Category: Crisis
We, The Citizens appeal to CJP for becoming a party to Karachi’s Law & Order Suo Moto Case
In our ongoing effort by the Movement for Deweaponization [MFD] in Pakistan the core group of citizens leading the effort have officially applied to the Chief Justice of Pakistan for becoming a party to the Suo Moto case regarding the Law and Order situation in Karachi. Its ironic the proceedings are underway, but there is…
Citizens appeal to CJ for complete De-Weapomisation of Karachi
Considering the deteriorating situation in Pakistan, a group of citizens Movement for De-Weaponisation have started an effort to lobby for ways to help de-weaponize Karachi and also Pakistan, it is undoubtedly a long and portracted effort, but it is our core belief that the initiative must be taken to help cleanse Karachi of its stockpiles…
BlogBeat: Mission Badin
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[Pictures] Protest Against the Killing in Karachi
Pictures from the protest by the civil society which was held to condemn the rampant killings in Karachi. [nggallery id=96]
London Bridge – Falling Down?
The first two weeks of August have been a troublesome period for those in the Great Britain; who have seen a riot in Tottenham escalate to widespread unrest across the city and beyond within 72 hours: plundering, attacks on security forces, the burning of houses, vehicles, and residential buildings. We, the Pakistanis, are more accustomed…
Flood Relief 2011 – Mission: Badin
The recent rains have caused tremendous damage in Badin and Baluchistan. The NDMA estimates more than 200,000 people displaced as 100 villages have been swept with water from a 200 foot wide gap in the salinity drain there. As of an hour ago the army has started a huge operation in Badin and are trying…
From Arab Spring to European Autumn
by Engr. Sharique Naeem This year witnessed mass protests by Muslims in the Arab world, against despotic dictators. For years the voices of people had been suppressed by oppressive tyrants. However, with a stunning display of bravery the Muslims took to streets to protest against the regime. The people came out in their thousands, the…
Citizens against Karachi Violence – Press Conf & Rally – August 6th Sat 3:00pm
A group of citizens has met to discuss solutions to the city’s violence. On Saturday Aug 6 at 3pm a Press Conference which will be held at the Karachi Press Club which will be followed by a rally. Please join the Karachi Concerned Citizens and let our collective voice of protest be heard above the…
Addressing Pakistan’s Sovereignty Deficit
Christine Fair writes a fairly good assessment of the Pakistan-US love-hate relationship at the German Marshall Fund of the United States to say -> The Pakistan government’s inability to provide for the security and prosperity of its own people has led to questions about its sovereignty, whether in terms of its monopoly of violence, fiscal solvency, or…
Stuxnet: Cyber Weapon of Mass Destruction
I’m sure over the past year you may have accidentally stumbled across the word Stuxnet, it is technically a simple computer virus that has started infecting Microsoft Windows computers since July 2010, I too heard some reports of the virus, but as usual shrugged it aside as just another scare, little did I worry any…
Pakistan ranked as THIRD most Dangerous country in the World for Women
Thomson Reuters Foundation under its Trust Law for Women initiative conducted a global research polling over 200 gender experts across five continents to deduce the five most dangerous countries in the world for women. The study ranked the countries in the following order. Afghanistan Democratic Republic of Congo Pakistan India Somalia While the Highest-ranked countries…
Pakistan Rangers impart Justice in 10 seconds
Words fail me, after I watched this video of a Sarfaraz Shah being shot down by our paramilitary law enforcement agency imparting justice in a mere ten seconds. Sarfaraz Shah was apparently brought to the Rangers checkpost positioned inside Benazir Bhutto Park across Boat Basin Karachi accused of holding a family hostage. A heated exchange…
Save the Nukes
In the past few days I and perhaps many of you have felt exactly the same as we felt 40 years ago in December 1971, when Gen Niazi surrendered to the Indian Army. Some of you were not even born, so lucky you, but most of this group had to face such a humiliation for…
US and NATO imperialism in South Asia: The developing Pakistan Quagmire
After some nationalist and anti-imperialist elements succeeded in defeating the elaborate US and British plans to install two of their puppets- Parvez Musharraf and the late Benazir Bhutto-in the highest government offices in Pakistan, another puppet, Asif Ali Zardari, Benazir’s husband-also known as Mr. Ten Percent, because of his corruption and demanding and taking systematic…
Karachi, Navy, Terror, Dharna
Waking up once again to the news of a terrible blast– the third in 48 hours in Karachi, all three on Naval buses! Two things make these blasts distinct from the others that make the daily news in Pakistan: one, the death toll (that is different for every blast of course) and two, this time…