Tag: war on terror

  • 10 Lessons Pakistan can learn from the Northern Ireland Conflict

    10 Lessons Pakistan can learn from the Northern Ireland Conflict

    Comparing 10 holistic lessons learned from the Northern Ireland conflict to war going on in Pakistan – We simply need to reclaim the Peace in Pakistan – it has to be a combination of good cop – bad Cop approach, meaning Peace Talks combined with threatening use of strategic force, no matter how we do…

  • Copy Cat League FLIPS OVER to agree to have Peace Talks with TTP

    Imran Khan has been a strong proponent of having peace talks with the Talibans for over 8 years, to an extent that these politicans accused him of being a Taliban Sympathizer and branded him as Taliban Khan. Now it seems everyone PPP, ANP & more recently Nawaz Sharif has accepted the fact that there must…

  • Dr. Shakeel Afridi – Hero or a Traitor?

    Today I was lined up skype into BBC World Have Your Say on Friday 25th May on the issue of Dr. Shakeel Afridi being A traitor or hero – My position was Regardless of who was the target – Dr. Afridi acted as a spy in Pakistan helping a foreign country coordinate an attack of…

  • What resuming NATO supply means to me

    Rana Usman in his blog I Believe writes What resuming NATO supply means to me – he wraps up his article with these touching words Each day, I die morally, each day when I see my ruling class prostrating to the people who are killing my land. Eventually this nation will die morally, there will…

  • Why does the Pakistani Gov allows the US to kill its citizens?

    The question asked by the Foundation for Fundamental Rights (FFR) in its litigation filed in Peshawar last week – is Why does the Pakistan government allows the US to kill its citizens? – Clive Stafford Smith a director in the British Charity Reprieve ask this in his Op-ed in The Tribune titled Shoot the Drones…

  • Karachi, Navy, Terror, Dharna

    Waking up once again to the news of a terrible blast– the third in 48 hours in Karachi, all three on Naval buses! Two things make these blasts distinct from the others that make the daily news in Pakistan: one, the death toll (that is different for every blast of course) and two, this time…

  • The Deal Undone: Pakistan, its Army and the Americans

    The deal undone explores the strenuous relationship between the Pakistan – US military establishments. The documentary analyzes a specific period in the history of this relationship during the, following the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. From the heights of friendship during the early years of the war on terror to the falling out with the…

  • Crisis Guide: Pakistan

    Beset by devastating floods, increased terror attacks, and political instability, Pakistan’s precarious state is a matter of global concern. “Crisis Guide: Pakistan,” the Council on Foreign Relations‘ (CFR) new interactive multimedia feature, examines the roots of the country’s challenges. The interactive presentation includes video interviews with more than twenty-five leading analysts, government officials, and journalists…

  • Death of Collective Wisdom

    Is there a competition going on in Pakistan between institution to earn shame and notoriety for their nation?” my colleague asked me casually while we were having some drinks and watching a news television. “We are on that path for last 40years”, I answered stubbornly. Can there anything such shameful to force you behave that…

  • Drone Attacks in Pakistan have a 2.5% strike rate against Al-Qaeda

    The Pakistan Body Count, a website run and managed by Zeeshan Usmani, a professor at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute has documented over 124 drone attacks since 2004 and as per the last documented attack on May 11th 2010 in Miranshah shows that only 30 Al-Qaeda operatives have perished in the last six years but more…

  • Ex-CIA official reveals Waterboarding Torture & the Iraq Invasion

    In a video interview John Kiriakou, a former CIA counter-terrorism official reveals new information about the capture and torture of “high-value” detainee Abu Zubaydah. Abu Zubaydah was arrested in March 2002 in a joint operation with the CIA, FBI and Pakistani intelligence agents from Faisalabad, according to intelligence reports from the Bush administration who had…

  • Understanding Terrorism

    I was deeply troubled by the recent suicide bombings of the innocents in the Kohat refugee camps. I was not surprised by the reaction of the Pakistan military and continuous shelling in response. I know I was not alone in this. The entire nation felt the pain of these refugees who were the victims of…

  • Op-Ed: Flogging my Sentiments

    My first Op-Ed for Express Tribune Flogging my Sentiments has been published in the Saturdays The Express Tribune, talking about the ever controversial flogging video which has already been extensively debated on my blog running into a very heated debate. In the Op-ed I again take a swing accusing the Pakistan Army and our covert…

  • Protest at Karachi Press Club Against Civilians Killings by Army

    On Saturday April 10, 2010 Pakistan Army launched an air strike in tribal area of Khyber and as a result at least 73 innocent civilians have lost their lives. Pakistan Army’s first reaction was denial and only confirmed the civil casualties after 5 days. This is not the first time that the Army has been…

  • What’s a Meridian Jet doing in Karachi?

    Last week while traveling to Islamabad for a personal visit I noticed this jet parked on the tarmac near the PAF sheds, little did I think again about the airplane until I read a blog post by Omar R Quraishi who also happened to notice this plane while he was jet-setting to Lahore for a…