Category: PPP

  • Corruption threatens the civil system of Pakistan

    Amjad Malik specially writes on post NRO scenario on corruption The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) presented to the government on Thursday a list of 248 politicians and bureaucrats, who were alleged to have plundered hundreds of billions of rupees but were cleared by the NAB under the National Reconciliation Ordinance 2007. Luckily, the presidential order…

  • The NRO (Dis)Honor Roll

    Much has been discussed about the in-famous National Reconciliatory Ordinance where 5,800 crooks were pardoned by the then President Pervaiz Mushrraf as an attempt to broker a deal for his own extended stay as the President of Pakistan. This NRO in effect opened the flood gates to allow thousands of white collar criminals and murderers…

  • The Business of Martyrdom in Pakistani Politics

    Two years back in 2007 barely two blocks away from my house a powerful explosion rocked Shahrah-e-Faisal as a suicide bomber tried to attack Benazir Bhutto’s motorcade as it made its way from Karachi airport to a massive rally being held to celebrate her return to Pakistan. We all know that she luckily had survived…

  • A President and A Prime Minister for Sale!

    By Omar Javaid, Sr. Editor, Critic Magazine Sounds familiar? I won’t bias you rather will try to be as neutral as possible. I know a few names pop in your mind when you read the title. Top of which would be … cough, cough … this makes me cough while typing, not strange though! Since…

  • Kerry-Luger Bill: Signing a Political Death Warrant

    Kashmir policy, acquiring nuclear asset(s) and Army has been sensitive issues for Pakistan since its birth in 1947. Though there can be no disagreements that Army rule could not bring change by ridding corruption and opening flood gates of economic progress by sacking popular leaderships in their four trials in 1958, 1969, 1977, and 1999…

  • While our Country starves, Senators spend Rs. 22 Million as travelling expenses in FOUR Months

    Senate secretariat has spent a staggering amount of over Rs22 million in just four months, traveling / jet-setting around the world from April to July 2009 on 13 foreign trips made by senators to participate in various international events. The Chairman Senate Farooq H Naik said these expenses were incurred on air tickets, foreign exchange,…

  • Blackwater Watch by Citizens of Pakistan

    With all the wheeling and dealing by our country’s leaders compromising on all national issue only to ensure that their own stay in power is secured it does seem that our very own leaders elected / burecratic and military have unleashed yet another wrath unto the people of Pakistan by allowing the menacing extra-military force…

  • Guess the Minister who bought a £4.3 million flat in London?

    A week back Rauf Klasra disclosed in his op-ed article in The News of a Federal Minister and a member of PPP Central Executive Committee who has recently sprung himself £4.3 million in cash to buy a six-bedroom flat adjacent to Marble Arch in London. The Minister could barely afford a small apartment during his…

  • Feudal Lord Varyam Faqir goes Free on a Compromise

    DailyTimes reports that Waryam Faqir was acquitted of the murder charge of Wali Dad by Additional District and Sessions Judge, Abdul Naeem Memon. It was reported that both the sides (the complainant and the accused) submitted a compromise deed before the court requesting to dispose off the matter in view of out of court settlement…

  • How a betrayer Lover and an unsuccessful Spy become PPP’s “Close Associate”

    Guest Blog by Talkhaba I’m unable to understand as why the news editor didn’t make heading of it. Was it important to tell that Brigadier® Imtiaz had once saved Nuclear Assets by arresting the failed lover cum spy, whose plans became known to Mr Bila only after when his annoyed beloved felt betrayed and not…

  • An Open Letter to CCPO Karachi, regarding Illegal License Plates

    Dear CCPO Karachi, Greatly appreciate your newspaper initiative of asking citizens to report crime and send pictures of suspicious looking persons and activities. ( and mms 0333-222-8080). It would provide citizens a good opportunity and a good feeling to be a part of the crime fighting process of the Sindh Police. You will appreciate that…

  • Zardari facing the Minus-One Formula or Not?

    Cyril Almedia is one level headed analyst who I take very seriously, his regular friday columns are a must read to get a decent idea of how the pulse beats within Pakistan’s political circus. This Fridays column for Dawn is a must read where Cyril analyses the various options that could possibly take Zardari out…

  • Killing of PPP’s JANISARS; The First by “terrorist” and second by “Police”

    Why are all high profile murders always suspicious? One may call the narrative of these murders conspiracy theories but these are real theories on which if develop a case may lead us to the “real” culprit. If look for similarities in Khalid Shehenshah and Waja Aqeel Ahmed’s murders , their Janisari for PPP occupies the…

  • Pakistanis feel US is a bigger threat than Talibans: Al-Jazeera & Gallup Pakistan Poll

    An exclusive Al Jazeera survey of public opinion in Pakistan has revealed widespread disenchantment with the United States for interfering with what most people consider internal Pakistani affairs. This survey was done interviewing more than 2,500 men and women across the rural and urban areas in all four provinces of Pakistan on July 26 and…

  • Supreme Court overturns Nov 3rd Emergency by Musharraf

    In mammoth decision yesterday late evening – the Chief Justice of Pakistan Honorable Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry and a bench of 12 Supreme Court Judges passed an order declaring the actions of Nov 3rd 2007 Invalid and unconstitutional. This comes after a struggle of over one year and 270 days since that fateful date in November…