Tag: Humor
Clearance Sale for Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam
Pakistan’s second highest civil award is on clearance sale. Any one who has done or not done any good to Pakistan is welcome to apply. Nationality, status, gender, position, or contribution to any cause is not a criterion. All you need is to appear at the President House, preferably wearing a suit, and be able…
Interview with Mangal Bagh
Guest Blog by Faisal K. from Deadpanthoughts Just who is Mangal Bagh Afridi a khurram agency bus driver turned religious zealot? Or a savvy implant by the ISI into this troubled sector to bring about a liberation of the locals from the foreign Taliban. According to noted history Mangal bagh came into being when Mufti…
HUMOR: Making sense of Asif Zardari & Sarah Palin encounter
All day yesterday I was thinking – what stupidity of our President to have flirted with the republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin on live TV. The only possible scenario that comes close to some reasoning is as follows Take for example the two most important comments that Asif Ali Zardari made to Sarah Palin…
Humor: PPP’s Annual Press Release
Annual Report – September 15, 2008 Management Discussion and Analysis (MDNA) – Brief The Permanent Plunder Party (PPP) Co. is extremely pleased to announce the results from the success of its “Say What You Don’t Mean” (SWYDM) pills that were designed to induce “hallucinations” and spur episodes of “selective amnesia” among the general public in…
The President prayed ‘May God give us strength to save Pakistan’
Today our newly elected President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari came to Karachi for his first official trip since being elected into office. His arrival did lead to the usual ruckus of traffic mayhem on Shahrah-e-Faisal, but thats beside the point. Our leader did choose to pay homage to the father of the nation by visiting…
HUMOR: Pakistan Post launches new postage stamp for Zardari
Pakistan Post has launched a commemorative postage stamp for our new President of Pakistan Honorable Mr. Asif Ali Zardari PS: The price tag of 20 crore [$2.6 million] you’ll have to rob a bank to even have the honor of affixing this stamp on your letters – BTW cats out of the bag run for…
Chairman CBR dancing away…. [Updated]
Abdullah Yusuf (Chairman CBR) seen doing an exotic dance in a suit in front of an excited crowd which also had Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz seated in the front rows. I just found it amusing… Enjoy Credit Faisal Khan | Download Clip Video updated with the longer version and a clearer image
Wukla Cola – a Geo.tv spin of ‘Brrr’ Coke commercial
Arbab Ghulam Rahim gets Slapped with a Shoe
Today at the Sindh Assembly Arbab Ghulam Rahim gets a royal treatment with a shoe slapped across his forehead. It may seem funny for many, sweet revenge for others but all said as members of a democratic and sane society we must condemn this act as this is no way to treat an elected parliamentary…
Karachi Metroblogs pulls an April Fools prank
The cat is finally out of the bag, and the entire Karachi Metroblog team has come clean accepting the April fools joke being played on its readers. The plan was hatched barely two days ago on our internal mailing list, a number of ideas were floated to finally settle with two options one was for…
Are you Gay
An interesting test for everyone – do post the results