Category: Corruption
Laidbackshow Episode 6
Show Notes After the jump
The NRO (Dis)Honor Roll
Much has been discussed about the in-famous National Reconciliatory Ordinance where 5,800 crooks were pardoned by the then President Pervaiz Mushrraf as an attempt to broker a deal for his own extended stay as the President of Pakistan. This NRO in effect opened the flood gates to allow thousands of white collar criminals and murderers…
Sugar Boycott (Pakistan) – Nov 5th to Nov 12th
Boycott consumption of Sugar from 5th November to 12th November 2009 – The Power of One can make a difference
Different Flavors of Public Protest in India and Pakistan
Indians and Pakistanis are discussing the leadership crisis in their respective countries, but for different reasons and with different implications. India’s inability to wield influence on the world stage is being blamed on the lack of good leadership. In Pakistan, people feel that the political leaders have failed to instill confidence and provide direction when…
The Right to Refuse
Begging, as a profession could well compete with many others considered oldest on the list, with very similar characteristics. The first clink of coins falling in the begging bowl takes away one’s self esteem and any left over reluctance for all times to come. From here on, there is no looking back. One ceases to…
A President and A Prime Minister for Sale!
By Omar Javaid, Sr. Editor, Critic Magazine Sounds familiar? I won’t bias you rather will try to be as neutral as possible. I know a few names pop in your mind when you read the title. Top of which would be … cough, cough … this makes me cough while typing, not strange though! Since…
The Brouhaha over Blackwater continues
Sunday’s Dawn has a report on the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan > there seems to be an apparent blanket of denial of their presence but tell tale signs continue to emerge that something is definitely afoot Questions that must be asked of ourselves, (a) Can we trust our present leadership to tell us the…
While our Country starves, Senators spend Rs. 22 Million as travelling expenses in FOUR Months
Senate secretariat has spent a staggering amount of over Rs22 million in just four months, traveling / jet-setting around the world from April to July 2009 on 13 foreign trips made by senators to participate in various international events. The Chairman Senate Farooq H Naik said these expenses were incurred on air tickets, foreign exchange,…
Guess the Minister who bought a £4.3 million flat in London?
A week back Rauf Klasra disclosed in his op-ed article in The News of a Federal Minister and a member of PPP Central Executive Committee who has recently sprung himself £4.3 million in cash to buy a six-bedroom flat adjacent to Marble Arch in London. The Minister could barely afford a small apartment during his…
Feudal Lord Varyam Faqir goes Free on a Compromise
DailyTimes reports that Waryam Faqir was acquitted of the murder charge of Wali Dad by Additional District and Sessions Judge, Abdul Naeem Memon. It was reported that both the sides (the complainant and the accused) submitted a compromise deed before the court requesting to dispose off the matter in view of out of court settlement…
Geo invesitgates Thar Coal Project
Thar Coal is one of the 5th largest coal reserve in the world having a total reserve of 850 Tillion cubic fee which can possibly enable us to produce enough electricity to power the entire country of Pakistan with for the next 40-50 years if not more. The reserves are so massive that it dwarfs…
A dinner invitation package by Air Chief Marshal
Open Letter to Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman by Mr. Naeem Sadiq Dear Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Thank you for inviting me and my wife for a dinner on 6th October 2009 at the PAF Museum. I deeply regret that I would be away from the city on that day, and would…
How a betrayer Lover and an unsuccessful Spy become PPP’s “Close Associate”
Guest Blog by Talkhaba I’m unable to understand as why the news editor didn’t make heading of it. Was it important to tell that Brigadier® Imtiaz had once saved Nuclear Assets by arresting the failed lover cum spy, whose plans became known to Mr Bila only after when his annoyed beloved felt betrayed and not…
An Open Letter to CCPO Karachi, regarding Illegal License Plates
Dear CCPO Karachi, Greatly appreciate your newspaper initiative of asking citizens to report crime and send pictures of suspicious looking persons and activities. ( and mms 0333-222-8080). It would provide citizens a good opportunity and a good feeling to be a part of the crime fighting process of the Sindh Police. You will appreciate that…
Torture, Cover-up and the American Civil Liberties Union – A Desi Connection
Jameel Jaffer and Amrit Singh may not mean anything to most readers. Jameel Jaffer is a London, Ont. born litigator for the American Civil Liberties Union and Director of the ACLU’s National Security Project. Amrit Singh is Manmohan Singh’s daughter and is a Staff Attorney at the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. credit Ruby Washingon, NYT…