Tag: US
Why We Must Unite Against the US-Led War on Terror in Pakistan
Ever since Musharraf launched the first incursions into Waziristan in 2002, the military offensives have been controversial, heavy-handed, and extralegal. The recent operations in Bajaur and Swat raise new concerns. Instead of risking loss of ground troops, the top military brass has shifted focus to aerial bombing. Entire villages have been uprooted, creating the largest…
Humor: Send Your Smelly Old Shoes to George W. Bush!
The shoe journalist is now being celebrated world wide to have served George W with a splendid adios, a Facebook group has taken shape asking for participants to send their old smelly shoes to the out going president as a farewell gift. In solidarity with and in support of the brave Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zeidi,…
Bush ‘shoed at’ in Iraq – Hilarious
The electronic media is abuzz with reports of an Iraqi journalist who threw two of his shoes at President George Bush who was in Iraq addressing a press conference with the Iraqi President. The Iraqi television journalist Muthathar al Zaidi threw both of his shoes at and later yelled “This is a farewell kiss, you…
Would We Understand Barack Obama?
Guest Post by Farrah K Raja For quite a while we the visitors on this blog at least have been going through ups and downs and heated debates, we are not afraid to confront our political traumas and to discus religious or social dilemmas. We the Pakistanis are a surprise to ourselves. Largely we contained…
The Pakistan Test
An article appeared in New York Times discussing the tender situation that confronts Pakistan, Nicholas Kristof has presented Pakistans’ case well, more discussion on Pakistan follows on his blog. Nick has offered four solutions on how Barack Obama might help bring Pakistan out of its present problems. First is to slow the money supply to…
Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry recognized by the New York Bar
It ironic that our Judiciary is being recognized world over whilst our own leaders fail to provide the people of Pakistan an independent judiciary.
Great American Presidents born from Bad Times
Great presidents born from bad times – Rick Barton shares his thoughts on the newly elected President. If greatness is bestowed upon the American presidents by the seriousness of the problems they face, then the coming months are likely to produce Mount Rushmore-like moments for Barack Obama. Not since 1932, when Franklin D. Roosevelt prepared…
Come Tuesday a Victory of Hope Over Rovesque Fear
Will the US be ever the same again? Since life is all about flux, we continuously change, therefore any questions of change can be rhetorical in nature. Yes, caution is advised and one must never underestimate the shenanigans of the neconzix, but the looming victory of Barack Hussein Obama (according to these pundits and this…
Karachi University Seminar about the Military Operation in Bajaur, Waziristan, Kurram Agency & Swat
On 25th October, Saturday an event was organized in Karachi University organized by Karachi University Teachers Society, (KUTs) in collaboration of Peoples Resistance (PR). The main speakers were, Mr. Kak Kahil a Peshawar based AJ TV Journalist and Mr. Wali Haider who has just recently returned from the Bajaur region. Both speakers spoke at length…
Open letter to Obama & McCain by Amina Masood Janjua
The News, Sunday, October 26, 2008 Dear Barak Obama and John McCain, Whichever one of you wins this election, I wish you success and I hope from the depths of my heart that you will transform the image of America into what it should be. I pray that you are able to show the true…
Don’t Blame the Victim – Detailed analysis of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s case
I share with you a detailed report published on the People’s Resistance mailing list analyzing the abduction of Dr. Aafia Siddqui and her ongoing trial in the US Courts. Please take time to read the report and if you agree with the contents then it would be a great help if you can join in…
Some Questions over a Lead Story in The Nation
Guest Blog by temporal who blogs at Baithak Look at this lead story from the Nation. [also quoted below] – Arrested militants name RAW for funding 680m through Afghan secret agency Where are the credits? Who wrote this story? What are the sources of this story? Is this a scoop or a “leaked” story Does…
Pakistan is there to live
Guest Blog by Amjad Malik As long as India keeps dreaming the disintegration of Pakistan, it will survive as a viable state as the very negativity serves the purpose of knitting this crowd of 170 million people into a nation, whenever it is confronted by its arch rival. Editor of Indian Defence Review, Mr. Bharat…