Category: Israel
Musharraf’s Economic Deception – Part 1
Guest Post by Dr. Tariq Naeem General Musharraf took over the reigns of power in 1999 from Nawaz Sharif with the Pakistan economy on the verge of bankruptcy. So desperate was the situation Nawaz Sharif toured the world visiting Pakistanis with a begging bowl requesting them to invest in Pakistan due to the sanctions imposed…
Google Criticized for Honoring Anti-Israel’ Author
Last Thursday, Google put up a special Roald Dahl logo on its main page to celebrate the birthday of the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Some hours later the logo was gone, not getting its customary one day in the spotlight. The company acknowledged that it took down the decoration known as…
White Phosphorus used in Operation Silence
On 12th July, AAJ Tv boradcasted a program of Live with Talat in which Talat Hussain visited Jamia Hafsa. While touring the bullet ridden compound a number of military personal hovered around, at a certain point Talat Hussain asked an accompanying Army personal about all the evidence of smoke around the area asking, “Why is…
George Galloway’s Speech on Pakistan
I have long since been a fan of George Galloway, this time he works tirelessly to arrange for a session titled “Restoration of democracy in Pakistan” in the UK House of Commons. George Galloway first made his remarks and it was later followed by a response by the Minister of State, Mr. Geoff Hoon. I…
Stop the Political Clash of Civilizations
If you are like one of the millions of people who feel that the leaders of the world should stop running around in circles and start working to finally solving the Middle East Crisis, if you are one of those pro-peace activist, then you should definitely join hands with Avaaz is the voice of…
Time: Person of the Year – YOU
TIME Magazine has just named their Person of the Year and the winner is You. It seems that you, me & us control the information age which has resulted in a paradigm shift in the world as we know it. By You they give the award to anyone involved in user generated content – everything…
The Truth about the Israeli Lobby
The following letter was sent to Jeff Blankfort by James Abourezk, former U.S. Senator from South Dakota. The letter is important to read as it does lend an interesting light to the impact of the Jewish lobby upon the American politics. The response could be in reference to the article written by Jeff Blankfort titled…
Bush is More Dangerous than Kim
ICM Research based in London has carried out a very extensive telephonic survey to determine the general perception of people around the world on a few world leaders. The poll was conducted by the Guardian in Britain and leading newspapers in Israel (Haaretz), Canada (La Presse and Toronto Star) and Mexico (Reforma), using professional local…
Muhammads (PBUH) Christian Covenant and Benedicts Indictment
By: Dr Arif Alvi Article published in Dawn Tuesday 24th October 2006 & a digital newspaper version of the printed article can be found here, while the original full version with all relevant images is being reproduced below In his lecture on Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections Pope Benedict the XVI, stirred…
“The Media is Definitely Playing Havoc with your Mind”
This was the recent comment from a very respected online acquaintance, who wrote in response to my recent US-Bashing barrage, We Will Not be Silent and also in the post titled Muslims Dont Hate Freedom, They Hate Oppression. You are very right, and I too feel this sentiment coming through on all of my posts,…
Muslims Don’t Hate Freedom, They Hate Oppression
I came across this article written by Khalid Amayreh, its well written and quite adequately explains the present dilemma regarding Muslims being termed as Islamic Fascists. I have partially reproduced this article the areas which I feel need more attention, though I would recommend reading the entire article found at ZioPedia – Muslims don’t hate…
Galloway Belts the Bias Media on Israel
Please do check out this interview of George Galloway to Sky News, its simply brilliant, in my opinion he has literally belted the bias media for its unethical reporting standards on Israel. Let me say no more just watch this 9 min video and you would throughly enjoy it. Do also check out George Galloway’s…
America You Decide: Justice or Genocide?
Its amazing how the United States continues to stand by quietly to watch the genocide in Lebanon, they have continued to claim to be unable to intervene and stop this war, which were seen a number of statements made by the White House only “requesting” the Israeli army to take care in attacking Lebanon (truly…
US & Britain defy calls for ceasefire
This image was the title cover of The Independent published three days back on 21st July 2006, the graphic shows a very empowering message, the whole world on one side pleading for a ceasefire while three nations, Israel, UK & the US all defying the over whelming majority, Democracy my Ass, dare they shove that…
Links for 2006-07-23
Pakistan to the rescue Friends are made beyond the hatred and violence of Indian and Pakistani rivalry – Kudos to Amit Varma for this heart touching show of friendship (tags: activism pakistan) Berkman Center People Blogs, Aggregated Berkman Centers aggregator, interesting read (tags: activism) Suspect Paki » Hitler Youth Israel continues to use force at…