guys can foresee the enmity of jihadis groups for Pakistan as they have assume for US and India too.

    So I think seeing magnitude of power of jihadi groups that is still not coming under control of super power for last 7 years, we should invite them to take the place of Pakistan army and give them signal to conquer and destroy India.They only sent few Pack men like Ajmal kasab and halted all India for more than 80 hrs and if they would get support of Pakistani people/army than I am sure result would be much better than last three wars between two.

    This is the only mentality thriving in our side for many many years.US is just playing the role of double agent on two sides and this way pressurize its dependability on our weak leadership.

    Bridging is only possible when both sides are on equal level of integrity and balance.If one consider it self superior, it must be lowly down to create an equality between two uneven sides.

    Bullying is part of hooliganism and it takes one's away from friendship and badly affects long term relationships too.

    Enmity on all matters is a directionless feeling and creates hurdles in way to success .On the other hand friendship and its related norms keep one focused toward pragmatical objectives of life.

    So choice is our which one to pick as per our inbuilt nature or up to level of practical approach.

  44. faiz Avatar

    "Aman ki asha " believe is a big joke.see what this Indians have done to our cricket players, They have nit included any one from our team and Imran khan as gone to coach KKR its disgusting, I think he should quit the post and show that we Pakistan's have unity.We should start something of our own like IPL may be we are in such as mess that no country wants to come and play in Pakistan.I think we are isolated and the world is treating us badly.

    probably we should teach India a lesson, it is isolating Pakistan from the world and also our elected members are not doing anything. ban Indian goods, their movies and music.

    I don't know whom to blame should I blame India or ourself.I am confussed.

  45. visitor Avatar

    i think it was wasim akram not imran khan who has signed the contract with KKR.

  46. faiz Avatar

    yes you are right its wasim akram not imran, who ever it does not matter, even he should not coach them, we should show them we are united, I dont't know why or players or acting like beggars, like our goverment is begging with Americans, we should start our own Muslim premier League with all the players from muslim countries and Insha ahal it will be a great success. we should show the world what we are really capable of. with all the oil rich nation on our side the event will be a great success.

    If this happens I will really feel proud to be a pakistani right now I am only proud of being a muslim.

  47. Nazia Avatar

    What is link of IPL , sale of our players and a peace accord.I think we ARE again out of track when huge money matters come in our way.

    IPL is a private commercial franchise and not supported by govt of India but under control of strong business tycoons of India.If we revive our memory once we have punished our players for going to this forum.

    20/20 matches are worst kind of cricket and some how we can say this way we are declining our standards of real game of cricket which is known for its style, actions and stamina of patience to watch for whole day.

    These franchises developed crash death of this game in this way to earn money and money only.

    We people have become so short tempered or may be politically putting fuel to peace accord in this ways.

    Few days back I watched the importance of waseem akram in Indian dance programs.

    Recently I heard the songs of atif in some Indian movies,I think Indian singer are more capable than this out of tune atif but they preferred Pakistani singer on their top class trained young singers.

    In another 20/20 matches Pakistan players fully participated by taking permission from Pakistani govt and some of them got this permission by bribing our officials of PCB.

    so What is wrong in this mess?

    In our country and even first world you are fired or throw out of your company in few hours and wihtout notice.

    They are not bound to buy or sell Pakistani players.

    By the way just read the comments of all top channels and people of Pakistan after facing humiliated defeat from Australia.

    So what is the hue and cry if they are not interesting our unpredictable and all time scandalous players.

    I also need help to judge the rising nationalism factor in this FOR SALE process of our cricketers in Indian soil.

    Watch out carefully it is no more than a political stunt being created by corrupt officials of PCB to cover their acute deficiencies and corruption scandals in the line of duty.

  48. dr jawwad khan Avatar
    dr jawwad khan

    to hell with aman ki asha….

  49. faiz Avatar

    what ever people may say I feel that its a insult to our players, you might say that our players are more saddned cos they missed out on money but I think its a insult to pakistani the Indians have told them tht we are not welcome.

    I think pakistan is in a mess already no country is willing to come and play in our country.

    After the attacks on srilankan cricketer we are sidelined diplomatically, we still dont know who attacked.

    anything bad happens in pakistan our government frist points out the finger on Indians, no country is taking us seriously if India points a finger on us their are so many countries that supports it.

    I am still of the opinion that we muslim countries should unite and teach the infidels a lesson and we should show them we can be united.start a Muslim premier league and show the world that pakistan is not only a disturbed state its a country that is developing more that that hindoos.

  50. faiz Avatar

    yes mr.khan to hell with aman ki asha. we are not beggars that we can not survive if our players are not taken in IPL.

    it does not matter if there are suicide bombing every now and then,it does not matter Pakistan is diplomatically side lined we will bounce back.its Indians who are hell bent on spoiling our image what ever bad is happening in Pakistan its because of India and US, what ever bad is happening to them is because of their internal decision.