Guest Post by temporal of Baithak Blog
In the nearly 800,000 sq kms of land that covers all the vistas – from the parched deserts of Balochistan and Sind in the south to the peaks of K2 and Nanga Parbat in the north – from the (negroid) Makrani fishermen of the south to the blue eyed beauties of Kailash and Hunza – from the chattering elites, net journos and the do-gooders of Karachi, Lahore and other urban centers to the rural villages bereft of basic utilities – 97 % of the 160-170 million Pakistanis are united by their religion (Islam) and divided by the many gods they follow.
Did I utter a blasphemy?
Would you blame me for questioning when one group praising the Beneficent (Rehman) kills the other who believe in the Merciful (ar Rahim) ? How can the killer and the killed invoke the same Allah?
Digression: Zina ul Haq called for a pow-wow of religious leaders in Islamabad – come sunset – they adjourned for Maghrib prayers – there was no one jamaat – each faction led its own prayer.
That was then. Earlier, for those who slept through history classes, a religion infected party called Quaid e Azam a Kaffir. (Today this party is yet one more thekaydaar of Islam.)
Today, this nation – if I can indulge in another blasphemy – this Islamic Nuclear Nation – displays scant respect for equality, justice, magnanimity and most importantly tolerance for dissent.
It is easy to blame the Kalashnikov culture inadvertently heralded by Zina ul Haq. But in reality, this intolerance for differing view points has deeper roots that go back centuries.
That is when the Prophet (saw) lay dead in Ayesha’s chambers and his Medinites and Meccan followers argued over succession.
Three of the first four caliphs were assassinated, Ayesha fought Ali and thousands of Companions lost their lives, (despite Umme Salama’s valiant last minute efforts), The fifth Caliph was made to abdicate in favour of Muawaiya and was rewarded with a sinecure, his brother disagreed and was killed, strengthening the chasm amongst Muslims.
All that past cannot be swept under the rug. It has left an indelible mark on the collective Muslim psyche. It has made us intolerant and bigoted.
Sahar Ali you write:
We have lost our footing as a cricket-playing, cricket-hosting and perhaps even cricket-loving nation in the Marriott fire.
which led me to recall this from Cricinfo:
The Pakistan Cricket Board has signed a three-year contract worth US$9 million with Dubai Sports City, which will serve as the home venue for Pakistan’s future cricketing commitments after touring teams raised security concerns over travelling to Pakistan.
Is it not a matter of concern that this “sovereign” Muslim Nuclear Power cannot offer law and order to its citizens on its soil?
This degeneration has not been sudden and inexplicable – it has been a gradual descent according to Ahmed Rashid (Descent into Chaos).
Failing infra structure and weakening law and order has forced the entrepreneurs and business elites to shift their capital abroad.
The new leaders are appealing to distant powers to respect Pakistan’s sovereignty.
It speaks volumes about a Nuclear Power that cannot guarantee cricket matches on its soil.
This, Sahar Ali is cause of greater concern. Stay safe, have a good Eid and feed one hungry person.
58 responses to “Tell me Sahar Ali”
Dear Sahar Ali
It is like a woman has just taken off her clothes and running wild pulling her hair out.
I am failed to understand your point though
Are you protesting against Islam?
Are you protesting agianst Islamistaion of ZIA?
Are you protesting against poverty and geography of Pakistan?
or a difference in faith?
Are you trying to invent a slang for F***k by ZINA?
WHAT ??????
If you do not like Islam walk away
If you do not like Pakistan walk away
Regarding Zia he died 20 years ago and world has moved on
Invent your own thought and image…………..
“”””””This, Sahar Ali is cause of greater concern. Stay safe, have a good Eid and feed one hungry person””””””
A Mard e Mujahid blow himself inside Asfand Yar Wali’s house (living room)…where would you be safe? Aye mard e mujahid jagg zara…ab waqat e shahadat hai aya!
Bhag ke kahan jaye ga bacha Sahir Ali?
@ Shah
This is the country for which our people gave blood, while in 1947:
Jamat i Islami was calling Quid e Azam—-Kafir i Azam.
Jamiat Ulma i Hind (JUI) called it ..Kafiristant.
Every crazy religious fanatic opposed Pakistan movement.
Today you are telling us to hand it over to same fanatics and ‘walk away’?? I think you people (fanatics) must think leaving this ‘Kafiristan” for those who give blood for it>
temporal or tampoon,
You are like the person who would follow Shaitan and provide a reason that since Allah created Shaitan and since I love Allah and since I love his creation thus its a must for me to love Shaitan.
You and your crooked logic. May Allah save us from the crooked *intellectuals* AMEEEN.
Did Muslims of India want a country for Kafirs or did they want a country for Muslims?
Did Qauid-e-Azam tell the Muslims that the country he was seeking would follow the laws made by Kuffar or did he tell the Muslims of India that he and his team wanted a seperate country for Muslims where Muslims could live a life according to Islam?
Did Quaid-e-Azam tell the Muslims of the sub-continent that all he wanted was a seperate land where the same laws would prevail as would in the Hindu-India?
All the Secularits and Altaf-Hussain minded people could come up with is the statments by a few…. What about the masses? what did they want? Did they want to practice Islam or religion of gays and lesbians?
albela and would you
even when you change your nicks your bigotry shows through
thanks for proving “our gods are not the same”
Lol… was that the best you could come up with???
Do you know what Zina ul Haq means? or you didn’t care in your zest to potty-mouth Zia-ul-Haq?
the rise in intolerance, bigotry, divide and chasm between muslim and muslim, between pakistani and pakistani that is witnessed today can be firmly laid at the Zina ul Haq regime…and for that may he for eternity dwell in hell’s hottest corner
on a less serious note
have a good day
Do you know what Zina ul Haq means?
Pak has lost credibility of its existence which was created in the name of Islam but unfortunately zionist state of Israel also created on the same time which led pak subverted and astray to its right direction.
I personally feel zionism is the root cause of secularism and subversion of Muslim institutions like media, foundation, academia etc.
We’ve to have find our real enemy which isn’t Osama bin Laden or Mullah Omar but rather it is an international financial elite but alas! our craven and venal politicians are cronies of ’em.
help yourself and check for all the meanings of haq in a decent thesaurus
and stop ranting please, i do not infer “Allah” with “Haq”
So what does ‘ulHaq’ or ‘AlHaq’ means to you?
Do you want to make another twist again?
so Mr/Miss/Mrs Temporal, lets agree for sake of argument with what all you said. Now kindly tell me what are you doing to fix things done by Zia or Zina ul Haq and other fanatics for Pakistanis who have been suffering? Please share with others so that one just forget all those *evils* you mentioned in your writing.
Or.. Or you are just another drawing room soldier who likes to rant in drawing room discussions?
It has got pretty boring with dealing with intellectual tin soldiers around us. 😉
i never claimed to have a panacea for all that ails pakistan
can suggest we begin by feeding one (or more) hungry folks each day
by being slightly more tolerant of others
ps: heheh…majority of the folks on the net ARE tin soldeirs;)
Mutual fight among corrupt Muslim sects, groups and their elite Mullahs
Sahir Ali, ………
Let’s see first what God Almighty commands us as to the unity among Muslims and how so-called Muslims and their religious leaders are respecting and obeying God’s commands.
[The Noble Koran 3:103]You shall hold fast to the rope of GOD, all of you, and do not be divided
[The Noble Koran 3:105] Do not be like those who became divided and disputed, despite the clear proofs that were given to them. For these have incurred a terrible retribution.
[The Noble Koran 6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.
It is not a trivial issue at all. It is in fact the issue of choosing either paradise or hell. God Almighty says that those who break their religion and make into sects and groups they have no relation with Islam or prophet means they are not Muslims(6:159).
Let us see few examples how those corrupt Muslims are fighting against each other.
For instance, if one is a Wahabbi or a Deabandi, then the Barelvi leader Ahmad Raza Khan stated that both these groups are ‘murtadd and kafir according to the unanimous view of Muslims and whoever doubts their being such is himself a kafir(disbeliever).
The Barelvi leader had issued this fatwa(verdict) against the Deoband and the Wahabbi groups as some three hundred Sunni ulama of the entire Muslim world did the same. They stated that: “have given this fatwa unanimously that the Wahabbia/ Deobandi sects are among extreme apostates and infidels. Indeed they are infidels of such hue that any one who does not regard them as infidels is also counted among the infidels and his wife will become automatically divorced in such a situation. Any progeny from such a marriage will be illegitimate and can claim no inheritance under Muslim law.” In a similar fatwa issued by the Mufti and Imam of the Ka’aba and the Muftis of Medina, the Wahabbis have been declared disbelievers and apostates. The edict issued by them declares: “The Wahabbis, in the unanimous opinion of the divines of Mecca and Medina are disbelievers and apostates from Islam such that anyone who comes to know of their cursed writings and speeches and still doubts in their being disbelievers himself becomes a disbeliever.”
The Deobandi and Wahabbi ulama have issued similar fatwas against the Barelvis. For instance, Maulvi Sayyid Muhammad Murtaza of Deoband denounced Ahmad Raza Khan, the leader of Barelvi’s as a murtadd, a dadjaal of the century and a great kafir and excluded him from the pale of Islam.
Another big Mullah: Maudoodi!!
One of the famous Mullahs Maudoodi, whose ideas are swallowing by many gullible people, particularly in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh and other countries. Even once I was a strong supporter of Mullah Maudoodi! This Mullah did nothing for Islam but to create another division among Muslims. He rejected many so-called authentic Hadiths and surprisingly accepted many weak headiths which suited his needs!
I have read his Quran translation(his Quran translation is not bad) and explanation(based on his chosen and favorable hadiths regardless of weak or strong ones) and in one part of his explanatory comments he terribly propagated hatred toward genuine Muslims those who rejected all Hadiths as a source of religious guidance. Let us have a look at his name and title—Maulana Syed Abul Aala Maudoodi. The name translates as: “Our master, owner, the father of the most glorious, Maudoodi”. It is strange that the man claimed to be a great Islamic scholar and leader lived 76 years with this name! His name itself depicts outright shirk?! According to the Quran, “Maulana” (9:51), “our Master”, al-Aala, the Most Glorious is no one but God Almighty.
Maulvi Abul Ala Maududi has been condemned by many well-known Islamic scholars as a heretic and one of the thirty dadjaals prophesied by Hazrat Muhammad. An edict issued against him declared: ‘There is no doubt that he is amongst those who have been led astray. I strongly urge Muslims to keep themselves aloof from his beliefs and ideology. People should not regard him a servant of Islam and should not be under any illusions. The Holy Prophet declared that before the appearance of the Dadjaal, thirty other Dadjaals would be born to pave the way for him. As I understand it, Maududi is one of these thirty dadjaals (Siddiq, Maulvi Muhammad. Haq Parast Ulema ko Maududiat say Narazghi ke Asbab).
More mutual conflicts and fights!
Older Mullahs are more famous and respectable than contemporary ones!
# Imam Shafai is totally unreliable (Yahya Bin Moin in Jama Byanul Ilm).
# Abu Hanifa had no trace of knowledge of Deen (Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:396).
# Abu Hanifa is no less than Iblees and Dajjal (Imam Malik, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:396).
# The worst of all people in Islam is Abu Hanifa. He is Dajjal! (Abdur Rahman Bin Mahdi, Imam Ozaai, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:498).
# The mischief of Imam Abu Hanifa for the Ummah is no less than that of Dajjal. According to Imam Abdur Rahman Mehdi, his Fitna is greater then that of Dajjal, the anti-Christ.
# Imam Shafaai called Abu Hanifa “the worst of creation”.
# Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said, “I agree with what you are telling me, but if Abu Hanifa favored it, then I reject it as nonsense.”
# Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal were “Munkireen” (deniers) of hadith. Abu Hanifa accepted only 17 ahadith (Khateeb 13:387).
# A person told a hadith on behalf of Imam Malik to Abu Hanifa that wudhu (ablution) is half of faith. Imam Abu Hanifa responded (sarcastically), “You should perform two ablutions so that your faith can become whole (Khateeb Baghdadi 13:387).
# Abu Hanifa declared that Imam Malik was a man without any sense.
# Imam Ja’afar Sadiq was an ugly blot on Islam according to Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Many so-called ulama have demanded social and religious segregation from other sects, namely, the Ahle Hadeeth merely on account of the others saying Amen aloud; raising their hands during prayers or folding arms on the chest and reciting Al Hamd behind the Imam while being led in congregational prayers because they are considered to be misguided sects and their practices alleged to be opposed to the Sunnis.
Situations are even much worse if we switch over our vision from those above Sunni sects to Shia sects.
Shia-Sunni clash claims thousands of lives in many Muslim countries particularly in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon etc.
The Wahabi or Salafi movement of Saudi Arabia, have made no secret of declaring that the Shias are “no-Muslims”, or “Kafirs”(Wahabis consider themselves “true Sunnis” but are considered “pseudo-Sunnis” by some other Muslims.) The Shia minority in Saudi Arabia has no political power or rights, and edicts by the Wahabi clerics have declared “Shia blood to be halal, i.e. permissible to be shed. Shias have been forbidden from building new mosques or expanding existing ones. Shia Muslims constitute about eight percent of the Saudi population.
According to the most of the Sunni groups’ claim:
Shia denial of the companionship of hazrat Abu bakar and levelling of false allegations (slander) against hazrat
Aaisha, wife of the prophet, render them kafir. The same group ulama at another place in their very book has
written that shias are murtads (apostates) and liable to be killed. (Shami, vol. Ii, p. 683).
“Whoso believes in the theory of tahrif(alteration) in the Quran is a Murtad and Kafir. He cannot be equated with the “people
of the book” (i.e. The Jews and Christians).
It is unlawful to have inter-marriages with them or develop any other relationships.
“Undoubtedly Rafida (and shias) are not Muslims.”(Al-fazl by ibn hazm hanbali, vol. Ii p. 780, Published in 1341 h).
On the other hand, Shia(Shiite) also holds same extreme position ignoring the holy Quran and God’s commands.
1. Sahabah(prophet Muhammad’s companions) became infidel by denying the divine right (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali. First three caliph and other Sahabas became infidel by denying the divine right of (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali (Asool Kaafi, Page No. 420).
2. All the people rejected Islam after the death of the Prophet except three. Miqdad, Abu Zar and Salman Farsi (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 134).
3. Hazrat Abu Bakr could not recite Kalma at the time of his death (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 211).
4. When Our Qaim (12th Imam) gets up, Humira (Ayesha) will be raised from the dead so as to be whipped her due punishment, and so as to avenge the daughter of Muhammad, Fatima (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 108).
5. Shaitan was the first to sworn the oath of allegiance from Abu Bakr in the mosque (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 30).
6. Shias’ Imam knows his hour of death and his death is in his control (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1,Page No. 258).
7. Imam posses more attribute than a prophet posses (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 388).
I have put only several typical examples in this article. Many people claim and want to hide and fool others by saying that Sunni Muslims are united and basically they have not much unity problem in terms of especially religious practice and so do Shias. But in reality, in Sunni and Shia(Shiite) sects again there are hundreds of groups and sub-groups and many of them are engaging fierce fighting against each other. Are they really Muslims or just Shia or Sunni according to the holy Quranic criterion(6:159)? Allah Almighty will judge them.
Temporal, How an you I am no feeling one. maybe I would be taking care of many families at the moment?
I just ask why do you guys are so obsessed with Zia who died 20 years yeah TWENTY YEARS AGO!. What non MUllah govts have done somethin commendable that ppl start comparing Zia vs Non-Zia govts? I think govts came after Zia were not less pathetic and cruel than Zia. I believe people faced more violence in Musharraf’s era than Zia.
Now if Pakistan is currently in crisis than we can’t blame ppl decades ago, be ti ZAB, yahya or Zia, its pretty loser act.
by being slightly more tolerant of others
Well no offense but the way you are referring here as Zinaul Haq is not an example of tolerence anyway, its just like molvis who issue fatwa against everyone who they despise. I think unless one himself becomes a role model he can’t blame others. When we point fingers to others then others three actually point us. Do try to ponder 🙂
It’s not time to blame the past, atleast brave people don’t do it.
You didn’t respond to my question. Thats ok, because you guys (intellect kai-thekedar) are arrogant and can not admit your own mistakes.
I don’t worship Zia-ul-Haq so you can go ahead and make the same bad-dua 10000s of times and it will not make me angry. You didn’t read me quite right.
Its my humble request to you, fear Allah and don’t write about something you don’t know, just be brave to admit your shortcomings.
Thats all.
For me its quite boring to listen same rants, infact I feel expert about things these guys could bring up to put some weight in their statements. May I share those points? it would be an attempt of “Dariya ko Kozay me Band karna” :D- So points are:
1)Molvis called Jinnah a kafir-e-Azam but then they started living in Jinnah’s Pakistan(So what if Seculars labeld Jinnah a person who have no knowledge of Islam!)
2)Ziaul Haq produced every shit on earth(well on earth or in their pampers?)
3)Molvis do nothing, they just promote terrorism,Madarassahs should be closed since they talk about Jihad(so what if it’s in Quran? we care for US more.So what if we also did nothing rather being Moo ko Commando on various blogs?).
4)All Issues in Muslim world are due to 1)Deobandis 2)Salafis(Since they don’t like to accept the DISCO VERSION of Islam(Sufiism and oteh
5)Jinnah talked about secularism because he made a speech on 11th August about that(Who cares about the worlds Jinnah said about Prophet of Islam and His shariah?)
6) We Need Ijtehad! We need Ijetehad! we will change Koran in the name fo Ijtehad(So what if Iqbal said “Khud ko Badaltay nahi badaltay hain Quran”-Iqbal said for molvis but we would not sit behind and would defeat molvis to _reinvent Islam_)
Guys! please yaar, bring some thing new. Kia mohalay ki borhi aurto aur mardo k tarha ek he baat bar bar repeat kartay ho. Bring some creativity guys!
you threw the “kitchen sink”;)
in the post i dwelled on a lot more than mr. zina…in fact if you scroll up and re-read i went way back…trying to probe the root causes of our intolerance and our praying to different ‘gods’
and then tyng it in with sahar ali’s article and bemoaning the loss of sovereignty to the degree that this country cannot even host cricket matches on its soil
I was quite busy….but am surprised at the responses.
Good ,debate is good.
Listen,Zia Ul Haq, tried to Islamise the country .People rejected it.
Mr.Bhutto tried to Westernise it…….People rejected it.
Yet girls wearing jeans (good there body is covered) women wearing Chaddar and hijab are living side by side.
So what is the problem?
I am so fed up of these woman who do not do practically anything to get a legislation pass to start a mass movement in terms of getting rights but feel like writing all absurd chaotic peice of crap in the name of Literature.
If the woman have to write or express why cannot they write something like Amrita Pretum,Ajeet Kaur or Kishawar Naheed.
or like Faiz why when ever I read so called modern revolutionary poetry I feel like this woman is just deprived of personal sex life and is starving for it.
For God sake address your personal issues instead of blaming it on Zia.
What Zia did was trying to Islamise.No I cannot say or accept Shriat is wrong.Woman should be thankful that in reaction to Zia people did not realise they are reacting against Shriat.
Being a writer when I came to UK my book was about Sufism.One of my assosiate after reading my book said to me.
Liste,”YOU ARE NEW TO UK.Your expression is goood but this writing would not make you famous or a star.How do you think to develop your self as a writer.”
My response was ,”I am not a commercial writer.”
he said,”I am glad to hear this.For to be famous for a muslim girl all she has to do is take off her clothes .”
I had to learn how to put my point accross while keeping my clothes on.
Self respect is a big thing if a woman would not respect herself.
Zia -ul-Haq or Zardari would not.
I am glad to hear I am fanatic.
In my London Office ,my muslim colleagues(male) think I am too Westernised .
Someone up in their comments wrote ,”To hand over Pakistan to fanatics”Quaid-i-Azam was branded as a Kafir.
People come on It spells out just one thing.No one is reading a good book.
Read your literature.Find your peace,discover yourself.
World would always be the same.The thing is what we are in our own self .
Conviction and faith comes from within.
Being a woman I am proud Islam is my faith, my religion.I was born muslim.At the age of 18,inspired by Budha,equally I am close to Christians but when it came to concious choice which faith I wnat to belong to…..I choose Islam.
No 1:I wanted to have faith because it promises me someone higher than me is looking after me.Where I fail He will protect me.My faith has never failed me.
Secondly to live a life in this crazy world after reading Simone De Boudlier’s THE SECOND SEX I decided I need a book of code which provides me code of conduct and after studying various religions I accepted ,Islam because it suits me gives me immense freedom,right to be a mother ,right to be a daughter ,right to have inherritance and very conveniently takes away economic burden from me.freeing me to spend time with my children or the way I want.
Do not blame Islam for anything it has given woman a right to marry as per her choice and to get divorce if she is not happy.Islam has given right to woman to inheritance in the property of fatehr and husband so that they can provide for themselves.
Woman who right as if they are cage dby Islam……….my question is just one…..they had to fight for their right with their father ,with thier brother……….DID THEY DO THAT?
You do not fight for your right,you do not educate yourself but blame on Islam or Zia that is wrong.
This debate is so long …….But take care everyone……
some conflicts are our personal conflicts to generalise them is wrong.
By the way Musharaf is the one who did legislation regarding woman Benazir twice the Prime Minister did not made a single legislation to abolish Gen .Zia rules.
Is Musharaff the president or I see Zardari…….Pakistani woman…….you need to wake up.
Learn you rights and stand for yourself.
Ms.Shah, Bravo and I appreciate it. What this temporal guy trying to say about Sahabas(RA) and other early Islamic celebrities is not new for us. We all know this “tone” for centuries and we all know what cult promote such belief in “Islam” so let’s just ignore it and move on. 😉
All I can see that Amir Liaquat(the Jahil Online) who was caught red handed in a video cursing Sahabas(RA) and claimed that it’s his “Aqeeda” is now trying to shed crocodile tears in the name of Tauba. So such dramas do give us entertainment. Just don’t take these characters seriously.
Silence Mian, tum apni dukan phir sajakar beth gaye. Now talking about Modudi. Offcourse Modudi had issues with various things. I ask you a simple question and you are trying your best NOT to answer it so here I ask again infront of others readers about the basic if Islam. so My question is:
Do you believe in concept of Jihad given in Quran(not in Taliban’s book)? and When I say Jihad, it covers all kind of Jihad including Jihad via Sword. Do you agree with what Allah said in first 10 ayas of Surah Tauba(9:1-10)
Answer this question rather playing typical blame game here. Last time you didn’t answer this question. Why?(I know it 😉 )
@temporal: “But in reality, this intolerance for differing view points has deeper roots that go back centuries.” @Silence
In other word, the “selection” of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs/Khulafa’rashidun “has left an indelible mark on some folks psyche.” Then and now they insult the Companions and the wife (Hazrate Aisha, R.A) of the Prophet (s.a.w).
“It has made them intolerant and bigoted.” Some of these folks are bold-ened by the influence of the Iranian revolution and the recent exploits in Iraq and Afghanistan (in complicity with Uncle Sam & Co.).
Than and now, what is happening is NOT dialogue to bridge the gap between the two groups and end differences, but rather spit venom against the other group with the derogatory if not sacrilege choice of words such as “Zina ul-Haq” and “a religion infected party”
And than go on by using the cunning tactics of the guru of the Zionist and the orientalist – Bernard Lewis, threw in sahar ali and the cricket and the sovereignty for good measure or Eid?? But Believers are able to differentiate sin from crime!
Finally, such folks are undermining their own case by writing in the language that suffers from many things they say are true of the Believers – intolerance, bigotry and extremism!
Jusathot and Adnan
I am so glad to read your voice of reason and research.I must congratulate you to be able to separate ,the political and cultural influences from the religion and are truely trying to understand ideas and thoughts in relaton to each other in so doing we put things into prospective for our personal self development.
That is what scholars do who have true thirst for knowledge.
You need to read some books on self help instead of trying to find mistakes in the lives of Muslim Scholars and Islam.
Your name is silence yet you wrote the longest blog.
For a start ,begin with smiling.
Write your morning pages for yourself.It is good for catharsis.
after 30 days read your pages and see what it sounds like.
Draw a conclusion on those basis and move on.
Above may sound sarcastic but it is my tried and tested way.
Robert Frost said something like I do not want to be a revolutionist in my youth because later I will become a conformist.
I did not write it……….LOL
Same crazy insane creature with a different name.
Click on link, it will take you to page…..the longest blog is a reserch work, not my my post…i just paste it here for ‘mently blind’ who can not read or or understand…lol…did you actually read it…a pitty!
the tunnel visioned bile of some folks displayed here is exemplary
i did not insult the prophet (saw) nor the companions…zina …he is another bird…as i wrote… imho he is responsible for the chasm and divide pakistanis find themselves in more than any other leader from the recent past…and he was mentioned in that context…
…this infighting is what is leading to erosion of sovereignty…a state that cannot cover and offer law and order and other basic necessities to its citizens….all the more glaring when most of the citizens ostensibly follow the same dictates
that led to the cricket matches abroad
khair, thanks for all your comments
Its a never ending story….
Every body claims that they have the vision and others who don’t agree with them are regarded tunnel-visioned. So its not the first time and its not going to be the last time either.
I don’t agree that the Tribals are the only throne in our sovereignty. There have been rebellious sentiments in Sindh, Karachi and Baluchistan. Now anyone can go to any limits and blame this on Zia-ul-Haq too. But does that really help?
Instead of bringing different ethnic groups in Pakistan closer, our *visionaries* chose to create one more problem and thus created another enemy with-in.
You can deny the existence of rebellion sentiments in Sindh, Karachi and Baluchistan just like jack-ass Zaid Hamid, but the reality is we were in deep mess already and creating a one more enemy with-in just made the mess even deeper.
The credit of creating FATA problem goes very well to Musharraf. Yes they were armed militias and lets attribute evey ill sin with them, but they were not a problem for Pakistan. What ever they wanted or did was in the Tribal areas not in ISB, until MUSH Govt provoked them.
There is a very good URDU proverb which suits the situation very well Koeley kee dallalee main haath to kaley hotey hee hain
So silence, you didn’t answer whether your “Islam” belives in concept of Jihad? come on my soldier why dont u have balls to answer this?
Why you are worried about what do I believe?
It is purely a private matter and ……lol…you are asking same question for a while, that is what we are talking about…leave people alone about their personal belief’s…let it between Allah and them, and stop judging others. You do not have that vision..a prostitute can be a saint in HIS eyes.
As you are insisting…I dont not believe in Islam which gives you authority to kill others.
My Islam is that “whoever kills a human, kills humanity” HQ.
Life is a gift of God, taking away life is crime against God. So, yes, my Islam has no place for killing others in name of Jihad or anything. I might be wrong, but I am not worried, I leave it for Allah to decide weather I was wrong or right.
Same, I advise to you and your fellow Talibans, do not impose your beliefs on others, If a prostitute can turn to be a saint in eyes of Allah, then definately you may wrong in judging others and imposing your Islam on them….. CAN YOU STILL KILL OTHERS IN NAME OF JIHAD?
I hope it satisfy you.
Why you are worried about what do I believe?
It is purely a private matter and ……lol…
ROTFL, I knew yo would come with such lame answer because, ahem we all know what ya Believe.
Same, I advise to you and your fellow Talibans, do not impose your beliefs on others
ain’t you being a crackpot little chum? That was YOU who gave fatwa that Umra must ban, your ignorance has made you blind enough that you do what you don’t preach. You are nothing but another Taliban in modern outfit who sits infront of PC and lead a lonly life and try to babble on forums to show off intelligence.
Do what Ms.Shah suggested and don’t lead a socially deprived life, if you didn’t get love at home then it doesn’t mean you complain here thru various rants. Come on my boy come to life and start making some sense. You don’t remember what you say. I hope you will get well soon.
Lol……… not even worth replying.
leave jihad for a minute, Whats your take on Sham war on terror which has been declared as Crusade not just once but Countless
times by your beloved Bush..
Silence because you don’t have a reply and where in my last post I ever asked you to reply? Seems you are loosing charm now. 😉
Dear Silence
you do not have to pity or sympathise with me for reading anything.I have emense patiance.I have been a teacher for long time .This is not my hobby but it is my favourite pass time to read different openions and it is good to read political take of people.
Personally I would recomend Hikayat of Sheikh Saadi for you to mellow you down.If you have not read Rumi by now.
@d0ct0r: “leave jihad for a minute, Whats your take on Sham war on terror which has been declared as Crusade …”
d0ct0r sb. For some dudes, like their counterparts Ahmed Chalabi & Co – the WMD-dramabaaz, “crusade” and “war-on-terror” is “halal”.
Go figure this out!
@d0ct0r: “leave jihad for a minute, Whats your take on Sham war on terror which has been declared as Crusade …”
d0ct0r sb. For some dudes, like their counterparts Ahmed Chalabi & Co – the WMD-dramabaaz, “crusade” and “war-on-terror” is “halal”.
Go figure this out!
*** “crusade” a.k.a “war-on-terror”
@d0ct0r: “leave jihad for a minute, Whats your take on Sham war on terror which has been declared as Crusade …”
d0ct0r sb. For some dudes, like their counterparts Ahmed Chalabi & Co – the WMD-dramabaaz, “crusade” a.k.a “war-on-terror” is “halal”.
Go figure this out!
*** “crusade” a.k.a “war-on-terror”
You have exposed Silence,
Shame on you Silence and shame on you again.
Respectable Silence Sahab,
Your Concept about ‘jihad’ is very wrong.
It surely is a misconception and a “NEWLY INVENTED” matter.
There are many books available via which one can correct his concepts,one in my knowledge is
he has beutifully written just 16 pages about ‘Jihad Offensive And Defensive’
Its an excellent book,i mean it! I hope it will help you a lot.
I want to quote a Hadith here.
On the authority of Abu Najih al – Irbad ibn Sariya(may Allah be pleased with him),who said:
“”The Messanger of Allah(may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes.We said:O Messanger of Allah,it is though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us.He said:I counsel you to fear Allah(may HE be glorified)and to give absolute obedience even if a slave becomes your leader.Verily he among you who lives[long] will see great controversy,so you must keep to my ‘sunna’ and to the sunna of the rightly-guided Rashidite Caliphs___cling to them stubbornly.
BEWARE of Newly Invented matters, for every invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a going astray and every going astray is in HELL-FIRE””.
It was related by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi,who said that it was a good and sound Hadith.
Best Regards,
Just want to say,Jihad and Crusade?
American and British soldiers are saying to hell with war.Why I am fighting a war to make some businessman rich in oil business.
Yesterday a British Milittary official announced about Afghanistan
We cannot bring more peace there.Talibaan are changing they should work for there peace.”
Why do we need Jihad?For what and for who?
May be Kashmir and Palestine need a solution but that is their political solution.We ( Pakistan) have to decide politically what is right move and what is wrong considering our solederity and peace first.Saudi Arabia has not run to save any country yet even the lip service.
It is like Muslims come to me and start preaching,mind you not discussing but preaching.
I do not understand this stupid phenomenon.A Muslim educated woman ,studdied Quran with translation,following it ,praying ,fasting and believing .Why do you need to preach me?Clearly if I am not covering my head ,I do not want to.Yes ,my mother tells me off,that is fine but who are you?
Mr or Miss Jihadi if Allah wanted to set the world right by Talwar “He ” would have not given us “The Book” but instead would have sent us Talwar.
Your Jihad is to kill Pakistanis now.
I think for past twenty years real Jihad was to save lives of AFghan children and woman.To give them rights and to build the society.To provide them water .to help them grow food.
All Jihadis kindly show me one such Ayyat which supports SUICIDAL ISLAM.
The Islam Jihadis are following is a Suicidal Islam.It kills indiscriminately and kills everyone.
Be it a woman, a child of what ever faith including MUSLIMS.
When Quran opens with ,”BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN-AR-RAHIM.”
How can you go around blowing yourself and killing others in the name of MOST MERCIFUL,and MOST BEAUTIFUL.
If you cannot give me a breath you have no right to take it away either.
i agree with you shah
the real jihad in these troubled times is with one’s SELF (naf’s) – it is not with others
and indeed a muslim is forbidden to take another innocent life
(killing one individual akin to killing off all humanity)
there is absolutely no justification for suicide bombings and killing innocent civilians
So you finally got someone to ride on……
How hungry you are to write and be-read, even if you know nothing more than tarded thoughts. Lame!.
Are you trying to tell me that we should be thankful to you because you follow Islam(at least some % of Islam).
MS Shah,
You asked about an ayat about Suicidal Islam. There is none, but you wouldn’t have cared if there was one.
Why I say so, because I know there is an Aya about covering the head (Surah Nisa as I remember) for women. But still you said its a personal choice of yours. So I don’t think it matters if there was an aya in Quran or not, you still wouldn’t have accepted it :).
__Mr or Miss Jihadi if Allah wanted to set the world right by Talwar “He ” would have not given us “The Book” but instead would have sent us Talwar.__
Respectable Miss Shah,
Would you like to elaborate upon your these lines!…
whats your kind opinion regarding ‘GHAZWAT’
I am also against suicide bombing,ofcourse,ofcourse this thing goes against my great religion.And this is NOT jihad atleast to kill your muslim brother for nothing.
response to Would You :
Come on Why would I expect people to read a mail post and start respecting me.I have a self respect and do not need more.
See the debate is already on wrong side.
FOCUSING ON ME instead of thought
Ohhhhh My Gaaad
Yes,I do care about Quran and what it says.I do believe it is a word of Allah .
What is the point of covering my head when I really do not mind working or talking to men.