Category: Technology
Azm-e-Ali Shan – The Great Resolve
To be a part of this initiative visit and register your AZM: or send an SMS “azm |space| name to 5454” – NOW Centered around the idea of the Lahore resolution 70 years ago, a group of independent activists decided to help mobilize citizens to celebrate the unity and spirit of patriotism and to…
Find Heaven – A Musical response to the brainwashed Suicide bombers
Today a string of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 bomb attacks in Pakistan has the entire nation emotionally hurt compounded the fact that we also suffered a loss of 40 innocent lives. The series of suicide bombings has forced many of us to vocally condemn this mindless act of terrorism but interestingly Daniyal Noorani has chosen to send his…
World Day Against Cyber Censorship in Pakistan
As a long time activists working for a free and open Internet in Pakistan, I would like to join Reporters Sans Frontieres in highlighting the World Day Against Cyber Censorship today 12th March. This event is intended to rally everyone in support of a single Internet that is unrestricted and accessible to all. It is…
Ufone ad ripping at Politicans, possibly taken off-air
Ufone has to its credit featured some funny advertisement spot for its TV commercials. More recently a certain Ufone ad was pulled off-the-air after a very brief run and is not even featured on its corporate website. As per the editors of Cafe Pyala this ad spot might have been too quickly pulled off-air “According…
Laidback Show Episode 17 – Expedition Poldat
Faisal Kapadia and I headed off to Hingol National Park for three exciting days of offroading adventure along with OffroadPakistan for Expedition Poldat. During that trip we recorded our 17th Episode of the Laidback Show – Enjoy
PTA blocks website : Make Pakistan Better
In an email sent just now by the webmaster of Make Pakistan Better, I was shocked to read that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Director General (Enforcement) Yawer Yasin has instructed all its Zonal Directors on 18th January 2010 to block the website on an IP level. Since its blocked from Pakistan one can…
Laidback Show Episode 16
PTA blocks Asif Ali Zardari’s ‘Shut-up’ Youtube Video
Sunday evening started facing intermittent reports of inaccessibility. It initially started off with a simple white page saying “This Site is Accessible” subsequent reports were submitted on Herdict Web shows the inaccessibility lasted for about an hour but then everything recovered back to normal. It was then later reported that the crackdown by the…
Laidback Show Episode 14 – Campfire Edition
Show notes after the jump
David Blaine talks about his journey into Human Endurance
TEDMED 2009 hosted a talk by David Blaine the magician, he talks about his progress in trying to break the world record for holding his breath for 17 minutes and 4.4 seconds, which he successfully did on Oprah’s show. This TEDMED talk is worth a listen as it shows his constant commitment to achieve the…
Mumtaz Bhutto’s Interview with Express News Kamran Shahid
Mumtaz Bhutto leader of SNF talks to Express News host Kamran Shahid on 17th January 2010. I believe this to be a very interesting interview worth sharing on this blog, Mumtaz Bhutto generally an old-cadre PPP supporter shares his political views and is seen to be genuinely begruntled at seeing the PPP and the Bhutto…
Laidback Show Episode 12
Laidback Show Episode 10 – @NaveeNaqvi
Show notes after the Jump
“Corruption is our Right” – Peoples Party Minister on TV
Watch this Youtube video of a TV show where one Peoples Party Minsiter actually says in a discussion with full confidence that corruption is ‘our right’, if the elected parties dont do corruption then its their own loss. So much for the facade of denying that any party was ever involved in corruption, might this…
Laidbackshow Episode 6
Show Notes After the jump