Author: Guest Blogger
Court hearing of the Kashkheli Case – Varyaam Faqeer escapes
Posted by Adaner Usmani on the Peoples’ Resistance network If 16th March 2009 marks the victory of Pakistan’s two-year movement to restore a free judiciary (and depose a dictatorship, of course), posterity might very well regard yesterday, the 7th of May, as a day that some of Pakistan’s poorest first reaped the direct rewards of…
Women to Reclaim Public Spaces – A Seminar by WAF
A Programme of Defiance & Resistance by the Womens Action Forum Karachi Press Club 8th May, 2009, 5:30 – 7:30pm Womens Action Forums invites you to a programme highlighting the implications of Talibanisation for women, artists, and minorities in particular, and to our country in general. The Talibans have created terror through slaughtering of people,…
What is happening in Buner
This email was submitted by Zia ur Rehman on the Peoples Resistance mailing list I noticed some news from the inhabitants of the Buner who are regularly in touch with their families via phones. The military is targeting the civilian population instead of hideout of the militants which resulted the casualties more than 100. The…
Why is the entire Ruling Elite scared of Imran Khan?
Ruling Elite is not scared of Imran Khan but they are scared of the symbol that Imran khan is carrying; what is this symbol? Let\’s dig into it. Ruling Elite has ruled us for sixty odd years but they were never so scared from anyone on this earth so far. Even they sold very successfully…
Talibanization: National Achievement Awards
In due recognition of our government and military’s efficiency in reducing the spread of Talibanization over the years, it is recommended that land be allotted to each official in scenic locations in Swat, Bajaur and Waziristan. Please note that this is a partial list only – the contributions are endless and further nominations are welcome.…
You Asked for it Col. Harish Puri!
This is in reference to the article of Colonel Harish Puri – “An Open Letter to Gen Kayani” A majority of Indian authors including this Col (R) Harish Puri, are always keen to convey their loaded messages from across the border with laden sarcasm. Indian writers have a convincing way to convey the message in…
Pakistan is Not going to Collapse!!!
These days you will see massive campaigns against Pakistan identifying its security failures, deal with Talibans and the ultimate fall by loosing Nuclear Weapons to the extremists putting every inch on earth in danger. Stop getting afraid of this massive propaganda campaigns spreading fear among the Pakistani people that Pakistan is going to collapse. Pakistan…
Why changing of clock hours adversly affects the routine life of the people in Pakistan?
In summer sun rises early & sets late, by changing schedule of working hours in summer an hour earlier means people would be back home earlier. And people can save energy used for lighting at home by going early to bed as now they can do their home activities(cooking, eating, family & friends gathering) in…
HUMOR: Job Vacancies in Swat
Guest Blog by Islamabad Observer Emirate of Ameerul Momeneen Sufi Muhammad, Khalifah-i-Awal, Sawat JOB VACANCIES IN SWAT ABOUT US Emirate was founded and funded in September 2004 by various international intelligence agencies in Sawat and is recently recognized by National Assembly of Pakistan. Our group takes pride in our tradition of successfully delivering numerous projects…
Open letter to Sindh Minister for Culture | Shanaakht Festival
by Khawer Amir Khan shared via Facebook Note on his profile Open letter to Ms. Sassui Palijo, Sindh Minister for Culture Madam Minister, I write this open letter to you with a heavy heart. Workers of your party have betrayed the message of Benazir Bhutto, who very recently gave her life but refused to be…
The Long Road to Talibanisation
By Nosheen Ali Published initially in The News on April 7th 2009 The crisis in FATA and Swat has increasingly become reduced to a narrative of the evil Taliban versus the helpless state and society. That the Taliban have instituted a horrendous regime of terror is beyond question. But it is evasive and dangerous to…
Pakistan Youth Alliance – A Ray of Light In Darkness
I grew up in a country plagued with uncertainty. A country whose bases of formation, clear as a mirror are fogged by stains of provincialism, sectarianism, feudalism, terrorism and exploitation. The high frequency of crisis which this piece of land has seen in its nascent years has resulted in an exodus of people who would…
Imran Khan’s political ‘short selling’
Guest Blog by Islamabad Observer Short selling is a term widely used in financial world and equity markets. In simple words it is promise of selling something which you don’t own actually. Every year many traders gather fortune through short selling. Infect last year half of top 1000 richest of the world were traders and…
Misogyny, Patriarchy & Imperialism
Guest blog by Abira Ashfaq posted via the Peoples’ Resistance Mailing List Pornography I reacted with horror, and resisted seeing the flogging video on youtube, only to be bombarded with it later on television. I got angry with my mother who recounted the scene with full emotionalism, saying it brought tears to her eyes. I…
The neighbour next door – a persistent pain in Bengal’s neck
Guest Blog by Ishaal Zehra Bangladesh Premier Sheikh Hasina has said that the recent mutiny in the paramilitary force Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) which killed 73 army officers was aimed at triggering a civil war and warned that the masterminds behind the bloody revolt still wanted to achieve their goal. The 33-hour mutiny by the rebel…