Tag: Election
Sehba Musharraf, Covering Candidate for Musharraf
In a country of over 160 million people, a cabinet with hundreds of members, a National Assembly with over 300 leaders. Gangster General Pervaiz Musharraf in a recent attempt to announce his candidacy for President of Pakistan has also filed nomination papers for Sehba Musharraf as his covering candidate. The Nation reports “President General Pervez…
Assault on a Lawyer (Naeem Bukhari)
I share with you this letter written by Naeem Bukhari brought to my attention courtesy of an avid reader of this blog, Dr. Moeed Pirzada. I quote his message which I feel is self explanatory I am posting here a recent article from Naeem Bokhari, after his thrashing by a group of lawyers inside the…
Practical Internet Marketing in Pakistan with Google
Today I just wrapped up an all day session attending a workshop by Google on Practical Internet Marketing delivered by Badar Khushnood the Country Representative for Google and it was organized by Octara wrapping up the three day Media and Marketing Festival in Karachi. I have known Badar for barely a few months and have…
Musharraf & his Hair Pulling Fenzy
The Economist recently published an image in their August 16th issue which was a perfect reflection of the emotional roller coaster faced by General Pervaiz Musharraf and his feeble attempt to remain in power by a thin thread. Last week the Supreme Court of Pakistan handed him yet another lethal blow by nullifying all agreements…
Deal Against the Nation
By Sardar Mumtaz Ali Bhutto Published in Dawn 11th August 2007 It is no surprise that in the current whirlwind of imminent political realignments the usual adventurers have started salivating at the prospect of yet another bite at the cherry, while those who have had an absolute ball at public expense for the last eight…
Busharraf meets Bhutto
Its interesting to see how circumstances change one persons destiny, a few months back Musharraf could has easily sat on top of his throne snap his fingers and practically anyone in the country would rock to his attention, including the tranche of self exiled leaders Benazir and Nawaz. Its now a question of, who has…
Plot to Bring Back Benazir
After recovering from the celebrations across the country where majority of Pakistanis celebrated the reinstatement of Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry as the Chief Justice of Pakistan. Its time to look towards the future of Pakistan, one thing we all hope should transpire from this landmark decision is the courage for other legal departments to stand…
EU Tightens the Screws on Musharraf
Today on May 12 the European Parliament issued a resolution on Pakistan which in effect puts some considerable pressure on Musharraf to shape up. They have itemised the charge sheet quite well touching the Baluch issue, dissappearence, Lal Masjid, May 12th, Supreme Court Issue and a number of other things. I quote here the recommendations…
The Lal Masjid Stage Play
A few months back in April I shared my gutt instinct which continues to prove itself correct on a blog post titled Lal Masjid Issue & Its Blocked Website where I wrote In my opinion, I feel the ISI / GHQ / Musharraf are the stooges behind this Lal Masjid uprising, the stimulus had been…
The Toothless Election Commission
By: Naeem Sadiq Comment from Teeth Maestro: I received this article from an email list and felt it important to share with everyone, more interestingly I had an image perfectly suited for this article, to the letter, so enjoy One must give due credit to the pious MQM for having realized that Imran Khan does…
Nigerian 419, Pakistani Style Scam
Having been on the Internet for a long time one tends to receive a lot of junk mail, a lot does get caught in the netting via spam filtering but occasionally a few sneak through. Yesterday I was in receipt of such an email. A usual email that sneaks through these spam filters are the…
Understanding the Future Military Leadership in Pakistan
Stratfor has recently published an article which was later picked up and later blogged by The Glasshouse. Considering the present political turmoil in Pakistan it is a good article to read and comprehend the power struggle faced by Musharraf not only limited to external political forces but also from within the ranks of the military…
Coalition For Restoration Of Democracy In Pakistan
A fresh new initiative called CRDP has been launched by Pakistani Americans who want to help convince the US decision makers to aid in the demilitarization of Pakistani politics. The Coalition For Restoration Of Democracy In Pakistan plans to hold rallies and discussion groups across the US to raise awareness to help bring democracy in…
A wolf among donkeys will always be the KING
Analyzing the method behind the madness in Karachi Guest Blog by Munib Part – 1 Whether or not the final score goes against Musharraf or CJP, The possible clash tomorrow & if continued in coming weeks will make sure the President stays in power forever fooling all players,including lawyers, MQM, opposition & definitely the civil…
Miandad & Alam Refuse PCB Coaching Job
Cricket Bloggers of Pakistan: Just two days back the PCB issued a advertisement on its website asking for people to apply for a coaching job in Pakistan. The salient features of the memo were as follows (PDF) NATIONAL COACH Pakistan Cricket Board seeks applications from interested Cricket Coaches for the position of National Coach. The…