Category: Swat Crisis
The Risks Of A Remote-Controlled War: CIA using Drones for International Assassination
Jane Mayer, a political journalist for The New Yorker discusses the ethics and controversies surrounding the CIA’s covert drone program, in which remotely controlled, unmanned planes target terror suspects in Pakistan. A 32 minutes interview on NPR [transcript] Mayer writes that unlike the military’s publicly acknowledged drone program in Afghanistan and Iraq β both official…
Imran Khan discusses the “War of Terror” & “Pakistani Taliban”
Imran Khan presents a very logical perspective as to why this Army offensive does not necessarily mean an end to this war on terror. Collateral Damage which leaves more civilians dead in its wake will most definitely create more enemies then good. Credit: The Critic Magazine
Abdullah Saad > Operation Rah-e-Nijat: An operational assessment
Abdullah Saad discusses the operational assessment of Pakistan Army’s offensive in South Waziristan Operation Rah-e-Nijat (Path to Salvation). A definite read to understand the dynamics of this offensive that Pakistan needs to take upon itself to possibly clean up the shit left by the Americans and their disastrous War on Terror
Desperation or Challenge – Pakistan Must Act
By Azhar Aslam When someone declares an open war, how must a nation react? How should they defend themselves? Have we forgotten the lessons from war with India? Why should we feel different now when we are being attacked from inside rather than from outside. By attacking various institutions of Pakistani state (in attacks of…
Peoples Resistance: Protest against Army Brutality
Location: Karachi Press Club Date: Tuesday 7th October, 2009 Time: 5:00 PM The People’s Resistance strongly condemns the Army brutality captured on video recently as illegal and despicable behaviour on the basis of violation of the understanding of our human rights and our laws. In no sense can this strong condemnation be understood as support…
Video on Human Rights Abuses by Pakistan Army leads to Censorship
For the past few days a specific gut wrenching video has been making its way around the Pakistani web-sphere which shows a Pakistani Army Major conducting an interrogation of two people suspected of harboring Talibans. During the Question and Answer session the Major steps back and orders his crew to ruthlessly beat the person punching,…
Pakistanis feel US is a bigger threat than Talibans: Al-Jazeera & Gallup Pakistan Poll
An exclusive Al Jazeera survey of public opinion in Pakistan has revealed widespread disenchantment with the United States for interfering with what most people consider internal Pakistani affairs. This survey was done interviewing more than 2,500 men and women across the rural and urban areas in all four provinces of Pakistan on July 26 and…
Return to Jalala – IDP Situation Update
After returning from a relief distribution to Mardan in May 2009, I regularly followed up with events concerning the IDPs in N.W.F.P. Regardless of the numerous analyses (and conspiracy theories) emerging in the public discourse about the war and its affects, the priority for me remained in providing assistance to displaced families. I tried to…
Becoming an IDP – Real life experience of two females from Swat
Foize Nasim interviewed Saira, a 20 years old girl from Mingora, Swat at a training centre set up by PPAF at Jalala Camp. Saira has 7 sisters and 3 brothers. 3 of her sisters are married, two of whom were living at Jalala with their families. One sister, Farhat was missing with her husband, who…
Returning Home – An Interview with an IDP
Married with 2 kids, Burhan Din is 28 years old and belongs to Amankot in Mingora, Swat. He is pursuing an M. Phil. in Anthropology from Peshawar University. He had been working for a trust called Muslim Aid in Mingora as a hygiene promotion officer for one year before he was forced to leave his…
The Hoodlumism of Army Officers and the Blatant Lack of Accountability
Recently Mr Ali Anan Qamar, an Assistant Coordination Officer and in-charge of Sheikh Yasin camp was beaten up and publicly humiliated by two officers of Pakistan Army, Maj. Asad Jamal and Lt. Haider marwat of 32nd Cavalry on 8th July 2009. Mr Qamar is a very well educated official of the government and we fear…
A Swati Doctor Interviewed about the War in Swat
A few members of the Peoples Resistance group visited Banares Colony in Karachi, Pakistan and interviewed an IDP refugee Doctor from Swat who shares his thoughts. I would also like to quote a short section from the email by Abira Ashfaq which had accompanied this video It seems like one can always accuse people who…
Foreign Policy ranks Pakistan as the 10th Most Failed State
Nothing to be proud off but in a survey conducted by Foreign Policy Magazine where they evaluated 177 countries across the world Pakistan was ranked as the 10th most failed state where Somalia was ranked as the most failed state followed by Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chad, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Guniea and then Pakistan…
Wired and Active discusses the IDP Campaign
The displaced vs the well placed people of Pakistan
βThe twins were born as the mother desperately struggled with the pangs of pain, the sound of falling artillery shells, the suffocation of gun powder and the stench of decaying dead bodies. By the time it was morning, the family realized that one of the two babies, had not survived the ordeal of childbirth. The…