Tag: Islamabad
Does Musharraf face risk of a coup?
Early today morning there were strong rumors throughout he country that the junior squadron of Army leadership had turned onto Musharraf and had him under house arrest, the rumor fizzled out to be smoke and Musharraf went on record to state that this was ‘a joke of the highest degree’ An interesting article by BBC…
Elections can be Delayed by a Year – Shaukat Aziz
Dawn News reported today a statement by Prime Minster Shaukat Aziz Parliament can delay elections for a year: PM Shaukat Aziz ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (AFP): Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said Sunday that parliament is entitled to delay elections for a year under a state of emergency, but added that the government had not yet made…
‘Phone call’ that led to Emergency
As mentioned previously in one of my post barely a day back when discussing Benazir’s exit out of the country, I suspected that something was a foot regarding the Presidential Petition decision and it could be possible that the Supreme Court judges might revolt, well now with the martial law in full force I think…
Update @ 0104: Arrested university professor calls for a united protest
The following message by Osama Siddique who is a university professor at LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences) and arrested earlier alongside members of HRCP, was sent to us via the blackberry service within our comments section on a previous blog posting: Dear all, As I write to you many members of society are actively…
Update @ 0244: Geo TV’s website back online
Geo TV is now back online and have posted an announcement on their homepage stating that due to enormously heavy traffic on their website, they are presenting a light text-version with latest news updates while the full version of the website will be available in a few hours. A summary of the main points of…
Musharraf’s taped address to nation – Part 3
i would like to say as well that some channels, our tv channels, some of them, some programs, they start criticizing government in negative sense, they just talk about negatives, no positives, they were discussing about uncertainty that is how they put some, it was in 1999, no other tv channel but ptv, now my…
Musharraf’s taped address to nation – Part 1
(I’m still transcribing this via the translations from an Al Jazeera reporter on the ground, so please excuse typos and the like) My brothers and sisters all over pakistan, peace be upon you, i’m addressing at this moment. Pakistan, is running a crisis, home security is happening, because of domestic violence, this is very important…
Benazir Scampers out of the Country, Bhaag BB Bhaag
Barely two days before the arrival of Benazir Bhutto on Oct 18th, a very respected and trusted source had the opportunity to meet a high level bureaucrat from the Musharraf regime (I would like to protect the source and the contact) for a casual dinner, naturally at that time the hot issue under scrutiny was…
Telling it as it is to America
An article appeared in The News on October 23 narrating the discussion that took place in the meeting with Senator Tom Daschle, I feel the participants were quite blunt and open in telling the former US Senator their true feelings, almost what I would have done given the opportunity, but the question is will it…
October 8th 2005, Two Years Back
Help-Pakistan.com : October 8th 2005, changed Pakistan forever, at precisely 08:50:38 a massive earthquake struck the northern areas of Pakistan over 80,000 lives perished in a blink of an eye, thousands were displaced ultimately resulting in millions of dollars in damage. A few of my older posts Have You Forgotten? October 8th 2005, Stories from…
Nawaz Sharif Deported !!!!
In yet another embarrassing situation in Pakistan – Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has been deported from the country, after a stand off which lasted a few hours. The aircraft from London PK-786 landed in Islamabad early today morning. After a few hours being holed up in the aircraft he was allowed to enter…
Assault on a Lawyer (Naeem Bukhari)
I share with you this letter written by Naeem Bukhari brought to my attention courtesy of an avid reader of this blog, Dr. Moeed Pirzada. I quote his message which I feel is self explanatory I am posting here a recent article from Naeem Bokhari, after his thrashing by a group of lawyers inside the…
Turkey Censors WordPress.com
A few months back in March there was a huge circus surrounding the decision by the Turkish government to block the entire YouTube website as it hosted a video which according to the official government statement was insulting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Unsurprisingly the same, modern Turkey was now up in…
I still love Pakistan, Do You?
Barely four days left for the 60th anniversary of our beloved nation, but it seems that many citizens are just not motivated enough to celebrate this milestone. It appears that the people have been disheartened by the continuous political twists and turns that have besieged our country since the past few months which saw the…
Emergency, a Media Circus created by Shujaat, the Mumbling Maniac
Its been over 24 hours since the buzz around the country started circulating of a potential enforcement of a state of emergency in Pakistan by Pervaiz Musharraf. One must bear in mind that such sudden changes in government which include the sudden enforcement of a State of Emergency, a Coop and similarly Martial Law are…