Category: Crisis
Be patient with democracy…
Democracy is in the blood of Musalmans, who look upon complete equality of manhood [mankind]… [And] believe in fraternity, equality and liberty. M.A.Jinnah –London, 14 Dec 1946 Switch on any TV channel, open up a newspaper or log on to social media and you will see our parliamentarians and their electorate especially those residing in…
Voices of Pakistan: OffroadPakistan’s Flood Relief Efforts
Voices of Pakistan talks about OffroadPakistan‘s flood relief effort Dr. Awab Alvi, a member of Offroad Pakistan, a 4×4 adventure group, tells us how they have helped the flood affected in the Sindh region of Pakistan. They have refurbished a pediatric ward and are looking for volunteer doctors and a constant supply of medicine to…
[Op-Ed] Giving up on Pakistan
This op-ed was drafted a day before Gov Salman Taseers assassination, erringly it talks about peace and the notion of blasphemy in Pakistan As we round the corner, saying goodbye to 2010 and entering the new year, everyone chooses to make a new year’s resolution. Promises are made, hoping for some miraculous conviction that will…
[Pictures] Solidarity Day Rally for Peace in Pakistan – Islamabad
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[Pictures] Solidarity Day Rally for Peace in Pakistan – Karachi
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[Press Statement] Solidarity Day 2011
Islamabad, 30 December 2010: Aman Ittehad has given a call to hold rallies on 1st January 2011 at 1:00 pm as an expression of solidarity with those suffering violence in any form, including suicide attacks, bomb blasts, target killings, kidnappings, disappearances, and torture killings. It is expected that these rallies will be held in more…
Slogans for Solidarity Day Rallies across Pakistan
In an attempt to gear up supporters of the Solidarity Day rallies across 108 cities of Pakistan – here are some slogans created by activists of the Aman Ittehad Naeem Sarwar Khan. Do spread them around, and we welcome more creative suggestions from the community at large
[UPDATED] List of 108 locations lined up for Solidarity Day in Pakistan – 1st Jan 2011
The amazing team of volunteers at Aman Ittehad have pledged to hold Solidarity Day peace rallies in 108 locations across Pakistan. The list is growing at a fast paced, commitments coming in from various location throughout Pakistan and contact details being updated frequently. Shared below is the latest list, which is a work in progress,…
Solidarity Day for Peace in Pakistan – 1st Jan 2011 [100 cities across Pakistan]
Rallies for peace will be held on 1 Jan 2011 in over 100 locations across Pakistan in solidarity with those suffering violence and repression. We demand accountability of all, particularly those that use religion or any ideology to create hatred amongst the people of the region. We condemn the use of political, military or economic…
Winter Clothes Hampers Distributed in Dadu & Juhi
OffroadPakistan team would like to thank Nishat Welfare Organization [A. Sattar Ishaqani] and Naari Development Organization [Dr Meher Zaidi] for helping us to distribute over 1000 winter clothes hampers in the regions of Dadu and Juhi. The OffroadPakistan was able to identify the need to supply flood relief to Dadu [Nishat Welfare Organization] and also…
Human Rights and Blasphemy in Pakistan
Today, Human Rights Day is being observed all around the world. Every year, on the 10th of December, this day is celebrated to acknowledge and honor, United Nations’ adoption of ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’, sixty two ago in 1948. The theme for commemoration is different every year. This year’s theme identifies the struggle and…
The Honeytrap for Julian Assange
The Daily Mail studies the sexual assault charges in Sweden which have landed Julian Assange in a worldwide hunt after his startling revelations against the American hegemony. The story is of two women who met up with Julian in August had mutual sex and two days later turn on him charging him with sexual assault.…
Dissecting Pakistani Documents on Wikileaks
Over the past few days Wikileaks has been regularly releasing an interesting set of secure cables on Pakistan. it is my belief that these documents will without doubt go down into history books to have been a world changing event, We here in Pakistan till now dont see anything that may suprirse us, we knew…
Pictures from the Cargo Plane Crash Site in Karachi, the Day After
Pictures from the crash site of the Russian Cargo Plane in Karachi on 28th November 2010 at 1:00am within the confines of the Pakistan Naval Base Bahadur. The plane luckily / unluckily crashed in a sparely dense area of Karachi, had it been a few hundred yards either way would have meant far more severe…
Child Beggars: The Future of Pakistan?
Karachi is a city of fun, entertainment and success. Many government officials have done a remarkable job in making the city a better place by investing in its infrastructure. However, what is the future of this city or if talking on the macro perspective, what is the future of this nation? Well, the future is…