Category: Corruption

  • Country nears a Long March frenzy, but a deal brews underneath

    I write this blog post early Sunday morning at around 5am, so my thoughts might not be all that coherent, but I feel some pressing points need to be shared before the Lahore stand off takes off in barely five hours from now at 10am on March 15th Shahbaz Sharif had a very urgent meeting…

  • Presdient Zardari orders GEO shutdown: Letter by MIR

    Geo News, Pakistan’s highest viewership TV channel, is not being seen by most of the country due to orders by President Zardari. Orders have been given to all cable operators to shut down GEO News transmission and or to place the channel towards the end of the cable frequency where most of the TV sets…

  • Tahira Abdullah’s emotional appeal to Sherry Rehman and PPP

  • PM Gilani can become a hero from zero

    Guest Blog by NRehman Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has a chance of a life time to become a long awaited hero for the Pakistani nation. If the PM stands firm against Presedent Zardari and ask the Parliament to vote for the restoration of the judiciary, he will get an enormous applause from the…

  • Why ‘Bangladesh Model’ is inevitable

    Guest blog by Ahmed Nadeem Political and administrative blunders being committed by our saviors on daily basis are clear signs of death of the Feb 18 mandate. Bad luck of our leaders – Media picks each of such blunders and passes to public. The shady explanations, fake excuses and rhetoric of leaders which follow to…

  • Umeed-e-Sahar – LAAL

    Umeed-e-Sahar an inspirational video by Laal It is my belief that the fate of the country rests on its citizens – considering how are politicians are committed on looting and plundering Pakistan to their hearts desire the fate of our country rests upon the citizens to join hands and say STOP The question to all…

  • Method of Appointing Judges

    Extracted from an email sent by the Emergency Moderator to the Emergency Mailing List on 8th March 2009 As stated a few days back, we are circulating a proposal on the method of appointing judges that is somewhat more detailed than the one given in the charter of democracy. In the mean time, the PPP…

  • Media barred from NWFP senate elections

    It is being reported on various media outlets that the Senate elections in the NWFP region have been barred from the media. GEO.TV The journalists have been disallowed entering into the assembly hall for the coverage of the polling underway, while scores of them kept waiting outside the assembly. It may be recalled that the…

  • 1971 All Over Again – PPP repeating History !

    Circulated from the Emergency Times Mailing List, originally Ibitians by Syed Ali Hameed In 1971, the Chairperson of the PPP, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, refused to acknowledge the mandate of the people of East Pakistan and prevented a democratically elected government from functioning. Notwithstanding the mess that our “great” army had left us with, it was…

  • A short history of Asif Ali Zardari

    Khalid Omar writes a short detailed history of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, though for a Pakistani its nothing new, but its mostly a much needed refresher since we seem to have been missing out on the facts how this small time un-educated feudal lord climbed the power corridor to become the most powerful man in…

  • The list of our ‘poor’ Senators

    Senators in preparation of the upcoming Senate elections have filed their declaration of assets with the Election Commission of Pakistan & Dawn published an investigative summary outlining some prominent politicians and their ‘official’ declared wealth.  A run down through the list will make many wonder as to what might be the actual definition of the…

  • Clearance Sale for Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam

    Pakistan’s second highest civil award is on clearance sale. Any one who has done or not done any good to Pakistan is welcome to apply. Nationality, status, gender, position, or contribution to any cause is not a criterion. All you need is to appear at the President House, preferably wearing a suit, and be able…

  • The citation for Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam Awarded to Richard Boucher

    Guest post by Naeem Sadiq The US Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Boucher distinguished himself by undertaking weekly visits to Pakistan – missions that involved great personal hardship and risk to his life. Acting beyond the call of duty , he brokered the NRO deal that allowed some of the most corrupt individuals to occupy…

  • A letter from Heavens

    Guest Blog by Naeem Sadiq 27 Dec 2008. Here in Heavens , it is all peace, quiet and tranquility. Today I specially requested for a copy of national newspapers and some clippings from the various talk shows to get an idea of what was going on after I left for my eternal abode. I simply…

  • 27th December: Mourning or Celebration for PPP / Zardari?

    That fateful day last year Pakistan lost a charismatic leader in the form of the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Its ironic that despite the fact that PPP since then has come to occupy the power house of Islamabad but it has brazenly ‘refused’ investigate the perpetrators and bring the ‘criminals’ to justice. What really…