Search results for: “Lal Masjid”
Lal Masjid, The End to the Beginning of an Islamic Revolution ?
Before I begin, let me be clear on the issue that I do not hold the Ghazi Brothers in high regard to what they did these past few days, they used women and children as human shields to take an entire city as hostage and in effect ridiculing my country as a nation we harbor…
The Lal Masjid Stage Play
A few months back in April I shared my gutt instinct which continues to prove itself correct on a blog post titled Lal Masjid Issue & Its Blocked Website where I wrote In my opinion, I feel the ISI / GHQ / Musharraf are the stooges behind this Lal Masjid uprising, the stimulus had been…
Blood Bath at the Lal Masjid
Tuesday’s clash in Islamabad at Lal Masjid left 10 dead and over 160 people injured if not more. I stand here dejected yet again at seeing my country in a state of turmoil, its sad but 2007 has been a rocky road for Pakistan. It started in early March when the state attempted to assault…
Lal Masjid issue and its Blocked Website
I am sure many have heard and read about the Burqa clad women armed with sticks who were protesting in Islamabad. The set of images has been displayed across millions of websites showing yet another extremist element in Pakistan. I have a slightly different take on the entire issue, but before you start rapping me…
Return to Jalala – IDP Situation Update
After returning from a relief distribution to Mardan in May 2009, I regularly followed up with events concerning the IDPs in N.W.F.P. Regardless of the numerous analyses (and conspiracy theories) emerging in the public discourse about the war and its affects, the priority for me remained in providing assistance to displaced families. I tried to…
Maya Khan Aunty Brigade – Stay out of our parks
Subah Saveera with Maya Khan on Samaa TV actually chases people sitting in a park and asks them why are they sitting there. Firstly I believe it is NOT illegal for two people to sit [date] in a park, and secondly it was shocking to see the host and other women running and chasing after…
Op-ed: For whom the drone tolls
A question lurks within the mind of every Pakistani: where are we headed with this war on/of terror? Is Pakistan a simple ‘franchisee’ or are we developing our own long-term interests in this war? The strategy to hit out at selected al Qaeda targets unfolded in early 2007 when our government offered facilities for launching…
Survey shows 52% people NOT favoring Army incursion in NWFP | 72% supported Peace Deal
International Republican Institue which has since 2006 been conducting some valuable opinion polling in Pakistan has just recently released their tenth survey – You can download the charts and graphs using this link [PDF] | While the descriptive review can be read here [PDF] The poll was conducted March 4-30, 2009 comprised of a randomly…
Talibanization: National Achievement Awards
In due recognition of our government and military’s efficiency in reducing the spread of Talibanization over the years, it is recommended that land be allotted to each official in scenic locations in Swat, Bajaur and Waziristan. Please note that this is a partial list only – the contributions are endless and further nominations are welcome.…
The Long Road to Talibanisation
By Nosheen Ali Published initially in The News on April 7th 2009 The crisis in FATA and Swat has increasingly become reduced to a narrative of the evil Taliban versus the helpless state and society. That the Taliban have instituted a horrendous regime of terror is beyond question. But it is evasive and dangerous to…
Swat Flogging and PTI’s Stand
Guest blog by Dr. Arif Alvi Secretary General Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf There has been a lot of sadness and condemnation of the Swat flogging incident. The day on which Mr Imran Khan’s statement was issued by me there were many press reports in Frontier newspapers in which some elements of the Taliban had condemned the incident…
Musharraf’s Stanford Gig – Hardball
Ex-President of Pakistan General Pervaiz Musharraf was featured at the University of Stanford as the ‘Big Speaker‘. As predicted it was bound to be hot event both in terms of the attendance as well as the discussion that followed. According to the press release issued by University of Stanford Pervaiz Musharraf discussed his eight year…
Zardari issued a ‘Fatwa’ for shaking hands with Palin – Maulvi denies it
A few days ago an Indian publication carried a report claiming that the Lal Masjod cleric Maulana Abdul Ghafar, who is a close relative of Maujlana Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was killed by security forces during Operation Silence in July 2007, said that President Zardari’s indecent gestures, filthy remarks and repeated praise of a non-Muslim…
Sick of Musharraf lovers – a factual rant
Guest Post by Saira Ansari I’m very disturbed, disappointed and sick to death to see the amount of facebook’ers on my list who think Musharraf’s leaving has been a catastrophe for Pakistan. Just because a new evil, a.k.a Zardari, is in the house does not mean that the previous evil is now a good man.…
61 years and counting – Happy Independence Day PAKISTAN
I must begin with offering my felicitations to each and every Pakistani for the 61st Independence Day. May this upcoming year be fruitful for Pakistan, having suffered through a tumultuous political roller coaster in the past few months [and years], people stand today ready to abandon this nation for greener pastures of foreign lands, quite…