Category: PPP

  • Even the Pakistani Embassy in Washington – DOES NOT trust the Govt of Pakistan

    In a very interesting email sent out to Pakistanis in North American the Pakistani Embassy in the United States of America at Washington DC has invited people for a fashion show by Deepak Parwani of which 90% of the proceeds will go towards flood relief, but in an interesting use of words it seems the…

  • Zardari Shoe Bombed

    Yesterday probably ranked one of the most happiest moments in Pakistans history when late at night the airwaves were abuzz to have heard the news that someone had the guts to throw a shoe upon Asif Ali Zardari while he was speaking at a function in Birmingham UK. It seemed the impromptu action of the…

  • Zardari’s Birmingham Bash

    President Zardari graced Birmingham with his presence today as the Presidential tour of Europe reached its final destination. The President was slated to address the overall Pakistani community but in truth it was a PPP bash for PPP workers only. The Birmingham bash did not pass off without incident and included a substantial public demonstration…

  • Happy Birthday Benazir

    The city wears a festive look. Thousands of banners costing millions of rupees have suddenly appeared all over the town. Pictures of ZAB, BB, AtoZ and the three kids. Sponsored by ministers of Sindh Government at the tax payers’ expense, the colourful facade does nothing to lessen the pain, sorrow and militancy that the city…

  • Karachi: Protest Against Fake Degree Holders being elected into Parliament

    Pictures from the Karachi protest against the election of fake degree holders being elected into the Parliament where citizens demand from the election commission the verification and ouster of all fraudulent degree holder parliamentarians. [nggallery id=82]

  • Protest Against Fake Degree Parliamentarians – Islamabad & Karachi at 5pm on 15th May

    Citizens demand verification and ouster of all fraudulent degree holder parliamentarians. If you wish to see Pakistan change for better , do not repeatedly elect the same dishonest people. Join Citizens’ protest and say NO to fake degree holders. The scale of the problem is now enormous with over 200 fake degree holders in the…

  • Benazir’s Murder: The Pyre Must Burn

    The assassin displayed remarkable cool. At least once, he chose to delay his fire and then moved in very close to an advantageous position with the bomber following him. The man who grappled and brought him down deserves a citation. Benazir Bhutto, the Daughter of the East is dead, buried and treacherously abandoned by her…

  • Will the Supreme Court get the parliamentarians’ degrees verified?

    A dozen or so of these unworthy parliamentarians have been already disqualified on grounds of fake degrees. Many more continue to be our MNAs and MPAs. For how long shall we suffer and tolerate these unethical characters? Why must the SC not task the HEC to verify their degrees and get rid of those who…

  • Sick and Tired

    Over the past week Pakistan has read many different news items. From the passing of the 18th amendment to the bomb blast at the US Consulate, much is happening. Some may say the stories are for the betterment of our country while others may disagree. In my mind the successful visit of the Foreign Minister…

  • Democratic Revenge

    Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto and PPP came into power in 70s with the slogan Roti, Kapra and Makan. Those were good old times–things have changed now–from roti, kapra and makan, our nation’s requirements have come down to Bijli, Atta and Cheeni. It is only common sense that PPP needs to change its slogan too. PPP and…

  • PC Workers Protest Rally – The Underlying Issues

    A large group activist gathered together in front of the Pearl Continental Hotel to show solidarity with the protesting workers who have been holed up in the PC basement for the past 23 days. Having supported this cause on mere humanitarian issue I feel there are two sides to every argument, but interestingly this protest…

  • NRO Order, CJ Or 18th Amendment

    Guest blog by Barrister Amjad Malik 16 December 2010 Supreme Court order on NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) has shattered the ruling govt which was standing on the 4 pillars of this barter orchestrated by military & Pentagon , USA &UK and (PPP) Pak people party leadership which is clutching and hanging on to a straw…

  • Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim Comments about the Present Judicial Crisis

    by Justice (retd) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim We are again faced with a judicial crisis – not a bonafide crisis but a crisis created for ulterior reasons. Ostensibly the crisis is the elevation of chief justice for the Lahore High Court in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the elevation of the next senior most judge Justice…

  • CPLC in the midst of a Political Turf Battle

    Two days back the Governor Ishrat ul-Ibad had issued a Press Release recommending the appointing of businessman Mr Ahmed Chinoy, as the new head of Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) replacing the outgoing Sharfuddin Memon whose appointment has come to an end. The Governors request was forwarded to the Home Ministry so that the request can…

  • Bilawal Bhutto missing from Leadership Conference

    This short three minute video is enough to update you at how the “democratic parties” in Pakistan are run, the future leaders have no inclination to be a part of the leadership development process and are gifted with the golden spoon and waltz in from the top and are expected to rule an entire nation…